You can actually pinpoint the second when Alex Jones realizes he’s been caught committing perjury

A clip from Alex Jones' defamation trial sees the InfoWars ham hock faced with records of his lies

Aux Features Alex Jones
You can actually pinpoint the second when Alex Jones realizes he’s been caught committing perjury
Calm, relaxed, and totally in control of the situation. Screenshot: Law & Crime Network

Bipedal slab of sunburned beef chuck Alex Jones is on trial for defamation charges brought against him by the families of the 2012 Sandy Hook shooting’s victims. Things are, to put it mildly, not going well for him. Like, for instance, the part during yesterday’s cross-examination that saw prosecutor Mark Bankston demonstrate that the InfoWars host had definitely perjured himself on live television.

Lawyer Asks Alex Jones if He Knows What ‘Perjury’ Is After Surprise Text Message Reveal

This moment of pure, uncut schadenfreude sees Bankston reveal that Jones’ lawyer had made a mistake and sent along two years of Jones’ cell phone history —including Sandy Hook-related messages whose existence Jones previously denied—12 days earlier. In the process, we see Jones try to squirm his way out of admitting he’s been lying under oath throughout the trial.

Like the similarly televised moment when Lisa rips Ralph Wiggum’s heart in half, there are several moments in the above video that give us a kind of x-ray view of Jones realizing just how badly he’s screwed up. There’s the bit when Jones figures out what’s happening, says “nice trick,” and Bankston giggles in response. There’s Jones rolling his eyes and calling the reveal Bankston’s “Perry Mason moment.” There’s Jones staring at one of his own printed-out emails and having to confirm that he does, indeed, sometimes send emails. Best of all, there’s the simple question, “You know what perjury is, right?” and Jones squinting and gesticulating frantically in response as he tries to explain he’s “not a tech guy.”

The Second When His Heart Rips In Half (The Simpsons)

The long-time conspiracy theorist, grifter, and archenemy of both globalists and shirts has given us big legal self owns before—most notably when he had to defend himself through statements that his fight against dark satanic plots has actually just been part of him “playing a character” all these years.

But the prolonged discomfort on display here—and its uncanny resemblance to an It’s Always Sunny In Philadelphia scene—makes Jones’ perjury admission stand out in the ever-expanding hall of fame for his most boneheaded moments.

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  • dinoironbody1-av says:

    Kinda surprised he didn’t insist on being his own lawyer.

    • kencerveny-av says:

      He’s an extreme grifter and asshole, not stupid.

      • dinoironbody1-av says:

        I think his choice of lawyer indicates otherwise.

        • snyderbayratner-av says:

          Would his lawyer be just sick enough of Jones bullshit that he purposely sent out damning phone evidence to the prosecution?

          • knukulele-av says:

            Looked to me like his lawyer was kicked back enjoying the squirm as much as the rest of us. He did it on purpose. Plaintiff’s lawyers were required to notify him and give him 10 days to declare any of it privileged. He was notified and did nothing. On purpose.

          • snyderbayratner-av says:

            Yeah, that was my thoughts as well but wasn’t sure if that’s negligent enough for Jones lawyer to get in trouble/disbarred?

          • niledeltadisco-av says:

            When I first heard about that, my only thought was that since this isn’t Rudy Guiliani, I can only assume this lawyer is so sick of Jones’ shit that he did it on purpose and if that means being disbarred, so be it.

            While I giggle at the thought of it being sheer incompetence, part of me really wants it to have been done on purpose.

          • snyderbayratner-av says:

            Or…the lawyer IS that incompetent but after realizing his mistake, decided to take credit as his plan all along.Delicious drama either way, hopefully with the result of Jones puking/pissing/sharting himself on live television. 

          • rhymeswithsickbed-av says:

            dMade me think of Kim on “Better Call Saul.” I bet the lawyer is so sick of this shitbag and so disgusted with himself for taking him on as a client that he done with lawyering. He handed the cell phone records over hoping to be disbarred.

          • jshrike-av says:

            That’s actually not true, which makes it even more wild. The plaintiff’s attorney had no legal requirement to notify Jones’, still do so as basically lawyer courtesy, and they still didn’t assert privilege with anything more than a ‘please disregard’, which isn’t legally binding.

          • razzle-bazzle-av says:

            I read elsewhere that it wasn’t communication between Jones and his lawyers so it wasn’t privileged.

          • nilus-av says:

            I mean he is pleading broke lately so chances are his lawyers are not getting paid anymore

          • elrond-hubbard-elven-scientologist-av says:

            You’d like to think so, but that could get him disbarred.

          • snyderbayratner-av says:

            Maybe he went full lucid and decided…fuck it. I’ll make a career off interviews about EVERYTHING Alex Jones dirt. 

        • kinjacaffeinespider-av says:

          Did Amber Heard recommend them?

      • i-miss-splinter-av says:

        Yes, he’s stupid.

      • kinjacaffeinespider-av says:

        I dunno, he’s not coming off the brightest bulb in the box right now.

      • sarcastro7-av says:

        He’s an extreme grifter and asshole, not and stupid.FTFY

      • dammitspaz-av says:


      • lostlimey296-av says:

        [Citation Needed]

  • murrychang-av says:

    Can’t find a gif of Martin Short saying ‘I know what perjury is!’ from this week’s Only Murders but that’s the first thing that comes to mind…

  • dremiliolizardo-av says:

    He is not on trial for defamation. He already lost that trial and was found liable when the judge entered summary judgement against him in November because of his “willful noncompliance” with discovery.  The proceedings now are just to determine how much it is going to cost him.

    • kinjacaffeinespider-av says:

      We know.

    • stalkyweirdos-av says:

      No shit. You think you’re the only one who has paid even a little attention to this huge story that has been going on for ages now?

      • necgray-av says:

        Except the article doesn’t say that and should. Every bit of news commentary on this case should be making this point exceedingly clear.And should also interview Dan & Jordan.

    • stalkyweirdos-av says:

      What is fun, though, is the fact that this is only the sentencing for the first of four cases where he was found guilty by default.  Not to mention whatever other criminal liability results from sharing his whole-ass phone.

      • xaa922-av says:

        Not sentencing. It’s a damages determination.

      • kinjacaffeinespider-av says:
      • xirathi-av says:

        It’s my understanding that a default summary judgment is extremely rare. But to get four simultaneously?  Wow.

        • stalkyweirdos-av says:

          Special kind of asshole.

          • xirathi-av says:

            I hope they get every last red cent out of him and any future “endeavors” 🙏. Forensic accounting into his financial situation may very well discover decades of tax dodging as well.

          • kinjacaffeinespider-av says:
        • prozacelf1-av says:

          Turns out they’re pretty easy to rack up when you refuse to cooperate at every turn pre-trial.

          • xirathi-av says:

            He must have tricked himself into believing that he could just squirm he way outta all this Trump Style. I cant wait till we fast foward to the punitive stage. 9 digit numbers predicted from just this trial alone I think.

          • prozacelf1-av says:

            Texas law in theory caps punitive damages at a fairly low percentage, but we’ll see how it plays out in appeals, since I’ve seen some credible looking arguments from Texas lawyers that the cap may be unconstitutional and this is a good test case.

    • Slamus-av says:

      hey I didn’t know. thanks!

    • nilus-av says:

      Yeah and sadly this asshole has already taken steps to claim he is broke so he won’t have to pay a dime.    From what I understand the parents sueing don’t really care about the money anyways, they just want Alex Jones destroyed or at least silenced.  This will do one of those things for sure but I am sure he has some off shore bank accounts full of cash that will keep him nice and comfortable in another country until his body completes its cycle of eating his head

      • kinjaburner0000-av says:

        It’s not going to work. His bankruptcy filings are very obviously fraudulent.

      • sarcastro7-av says:

        His bankruptcy proceedings have already and will continue to go about as well for him as this proceeding has.

      • kinjacaffeinespider-av says:

        I’d say hang him, but he doesn’t appear to have a neck.

      • capeo-av says:

        The bankruptcy filings will be found to fraudulent, and the biggest thing I’ve learned throughout his trials is that he is genuinely a moron, and everyone around him was a moron or just taking advantage of his stupidity. He doesn’t have some big offshore nestegg to fall back on. He’s an idiot who would’ve Googled offshore accounts and wound up throwing some money at accounts that the US can freeze through agreements or accounts in countries where they’ll say, huh, I have no record of that. 

    • presidentzod-av says:

      Doctor, this is the internet. 

    • prgames-av says:

      not exactly, this introduces perjury. The judge may be very interested in this and makes him now open for perjury charges.. IE JAIL time.  And this is just ONE of the numerous trials hes lost and is going to into penalty phase, Im sure those juries will be very happy to look at this info as well. 

      • prozacelf1-av says:

        Yeah, it is worth noting that perjury is a for real felony even in civil court, even if it is rarely charged.

    • noisypip-av says:

      Would incompetence by his attorneys have any cause for him to say he wasn’t properly represented, even though this is only to determine liability?  

      • dremiliolizardo-av says:

        I’m sure he’ll try!He will probably argue that failing to cooperate with discovery was his lawyer’s fault, although “willful noncompliance” seems to apply to the person, not the lawyer or else there would (I imagine) be some serious consequences for the lawyer already.

      • capeo-av says:

        I don’t believe so. A defense attorney has the obligation to defend their client, even if they know they are guilty. The very big BUT though, is that if their own client is blatantly lying on the stand. Then their obligation switches to the court. Which is why most defense attorney’s will never allow their client to take the stand. So they don’t get into that legal conundrum.Once a client starts perjuring, a defense attorney has no obligation to defend them anymore, and is actually better off, legally and professionally, supplying evidence that their client is lying.  

        • jeffreymyork-av says:

          There are correct ways to withdraw from representation.  Fucking up and then intentionally not doing anything about it – without telling anyone – is not the way to do it.  The lawyer is pretty fucked here. 

  • putusernamehere-av says:

    As funny as this is, it’s important to remember that Alex Jones made millions of dollars peddling lies and hatred and that he’s a gigantic piece of greasy shit.

    • pocrow-av says:

      I think that’s why it’s so funny.

    • erakfishfishfish-av says:

      It’s also weird to remember that Alex Jones has starred in 2 Richard Linklater films.

      • necgray-av says:

        He could’ve been Starlord according to a source.**himself

      • sarahkaygee1123-av says:

        “Starred” is generous and probably how he would classify it himself. Fun fact: Jones has also claimed he was asked to play Star-Lord in the Guardians of the Galaxy franchise and turned it down because he wouldn’t worship Satan like Hollywood demanded, or something.

        • ddnt-av says:

          To be fair, in both films he plays a raving lunatic shouting at people about conspiracy theories on the street, so it seems like perfect casting to me. (Ignore the fact that he’s “right” in both movies for a second) Plus when Waking Life was filmed he was just an ordinary public access kook unknown outside Austin. This was pre-9/11 so no Truther stuff either.

        • adamtrevorjackson-av says:

          explains pratt’s quick pivot to christianity.

        • elloasty-av says:

          Yeah, the appearances are closer to cameos than any sort of central role. There was a time in Austin when he was just one of the weirdos on public broadcasting. He was even embraced by hipsters back when this same schtick was directed at the Bush’s and Cheney after 9/11.

    • reinhardtleeds-av says:

      That’s the best part – he DESERVES it. No empathy felt, none necessary. 

    • Rev2-av says:

      Kinda like Brian Stelter without a cable news channel…

  • kinjacaffeinespider-av says:

    Gee, I want to feel bad for the guy but…no wait…no I don’t.

    • volunteerproofreader-av says:

      I listened to his Joe Rogan appearance out of morbid curiosity. He had the opportunity to talk for four hours to an audience of millions and the whole thing is utterly incoherent. I mean there’s literally nothing there.The only way any of the vague sci-fi nonsense he spouts “makes sense” is if you already believe in all that “Jews are secret aliens” shit and think he’s speaking in code about it

      • kinjacaffeinespider-av says:

        It’s like arguing with religious kooks. They can talk in circles endlessly and have that “Blesh’er hart, I’ll pray fer yew” smugness. Makes me want to slap some faces.
        Damn, now I’m all triggered.

      • necgray-av says:

        Not helped by his inhalation of whiskey and weed.

      • moonchild80-av says:

        I watched that for the same reason. It did not disappoint. Did you notice he went to the bathroom every 20 minutes and would come back more coked out and saying crazier shit? He kept asking if anyone else was hot.

  • weirdstalkersareweird-av says:

    It’s funny because I hope he fucking dies.

    • pocrow-av says:

      Yeah, him stroking out on the witness stand would have been the perfect ending.

    • austinyourface-av says:

      You want this man to die BEFORE he can see everything he’s worked for humiliatingly stripped from him and forced to face the consequences of a life built on lies and hatred? Where’s your humanity?

    • nothaburna-av says:

      I want him to stroke out the moment he sees the funds removed from his accounts.

    • laurenceq-av says:

      Based on his excessive coughing in the video, you just might get your wish!  He looked like he could keel over at any second.

    • reinhardtleeds-av says:

      Just watching his wet lungs express themselves during testimony after another lonnnnngggggggg night of drinking and smoking. He’ll die before they can make him pay. It’ll be a heart attack, stroke or suicide. Loathsome shitbag abandoned by anyone who ever thought they could love him. Lawyers so offended by the scent of him they fuck up on purpose. Little, frightened, confused eyes trying to summon the fury that convinced the semi-literate Jones was a Big Important Man… and failing. This is a nice ending for Alex. I hope he cries, alone, at night. 

    • nilus-av says:

      My theory is his that his brain is so toxic that even his body is trying to reject and eat it. That’s why every year he has less and less neck.

    • project89-av says:

      And we can only hope it hurts the whole fucking time he’s dying 🙏

    • kinjacaffeinespider-av says:

      He will.

    • babylonsystem-av says:

      That would be a false flag by the libtard illuminati. /sThe GOP must have some extremely mental voters to give this man 800k a day.

    • brianjwright-av says:

      There are some people I want to die, and there are some people I want to die, horribly, in front of their families. Alex Jones deserves worse than anything I’m inclined to dream up. There will never be a “stop, he’s had enough” point. Every facet of his existence has made the world a worse place.

      • czarmkiii-av says:

        I want Trump to publicly to announce that Jones is a traitor (since the Jan 6 committee is getting those phone record) and is a member of the liberal deep state trying to undermine him. I want the whole wing-nut conspiracy conservatives to turn against him and destroy his empire as well as have Jones living in fear from being assaulted by conservative loons.  In his last act right before InfoWars shutters for good Jones decides to emulate Budd Dwyer and blow his brains out live on air. 

    • justbobby-av says:

      A-freaking-men. Hopefully of anal cancer in both anal cavities, including the one on his ugly face.

    • foulmouthboy-av says:

      I hope he loses both of his hands in an accident.

    • minimummaus-av says:

      The way he’s coughing while not wearing a mask indoors, he’s determined to take everyone else with him.

    • yawantpancakes-av says:

      Not before he gives up more loot and gets put in jail.

    • maulkeating-av says:

      What I want is to see this reenacted with John Goodman as Jones and Jessie Plemons as the lawyer ripping him a new one. 

  • markagrudzinski-av says:

    As much as I enjoyed watching that pig of a person squirm, keep in mind there are millions of people who still believe his lies.

    • nothaburna-av says:

      The move visible and painful this is, MAYBE there wont be so many that will jump on the grift in the future.  But as for right now, you are correct.

      • the-nsx-was-only-in-development-for-4-years-av says:

        I would like to hope you’re right, but the hateful conservative radio/podcast people are extremely easily-replaced. Look how quick they got a new one in after Rush Limbaugh kicked the bucket, and how he wasn’t mourned for more than a week at most. I’d lay odds every single one of his listeners made the switch over to whatever cretin they put in his place without batting an eye. 

        • nothaburna-av says:

          As you said, Rush died and faced less than zero consequences. He didnt have to cough up potentially tens of millions of dollars. We might see less of these cockroach grifters if its shown they may see the consequences of their actions.Of course I may just be playing out a fairytale in my mind.  It will not shock me one bit to see someone else fill the void with the quickness.  There may not even be a void to fill.  It would also not surprise me one bit to see Jones only get louder.

    • weirdstalkersareweird-av says:

      Many of whom are also pig people.

    • blpppt-av says:

      Here’s the really sad thing: He’ll probably be right back on TV after this saying how he ‘”lied about now believing the SH deaths were real” to the judge because she’s DEEP STATE’.He already stupidly alluded to her being part of a pedophile trafficking ring DURING THE HEARING.One set of rules for the rich and famous, one for everybody else.

      • kinjacaffeinespider-av says:

        Didn’t the judge admonish him for being a showboating asshole in court?

        • blpppt-av says:

          I think she actually did call him out on the ‘pedophile trafficking’ accusation, but Alex is Alex. He’ll just pull the same thing again anyways.

    • the-misanthrope-av says:

      Right?!? Democrats seem to cling to this clueless notion that [insert latest scandal/shocking revelation about Trumpland and the GOP] will finally be the straw that broke the camel’s back, the thing that finally gets the MAGA crowd to reject this lunacy (or at least get back to some sense of “normal” conservative politics), but that’s not how you change the mind of someone at an extreme end of political opinion (at least by Social Judgment Theory, which I guess could be outdated persuasion theory, for all I know). It’s only emboldening their beliefs.This debacle won’t do it.  The Jan. 6 hearings won’t do it.  The Democratic leadership’s inane gambit to back extreme GOP candidates in the hope that it will be easier to win against such a candidate won’t do it.  

      • blpppt-av says:

        Heck, so far, according the polls, the GOP going after abortion rights (once considered to be a death knell for anybody who dared suggest denying them) hasn’t moved the needle much.The GOP is still in line to reclaim the House, and the Dems will keep the Senate, which was what most of us thought would happen BEFORE Roe v Wade was taken out by the Con-dominated SCOTUS and GOP governors started criminalizing abortions in their states.That’s the most astonishing part of all this.

    • misterpiggins-av says:

      There’s almost nothing else that can be done to destroy his credibility.  So hopefully at least some of his fans are waking up, but we know some will go on anyway. 

  • noturtles-av says:

    I also enjoyed “You’ve got it upside down”.

  • paezdishpencer-av says:

    Oh its like checking in on Trump’s latest bullshit on Twitter:Never….ever….EVER will get old.

  • Saigon_Design-av says:

    Love how the sheer arrogance of this guy gets slowly stripped away as he realizes he’s been caught.With the judge already mentioning he’s lied twice while under oath, I hope he’s penalized for that separately apart from getting his ass handed to him for damages.Also, I hope the government/law enforcement go back and review his finances given that he drained his companies just so he could claim he’s bankrupt. And that they slap him with financial (and jail!) penalties for that.How I hope this slab of sub-standard sunblasted beefcake ends up in prison and/or destitute.

    • bcfred2-av says:

      He’ll start doing paid speaking engagements and make it back in no time. Unless his heart explodes first, which is a definite possibility.

    • Wraithfighter-av says:

      Oh, that’s not all. They have two years of Jones’ text messages.The January 6th Committee is asking for a copy of the data, which the Sandy Hook Lawyers have openly stated that they’re going to provide. Because yeah, there could be a lot of stuff there. Two years of text messages can be a lot to go through, after all, who knows how many people he was in communication with on that day…

    • thelambs-av says:

      Can we start a dead pool for old Alex?I’ve got $50 for “Drowning in his own vomit in a gutter”

    • prozacelf1-av says:

      It is kind of hilarious though that the company he is allegedly so deep in debt to is owned by his parents.I don’t think bankruptcy court will let that fly.

  • carlillversus-av says:

    He should hire a new, more competent legal counsel:

  • putusernamehere-av says:

    There’s a greater than 0% chance he Budd Dwyers himself out of this.

  • scaytheofhyponeros-av says:

    Just so you know, Jones’s lawyers tried today (for what I understood of the legal jargon) to have a mistrial because the opposition used that “mistake” to show how a liar their client is
    If you want to see that :

    • mrmcgeein3d-av says:

      Also the part about how certain law enforcement agencies are pretty keen to watch the livestream. 

    • pgoodso564-av says:

      Sound like they intentionally sent the files and essentially dared opposing counsel to use it for this precise reason (calling for an emergency motion and a mistrial), had their bluffs called, and then found out that they were morons. Like, I don’t know how you hold onto data for months of discovery and then claim that they were improperly obtained. YOU IMPROPERLY DETAINED THIS INFORMATION AND THEN IMPROPERLY RELEASED IT AND RAISED NO OBJECTIONS!

      They’re literally calling for take-backsies, and pretending that it must exist somewhere in legal precedence, and that it’s the court’s job to find it for them. Who TF are these lawyers? That video seriously felt like The Trial of Tim Heideicker, especially with that lovely mundane bit at the end about how loud that lady’s camera was.

      • lmh325-av says:

        I think part of this is a hail mary related to all the OTHER lawsuits. Because they released these records and did not cite anything in them as privileged, all of the other people suing Alex Jones just subpoened these records.

  • browza-av says:

    I hear David Byrne every time the lawyer says “Mr Jones”

  • necgray-av says:

    I’ll take any opportunity to promote the Knowledge Fight podcast. They’ve been covering Alex for years. 700+ episodes. One of the hosts has been a consultant for Bankston. They’ve interviewed the two main Sandy Hook lawyers. They do commentary on several of the depositions. Great great podcast.

    • decgeek-av says:

      700+ episodes? My god. What type of self-abuse must you put yourself through to do that.  

      • necgray-av says:

        To be fair, a small chunk of those are explorations of Project Camelot, an insane alien conspiracy series. So probably closer to 500 episodes.What’s that? Still insane? Yeah. Yeahhhhhh….

  • whosethat-av says:

    The only appropriate response.

  • nurser-av says:

    As an ICU nurse I’ve actually seen patients start pushing a coughing fit when an MD or RN calls them on something. “You say you never drink but your blood alcohol level at 5am this morning was 347.” *Sputter-Sputter-Cough-Cough—Hold on this is serious! Cough sputter, cough, cough” I’m not saying he isn’t really coughing but all the eye rolls and big gestures tell me he is being D-list acting level dramatic. Anyway he has that strangled voice like someone who has a lot of problematic habits and issues. 

    • citronc-av says:

      Or that they don’t know how 6 different controlled substances ended up on their tox screen. And the believability of the “I fell on *insert random object* and it got stuck” when something has been lost to the depths of their rectum. Just be honest, it’s easier on everyone.

      • nurser-av says:

        It is refreshingly rare when they tell the truth…

        • citronc-av says:

          My favorite was fell on a beer bottle and it went through pants and underwear into rectum yet their pants and underwear were completely intact…Rrrrriiiiigghhttt…

          • nurser-av says:

            Yeah usually I just have them skip the story! 

          • citronc-av says:

            My favorite chief complaint when asked the usual “so what brings you in today?” questions was “I’m dead”, there was some evidence to the contrary on that one, namely voicing the complaint.

          • nurser-av says:

            For us it is either “I don’t know” or 50 different issues, none of which has to do with the admitting diagnosis. 

          • kinjacaffeinespider-av says:

            “I want you to build…an ark!”“Rrrrriiiiigghhttt…”

        • juan-rulfo-av says:

          I was born with an AVM in my head, bled out throughout my childhood, and when I finally, as a 24 year old, got into the hospital, the idea of lying to the hospital staff never once occurred to me.
          It’s so odd.
          I mean, I know they feel guilty or whatever, but COME ON people, it’s your life, why dissemble at that moment?
          But, I’ve watched House (all patients lie), and I’ve even sat in with my relatives, who I know are in a ton of pain, when they finally get in to see a doctor?
          They say, “Oh, I’m fine.”
          When there’s literally a broken hip in the situation.
          “Then why are you crying and hissing when you move?”
          “Oh, well, I did have a bit of a fall.”

          • nurser-av says:

            I wish I could say it was one generation or demographic but it happens so often across the board I am surprised when someone tells the truth. I don’t blame the confused mentally ill, elderly or people who have memory issues, etc., but when patients or family play a version of “Daddy Don’t Drink” it really puts them at risk. I’m not a judge or cop, just someone who wants the right treatment for the right problem!

    • thundercatsridesagain-av says:

      I had flashbacks to Robert Durst belching every time he knows he’s in hot water. With Jones, it’s incredible how the cough vanishes once he’s got to devote serious mental energy to trying to get himself out of the mess he’s made. It makes it so clear how the coughing was a clear yet pathetic tactic to interrupt the plaintiff’s lawyer and maybe throw him off. Instead, Bankston just stayed cool as a cucumber because he knew that he had the goods and was just setting the trap. I swear I’ve watched this video three times back to back because it’s all just so delicious. 

      • nurser-av says:

        He even called him on the fake coughing “You were able to announce all week on your radio program, screaming and yelling—but you only cough here in the courtroom?” Yeah, between the facial expressions and the Judge and Prosecution slamming him again and again, it was a joy to behold and will watch it again just for fun.

    • breadnmaters-av says:

      Or he could just have post-nasal drip from dry air or allergies (to the truth). I’m not excusing this bag of shit-dust for anything. He’s obviously losing his nerve. Maybe his throat chakra is blocked: believers claim that this would be a sign of dishonesty (among other things).

  • 1nightstan-av says:

    So where are the perjury charges ?? There wont’t be any. Because amerikkka is the least just, least democratic and stupidest shithole country there is. exceptionalism lololololol

  • swagstallion-av says:

    Is he crying?

  • zark169-av says:

    The “I’m not a tech guy” made me laugh, because not only is it transparent backpedalling, it would also be something that either he should already know or something his lawyers would have looked up in the phone info they had and would have told him. This strengthens my suspicion that the leak was more “accident” than accident.

  • prgames-av says:

    sounds like the fat bastard has covid right now

  • nogelego-av says:

    The coughing, sweating, flushed face and GERD burps in this clip tell me they’d better speed this shit up because this guy will be dead very soon.

  • megasmacky-av says:

    I don’t know how to add a clip but he reminds me of the Family Guy National Assoc for the Advancement of Fat People meeting.

  • FriscoFairlane-av says:

    I’m pretty sure that this “Alex Jones” character is actually Will Sasso caught up in a method acting sketch experiment that got out of control and now he has no choice but to roll with it. I mean, THINK ABOUT IT.

  • batteredsuitcase-av says:

    I always defend defense attorneys, regardless of client, and truly believe that reason we still have freedoms in this country is because of the work defense attorneys do. But these fucking guys…

  • Rev2-av says:

    Hopefully the bloggers here start calling out pervy groomer crossdressers now that they’re doing the body shaming thing…

  • theotherglorbgorb-av says:

    …yeah, this belongs on AV Club.

  • krinj-av says:

    He’s unwell in many ways. You can literally see him dying. God speed straight to Hell, Alex Jones!

  • John--W-av says:

    I keep waiting for him to drop to his knees and have a breakdown like John Belushi in Blues Brothers,“No, I didn’t. Honest… I ran out of gas. I… I had a flat tire. I didn’t have enough money for cab fare. My tux didn’t come back from the cleaners. An old friend came in from out of town. Someone stole my car. There was an earthquake. A terrible flood. Locusts! IT WASN’T MY FAULT, I SWEAR TO GOD!”Then the Judge looks at him, “You contemptible pig.”

  • coatituesday-av says:

    My favorite part is that Jones’ lawyers who screwed up by giving the other side two years worth of texts had over a week to do… I don’t know, something. They could have, I think, pulled them back, claimed they’d made a mistake. Could have gone really aggressive with that tactic.
    But they just waited around and said, “nah, it’s okay, keep it all.” Jones’ lawyers did that. Pretty funny.

  • jokes1998-av says:

    This scum deserves the death penalty.

  • bc222-av says:

    Can we talk about the painting that looks like a cross between Vigo the Carpathian and Brett Kavanaugh? … and how even if this guy was real, Alex Jones would still be the worst person in the room?

  • iboothby203-av says:
  • thenuclearhamster-av says:

    Never seen that expression on his face before.

  • canasta59-av says:

    You’d need a heart of stone not to laugh

  • antonrshreve-av says:

    Maybe…and look…I’m just saying maybe…he really does have chili coma memory loss? Not by the testimony, just looking at him. That’s all I’m sayin!

  • tyroneshulaise-av says:

    “Bipedal slab of sunburned beef chuck Alex Jones…”Ha! I like it. But last night I decided it was:“Sentient Vienna sausage Alex Jones…”

  • brianjwright-av says:

    Man, fuck this guy.

  • taylorhandsome-av says:

    God, imagine being his assistant …

  • bembrob-av says:

    That was one cool and patient stenographer. Having to sit downwind of his abhorrent coughing that entire cross-examination would’ve sent me into a violent rage.

  • typingbob-av says:

    Perhaps the Bilderberg Group can save him.

  • altoid9516-av says:

    The day this pile of filth dies should become a national holiday.

  • urk26-av says:

    I think the German guy at the end describes the way I feel well 

  • urk26-av says:

    I think the German guy at the end describes the way I feel well 

  • breadnmaters-av says:

    This is some reality tv I can appreciate. The lawyer, who is obviously well prepared, is creeping me out, though. I didn’t realize that real attorneys actually conduct themselves with so much theatricality. It’s like he’s doing a line reading for SVU. Whatever works though….

  • lmh325-av says:

    Because his lawyers did not cite privilege in this case apparently these phone records can now be used in every other lawsuit currently against him.

  • harpo87-av says:

    This is a civil trial. There are no prosecutors in a civil trial. Bankston is a plaintiff’s attorney. Please, if you’re a non-lawyer writing about legal proceedings, for the love of god ask a lawyer (or suitably informed non-lawyer) to fact-check, because this is elementary stuff.

  • saltier-av says:

    Alex Jones ordered to pay $45.2M more over Sandy Hook liesBy JIM VERTUNO
    AUSTIN, Texas (AP) — A Texas jury on Friday ordered conspiracy theorist Alex Jones to pay $45.2 million in punitive damages to the parents of a child who was killed in the Sandy Hook Elementary School massacre, adding to the $4.1 million he must pay for the suffering he put them through by claiming for years that the nation’s deadliest school shooting was a hoax.

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