Let’s rank all the chores in Final Fantasy VII Rebirth by how much of a pain in the butt they are

There's a lot of great stuff to do in Final Fantasy VII Rebirth. There's also a huge number of repetitive, pain-in-the-butt chores

Games Features Final Fantasy VII
Let’s rank all the chores in Final Fantasy VII Rebirth by how much of a pain in the butt they are
All hail Chadley, our nerdy, monstrous overlord Image: Square Enix

As players who’ve spent the last weekend burning their way through it already know, there are an enormous number of things to love about the just-released Final Fantasy VII Rebirth—mostly because there an enormous number of things, period, in the second installment of Square Enix’s Final Fantasy VII remake project. If we’re lobbing accusations, though, we can’t help but notice that the people of Gaia do seem kind of, well, lazy at times—having a pronounced tendency to ask heroic mercenary Cloud Strife and his party of freedom fighters to do their entire chore list for them for basically no pay, even as he’s a tad busy trying to deal with the twin planet-destroying threats of angelic rival Sephiroth and the Shinra Electric Power Company.

The worst of these taskmasters, of course, is Chadley—the pre-teen mega-nerd who follows Cloud and his friends from town to town, asking them to play video games for him while tasking them with filling out a gigantic checklist of chores in each of the game’s massive open-world map segments. In essence, Chadley is the living personification of Rebirth’s somewhat surprising turn toward Ubisoft-style “map game,” with most of his “world intel” requests forcing you to traverse giant sections of territory, moving from map icon to map icon, and doing the same small grouping of repetitive tasks over and over again. We don’t have exact numbers, but filling out Chadley’s Cloud-do list took up at least a quarter of our 90 or so hours with the game—making Rebirth, for all its good points, a game that’s at least 25 percent chore, by volume.

It’s impossible, over that long a period, not to form some decidedly strong opinions about the qualities of the tasks being set—not all of which are created equal, even on the already curved scale of irritating, repetitive tasks. Which is why, now that the rest of the world has had some time with the game, we’ve put together just such a ranking: Rating all the irritating chores of Final Fantasy VII Rebirth, from worst to best, based on how much frustration (or, in a couple of cases, genuine joy) they provoked for us. Please note that this ranking only encompasses Rebirth’s open-world exploration tasks—and thus does not include any of the following other chore-like tasks you may encounter during your time with the game:

Card battles, piano playing, simulator fights, arena fights, the other arena fights, the pirate-shooting minigame, box-smashing, dolphin racing, frog leaping, treasure hunting, chocobo racing, grass collecting, 3D battling, motorcycle fighting, either dance minigame, sit-up contests, spaceship fighting, dog-based Rocket League, minecart riding, or any of the dozen or so other chore-like tasks Final Fantasy VII Rebirth asks you to do to distract you from the fact you’re playing Final Fantasy VII Rebirth.

(If we were ranking them, the sit-up contests would come last.)

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previous arrow9. Mog Houses next arrow
9. Mog Houses
Image Square Enix

What is it? An extended reference to one of the from the original Final Fantasy VII—a little, mostly non-interactive arcade machine you could play in its glitzy theme park, The Golden Saucer—Mog Houses feature the franchise’s other most beloved mascots, the talking teddy bears known as moogles. They also instill, at least for us, a deep and terrible desire for hero Cloud Strife to cut these grinning Charmin mascot wannabes in twain with his mighty Buster Sword; instead, though, you’ll be running around in a cutesy fantasy realm, trying to usher tiny, adorable, psychotically vicious “moglings” back toward the center while they pelt you with magical attacks and, that most Mario Kart of humiliations, literal banana peels. Your reward? Access to stores that sell vital upgrade items in exchange for those annoying “moogle medals” you’ve been filling your backpack with.How often do you have to do it? Once or twice per region. Too often. How much of a pain in the ass is it? Oh, it starts out cute enough! You chase the moglings, they fire a few magic blasts, you successfully herd them home and take your rewards. But Rebirth has a mild obsession with its minigames getting harder as the game goes on, and Mog Houses exemplify that evil impulse in full. By the time you’re doing the final version of this thing, you’ll be dodging a dozen obstacles at once while navigating around very annoying waist-high defenses designed solely to impede your progress, sweating more than you would during actual, life-or-death boss fights. And that little green mogling, the one who shoots the constant wind blasts at you even after you’ve sent him home? That little floating bear is going to hell.

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