It’s not looking good for anyone in new American Horror Story: Delicate teaser

The new teaser for Ryan Murphy's potentially picket-line crossing show really leans into the Rosemary's Baby of it all

TV News American Horror Story: Delicate
It’s not looking good for anyone in new American Horror Story: Delicate teaser
Emma Roberts in American Horror Story: Delicate Image: FX

Maybe the real American Horror Story is the picket lines we crossed along the way. While the writers strike effectively shut down scripted television production back when it began on May 2, a certain director decided that he simply couldn’t be bothered with the rules of the work stoppage, even going so far as to allegedly threaten to blackball crew members should they choose to strike in solidarity. We bet you can guess who it is.

According to The Hollywood Reporter, as of early July, only four shows remained in production on the East Coast—three of them produced by Ryan Murphy: American Horror Story, American Horror Stories, and American Sports Story. (This guy really needs to get a new naming convention, huh?) The fourth production is Lionsgate/Starz’s Power Book 2: Ghost.

A strike captain told THR that Murphy was “following the letter of the law” and only going to set in a producer/showrunner/director capacity while working on “scripts that were done before strike started.” “No guild can convict somebody of conjecture,” the WGA rep said. “A million of us would love to see it, but there’s no proof that he’s scabbing.” Still, many writers and fans were upset with Murphy, and even stars like Kim Kardashian, as writing often happens continuously on set, which, if this was the case for AHS, would absolutely mean the show broke strike rules.

Perhaps luckily for Murphy and co., however, no writing is apparent in the newest teaser for American Horror Story: Delicate, the 12th installment of the long-running show. Like the previous teaser released at the end of July, the clip features stars Kardashian, Emma Roberts, and Cara Delevingne looking like porcelain dolls in various poses and trimesters of pregnancy. There are a couple new clips here and a lot more spiders, but still not a line of dialogue or anything clear enough to give a hint to what this thing is actually about, except for the fact that it’s based on Danielle Valentine’s novel Delicate Condition.

American Horror Story: Delicate | Official Teaser – Nesting | FX

We’ll find out more—and if any of this was remotely worth it—when the series premieres September 20 on FX.


  • fredsavagegarden-av says:

    Of course this won’t be worth it; American Horror Story is about 80% trash, and only 60% of that is enjoyable trash. But I’m still going to watch the hell out of it.

  • disqusdrew-av says:

    The last two seasons have been atrociously bad, even by AHS standards. So this new one will certainly have to sour to new heights to meet it or maybe its better to say sink to new depths.

  • jbyrdku-av says:

    This show stopped being good (imo) around seasons 4 and 5. I still enjoyed Roanoke, but the last few have been terrible!  I’ll be skipping this.

  • bossk1-av says:

    Ryan Murphy ain’t no good. *shoots tv*

  • kevinkap-av says:

    Always knew Kim Kardashian was a spider person. Eh nothing can be worse than that two parter season they did with the vampires and aliens. 

  • prepayafterdark-av says:

    Two concerns. 1.) It didn’t lead into the iconic theme song at all. Mad about that.2.) The last season, American Horror Story NYC, was one of the worst seasons of television I ever, for some reason, sat through.

  • drimane-av says:

    I’ve never watched anything with a Kardashian in it and I’m not about to start now.

  • boggardlurch-av says:

    I’m going to go out on a limb here, but I’m betting it’s going to start relatively conventionally before rapidly spinning out of control as every single horror cliche he can think of and yet somehow hasn’t used gets thrown at the wall, then a few that he HAS used just for good measure.

  • TRT-X-av says:

    Huh, so not only is Murphy a hack, he’s also a scab. What a huge piece of shit.

  • scooterbob-av says:

    If this truly is a take on Rosemary’s Baby, it might be fitting to somehow tie the baby in with the new Antichrist at the end of Apocalypse. 

  • robgrizzly-av says:

    I thought he was scabbing. He’s not? What’s the point of having exceptions for work, if people are just going to get mad at you anyway?

    • mythicfox-av says:

      They’re not saying he isn’t scabbing, they’re just saying they can’t prove it. The Directors’ Guild accepted whatever deal the AMPTP offered them, which means that technically he’s in the clear as long as, say, nobody records him doing something that counts as writing. It’s like in Empire Records, where Lucas isn’t allowed to leave the couch and at one point just walks around with a cushion under his arm because technically he didn’t leave the whole couch.

    • mrfurious72-av says:

      There is no exception from the WGA, who has steadfastly refused to grant any waivers.A strike captain told THR that Murphy was “following the letter of the law” and only going to set in a producer/showrunner/director capacity while working on “scripts that were done before strike started.”Is it possible that he’s actually doing that and not doing any writing? Sure. Is it likely? No.

  • ijohng00-av says:

    just end this show.i thought watching American Horror Story: Double Feature would be fun, recently, but oh my dog, it was terrible storytelling (i know, it’s AHS, but still).

  • coldsavage-av says:

    My interest in AHS has waned severely and a cast led by a thoroughly unlikable group of people in Roberts/Delavigne/Kardashian, based around a premise to which I am ambivalent, is not going to draw me in. Maybe I’ll go finish S5 or S10 instead.

  • freshness-av says:

    Two things the world doesn’t need more of, Cara Delevigne’s acting, and a new season of American Horror Story.

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