AMC's Preacher gets another radioactive teaser ahead of its final season

Aux Features TV
AMC's Preacher gets another radioactive teaser ahead of its final season


On August 4, AMC’s oddly compelling Preacher will return for a fourth and final season wherein Hitler reigns over Hell, which is a fun sentence to write. Now, AMC has dropped a poster for the series, as well as a new teaser following the one co-creator Seth Rogen shared upon news of the season’s premiere.

AMC has also shared a synopsis of the season:

As the series inches closer to the finale, God’s endgame for the universe begins to click into place. Trapped between heavenly prophecies, hellish prisons, and all-out nuclear war, Jesse, Tulip, and Cassidy make their bloody way to the Most High. Whether they can reach God in time — or whether all this carnage is part of His divine plan — will soon be revealed as Preacher barrels towards the end of the world.

See the teaser, as well as the poster, below.


  • brothergumby-av says:

    Honestly Preacher has always seemed to have a lot of wasted potential, but I’m still looking forward to seeing what they can do with it. Especially since they have a set end date and point to work towards.PS: they better include this scene

    • dikeithfowler-av says:

      I felt the same way, but in the second half of the third season they started delivering on the promise shown and I just hope the final season manages to do the same thing, given how few episodes are left and all of the things they could include from the comic there’s really no excuse for filler any more.

    • squamateprimate-av says:

      This laughably, almost parodically poor choice of a creative team hasn’t done anything worth remembering with it so far, and I doubt it’ll manage it now.

  • anthonypirtle-av says:

    I loved the comic, but I never payed attention to this show. Is it worth it?

    • patsonofkeon-av says:

      There are points that are definitely worth it.

    • pitaenigma-av says:

      Just be prepared for something radically different. They pretty much take the bones of the comic and steer it in every direction they can while ignoring the original plot. I love it, as a fan of the comics, but people who expect an adaptation faithful to the plot won’t. I think it’s faithful to the spirit of the comic.

    • det-devil-ails-av says:

      I loved it. The overarching plot would occasionally bog down for a few episodes, but they’d make up for it with joyful derangement.

    • dusen-av says:

      I’d say it’s a faithful recreation of the tone of the comic, and some of its best and worst moments aren’t from the comic at all. You can skip the first season, though.

    • homerbert1-av says:

      I truly love the comic. The show is frustrating because it gets so much right. It’s funny, weird, bold, brilliantly cast and stylish. Unfortunately I can’t get in a groove with the plotting. It’s too slowly paced for me. The entire first season basically is the first issue of the comic. Jesse is this passive conflicted guy who doesn’t know what he wants. I want more kick ass god hunting road trip. I wish it had some of the momentum of something like Ash Vs the Evil Dead. It’s a shame because so much of it, particularly Cassidy, is amazing.

    • squamateprimate-av says:

      It’s a Preacher adaptation but Seth Rogen’s behind it. There was a zero percent chance it would ever be good or in any way worthwhile.

    • drew-foreman-av says:

      Jesse is worse than in the comic. Tulip is way better than in the comic. Cassidy is just as great as in the comic.

    • thejuiceisloose-av says:

      I have to say, YES

    • drewknight-av says:

      Joe Gilgun as Cassidy is worth watching the entire run

    • michaeljordanstoupee-av says:

      VERY  hard NO.

  • squamateprimate-av says:

    Depressing news, but on the bright side, there won’t be another season of Preacher after this one

  • king_e_dawg-av says:

    I’m gonna miss Cassidy. The scene where he does drugs with Fiore all day was the height of the series.

  • drew-foreman-av says:

    This show is way better than it has any right to be. And the source material is the only graphic novels I’ve ever truly loved.

  • Phantom_Renegade-av says:

    Wait, you’re telling me that they actually got started on the plot instead of just meandering aimlessly?

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