Alex Winter thinks the entertainment industry has improved in the way it handles child actors

The Destroy All Neighbors star also discusses returning to his horror comedy roots as well as if he will ever play Bill Preston again

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  • franksterlejr-av says:

    MAKING HER NEW FILMBy Celebretainment Jan 8, 2024Jodie Comer was ordered to stop soothing crying babies
    during the making of her new film.The 30-year-old ‘Killing Eve’ actress, who has no
    children, plays a petrified mum who flees her London home with her newborn amid
    an ecological flooding disaster in the upcoming survival movie ‘The End We
    Start From’.She told The Sunday Times about the experience of
    handling different babies during its production: “It’s such a lesson. The
    smallest baby was eight weeks. At first my hands were visibly shaking. My
    younger cousins have grown up now, so I’m not around babies an awful lot.“It felt like a huge responsibility. I thought, ‘Wow,
    they’re so fragile’.”Jodie added she became more confident with the babies on
    set and would try to calm the children during shooting — but was told to let
    them cry.She said: “I became more comfortable, sometimes to my
    detriment! There are scenes where we needed a baby to cry but I was soothing
    him instead.“The crew would shout, ‘Stop!’ …”________ In his
    book The Interpretation of Dreams, Dr. Sigmund Freud
    states: “It is painful to me to think that many of the hypotheses upon
    which I base my psychological solution of the psychoneuroses will arouse
    skepticism and ridicule when they first become known.“For instance, I shall
    have to assert that impressions of the second year of life, and even the first,
    leave an enduring trace upon the emotional life of subsequent neuropaths [i.e.
    neurotic persons], and that these impressions — although greatly distorted and
    exaggerated by the memory — may furnish the earliest and profoundest basis of a
    hysterical [i.e. neurotic] symptom … “[I]t is my
    well-founded conviction that both doctrines [i.e. theories] are true. In
    confirmation of this I recall certain examples in which the death of the father
    occurred when the child was very young, and subsequent incidents, otherwise
    inexplicable, proved that the child had unconsciously preserved recollections
    of the person who had so early gone out of its life.”Contemporary
    research tells us that, since it cannot fight or flight, a baby stuck in a crib
    on its back hearing parental discord in the next room can only “move
    into a third neurological state, known as a ‘freeze’ state … This freeze state
    is a trauma state” (Childhood Disrupted: How Your Biography Becomes Your
    Biology and How You Can Heal, pg.123).
    causes its brain to improperly develop; and if allowed to continue, it’s the
    helpless infant’s starting point towards a childhood, adolescence and (in
    particular) adulthood in which its brain uncontrollably releases potentially
    damaging levels of inflammation-promoting stress hormones and chemicals, even
    in non-stressful daily routines.
    also now know that it’s the unpredictability of a stressor, and not the
    intensity, that does the most harm. When the stressor “is completely
    predictable, even if it is more traumatic — such as giving a [laboratory] rat a
    regularly scheduled foot shock accompanied by a sharp, loud sound — the stress
    does not create these exact same [negative] brain changes” (pg. 42).
    before reading Freud’s theories or any others regarding very early life trauma,
    I began cringing at how producers and directors of negatively melodramatic
    scenes — let alone the willing parents of the undoubtedly extremely upset
    infants and toddlers used — can comfortably conclude that no psychological harm
    would come to their infant/toddler actors, regardless of their screaming in
    bewilderment. (And they’re not really actors since they are not cognizant of
    their fictional environment.)
    I’d presumed there was an educated general consensus within the entertainment
    industry on this matter, perhaps even on the advice of mental health and/or
    psychology academia, otherwise the practice would logically compassionately
    cease. But I became increasingly doubtful of the factual accuracy of any such
    potential consensus. Cannot
    one logically conclude by observing their turmoil-filled facial expressions
    that they’re perceiving, and likely cerebrally recording, the hyper-emotional
    scene activity around them at face value rather than as a fictitious
    occurrence? I
    could understand the practice commonly occurring within a naïve entertainment
    industry of the 20th Century, but I’m still seeing it in contemporary small and
    big screen movie productions. [FYI: Over the last five years or so, I’ve
    unsuccessfully tried contacting various actor unions on this matter.] Meanwhile,
    in January of 2017, a Vancouver dog-rescue organization cancelled a scheduled
    fundraiser preceding the big release of the then-new film A Dog’s
    Purpose, according to a Vancouver Sun story,
    after “the German shepherd star of the film was put under duress
    during one scene.” The
    founder of Thank Dog I Am Out (Dog Rescue Society), Susan Paterson, was quoted
    as saying, “We are shocked and disappointed by what we have seen, and
    we cannot in good conscience continue with our pre-screening of the movie.”
    … This incident managed to create a controversy for the ensuing
    news week. While
    animal cruelty by the industry shouldn’t be tolerated, there should be even
    less allowance for using unaware infants and toddlers in negatively hyper-emotional
    drama — especially when contemporary alternatives can readily be utilized (e.g.
    a mannequin infant or digital manipulation tech).

  • franksterlejr-av says:

    I don’t see how their involvement in filming negatively melodramatic
    scenes wouldn’t have some effect after a while on infant/toddler and even
    older-child actors. …In
    his book The Interpretation of Dreams,
    Dr. Sigmund Freud states: “It is painful to me to think
    that many of the hypotheses upon which I base my psychological solution of the
    psychoneuroses will arouse skepticism and ridicule when they first become
    instance, I shall have to assert that impressions of the second year of life,
    and even the first, leave an enduring trace upon the emotional life of
    subsequent neuropaths [i.e. neurotic persons], and that these impressions —
    although greatly distorted and exaggerated by the memory — may furnish the
    earliest and profoundest basis of a hysterical [i.e. neurotic] symptom …“[I]t
    is my well-founded conviction that both doctrines [i.e. theories] are true. In
    confirmation of this I recall certain examples in which the death of the father
    occurred when the child was very young, and subsequent incidents, otherwise
    inexplicable, proved that the child had unconsciously preserved recollections
    of the person who had so early gone out of its life.”Contemporary
    research tells us that, since it cannot fight or flight, a baby stuck in a crib
    on its back hearing parental discord in the next room can only “move into a third neurological state, known as a ‘freeze’ state …
    This freeze state is a trauma state” (Childhood Disrupted: How Your Biography
    Becomes Your Biology and How You Can Heal, pg.123).This
    causes its brain to improperly develop; and if allowed to continue, it’s the
    helpless infant’s starting point towards a childhood, adolescence and (in
    particular) adulthood in which its brain uncontrollably releases potentially
    damaging levels of inflammation-promoting stress hormones and chemicals, even
    in non-stressful daily routines.We
    also now know that it’s the unpredictability of a stressor, and not the
    intensity, that does the most harm. When the stressor “is completely predictable, even if it is more traumatic — such as
    giving a [laboratory] rat a regularly scheduled foot shock accompanied by a
    sharp, loud sound — the stress does not create these exact same [negative]
    brain changes” (pg. 42).Decades
    before reading Freud’s theories or any others regarding very early life trauma,
    I began cringing at how producers and directors of negatively melodramatic
    scenes — let alone the willing parents of the undoubtedly extremely upset
    infants and toddlers used — can comfortably conclude that no psychological harm
    would come to their infant/toddler actors, regardless of their screaming in
    I’d presumed there was an educated general consensus within the entertainment
    industry on this matter, perhaps even on the advice of mental health and/or
    psychology academia, otherwise the practice would logically compassionately
    cease. But I became increasingly doubtful of the factual accuracy of any such
    potential consensus.Cannot
    one logically conclude by observing their turmoil-filled facial expressions
    that they’re perceiving, and likely cerebrally recording, the hyper-emotional
    scene activity around them at face value rather than as a fictitious
    could understand the practice commonly occurring within a naïve entertainment
    industry of the 20th Century, but I’m still seeing it in contemporary small and
    big screen movie productions.

  • franksterlejr-av says:

    I don’t see how their involvement in filming negatively melodramatic
    scenes wouldn’t have some effect after a while on infant/toddler and even
    older-child actors. …
    research tells us that, since it cannot fight or flight, a baby stuck in a crib
    on its back hearing parental discord in the next room can only “move into a third neurological state, known as a ‘freeze’ state …
    This freeze state is a trauma state” (Childhood Disrupted: How Your Biography
    Becomes Your Biology and How You Can Heal, pg.123).This
    causes its brain to improperly develop; and if allowed to continue, it’s the
    helpless infant’s starting point towards a childhood, adolescence and (in
    particular) adulthood in which its brain uncontrollably releases potentially
    damaging levels of inflammation-promoting stress hormones and chemicals, even
    in non-stressful daily routines.We
    also now know that it’s the unpredictability of a stressor, and not the
    intensity, that does the most harm. When the stressor “is completely predictable, even if it is more traumatic — such as
    giving a [laboratory] rat a regularly scheduled foot shock accompanied by a
    sharp, loud sound — the stress does not create these exact same [negative]
    brain changes” (pg. 42).Decades
    before reading Sigmund Freud’s theories or those of any other academic regarding very early life trauma,
    I began cringing at how producers and directors of negatively melodramatic
    scenes — let alone the willing parents of the undoubtedly extremely upset
    infants and toddlers used — can comfortably conclude that no psychological harm
    would come to their infant/toddler actors, regardless of their screaming in
    I’d presumed there was an educated general consensus within the entertainment
    industry on this matter, perhaps even on the advice of mental health and/or
    psychology academia, otherwise the practice would logically compassionately
    cease. But I became increasingly doubtful of the factual accuracy of any such
    potential consensus.Cannot
    one logically conclude by observing their turmoil-filled facial expressions
    that they’re perceiving, and likely cerebrally recording, the hyper-emotional
    scene activity around them at face value rather than as a fictitious
    could understand the practice commonly occurring within a naïve entertainment
    industry of the 20th Century, but I’m still seeing it in contemporary small and
    big screen movie productions.

  • franksterlejr-av says:

    It’s hard to see how their
    involvement in filming negatively melodramatic scenes wouldn’t have some lingering effect after a while on infant/toddler and even
    older-child actors.Contemporary research
    tells us that, since it cannot fight or flight, a baby stuck in a crib on its
    back hearing parental discord in the next room can only “move into a
    third neurological state, known as a ‘freeze’ state … This freeze state is a
    trauma state” (Childhood Disrupted: How Your Biography Becomes Your Biology and
    How You Can Heal, pg.123).This causes its brain to
    improperly develop; and if allowed to continue, it’s the helpless infant’s
    starting point towards a childhood, adolescence and (in particular) adulthood
    in which its brain uncontrollably releases potentially damaging levels of
    inflammation-promoting stress hormones and chemicals, even in non-stressful
    daily routines.We also now know that it’s
    the unpredictability of a stressor, and not the intensity, that does the most
    harm. When the stressor “is completely predictable, even if it is more
    traumatic — such as giving a [laboratory] rat a regularly scheduled foot shock
    accompanied by a sharp, loud sound — the stress does not create these exact
    same [negative] brain changes” (pg. 42).Decades before reading
    Sigmund Freud’s theories or those of any other
    academic regarding very early life trauma, I began cringing at how
    producers and directors of negatively melodramatic scenes — let alone the
    willing parents of the undoubtedly extremely upset infants and toddlers used —
    can comfortably conclude that no psychological harm would come to their
    infant/toddler actors, regardless of their screaming in bewilderment.Initially I’d presumed
    there was an educated general consensus within the entertainment industry on
    this matter, perhaps even on the advice of mental health and/or psychology
    academia, otherwise the practice would logically compassionately cease. But I
    became increasingly doubtful of the factual accuracy of any such potential
    consensus.Cannot one logically
    conclude by observing their turmoil-filled facial expressions that they’re
    perceiving, and likely cerebrally recording, the hyper-emotional scene activity
    around them at face value rather than as a fictitious occurrence?I could understand the
    practice commonly occurring within a naïve entertainment industry of the 20th
    Century, but I’m still seeing it in contemporary small and big screen movie

  • franksterlejr-av says:

    before reading Sigmund Freud’s theories or those of any other
    academic regarding very early life trauma, I began cringing at how
    producers and directors of negatively melodramatic scenes — let alone the
    willing parents of the undoubtedly extremely upset infants and toddlers used —
    can comfortably conclude that no psychological harm would come to their
    infant/toddler actors, regardless of their screaming in bewilderment.Initially I’d presumed there was an educated general
    consensus within the entertainment industry on this matter, perhaps even on the
    advice of mental health and/or psychology academia, otherwise the practice
    would logically compassionately cease. But I became increasingly doubtful of
    the factual accuracy of any such potential consensus.Cannot one logically conclude by observing their
    turmoil-filled facial expressions that they’re perceiving, and likely
    cerebrally recording, the hyper-emotional scene activity around them at face
    value rather than as a fictitious occurrence?I could understand the practice commonly occurring
    within a naïve entertainment industry of the 20th Century, but I’m still seeing
    it in contemporary small and big screen movie productions.… It’s hard to see how their involvement in filming negatively
    melodramatic scenes wouldn’t have some lingering effect after a while on
    infant/toddler and even older-child actors.

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