Alex Trebek’s chemotherapy could end his Jeopardy! run

Aux Features Alex Trebek
Alex Trebek’s chemotherapy could end his Jeopardy! run
Photo: Gregg DeGuire

Jeopardy! host and television staple Alex Trebek announced that he’d been diagnosed with Stage 4 pancreatic cancer in March 2019, and ever since he’s kept viewers abreast of his progress: When production wrapped on the quiz show’s 35th season, Trebek revealed that he’d taped 50 episodes of Jeopardy! since his diagnosis; by May, he was letting People know that the cancer was “near remission.” Now, in the wake of a setback he first discussed prior to the debut of Jeopardy!’s newest episodes, Trebek is saying chemotherapy could have an impact on his ability to continue hosting.

“I talk to the producers about this all the time now,” Trebek said in an interview with Canada’s CTV News. “I say, ‘Look, I’m slurring my words. My tongue doesn’t work as well as it used to. The chemo has caused sores inside my mouth. It makes it difficult to speak and enunciate properly.”

With episodes of Jeopardy’s 36th season now airing, the 79-year-old host said he’s sure “observant members of the television audience” have detected a change in his performance, “but they’re forgiving.” And even if they aren’t, he’s receiving plenty of support and reassurance from the people behind the scenes.

“I’m not as bothered by it because all the people around me are saying ‘No, it’s okay,’” he said. “But there will come a point where they will no longer able to say, ‘It’s okay.’”

Fortunately, until that point, you’ll still find Alex Trebek on your TV, reading off clues and expressing incredulity at contestants’ lack of sports knowledge. “There are weaknesses that I feel in my body,” he said, “but I can always suck it up when it comes time to tape the show.”


  • splufay-av says:

    “There are weaknesses I can feel in my body,” he said, “But I can always suck it up when it comes time to tape the show.”
    I’ve felt horrible for Alex this entire time, but he’s remained relatively casual about the whole situation. This is the first I’m reading where it feels like things are catching up to him. He absolutely has his eyes set on getting out of the hosting gig — and lord knows he deserves it.

    • boricuaintexas-av says:

      I’m just afraid once he steps down he’ll go quickly. 

      • dremiliolizardo-av says:

        I saw him interviewed (not sure if it was this one). That’s probably going to happen whether he keeps working or not.

      • lmh325-av says:

        I suspect the producers won’t let him step down. Even if they have a “temporary” guest host while he “recovers,” I cannot imagine they will say anything to him other than your job is yours. He may not ever be able to come back being realistic about the state of his health, but I think everyone around him will make it clear that the show is his indefinitely.

        • normchomsky1-av says:

          I think it’ll be like the Yankees’ announcer Bob Sheppard. The post was there for him until he finally admitted he had to retire at 99, but for a good 3-4 years it was kept open for him despite his inability to come in to work. 

    • boricuaintexas-av says:

      Then again, maybe he’s ready to go.

    • saratin-av says:

      It’s hit especially hard for me because my own dad died of pancreatic cancer, and hearing that he was having it diagnosed at stage 4 already (pancreatic cancer being notorious for not being caught until it’s far too late to do anything about), I kind of have figured this was it for him and that the notion of it being in remission was premature.  But the fact that he’s just kept going (and terms it as just “sucking it up”, no less) is pretty incredible. Chemo absolutely wrecks you.

  • enricopallazzokinja-av says:

    OK, so, candidate roll call? Who could possibly follow Trebek?I say go all-in and hire Keenan Thompson away from SNL.

    • yummsh-av says:

      I think a month or two of celebrity guest hosts while the selection is made might be fun. I’d like to see Colbert do it, but I know it couldn’t be a full time gig.

      • michaeljordanstoupee-av says:

        Fuck that.I don’t want Lebron James or Robert Downey Junior or Amy Schumer or whoever is the new hot asshole comedian, because it is inevitable that they will start playing to and mugging for the camera and FUCK ALL OF THAT.That’s why Dan Patrick sucked as the host of Sports Jeopardy, he just saw it as yet ANOTHER way to get his face in front of a tv camera and he smugged and mugged and smirked it up and fucking RUINED what could have been a cool show.

        • enricopallazzokinja-av says:

          You know, you’ve done a lot of swearing and a lot of “fuck this” and “fuck that,” but you’ve yet to offer up any resembling a suggestion or idea better than the one you’ve shit all over. Fun.

        • yummsh-av says:

          I don’t know who the fuck Dan Patrick is, but I’m sure Sports Jeopardy sucked all on its own.

        • waynewestiv-av says:

          Oh, that’s a shame. I’m a big fan of DP, but didn’t watch Sports Jeopardy. It sucks that it sucked, especially if it sucked because he sucked. 

          • michaeljordanstoupee-av says:

            It could have been a good spinoff, but Patrick didn’t seem to take it seriously, or seriously enough and didn’t seem to get as Trebek does that the host is NOT the star/center of the show.Patrick has gotten more and more smarmy and smug and full of himself as the years have gone by, you can REALLY see it on his radio/tv show, it’s ALL about him, there’s a definite change from his days with Keith on The Big Show. And that smarmy smugness and “LOOK AT ME” was radily apparent on Sports Jeopardy. And the show was sloppy. There was a real half-assed approach to it which grated on me.Of course, Keith has changed as well and gotten much more overtly political, but that’s because he went and actually did hard news for a number of years.All that being said, it was nice seeing the two of them back doing SportsCenter a few weeks ago.

        • cardstock99-av says:

          I think Daniel Tosh would be a great host.

        • soapstarjoe-av says:

          I’m sorry, but you needed to phrase that in the form of a question.

    • jackmerius-av says:

      I’d bet it will either be Ken Jennings or, if they want to modernize the show, Louis Virtel.

      • anthonystrand-av says:

        Ken Jennings seems like the right choice to me.

      • jasonr77-av says:

        Ken Jennings makes a lot of sense. The personality would fit, and to me, having the all-time winner host would be pretty cool.

      • normchomsky1-av says:

        Ken Jennings would make sense. I’d like it to be someone fairly young and willing to be there for decades. The show is such an institution it needs to be a person who will be there when I watch it with my grandchildren. Trebek had that inter-generational charm.

        • 320sycamorebedfordfalls-av says:

          I would love to see another host take it over for decades but I don’t think it will happen. Nobody is going to devote everything to it like he did. 

    • michaeljordanstoupee-av says:

      Fuck that.The LAST thing I want is some asshole comedian hosting the show.You obviously don’t get jeopardy in the slightest or have a single clue as to what the show is about.It IS NOT about Alex Trebek as he has said many times in interviews, it is about the contestants.

      • enricopallazzokinja-av says:

        In response, let me just put out there – and I’m only saying this because I care – that there are a lot of decaffeinated brands on the market today that are just as tasty as the real thing.

        • michaeljordanstoupee-av says:

          What the fuck are you on about?

          • yummsh-av says:

            What they’re on about is that you’re being an angry little cock about all this and should chill the fuck out. No one’s impressed.

          • michaeljordanstoupee-av says:

            I could give a fuck if people are impressed or not.

          • yummsh-av says:

            Clearly, which is why people have been and will continue to give you shit about being such a red-faced little asshole in a thread about fucking Jeopardy, of all things. Sorry your real life sucks so bad that you find the need to flex in such a pathetic manner in a thread about a game show.Oh, and it’s ‘couldn’t give a fuck’. Take your bullshit back to the greys on Splinter where it belongs, twerp.

          • michaeljordanstoupee-av says:

            “Take your bullshit back to the greys on Splinter where it belongs, twerp.”MAKE ME pissboy.Oh, and it’s ‘could give a fuck, PISSBOY.“…You find the need to flex in such…”Bwahuh?!?What the fuck are you on about now?“Flex??”Is that some bro bodybuilding bullshit that you are culturally appropriating?Look, I get it, you CANNOT STAND the fact that I AM RIGHT and that YOU ARE A LOSER and a PISSBOY.Now MAN THE FUCK UP and MAKE ME take my bullshit back to the greys on Splinter, which, incidentally is yet ANOTHER of your lies.I’m in the black there and on EVERY site unlike a LOSER PISSBOY like you.

          • zzwanderer-av says:

            Get a load of this guy

          • yummsh-av says:

            This is what happens when Ain’t It Cool News starts turning people away.

          • michaeljordanstoupee-av says:

            Truck Stop Romeo.

          • zzwanderer-av says:

            dry dick

          • michaeljordanstoupee-av says:

            Truck Stop Romeo.

          • yummsh-av says:

            I beg to differ, Francis.You’re hilarious. And by hilarious, I mean pathetic.

          • michaeljordanstoupee-av says:

            Who are you replying to?

          • yummsh-av says:

            You, Francis. You’re about as intimidating as a fart in a car. You’re twice as funny, though. So at least you’ve got that.

          • michaeljordanstoupee-av says:

            I ask a second time, who the fuck are you replying to? Who the fuck is this Francis? Is that the name you scream when your mom pegs you?

          • yummsh-av says:

            Just you, Francis. You are the epitome of a Francis. A truer Francis, the world has never seen.See you in the greys, grey boy.

          • michaeljordanstoupee-av says:

            Oonga!!! Ooonga!!!!!

          • michaeljordanstoupee-av says:

            Hey shithead!!!!What does it feel like to be COMPLETELY and UTTERLY PWNED and to have a pie tin full of fresh steaming shit smashed into your face?Is it SCRUMPTIOUS??!!!Where the fuck are those greys you were shrieking and screeching and bleating and yammering about?Oh yeah, THEY NEVER EXISTED.PWNED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Enjoy being pegged by mommy tight, maybe you’ll get to lick your own shit off the dildo!!!!

      • peanutbuttermellytime-av says:

        Dude…chill out. Keenan hosts “Black Jeopardy” on SNL, so its a funny mention. Its called a joke.

      • davidketamine-av says:

        I can’t tell if you actually watch Jeopardy! or not, but Alex Trebek is absolutely the main character. He’s dismissive towards the contestants, unintentionally rude often and is a horrible stickler about pronunciation. He’s the villain- which makes him such a good host for the nerd-Gladiator gauntlet that is Jeopardy! 

        • michaeljordanstoupee-av says:

          No.As I said previously, Trebek has stated in MULTIPLE interviews over the years that he is not and does not try to be the focus of the show, it is the contestants who are the focus.

          • davidketamine-av says:

            …and I’m saying that regardless of whatever Alex Trebek claims in MULTIPLE interviews…he’s wrong. Alex Trebek’s poor empathy skills and weirdo cruel-librarian demeanor is what makes the show what it is. Even if Alex insists that it’s truly the contestants that matter. Maybe he tries not to be the personification of Jeopardy!…but he definitely is. Pat Sajak could easily host the show- as hes done before- but nobody has ever suggested him as a replacement. And the reason is Sajak is too chummy and playful. Alex Trebek sucks as a conventional game show host- too cold, too strict, unfeeling- and that’s why he’s absolutely the main drive on Jeopardy! Circling back, why not a comedian to host Jeopardy!? Without Alex, it wont be quite the same show.

    • coolmanguy-av says:

      Me, but I’ll need a lot of cocaine.

    • txtphile-av says:

      Whoever it is has to be able to pronounce French words and phrases perfectly, or it won’t feel right.

    • blackoak-av says:

      If they were to go with a very temporary rotation of very temporary guest hosts I would love to see Eugene Levy take a spot or two.[edit] Okay, I am being KINJAAA’d and video is not posting so search “SCTV” and “Half Wits” for the video.

    • recognitions-av says:

      Hopefully they’ll go with a woman and/or person of color.

    • ha1fway2heaven-av says:

      My top five:5. Danica McKellar4. Neil Patrick Harris3. Mayim Bialik2. Terry Crews1. Nick Offerman.

    • 320sycamorebedfordfalls-av says:

      Before his diagnosis, Trebek once named TCM host Ben Mankiewicz as a possible successor. I’ve always thought John Hodgman would be good. 

    • Blanksheet-av says:

      Hillary Clinton. She’s got the time!

    • theotocopulos-av says:

      In July, Trebek mentioned that he has two potential successors in mind, and they are relative unknowns: Alex Faust, the play-by-play announcer for the Los Angeles Kings, and Laura Coates, a CNN legal analyst and SiriusXM radio host.

    • antsnmyeyes-av says:

      It’ll be Aisha Tyler.

    • elforman-av says:

      Ken Jennings is a good choice.
      Andy Richter is another.Bob Costas would be good, as would Keith Olbermann.

    • squirtloaf-av says:

      I think it should just be an AI with a robot avatar. Call it “Trebek-bot 2000″ or something. “Alex” will be the new “Alexa”.

    • anotherburnersorry-av says:

      I hope (and think, even if just temporarily or as a transition) it will be Ken Jennings. He has the personality to do it and it would be a nice lineage for the show.I’ve heard Anderson Cooper named as a possibility; that would be a disaster. As would any celebrity/comedian.

      • normchomsky1-av says:

        Yeah, it would be demeaning if it were a celebrity. I could see it being a newsperson or professor, someone with an aura of knowing stuff. 

    • sensesomethingevil-av says:

      Don’t worry guys, I got this.

    • stompoutracism-av says:

      Top Three in no particular order.Kal PennBen McKenzieRobin WrightCelebrity Hosts I would like to see:Keifer SutherlandKeenan ThompsonNeil Patrick Harris

    • batista_thumbs_up-av says:

      I see Anderson Cooper’s name thrown around a lot and I think that’s an OK idea?

    • bjackyll-av says:

      Jon Stewart.

    • 9evermind-av says:

      Turd McFerguson

    • saratin-av says:

      Maybe nobody? I dunno. The idea of Jeopardy without Trebek feels weird at this point.

    • normchomsky1-av says:

      It has to be someone completely unknown or a smaller-time TV host personality. As much as I love Drew Carey it felt a bit gimmicky to have him replace Bob Barker. The person taking these shows has to BECOME the show, and Drew had so much accomplished beforehand 

  • alliterator85-av says:

    It’s always sad when this happens, but this time is just super sad, because this is Alex Trebek. Alex Trebek. Like, Alex Trebek isn’t just a game show host, he’s a cultural icon. He pretty much is Jeopardy!— he’s hosted the show since it was revived in 1984. That’s thirty-five years. He’s hosted Jeopardy for my entire life. And he does it with not just with professionalism, but with a sly smile, too, like he’s in on whatever joke there is.And now he’s probably not going to be able to do it for much longer. And I know that death is inevitable for everyone, but for some people, it just hits harder. I still remember hearing when Terry Pratchett died and I have a feeling it will feel like that. Someone you’ve watched for so many years and suddenly they aren’t there anymore. A hole in the world that can’t be filled.

    • bio-wd-av says:

      He isn’t a gameshow host.  He is THE gameshow host.

      • elforman-av says:

        Actually, I’d put Bob Barker one small rung above Trebek, if only because Barker did it all for just as long as Trebek and had to put up with a bunch of silliness and still maintained his composure and dignity. Even the dumbest of Jeopardy contestants were smarter than the smartest The Price is Right contestants. Plus Barker got to punch Adam Sandler a big plus in my book.

        • bio-wd-av says:

          I’ll allow it, but only this one time. 

        • normchomsky1-av says:

          Barker had a slight sleaze element to him with the tanning and banging models from the show (though his wife had died by then)- but that is part and parcel with a game show. Jeopardy I’d consider a different type of show than most other game shows, like apples and oranges. 

      • eddie-styles-10261955-av says:

        Best of luck Mr Trebek, I am praying that you beat this demon. God please spare Alex and take a pedaphile, drug dealer or child molester instead.

    • nebulycoat-av says:

      I suspect that the day I hear Alex Trebek has died will be like the day I learned Roger Ebert had died: I no longer exist in a world where Trebek/Ebert live. And I will cry.

    • batista_thumbs_up-av says:

      I have never known a world without Alex Trebek hosting Jeopardy AND I DON’T WANT TO.;_;

      • normchomsky1-av says:

        It was something I’d watch with my grandparents, all of whom are long gone, so it’s especially personal when he (and to a lesser extent Barker and Pat Sajak) go.

  • bio-wd-av says:

    Oh christ I’ve seen this before.  What appears to be a rally but quickly spirals downward.  I wish him all the best but I think I know where this is going.

    • mismom-av says:

      I know! How I wish there was a miracle cure but there isn’t, and remission doesn’t seem to be in the cards. :0( 

    • atthetime-av says:

      Yep. When I worked in surgery we called it a ‘Dead Cat Bounce’ like they say about stocks. Shows some promise and looks like it could be a ray of hope, only to suck the wind out of the room as it zooms right past the previous low point and goes to the absolute bottom of Hell. I do not care for the man much from what is said of and by him in the press, but Pancreatic Cancer is certainly the thing no one that has been up close to it would wish on anyone. Ugly, painful, messy death that can wind up being a lingering period of sucking Satan’s cock. Give me a big ole dose of Oxy or Morphine and slowly turn my O2 down so that I just sort of drift out.

      • bio-wd-av says:

        I experienced the dead cat bounce with my mom.  It looked like she was doing better and then it went downhill fast.  I wouldn’t wish it on anyone.

        • atthetime-av says:

          I guess I was lucky in that my mom went out quick. From non-responsive to suspending support and her death within 24 hours. Never was a doubt in my mind that she was gone from minute one. Age 43.Much peace and caring to all of the Lifehacker family who has lost a parent. Early or not, it is top 3 shitty thing to go through in life.

          • bio-wd-av says:

            62 for me.  Was an agonizing year of possible turn arounds that eventually went nowhere.  Eventually she almost got that new immunotherapy but the healthcare provider denied her, by the time they renegotiated it was too far gone.

      • lmh325-av says:

        Treatment for Pancreatic Cancer is improving — A family friend has successfully gone into remission 3 times. That was unheard of a few years back. Unfortunately, it comes down to how much your body can take — Alex Trebek is an older person. Even a healthy older person may find it more difficult to tolerate chemo. My dad was in his 60s with colon cancer and ultimately lost his battle because he just couldn’t tolerate the amount of treatment he needed. Conversely, my brother had lymphoma as a young man and it still SUCKED (I don’t want to under play that), but his body could take extreme treatment.

  • txtphile-av says:

    Fuck cancer. Thus ends my hot take.

    • mchapman-av says:

      Fuck cancer, but especially fuck pancreatic cancer. I’ve known 3 people who’ve had it, none of them made it a year after diagnosis.

  • charliekroft-av says:

    This is a real bummer. But then, Jimmy Carter is a solid 15 years older than Trebek and he lived through cancer to continue being a wonderful human being. Let’s hope for the same in this case.

  • msg1701-av says:

    Somebody once suggested LeVar Burton and I’ve yet to hear a better suggestion to carry the torch. Not sure he’d even be into it but do you suppose anyone’s asked?

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