Adam Scott on hosting a game show and how some Parks And Rec fans missed the point

TV Features Adam Scott

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Adam Scott’s latest project isn’t a prestige drama or another “Scott and Scott” podcast. It’s Don’t, the new ABC game show Scott both hosts and produces. The latter is done alongside Ryan Reynolds, who also acts as the show’s sadistic all-seeing narrator, a little trick that makes watching the whole thing that much more entertaining. The A.V. Club sat down with Scott via Zoom to talk about how he was wrangled into hosting a show where contestants get mowed down with giant inflatable tires, the people on his game show Mount Rushmore, and what he’d say to people who didn’t quite get some of the messaging inherent in Parks And Recreation.


  • deb03449a1-av says:

    Can you provide a transcript

  • firedragon400-av says:

    I watched the first episode and it was… fine. The family chosen got on my nerves for a while and the show got some facts wrong (one of the games was saying whether a celebrity’s name was a bird or not and they said Tom Hanks wasn’t despite a Tom being a male turkey), but it was at least mildly more entertaining than The Wall or Ellen’s thing. 

    • batista_thumbs_up-av says:

      The family was especially irritating to start, but they became more tolerable as the show went on (especially when they crushed the “don’t blink” and spicy food challenges). But I’m sticking with the show because I love the premise; it’s like a Japanese game show had sex with Price is Right.

    • mullets4ever-av says:

      The wall is straight up incomprehensible. It’s like, pachinko by way of significant meth abuse 

    • martyfunkhouser1-av says:

      The Wall is fine if you record it and speed thru all the nonsense, sentimental crap.

  • diabolik7-av says:

    Is he auditioning to be the next Wolverine? Ot has Reynolds has him grow his hair like that simply to piss off Hugh Jackman?

  • crackblind-av says:

    My family still plays “Dead or Canadian.” Bonus points when they are Dead AND Canadian!

  • sonicoooahh-av says:

    I have never looked at his Instagram, but unless he left off a big chunk of the comment, I’m going to assume the person he quoted was being sarcastic. I’ve seen a lot of Adam Scott’s television shows, plus a few talk show appearances and there has been nothing to indicate he was a Trump supporter. Unless yhe person went off the deep end after seeking Scott’s Instagram out to make the comment, it’s probably a pretty safe bet they were making a joke.As for the game show, I might try an episode someday, but they’re not really my cup of tea. There’s way too much scripted television I don’t have time to watch.

    • haodraws-av says:

      You’re underestimating the clusterfuck that is social media.

    • hankdolworth-av says:

      I didn’t ascribe strongly partisan views on Ben Wyatt during the P&R run. Yes, he married Leslie, but he also went to work for Jen Barkley’s campaign team….the people who ran a idiot millionaire (ie., sitcom Republican) against Leslie. The show as a whole skewed left, but Ben Wyatt & Chris Traeger were brought in as part of an effort to cut the Pawnee budget, which would be at least a moderate-to-conservative (albeit non-Trump) position, particularly in Indiana (a state which has gone blue in the Presidential race once in the past forty years).Then again, I wouldn’t ascribe Ben Wyatt’s politics onto Adam Scott, just because he’s the actor who played the role.

      • tigheestes-av says:

        Jan Barkley didn’t run Paul Rudd’s character. Paul Rudd’s character (or sweetums) hired her to run his campaign. Campaign managers can be bipartisan (I mean, they are mercenaries). My favorite example is in The Wire, where Carcetti’s campaign manager implies that he didn’t vote for him. There are plenty of shops on K Street that go both ways.

      • callmecarlosthedwarf-av says:

        If you want to give Ben a solid political position, it’d be somewhere on the scale between a Charlie Baker and Steve Bullock – largely a non-ideological, centrist technocrat.

  • mytvneverlies-av says:

    Trump would’ve been the buffoonish mayor of Eagleton.If only Parks & Rec had cast him as a cartoonishly evil politician, he probably wouldn’t have even run for President.

    • haodraws-av says:

      I knew one day we’ll finally have to blame Mike Schur for something!

    • horsefish-av says:

      trump can’t do scripted. reading.

    • laurae13-av says:

      I maintain that Trump somehow combines the very worst of every Pawnee councilman except Howser. He’s got the obnoxiousness of Jamm, the racism of Milton, and the sex scandals of Dexhart. With the wealth of Bobby Newport but none of the good humor. 

  • nilus-av says:

    Who is watching Parks and Recs and not seeing its a very left leaning show. No character on that show would be a Trump supporter because they are all likable peopleWhen its not being about wacky hi-jinx its literally a show about government workers trying to make their town better. Ben is a democrat, Leslie is 100% one. Jerry/Larry/Terry is probably registered as a Republican but he did that on accident. Tom may be one, but mostly in the “Don’t tax me” type. Even he wouldn’t support Trump. And if Ron Swanson was a real he would have drove his truck to Washington and smacked the idiot upside the head already

    • warren-hugs-av says:

      Gotta disagree in part. Tom would definitely be a Trump supporter. The guy basically is Trump minus the inherited wealth:- Gaudy, nouveau-riche tastes- Self-image of “successful entrepreneur” despite all his businesses failing- Friends with weird grifters (Jean-Ralphio) and psychotic capitalists (Dennis Feinstein)- Constantly criticizing people for caring at all about public service

      • nilus-av says:

        Tom inherently is shown to have a heart.  I think deep down he wouldn’t support Trump.  I could see him putting on a MAGA hat and faking to impress an investor and/or a lady

    • callmecarlosthedwarf-av says:

      I could see Ben being a Republican, but very much in the Baker/Hogan, Blue State Governor vein.

      • hardscience-av says:

        Hogan is not a good governer, and your god curse the idiots that vote for him in 2024.Maryland is purple as f##k and Hogan is the slide to NC levels of Republican BS in this state.Listen to the person who grew up in NC, Hogan is another McCrorry.

    • risingson2-av says:

      No, it’s about individuals being good because the institutions do not work. That is not leftie.

      • filthyharry-av says:

        Institutions don’t work when repubs have been in charge. Bush admin and Trump admin. Running the country into the ground.The individuals being good trying to fix their mess are lefties.

      • filthyharry-av says:

        Institutions don’t work when repubs have been in charge. Bush admin and Trump admin. Running the country into the ground.The individuals being good trying to fix their mess are lefties

    • testytesttest-av says:

      No character on that show would be a Trump supporter because they are all likable peopleTom, Ron, Jean Ralphio, Jerry, Chris Traeger etc.The show is not “very left leaning”. It’s very centrist.

      • nilus-av says:

        If you think Ron Swanson would be a Trump supporter then you clearly watched an entirely different show then I did

        • jw999-av says:

          I can see Ron supporting Trump in 2016 as the lesser of two evils, as Clint Eastwood did. But this time he might even more grudgingly vote for Biden just to get things back on an even keel. Or else Libertarian.

    • filthyharry-av says:

      Ok gotta confession: I didn’t find Leslie Knope likable. Her earnestness to do what she thought was right was admirable. Her willingness to treat her friends like dirt over and over and over again to achieve those ends were just horrible.

    • merlin-av says:

      Jerry might be, but he wouldn’t want to talk about it around the office so as not to have to explain why he would (reluctantly) vote for Trump.

  • backwardass-av says:

    Minor annoyance with these covid times, but I see so many of these zoom interviews where the “publication” doing the interview always seems to be paying less attention to sound quality than the person being interviewed. C’mon guys, pretend to be professional, take a moment to test the sound quality before an interview and adjust how your headset is situated or what room you’re sitting in, maybe even make the minor investment in a microphone.

  • radarskiy-av says:

    Autoplay video is a moral failing.

  • worfwworfington-av says:

    Ben would be a moderate Democrat. He would be pro-choice, pro-LGBT rights, mostly pro-gun control and against stupid wars.However, he would be skeptical of major govt initiatives and would be one of those guys who really wanted to spend more carefully. In order to get elected in southern Indiana, he’d have to suck up to famers and he’d have to dial back on regulations and he couldnt go too far on gun control. But he’d be OK. He’d drive both AOC and Tom Cotton crazy

  • hacodij942-av says:

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  • libbyo-av says:

    Although I wouldn’t think of Ben Wyatt as a Trump fan, it sure seems like he was running as a Republican on P&R?? Jen had only previously run Republican campaigns, and all he talked about during his campaign was “fiscal responsibility”… And Leslie is not “left-learning,” Leslie “soda tax” Knope is a Bloomberg Democrat at best. It shows how anemic and narrow the American conception of politics is, that anyone who isn’t a bigot is considered to be on the “left.” The show is neo-liberal to its core. At least it’s funny, though!

  • nekkedsnake-av says:

    64,000 Pyramid, Hollywood Squares, The Price is Right, Family Feud. These were among the ones I grew up with.

  • cosmiccow4ever-av says:

    “It’s a strange time to be promoting this, like, all-encompassing family game show that’s good for everybody” – Why? What makes this true? Does anybody find these “in these times” questions in fluff interviews useful or interesting? Why bring the interview to a dead stop to force the guest to recite a rehearsed milquetoast political statement like a POW?

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