Alex Jones ordered to pay nearly $1 billion to Sandy Hook families

The InfoWars host reportedly said "This must be what hell is like" to his audience after hearing the news

Aux News Sandy Hook
Alex Jones ordered to pay nearly $1 billion to Sandy Hook families
Alex Jones Photo: Joe Buglewicz

A Connecticut jury has handed down a massive penalty against Alex Jones today, ordering the InfoWars host to pay damages totaling nearly a billion dollars to the families of children killed during the 2015 shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School. Per Deadline, the amounts were awarded to each family on an individual basis, and included attorney’s fees and compensatory damages, as well as “damages for defamation, slander and emotional distress.”

All of this, of course, stems from comments Jones made in the aftermath of the shooting—in which 20 children were murdered, alongside 6 of the school’s staff—suggesting that the event was a hoax. Parents, accused of being “crisis actors,” have faced years of harassment in the aftermath of Jones’ comments, with many having to move from their homes, and with reports of their children’s graves being defaced.

This is both the largest, and the latest, penalty that’s been issued against Jones in regards to those statements; he was previously hit with a $42.5 million sentence back in August, related to just two of the families involved.

Jones himself wasn’t in court to hear the sentence, and was, in fact, broadcasting InfoWars at the time it was handed down. He reportedly said “This must be what hell is like” when the news broke, according to Deadline.

All told, Jones has built up a bill of roughly $965 million in court cases related to Sandy Hook. That being said, it’s unlikely that Jones will ultimately pay even a fraction of what he’s been hit with here; while documents released during the court cases have shown that InfoWars has sometimes brought in as much as $800,000 a day through Jones’ high-volume scare-mongering, legal caps on civil complaints are likely to cut down the amounts he might end up paying significantly. Even so: The jury verdict sends a clear message of condemnation against him.


  • blpppt-av says:

    The biggest problem with this is that he was still on the air today, and still will be tomorrow.So, yes, it is nice that the families will be getting some money out of him, but this ultimately won’t solve the problem.

    • thefilthywhore-av says:

      Hopefully organ failure from binge drinking will solve this problem for us.

      • blpppt-av says:

        I wouldn’t count on it. Granted, TFG claims to have never taken a drink of alcohol, but given his terrible diet, fatness, and notorious lack of exercise, he, for example, should have died decades ago.Something tells me Alex is another one of those guys.

        • cura-te-ipsum-av says:

          Alex Jones actually had a bit of a Jean-Claude Van Damme thing going on when he was younger.

          • SquidEatinDough-av says:

            Man, Chris Matthews was ripped

          • daddddd-av says:

            I’m from Jones’ hometown and know a lot of people who went to high school with him. The two stories that everyone tells are a time he stood on a cafeteria table and declared he was the devil (my friend’s grandparents still call him “the devil guy”), and a time he ripped a car door off its hinges because his ex was in there with another dude, and I believe Jones was only a freshman or sophomore, so he must have been a pretty strong guy from a young age. This would be the same ex-girlfriend that would eventually threaten to file harassment and stalking charges against him, which is supposedly what pushed Jones and his family to move to Austin (obviously not the weird nonsensical story that Jones tells, that he was arrested for having beer in his car and calling a cop corrupt and then the cops told him they were going to frame him)

          • gargsy-av says:

            “and a time he ripped a car door off its hinges because his ex was in there with another dude, and I believe Jones was only a freshman or sophomore, so he must have been a pretty strong guy from a young age.”

            Wow. Imagine being an adult and actually believing that drivel. Jesus fucking Christ, dad, get your head out of your ass. Ripped a car door off its hinges?

            Sure, dummy.

          • jonnydangerously-av says:

            Actually, if you look up the NPR’s This American Life #670, former classmates talk about how they beat the shit out of him so badly his family had to move. He was such a piece of crap he got jumped by his classmates and his family was scared for him, but he spinned it by saying he exposed “police corruption.”

          • daddddd-av says:

            I’m sure it was probably a combination of things, but he was also stalking and harassing an ex of his until her parents got involved and threatened his parents, basically.

          • soylent-gr33n-av says:

            so he must have been a pretty strong guy from on ‘roids starting at a young age.

          • suburbandorm-av says:

            Oh no he’s hot

          • Axetwin-av says:

            “Pants off, mouth shut”.  Amirite?

          • electricsheep198-av says:

            Damn, there’s an aryan youth if I ever saw one.

          • nilus-av says:

            Its almost as if being a hateful evil goblin man causes you to age horribly 

        • cura-te-ipsum-av says:

          Alex Jones actually had a bit of a Jean-Claude Van Damme thing going on when he was younger.

          • kareembadr-av says:

            I can’t reconcile these images with the early days of seeing Alex Jones on cable access in Austin when he was only 23 or 24 and clearly did not have this kind of physique.
            How old was he when he was in this kind of shape? And why did it evaporate so quickly?

          • mifrochi-av says:

            He was never in that kind of shape. “He ripped a car door off its hinges with his bare hands” is the kind of local legend that people invent about assholes from small towns. 

          • maymar-av says:

            I’m guessing it was some janky beater from the 70’s that was one good speedbump from falling apart anyhow – my father-in-law often tells the story of the driver’s door on his dad’s truck falling off in the carwash, and having to toss it in the bed for the drive home.

          • bcfred2-av says:

            Or just opened the door fully and pushed repeatedly until it collapsed. I seriously doubt he just ripped a metal hinge apart.

          • mifrochi-av says:

            Yeah, I could see an unhinged teenager rocking a car door back and forth for twenty minutes until it, too, was unhinged. And if you just condense the story down, it’s him ripping off a car door. Or, again, it’s the kind of story you can just make up. 

          • daddddd-av says:

            Oh I’m sure it’s exaggerated – this is high school gossip from 1991 after all – but that is the local lore lol, even from back when he was only Texas-famous and not national-famous. Point being that “he was actually in really good shape and pretty strong” gets mentioned a lot, but usually in the context of fights or whatever. Dude bullied a lot of people

        • rob1984-av says:

          Also he’s alleged to do a lot of speed.

    • pete-worst-av says:

      After the decision, he went on to say on record (and on his own show) that none of the families will be getting anything from him. Which is fine. The inevitable contempt of court case that will be filed against him next as a result will most likely forcibly sell off everything he owns.It’s how the law works, Alex. Now that your favorite Nazi game show host isn’t President anymore, you better get used to it..

    • mifrochi-av says:

      This judgment opens the door for additional lawsuits against people selling misinformation, and that’s ultimately how profit generating entities change their practices. The larger point isn’t for the families to get money or even to shut down the asshole’s program (which has already been yanked from the mass market). And he’s going to have a very hard time shaking millions of dollars in debt. Despite the belief that he’s some kind of supernatural being, he needs a credit rating as much as anybody.

    • robgrizzly-av says:

      Exactly. I want him to be left penniless. But the main thing is, Jones should be de-platformed. I can think of nothing more irresponsible than letting this man go right back to work. (See also: the Tucker Carlson lawsuit)

    • electricsheep198-av says:

      Well he won’t do this again, so it’ll solve that problem.  Everything doesn’t have to solve every problem.  It’s small wins over a period of time.  Look, I understand it seems hopeless a lot of the time, but take your W’s where you get them and don’t deny yourself some happiness.

      • blpppt-av says:

        “Well he won’t do this again, so it’ll solve that problem.”We literally have no reassurance of that. His shows’ continued existence relies on this type of bullshit gaslighting, and I wouldn’t be shocked at all if he does it again.If he’s already driven to being broke and bankrupted and is STILL on the air, he really doesn’t have anything else to lose.

        • electricsheep198-av says:

          “We literally have no reassurance of that.”I mean…there are literally no assurances of anything in life, so if that’s your bar then you won’t be happy until every mean person is dead in the ground, which means you’ll never be happy. But if you choose to believe that for some reason he is going to do the exact same thing that could potentially cost him a billion dollars, then, well, that seems a pretty despairing way to go through life but that’s your choice to make.

          • blpppt-av says:

            “ But if you choose to believe that for some reason he is going to do the exact same thing that could potentially cost him a billion dollars”You don’t get it…he already can’t afford to pay out a billion dollars, so why would he stop because of the threat of two billion or three?His entire existence and income is predicated on this act.

          • electricsheep198-av says:

            Because he’ll either get a contempt of court fine (and possibly arrest) as someone else suggested, or he’ll have to file bankruptcy. The verdict might also be reduced on appeal to something that he can pay. But again, if you want to take a win and turn it into a loss and despair about how everything can’t fix everything, that’s really your business.  It seems like a hell of a way to live, but it’s your life.

          • blpppt-av says:

            “But again, if you want to take a win and turn it into a loss and despair about how everything can’t fix everything, that’s really your business.”You’re missing the point. While it is not bad that the victims will ultimately milk him out of a substantial amount of money, until he is actually stopped from pushing this kind of damaging, disingenuous rhetoric, there are going to be more people hurt, and less likelihood we will ever be able to put a stop to these mass shootings.So, great, these victims got compensated. Until he actually stops, nothing has been fixed.Its the same thing with the Fox News Comedy Block of 8-11ET every night—-they’re being sued for billions, and if anything, the dangerous and known false rhetoric has gotten WORSE, with Tucker trying to start a U.S.-Russia war by accusing us (without ANY proof!) of bombing the pipeline 2 weeks ago.And he hasn’t been reigned in at all since.

    • Axetwin-av says:

      He’s about to learn the same lesson the MRA assholes learn when they decide they don’t need to pay child support. The government doesn’t need your consent to start taking your money if you have a court mandate to start making payments.

  • happyinparaguay-av says:

    This isn’t enough. His followers who harassed those families need to be held accountable for their actions as well.

    • mifrochi-av says:

      Well yeah, they straight up committed crimes, but they didn’t get caught, and the American justice system has zero interest in nonviolent crimes committed by white people.

  • MisterSterling-av says:

    If InfoWars is teetering on bankruptcy, then it will be dead before the end of the year. There are only so many terrorists who can pay his continuing legal bills.

  • dremiliolizardo-av says:

    No, I would imagine that losing your child and then being told it never happened and was just a political stunt is what hell is like.

    • hasselt-av says:

      I can’t think that any sane person would disagree.

    • luasdublin-av says:

      It’d be funny if some grieving parent shot him repeatedly in the head, then claimed that it never happened and that it was a hoax, he was still alive , and it was all perpetuated by ‘crisis actors’ .Well I’d laugh anyway.

    • rob1984-av says:

      And then having people harass you and urinate on your child’s grave.

  • polkablues-av says:

    If hell exists, I have no doubt he’ll eventually find out what it’s like.

  • cinecraf-av says:

    God willing, that piece of shit will find discover real hell soon enough.

  • ninjustin23-av says:

    There is no amount Alex Jone could ever pay

  • brianjwright-av says:

    Eat dumpster crust, bozo 

  • c2three-av says:

    Here’s hoping he kills himself very messily. To seal the Hell deal officially.

  • ghboyette-av says:

    I just came.

  • amaltheaelanor-av says:
  • jokersblood2-av says:

    theres someone somewhere looking to meet him in a bar

  • docprof-av says:

    While the penalties were being handed down, he was still actively ranting about school shootings being fake and directing people to go to his infowars store and buy products so he can fight legal battles against the people trying to stop him from finding the truth. Absolute fucking piece of god damn garbage.

    • yllehs-av says:

      He previously admitted that he knew the shootings were real.  How dumb do those people have to be to believe his current rant?

      • electricsheep198-av says:

        Pretty dumb, which we know they are.

      • docprof-av says:

        That’s his whole purpose. He doesn’t go after the middle or just regular low intelligence people. They get weeded out because they have some amount of critical thinking ability. The audience left is incredibly stupid and gullible and will accept any crap he spouts at them.

        • rob1984-av says:

          Or it’s just the “own the libs” crowd who know it’s fake but don’t care.

          • docprof-av says:

            It’s some of them. But the audience hucksters like him desparately crave are the absolute stupidest people who will earnestly believe anything he tells them, because then they will also earnestly beleive that they need his horseshit products too.

    • necgray-av says:

      He was pimping his products *on the stand* as *part of his testimony*. The man is a relentless sociopath salesman.

    • mister-sparkle-av says:

      I wouldn’t fertilize my garden with his remains. That’s how repugnant Alex is

  • misterpiggins-av says:

    Did he flee the country? Also, doesn’t Texas has a ridiculous legal damages cap that means they won’t seen the vast majority of that money? If any at all? And he’s still on the air.He wins, fuck the system.

  • beertown-av says:

    It’s possible I was always this kind of person and the last several years simply ripped the band-aid off. That’s for a therapist to unpack.Anyway, I hope this guy gets his thr*** sl** in front of his family and they watch him b**** out with nothing but smiles on their faces. Hope that’s the last thing he sees.

  • it-has-a-super-flavor--it-is-super-calming-av says:

    “This must be what hell is like” “Oh, you’ll find out.” – Satan

  • themightymanotaur-av says:

    They should have jailed him. What happened to the parents after his comments was disgraceful and entirely his doing. They should have sent him away to send a message to all the idiots out there that you cannot just keep running your mouth off and causing hurt to people just because you’re a celebrity and think you’re safe from punishment.

  • TRT-X-av says:

    The InfoWars host reportedly said “This must be what hell is like” to his audience after hearing the newsI have no doubt Jones will one day be able to test this hypothesis.

  • brewingtea-av says:

    Bwah Ha ha ha, get fucked, douchebag

  • bigbydub-av says:

    As much satisfaction as one might derive from this verdict, those children were slaughtered and their family’s live were shattered beyond repair because of a still untreated and consistently ignored or dismissed sickness in our country.

  • mrgeorgekaplanofdetroit-av says:
  • dma69nyc-av says:

    “This must be what hell is like”Oh, poor you, you disgusting pigman. You caused hell for the Sandy Hook families to sell your shitty vitamins and survival gear. I hope you go broke and disappear into the ether from hence you came from.

  • romanpilotseesred-av says:

    Why stop at compensating just the families of children killed? There’s also the kids and adults in the building that survived, but witnessed a horror they will carry with them the rest of their lives, and then had to hear this was all a hoax.

  • electricsheep198-av says:

    “This must be what hell is like” You’ll find out.  Couldn’t have happened to a nicer guy.

  • soylent-gr33n-av says:

    He reportedly said “This must be what hell is like” when the news brokeThe worst that I can imagine Hell being like is still to good for this waste of carbon.

  • wrecksracer-av says:

    I won’t be satisfied until I see him begging on the street for change and eating out of a garbage dumpster. Unfortunately, he has a legion of fans that will continue to support him.

  • necgray-av says:

    Dan and Jordan better got-damn have an episode up tomorrow…

  • knukulele-av says:

    They turned that freaking toad poor, DO YOU UNDERSTAND THAT?

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