Alan Tudyk on Firefly, K-2SO, and the comic book insanity of Doom Patrol

TV Features Random Roles
Alan Tudyk on Firefly, K-2SO, and the comic book insanity of Doom Patrol

Alan Tudyk has racked up an impressive resumé in his two decades as a Hollywood performer, starring as the wisecracking pilot Wash in Firefly, voicing K-2SO in Rogue One: A Star Wars Story, and stealing scenes in countless other properties. He’s also an accomplished stage actor, most recently wielding dual roles as Sherlock Holmes and Richard Lancelyn Green in Geffen Playhouse’s Mysterious Circumstances. We recently sat down with Tudyk to update the Random Roles he did back in 2014 with a new entries about Rogue One, Doom Patrol, and Con Man.


  • soylent-gr33n-av says:

    I don’t have the 26 minutes available to watch this right now, but PLEASE tell me you also asked him about Dangerboat.

  • smittywerbenjagermanjensen22-av says:
  • jmyoung123-av says:

    When did random roles become a video thing. I hate clicking on “article” then being asked to watch a video.

    • yuriikropotkin-av says:

      Yeah – I’m here to read articles, and so I refuse to watch these videos as a matter of principle (and I guess most A.V. Club commenters feel the same way, judging by the number of comments that videos generally get) – but they keep pumping out the damn things anyway, so I guess videos must score well in terms of user engagement, or click-through rate, or whatever bullshit metric the SEO people use to justify their jobs.

      • dikeithfowler-av says:

        This is the first time I’ve ever watched one and even though Tudyk’s really fun and enjoyable to watch it still fucks me off no end that they haven’t transcribed it as well. 

      • dirtside-av says:

        Right? I could read a transcript of the entire video in maybe 5 minutes, but instead it’s 26 minutes of video, which is why I never bother watching these.Also, AdBlock, and I’d be thrilled to pay AVC $50 a year for some kind of premium subscription (or even just an ad-free version so I can disable AdBlock and not worry about fucking up the commenting Javascript), but they apparently don’t want the hassle of running a premium service.

        • yuriikropotkin-av says:

          Yes, exactly – the AV Club is one of the few websites I’d willingly subscribe to (if such a thing were available), so why it’s never seriously been considered as a possibility is beyond me.

  • jeffreyyourpizzaisready-av says:

    I’m finally catching up on Justified and I was super surprised to see him on that.  Whoever does the guest casting for that show is fucking great at their job.

  • novideo-av says:

    I would love for this to be a written interview instead of video.

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