A YouTube nation unites behind making fun of Tom Hanks' rapping son

Aux Features Music
A YouTube nation unites behind making fun of Tom Hanks' rapping son

It should come as no surprise that, duh, the Internet loves to make fun of Tom Hanks' rappin' son Chet Haze. The Northwestern University sophomore hit the net a couple of weeks ago for his Wiz Khalifa rip-off track "White And Purple," which is – at least in Haze's version – about being in a frat and smoking weed. He's followed that track up with a little ditty about being from the west side of L.A., which it's probably safe to assume means Malibu, and a freestyle he posted on YouTube today in which he likens himself to Rodney King and claims his "balls get served more than Serena playing tennis. Fair enough, bro.

Well, fortunately for Haze, who, from the looks of his Twitter, believes all press is good press, YouTubers have embraced his persona, creating some pretty great videos to accompany his debut "hit," "White And Purple." A few choice cuts are below, including one featuring Haze's foray into acting in the classic film Bratz.

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