"America" has sent Logan Paul packing

TV Features Logan
"America" has sent Logan Paul packing
Logan Paul Photo: Jerod Harris/Getty Images for Ignite International Brands, Ltd.

Logan Paul and Jake Paul—beloved by some, hated by more—have created a public personas that have only declined in the years since they first gained popularity pulling pranks and filming various shenanigans for their YouTube subscribers. While younger brother Jake is more often the one making headlines, you might recall the backlash against Logan in 2018 after he posted video of his visit to the Aokigahara “suicide forest” in Japan.

But, as Logan said on Fox Wednesday, “I’m reformed.”

[Details about Wednesday’s episode of The Masked Singer below]

Logan was on Fox because apparently part of his image rehabilitation was going on season five of The Masked Singer. It was revealed Wednesday night that the YouTuber was the person inside Grandpa Monster, who was eliminated on the singing competition after a performance of Joan Jett’s “Bad Reputation.”

That song choice actually led judge Nicole Scherzinger to guess the singer was a Paul, but she ultimately believed it was the younger brother. Here are the judges’ “First Impression” guesses and final guesses made in the moments before Grandpa Monster was unmasked after getting the lowest number of votes by “America” (it’s not exactly clear how the pre-taped show processes voting):
Ken Jeong: Emmitt Smith, Kevin Hart
Jenny McCarthy: Morgan Freeman, The Miz
Robin Thicke: Johnny Manziel (also his final guess)
Nicole Scherzinger: Cam Newton, Jake Paul

When Logan Paul was revealed, McCarthy lamented that they were “sad” to see him go. “I’m sad too,” he replied. “Singing is so scary for me, and being in this costume—ironically, as restrictive as it is—you feel so free in here. It was a lot fun.” He went on to acknowledge that he was a bit out of his league against contestants that are most likely Jojo (Black Swan) and Nick Lachey (Piglet). “I’m gonna be honest guys, I never stood a chance. What am I doing here? I’m a YouTubeing, boxing, Pokémon collector,” he said, now joining the ranks of eliminated season-five contestants Danny Trejo, Caitlyn Jenner, and Kermit the Frog. “Thanks for having me on the show. I had a lot of fun. Good luck to Black Swan. She’s so good. I want her to win.”

If you happen to want to see more of Logan Paul, he’s next slated to step into the ring for a fight against Floyd Mayweather Jr.


  • genialblackman-av says:

    Why does his face look like he’s had an allergic reaction?

    • igotlickfootagain-av says:

      His body is rejecting itself as a hostile organism.

      • theknockatmydoor-av says:

        “His body is rejecting itself as a hostile organism.”To paraphrase the Nathan Hale “I only regret that I have but one star to give to this comment”

        • sarcastro7-av says:

          Or the old joke about Nixon getting an asshole transplant, and the asshole rejecting him.

          • theknockatmydoor-av says:

            “Or the old joke about Nixon getting an asshole transplant, and the asshole rejecting him.”Trump rejected Nixon?

      • seinnhai-av says:

        Consider this line stolen good sir, for I will use it ad nauseum for a couple of years now.

    • bakamoichigei-av says:

      He just looks like that…

  • nilus-av says:

    I mean I know you guys don’t give a fuck but can you try not to spoil this shit so easily.  I didn’t even realize this was a masked singer article until I read it in the damn thing. 

    • evanwaters-av says:

      Consider it a fair warning, now you don’t risk being unexpectedly exposed to Logan Paul

    • alph42-av says:

      Its AV club policy to include spoilers in the title, so consider yourself lucky it wasn’t this time.

    • rogueindy-av says:

      AVC’s pretty weird with spoilers lately. Their Godzilla vs Kong review was just an outline of the whole damn film.

      • femmeinconnue-av says:

        I had to stop reading the review for Superstore’s finale because it was basically a list of every important plot point.

        • Anecdatum-av says:

          What did you think a review of a series finale episode was going to be?

          • femmeinconnue-av says:

            As careful as the AV Club normally is about *not* giving out spoilers, I thought it would be a review that *didn’t * have spoilers. Is this a hard concept for you? 

          • Anecdatum-av says:

            Look at you getting so feisty over your first world problems!

          • femmeinconnue-av says:

            Whatever that means. Don’t know what first world problems have to do with reading an article? 

        • bjornsigurdottir-av says:

          I mean, that’s par for the course on AV Club, since like 2011. Every Game of Thrones, Breaking Bad review etc goes into immense detail about the plot. These are recap reviews, not newspaper clipping reviews.

        • avataravatar-av says:

          I’m partial to the articles featuring a single SNL sketch, that describe all of the funny parts and punchlines.Nothing gets me more amped to hear a joke than a prior detailed explanation of said joke!

      • priest-of-maiden-av says:

        Their Godzilla vs Kong review was just an outline of the whole damn film.

        Godzilla vs. Kong gives the outline away in the title.

      • davidwizard-av says:

        How is it possible to spoil a kaiju film? There are monsters. They fight. I just spoiled every single one for you.

      • captain-splendid-av says:

        So was the trailer.

      • elgeneralludd-av says:

        That’s because Rife is a hack with no natural aptitude for writing movie reviews 

      • jewelq-av says:

        Were…Were you expecting something other than a giant lizard fighting a small but still giant ape?

      • steeplejack1112-av says:

        Did it cover that King Kong and Godzilla were fighting?
        How much story could there fucking be to spoil?

      • Spoooon-av says:

        If we’re being fair, there’s not much to spoil in GvKK. “Oh no, Giant Lizard is wrecking shit! Quick, get Giant Monkey to punch Giant Lizard! Now there’s a robot! Monkey and Lizard are now friends. Fin.”

    • MannyBones-av says:

      Same here. I don’t care about The Masked Singer, so I was just hoping the article was about him getting shot in the face. Am dissapointed.Also, the post headline is completely different than the Alt title in the browser tab which says “who is grandpa monster?” So you could have been “spoiled” before even reading the article.

      • pizzapartymadness-av says:

        I notice that a lot. Why are the tab titles always different from the actual titles of the articles or the titles in the URLs?

    • djwgibson-av says:

      Yeah. Me too.I was expecting this to be about Logan Paul moving to Europe or some shit.

    • bmccl99-av says:

      I thought it was something about the US deporting him from the headline. 

    • weirdstalkersareweird-av says:

      Kareen Abdul-Jabbar is the Roller-Skating Koi. You’re welcome.

    • hercules-rockefeller-av says:

      nah, this is your fault for giving a shit about The Masked Singer.

      • nilus-av says:

        Why do you hurt me so

        • hercules-rockefeller-av says:

          we’re on the internet, I’m supposed to snark, right? actually to be honest my wife and I followed the first season and did get kinda hooked on figuring them out, so I can’t really blame you for watching. 

      • fezmonkey-av says:

        That’s where I finally made the right call on something. 

    • skiwi2-av says:

      Masked Singer angst? Really…  😉

      • nilus-av says:

        There are not a lot of shows on TV that are 100% family friendly for the age ranges I have at home. Masked Singer is one of them.  Yes its a stupid show full of bad singing and at least one anti-vax judge but its also stupid fun for my family.  I get that you don’t care and its not like I am crying myself to sleep over it but it sucks that the AVClub spoiled it without any regard.  I am just making that point known

        • eyebreakthings-av says:

          Wait, did they add this line after your comment?
          [Details about Wednesday’s episode of The Masked Singer below]
          Because that’s the 3rd paragraph (but I kind of can see how the first paragraph and this is a bit of a giveaway).

    • pumpkinspies-av says:

      Hell, they tricked me into reading an article about a show I don’t even watch. I thought this dumbass was getting “cancelled” for something again.

    • dcow00-av says:

      Imagine admitting to liking Masked Singer :/

    • mavar-av says:

      Don’t ruin his animal costume furry mascot show thing. Dang!

    • nycpaul-av says:

      “Rosebud” was his sled when he was a kid.

  • igotlickfootagain-av says:

    “What am I doing here?”A very valid question to ask of any enterprise involving Logan Paul.

  • backwardass-av says:

    Jenny McCarthy: Morgan Freeman, The MizReally, she made a legit guess that this white kid might have been literally one of the most distinctive voices in Hollywood?(I don’t watch the show, so ignore me if part of the conceit/strategy is to sometimes throwaway a guess)

    • doobie1-av says:

      I don’t know if the producers are just directly telling them what to say or if it’s more Socratic-style leading, but there’s no way the judges are just brain vomiting their actual guesses all over this thing, if only because Jenny McCarthy occasionally gets it right.

    • marsupilajones-av says:

      Not only that but what the fuck kind of range is that? How can you guess that it’s either an 83 year old southern man or a 40 year old WWE wrestler from Ohio?

    • freethebunnies-av says:

      And like someone of Morgan Freeman’s caliber would be on this shit show.

  • tokenaussie-av says:

    Cultural paedophile Logan Paul?

  • taumpytearrs-av says:

    I keep trying to dismiss this show as harmful popular nonsense that just isn’t meant for me, but they just keep giving awful garbage people time in the spotlight. This and Dancing with the Stars seem to exist partly to promote/publicly rehabilitate scumbags and I can’t abide it.

    • MannyBones-av says:

      When’s Alex Jones going to be on one?Sorry, I threw up a little.

    • marshalgrover-av says:

      Don’t you be callin’ Kermit the Frog awful garbage!

      • jewelq-av says:

        Don’t call Danny Trejo awful garbage either.

      • gojirashei2-av says:

        Kermit’s definitely not garbage, but his current voice is pretty ghastly.

      • taumpytearrs-av says:

        I would never dream of it. I have great respect for Kermit, Danny Trejo, and if this article is correct Jojo (and if so, good lord why is a singer that talented stuck in this purgatory?). I talking about trash like Logan Paul, Sarah Palin, Sean Spicer on DWS and the like.

    • stevevicious-av says:

      My wife watches it.  Danny Trejo praised Jenny McCarthy as an advocate for Autism.  She’s trash and spreads dangerous anti-vaxx nonsense. 

      • taumpytearrs-av says:

        Goddammit that’s depressing. Everything else I have seen indicates Trejo is a cool guy, so I’m gonna give him a pass for ignorance on this one unless he actually starts spreading anit-vax stuff himself (please don’t do it Machete!). But yeah, McCarthy being a judge is another example of this show being awful.

      • kingkaijuice-av says:

        I think the worst thing I hate about celebrities as a demographic is that they come in all flavors of cool and terrible, and at least for the camera, they have to all play nice with each other. Which is how we end up with (hopefully)nice people, directly making it harder to publicly criticize the shit tier ones.

        The same thing happens with youtubers too.

    • munchoboy-av says:

      I keep trying to dismiss this show as harmful popular nonsense that just isn’t meant for me, but they just keep giving awful garbage people time in the spotlight. This and Dancing with the Stars seem to exist partly to promote/publicly rehabilitate scumbags and I can’t abide it.

    • awkwardpenguin-av says:

      It is funny how you throw shades on people as if you are the salt-of-the-earth. People make mistakes and with a growth midset they eventually learn from their mistakes to genuienly change themselves for the better. That is what makes us human. If you refuse to accept it and deny the person of a chance to reform, you fail as a part of society, a human being, truly becoming the very odious scumbag that you claim these people to be. SHAME ON YOU!-A fellow human being. 

      • taumpytearrs-av says:

        If you can point me to the evidence that Logan Paul is trying to better anything other than his public image and his bank account I would be open to it. As far as I know his brand is still toxic youtube drama and saying foul shit, and last I heard he was still planning to have a boxing match that will make a lot of money for him and wife-beater Floyd Mayweather Jr. (a fight that reminds me of the Alien vs Predator tagline, “Whoever wins, we lose.”).I’m not gonna claim to be the greatest person in the world, but I work hard for shit money and still try my best to be a decent person. I get upset when people make million dollar careers by behaving like shitty people until others get tired of it and then say “Oh I’m going to be a better person.” Ok, so he has uploaded any footage of a suicide victim lately, but where is the evidence that he is using the time, money, and opportunity his millions afford him to actually improve himself or help others?

  • burnout1228121-av says:

    This show has gone down hill since Season 2. B-listers that nobody gives second thoughts to, or should.  Except Trejo! Trejo’s Tacos are some of the tastiest food you will ever eat! Fuck the Mask Singer!

  • burnout1228121-av says:

    Two spoilers in a week AV Club? Do you want us to not read your articles anymore? First Godzilla vs Kong and now last nights Masked Singer. Wow. How about some spoiler warnings?!?!?!

  • lollystokeworthblackwater-av says:

    Must worship the mediocrity! They have money! You’re just jealous! *repeat ad nauseam until normal people just give up trying to make these douche nozzles not happen* Jake Paul and Logan Paul are the genital herpes of YouTube celebrities. 

  • ikaiyoo-av says:

    Motherfuckers. You had me excited we were revoking his citizenship and sending him…. somewhere.

  • em0abstracts-av says:

    Who is this?

  • thegobhoblin-av says:

    Sounds like Logan Paul’s career needs a pallbearer!

  • martyfunkhouser1-av says:

    Can’t believe they gave this a-hole a forum and an audience; let alone on a ‘family’ show. This after Sarah Palin? Is Tiffany Trump next? 

    • greggp-av says:

      I was hoping that the headline meant people had finally grown-up and stopped following him. No, just another paid public appearance for people who shouldn’t be celebrities. 

  • priest-of-maiden-av says:

    Logan Paul and Jake Paul—beloved by some, hated by more

    You don’t have to write about them. You know that, right? Why give assholes free publicity?

  • emisasaltyb-av says:

    Stop making stupid people famous. Let this loser and his douchebag brother die off into obscurity already

  • lordbobbmort-av says:

    Fucking asshat never should have been given that opportunity.

  • ItsaScnew-av says:

    I was really hoping this article was about him being deported. 

  • cash4chaos-av says:

    Seriously who has so much time on their hands that they spend it watching this bullshit?

  • yesidrivea240-av says:

    since they first gained popularity pulling pranks and filming various shenanigans for their YouTube subscribers. Do the GMG writers have a pact that states they can never mention Vine, or did you all collectively agree to forget it ever existed?Gizmodo had that David Dobrik article last week that forgot he started on Vine as well.

  • pinkysotapop-av says:

    I’ve been in these comments before fully owning how I watch and enjoy this stupid ass low-stakes mystery show. This, for me, is an obvious beginning of it’s end. They clearly cannot get any worthwhile contestants anymore. It was either this guy or whoever is in the piglet (side note: that costume looks like a missed opportunity/a giant stuffed animal just hollowed out) said they were only called 2 weeks before shooting.
    He is right about Black Swan being great, but the judges thinking that Demi Lovato would stoop to do this shit is absurd. Could be Jojo, the judges also said Ashlee Simpson or Lindsay Lohan, both of whom are also absurd guesses because of how well that contestant actually sings. Anyway. Its the last season of this show, I’m calling it.

    • mcb6504-av says:

      You think Logan Paul is the signal of the end, I thought it was Kermit the Frog. Now we have characters in the costumes? Are we gonna have Dr. Evil next?Anyhow, I don’t really think it signals anything. You’d think Dancing with the Stars would’ve run out of people to dance by now, and it’s largely the same thing here. I don’t think it has that kind of longevity, but I think it’s got more seasons than this one.

      • pinkysotapop-av says:

        Yeah you’re right Kermit was pretty bad, too. I just didn’t make the connection at the time. I also didn’t watch it as it aired, which I did last night. Watch them have Gritty pop out of one of these things…   My whole point is: TMS is running out of willing contestants; DWTS is just, not *as* absurd. The pitch may as well be: ‘hey you wanna be on network tv? you might embarrass yourself a little but at least you wont be crammed in a giant sweaty mascot costume..’ 
        Plus the fact that it is a singing contest, so you’d like to think they’re looking for secret talents and/or musicians and Broadway stars. I really think that is drying up faster than they anticipated. They should have rationed their retired divas. They’ll will probably do a few seasons where they truly do not care about how awful the song sounds on national television before they scrap it, though.

        • mcb6504-av says:

          They are, I just wonder how deep the bench is. Every time one of the judges guesses Celine or JLo or someone absurd like that, I’m wondering if they’re coached to do that to make the show seem bigger than it is. They’ve also guessed Jamie Foxx before and I’m like, yeah way too big a star. But then there are guys like Jordan Fisher who are super talented and not uber famous that you could potentially see being on the show. I was convinced he was The Mushroom last year. I still think there are a lot of people to draw on like him, plus the throwaways they have every season like Gronk and Lonzo Ball.I found it to be a really fun pandemic show, but I agree that it doesn’t have the longevity. I also have no idea how the ratings are, and I’m sure that’s a huge consideration.

          • freethebunnies-av says:

            Yeah, this show is for up & comers, has-beens and mid-level stars slumming it, not household names like JLo and Celine Dion (if a judge actually guessed her they should be slapped)!

          • mcb6504-av says:

            Ken Jeong’s schtick is making ridiculous guesses so that much is excusable, but the other three have all made guesses before for huge megastars and every time it makes you go, “Yeah, nah.”

          • freethebunnies-av says:

            I’ll give Ken a pass for over the top guesses, but he’s too good for this silly show. I hope he’s making good money and having a great time doing it at least!

      • methylermine-av says:

        Dr. Evil – Good call.

    • kalebjc315-av says:

      Its one of the most watched shows on television. No way they end it this season

      • 95feces-av says:

        I am rarely surprised by the appetite for garbage entertainment in America, but I am stunned that sentient adults watch this shit. I saw the promos with Ken Jeong (see: garbage entertainment) making that exaggerated shock/fear face for a reveal and said “Nope, never”.How the fuck is Jenny McArthy still a thing?

      • freethebunnies-av says:

        Its one of the most watched shows on television.We really are doomed as a species.

    • shotmyheartandiwishiwasntok-av says:

      They might cancel the spring version, since it’s only getting about 3 million viewers per week, but the season just last fall/winter the show averaged over 6 million viewers a week.
      Regardless, the show is COVID-friendly and cheap to make, so it’s not going anywhere anytime soon.

  • coolmanguy-av says:

    I want to punch him into the sun

  • universeman75-av says:

    If you have to go on FAUX NEWS, of all places, to claim to be ‘reformed,’ guess what, buddy. You ain’t.

  • jmg619-av says:

    Man, talk about scraping the bottom of the barrel for “celebrities.” 

  • pinkiefisticuffs-av says:

    I have never watched The Masked Singer and never had an intention of doing so. I was content to merely ignore it. However, I now actively hate the show. Jenny Fucking McCarthy?!? You gotta be fucking kidding me. They gave a platform and a paycheck to the Idiot Queen Of AntiVaxxers?!? Her hands are stained with the blood of every child who has died of a curable disease because herd immunity failed them.Fuck her. Fuck this show. And, yes, Logan Paul needs to die in a fire.  

    • stevevicious-av says:

      Wife watches it.  Danny Trejo praised Jenny as some advocate for Autism.  Straight garbage.

  • swagstallion-av says:

    Can we just get a show about making those costumes?

    I liked Face Off after the first few seasons when they stopped making artists work on a group project, which involved a lot of drama, and went to each effects artist making their own thing.

  • manwich-av says:

    “I’m gonna be honest guys, I never stood a chance. What am I doing here? I’m a YouTubeing, boxing, Pokémon collector,”… and a dipshit who got lucky by being born into wealth. 

  • dripad-av says:

    The only 4 minutes of Masked Singer that was worth anything (even if it was a skit). And that was to revive a character, not rehab a rep.

  • wrighteous-86-av says:

    Every clip of this show, from the stupid concept and d-list celebrities screaming in faux excitement, to the use of Who Are You? and the incessant chanting of the crowd to “take it off”, to the ridiculous and slightly monstrous costumes to the nobodies inside, I get chills of “dark oppressive future with a thin happy sheen movie” vibes.

    It’s like The Running Man, but real life.

  • smokehouse-almonds-av says:

    TIL that “Logan Paul” stories” get more clicks than “Masked Singer” articles.

  • drips-av says:

    as Logan said on Fox Wednesday, “I’m reformed.”

    Oh, honey… no. Anyone goin’ on these shows aint reformed shit.

  • ser-bigbootewiggums-av says:

    What in the fuck is he thinking trying to fight Mayweather Jr. It’s not like he has a prayer at winning, so I really do not see an upside to doing it. 

  • commenticus-av says:

    Beloved by who? find me one. 

  • ihopeicanchangethislater-av says:

    I don’t watch this at all, and the ads do nothing to entice me — they are completely baffling. I understand that one of the recent unmasked was Kermit the Frog? Kermit’s voice is so distinct that it would be impossible not to tell he was in there. What’s going on?

    • godot18-av says:

      They changed his voice. Seriously, they cheated by using a fictional character and then cheated more by making his voice sound slightly different.

  • showdetective-av says:

    I apologize if I’m stating the obvious, and everyone else has already figured it out, but I have to ask: does anyone else think this show is 100% fake? It’s pretty obvious that there’s no actual voting involved, the show being pre-taped would seem to make that impossible.As far as I can tell the contestants don’t actually win anything, which means it doesn’t have to comply with the rules around game shows and fraud.It seems pretty clear to me that the various ‘celebrities’ just show up for the day they’re scheduled to be unmasked and throw on the suit. Maybe they record their vocals too, but there’s so much auto-tune it could be anyone singing.Otherwise I’m sure it’s just professional dancers doing the routines. Pretty sure even the low-rent celebs this show gets aren’t showing up day after day (in a pandemic, no less) to do song and dance routines when no-one can even see them.

    • godot18-av says:

      So, no. There are laws, there are behind the scenes videos of rehearsals, and I actually “know” one of the voters. The show is taped but there are “superfans” who are involved before it airs. They even flash to them on the show.

  • adonzo-av says:

    It’s okay, Logan Paul’s going to be on SmackDown tomorrow if you desperately need Logan Paul on your television for some reason.

  • rigbyriordan-av says:

    Who the fuck cares about this guy OR his brother?  Maybe I’m old.

  • theotherglorbgorb-av says:

    I was hoping the double quotes in the title were a typo and America did, in fact, kick him out of the country.

  • dkdaniel-av says:

    I;m sorry… Kermit the Frog was a contestant? What a stupid show.

  • madwriter-av says:

    I’m disappointed in the headline. I thought we sent him to Canada.

  • nevergonnagiveyoucovid-av says:

    I already don’t like ‘reality’ tv. Them giving assholes like this a space to try and start again just ensures I won’t ever watch any of it.

  • arihobart-av says:

    Masked Singer?  damn.  I was hoping he’d been beaten to death in an alley.

  • someguy420-av says:

    See, that’s what people get for watching something as dumb as the Masked Singer.  One of these douches got to be on it… That’s just hilarious.  

  • fortheloveoffudge-av says:

    Damnit, Gomez, I was hoping to find out that he and his shitty, shitty family had been exiled to a small rock in the middle of the northern Pacific. You got my hopes up for a minute. You monster…

  • wgmleslie-av says:

    Who makes a stupid fucking face like that in a publicity photo?

  • halolds-av says:

    Believe it or not my first exposure to him was when he was on Top Chef a few years ago. I remember saying to my wife towards the end, “look at their faces, they really can’t stand this guy.”

  • nycpaul-av says:

    If you’re going on “The Masked Singer” to rehabilitate your image, you’ve…um. You’ve miscalculated.

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