A bunch of kids make Alien's most famous scene really adorable

Aux Features Film
A bunch of kids make Alien's most famous scene really adorable

Swedeing movies using kids isn’t new but, if done right, it doesn’t make things any less adorable (example: the Scarface play). That trend is now “a thing” and it’d become tedious if the results weren’t so cute (at least on occasion). While Ridley Scott’s not-an-Alien-prequel Prometheus hasn’t wowed at the box office, it’s certainly sparked plenty of conversation about its many, many plot holes and its relation to the original Alien films. It’s also helped sell the original Alien films to a new, young audience that will hopefully just skip 1997’s Alien: Resurrection. So it’s great to see this group of youngsters tackle the famous scene from Scott’s original Alien film in which a young alien bursts of someone’s stomach. There is hope for the artistic development of the nation's children after all. [via Buzzfeed]

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