
American Horror Story is fun again with 1984

TV Reviews Recap
American Horror Story is fun again with 1984
Emma Roberts Screenshot:

Maybe it’s a sign of our dark times that a show that involves so much s’more-side bloodshed can seem like light TV. Or maybe it’s just the fact that after the last two seasons of American Horror Story reminded its viewers, with increasingly less subtlety, that they were already living in the darkest timeline, with or without the existence of the antichrist, that anything offering up simple gore without much psychological trauma is bubbly by comparison.

It seems like the showrunners got a note over the summer that the audience was having a hard time remembering the exact subtitle of each season, because this year’s audience will never forget, at least at any point while watching the pilot, that the year, and season, is 1984. The ‘80s references come so hard and fast the start of the show almost reads like a sketch sending up ‘80s nostalgia, from the neon font introducing the cast to “Cruel Summer” playing within the first fifteen minutes.

After losing some of its core cast, the lead mantle (lighter in an ensemble piece like AHS has always been, but still there) has gone to Emma Roberts, playing against her traditional AHS type as the sweet, shy, lace-collar wearing Brooke. Roberts at her cattiest has given AHS some great moments, and has given the internet one of its most important GIFs. But here, dressed in pastels, it’s hard to be drawn in by Roberts, even in moments that seem to point towards her imminent demise.

Billie Lourd’s Montana, on the other hand, is fantastic, from her dead-serious delivery of her dream to be a competitive aerobics master, to her explanation of why she sleeps with a knife under her pillow (“I have a suspicious nature.”) It’s hard to tell among the men and their crop tops, what is deliberate blandness to match the stock characters of the slasher flicks that inspired the season, and what is the result of just about every Murphy favorite on an indefinite AHS hiatus.

The 1984 Summer Olympics is a reference that does a ton of heavy lifting, from propping up the plot to mixing things up style-wise. A group of gym buddies deciding on a whim to drop everything for three months to become camp counselors doesn’t make sense unless they explain they’ll do anything to escape the craziness the games will bring with them. And a camp’s worker pool would dry up if the nearby city suddenly had better-paying temp work created because of the Olympics. And after shot after predictable shot of “camp staff watched from the perspective of a murderer hanging out in the bushes” and other slasher flick cliches, it was refreshing to see the mash-up of a panic-stricken Brooke running from Mr. Jingles while athletes ran during the Olympic’s opening ceremony.

The big question as the pilot closes with the crazed killer having escaped from the asylum, running loose in the rain near a bunch of buzzed camp counselors who really, really want to get into each other’s short shorts isn’t what comes next. Anyone who has seen even a snippet of a classic horror film from the ‘80s knows what comes next. It’s how what comes next fills another ten or so episodes when it usually only covers the second half of a 90-minute movie.

That answer might be found in Brooke’s late-night assailant (Zach Villa) showing up at the camp. But his attack earlier on in the episode, taking a ring the audience knows must have special importance to Brooke because she took it out of her jewelry box just to gaze at it as she heavy sighed, felt kind of clumsy and not all that scary even before he started name-dropping Satan. It was the one moment of the episode that seemed to call back to the American Horror Story of the past. Hopefully, the rest of the season sticks to a feeling of simpler times, when knife-wielding serial killers cut off the ears of young campers just for the thrill of it, no politics or theology to make bloodshed on screen more complicated than it needs to be.

Stray observations

  • Why is there a “release all the prisoners” button at the asylum? And how did Mr. Jingles get a newspaper? If his room only has a mattress and the one ripped out article, where did he put the rest of the paper when he was done? The showrunners should know there are only two kinds of shows left on TV—Ryan Murphy projects and crime dramas. They can’t be leaving these kinds of inconsistencies around.
  • Mr. Schue is back! Murphy’s Wikipedia page has a handy table charting which actors he has cast in multiple projects; it’s good to see Matthew Morrison join the two-timer club.
  • If your camp infirmary is well-stocked enough to have professional-looking IV bags, would you have to MacGyver something to hook it on out of a hanger?
  • A unique perspective on the potential dangers of drinking—apparently those beer cans are really sharp, and dangerous when thrown by an almost Olympian.
  • For those keeping track of mysteries introduced for the season—the identity of the probably dead “hiker,” the identity of Brooke’s attacker, whether Brooke actually has avoided the “sexual revolution,” and will therefore likely be the only one to make it out of the camp alive, and what sport Chet (Gus Kenworthy) was going to compete in before he got kicked off the Olympic team.


  • alexlonkinja-av says:

    Brooke’s attacker is richard ramirez the nightstalker how did you miss that?

    • officermilkcarton-av says:

      Spoilers!Oh well, at least I don’t have to watch AHS frustratingly derail itself over 10 episodes again to find out who did it.

      • antsnmyeyes-av says:

        It’s not a spoiler, it was revealed in this episode.

        • officermilkcarton-av says:

          Was talking about him being somebody called “Richard Ramirez”. But apparently that was revealed about 35 years ago anyway? I’ll let it slide this time, Ants.Gonna go lock myself in my room and listen to Sun Kil Moon records to avoid the internet accidentally revealing this Night Stalker dude’s ending for me.  I bet it’s real grizzly.

  • zzyzazazz-av says:

    I’m just going to pretend that Leslie Grossman’s character’s dead husband is Billy Eichner

  • antsnmyeyes-av says:

    “the identity of Brooke’s attacker”That’s not a mystery at all. They told us in the episode it was Richard Ramirez aka the Night Stalker.

    • bigt90-av says:

      Yeah I remember Brooke mentioned that herself, the only mystery left behind the character is when will we inevitably see killer v killer, Jingles v Night Stalker?

    • raymarrr-av says:

      Shame they didn’t get the actor who played him in AHS Hotel to reprise the role.

    • DoctorWhen-av says:

      Are you sure it WAS the Night Stalker? Was there any confirmation about that it was really him? The way I viewed it, Brooke was spooked by media reports about the NS and just jumped to the conclusion that her attacker must have been him.

    • lazerlion-av says:

      They’re rebooting Kolchak?

      • andaristofdriftavalii-av says:

        As pretty as both Stewart Townsend and Gabrielle Union are, they couldn’t save the last Kolchak reboot, so it’s probably for the best that this isn’t that.
        The Darren McGavin series was lightning in a bottle, and given his back and forth with producers about how much comedy should be in episodes alongside the horror, it may be for the best that the one series was all we got.
        Like Police Squad, it is one of those shows that never had a chance to wear out its welcome.

    • nenamichelle84-av says:

      I think they meant the identity of the person chasing her at the camp. We assumed it was Mr. Jingles because of the setup. But did we ever see a face?

    • lethologica05-av says:

      I thought Molly meant that the identity of the person in the raincoat who Brooke took to be Mr. Jingles was a mystery, not that the guy who attacked Brooke at the beginning of the episode was a mystery.Because even though we saw Jingles coming to the camp, it’s possible that it wasn’t him who was the actual attacker under that raincoat. Xavier seems to have some sort of multiple personality thing going on. The Night Stalker could have dressed up as Jingles to attack her. Or the camp counselor could have decided to attack Brooke for some reason.

      • antsnmyeyes-av says:

        But she did reference that part as her being chased by Mr. Jingles, so I think she just didn’t pick up on the fact that Brooke’s “late-night assailant” was RR. “it was refreshing to see the mash-up of a panic-stricken Brooke running from Mr. Jingles while athletes ran during the Olympic’s opening ceremony. “

  • rachelmontalvo-av says:

    This episode was almost normal by AHS standards. I wonder how long it will take before it goes off the rails and how. What was going on in ‘84? Buckaroo Banzai, Dune, Supergirl, Gremlins, Ghoulies, ET ?

    • zzyzazazz-av says:

      Did Margaret see the light of God, or the light of the aliens from Asylum?

    • DoctorWhen-av says:

      Just some things I remember going on around the summer of ‘84:Bruce Springsteen’s career was at an all-time high with his “Born in the U.S.A.” album. A presidential election was looming. Pretty much all the way through, Reagan was predicted to be re-elected as he’d had a dream first term. The Democratic contender Walter Mondale did make waves by choosing a woman (!!!), Geraldine Ferraro, to be his running mate. Boy, were people shocked!
      A mini-series “V” about an alien invasion of Earth (with VERY unsubtle parallels to nazi and/or communists) was a big hit in the spring. In hindsight, it’s laughable garbage, but my 12-year-old, D&D-playing buddies and I thought it was awesome at the time.
      The single biggest female in pop music in 1984 was… Cyndi Lauper! Seriously. She seemed to come out with a huge new hit song every couple of weeks or so in ‘84. Tina Turner was an “old lady” (44 years old!!) who had a big comeback. And, oh yeah, there was this other girl singer who was kind of getting well known at the time… “Madonna” something (I didn’t catch her last name). She had a couple of videos on MTV, but she wasn’t really a big thing. She certainly wasn’t a Cyndi Lauper, that’s for sure!Some really big movies from that summer: Gremlins, Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom, Star Trek III: the Search for Spock (but they didn’t bring back the original Saavik for some reason). Chicks digged “Footloose”, which sounded really gay.Satanic panic was HUGE!!! It was in the news all the time. Christians were waging war against the influence of the devil and were uncovering “credible” evidence that there was an underground movement of Satan worshippers stealing children from parents to molest, abuse, and/or sacrifice in unholy ceremonies. There were Satanic messages in rock & roll records and playing D&D encouraged Satanism. Just about everything in some way or another was a plot by secret pedophile Satanists to undermine the Christian values of the REAL American people. (I’ll be shocked if this doesn’t get referenced, especially with the overtly Christian rhetoric of the camp’s owner.)Meanwhile, the real agents of the devil…yuppies…were kicking the working poor out of their shithole tenement buildings in order to inhabit their shitholes and renovate them into “tres trendy” condos. Nobody liked yuppies except for yuppies themselves.There were occasional news stories, usually buried in the back pages of the Current Events section, about a condition that afflicted gay men. It was sometimes called GRID and sometimes AIDS that was deadly and SUPER SUPER contagious. People talked a lot about it, and everybody seemed to know somebody who knew somebody who got this killer disease because they shook hands with a gay guy. But, after all, what did “the gays” expect if they insisted on being promiscuous and not having sex “the right way” (i.e., guy on girl only)?

      • rachelmontalvo-av says:

        Satanic child molesters. Now that is AHS.

      • oarfishmetme-av says:

        “Pretty much all the way through, Reagan was predicted to be re-elected as he’d had a dream first term.”That’s a popular misconception, created in no small part by the GOP’s Regan Myth-Building Industrial Complex. In fact, Reagan was very unpopular for much of his first term. Largely due the fact that the U.S. suffered a recession in ‘81-’82 that was as bad or worse as anything in the 70’s. Joblessness rose to 10.8% in 1982, reaching double digits for the first time since the Great Depression. Regan’s approval ratings dipped accordingly, dipping as low as 43% in 1982.
        What Reagan really benefited from was good timing: Recovery got underway in earnest around late 1983, right when his reelection campaign began ramping up. Although unemployment was technically slightly higher in 1984 than it had been in the last year of Carter’s term (7.2% in 1980 vs. 7.3% in 1984), Americans generally perceived the economy to be “on the right track,” and Reagan cruised to reelection (and a scandal and dementia-plagued second term).

        • andaristofdriftavalii-av says:

          And then there was the Grenada military operation, which mostly happened to try to get people to forget about the 1983 Beirut barracks bombings, and his reaction to them.
          The latter sent his numbers down and the former raised them again. Which was the idea.
          And also resulted in the Clint Eastwood movie Heartbreak Ridge.

        • rob1984-av says:

          It also didn’t hurt that he’d been shot.  That got him a lot of sympathy.  But yes, his whole “It’s morning in American again” campaign worked.

      • teddyray-av says:

        Also, GHOSTBUSTERS. Seriously, how has no one mentioned Ghostbusters when discussing the big deals of 1984??

      • drewknight-av says:

        time is a circle

      • hutch1197-av says:

        Hands down, best summary of 1984 written to date.

    • andaristofdriftavalii-av says:

      A drunken zombie Peter O’Toole, small monsters that pop out of toilets, The World Crime League, Stripe and blue eyed desert dwellers wearing suits that allow them to drink their own piss would make for one hell of a set of surprises.
      In a rare moment of comity, both John Warfin and John Bigboote approve.

  • eliza-cat-av says:

    Things you missed:Brooke’s attacker is literally an actual serial killer that was haunting LA that year, Richard Ramirez aka the Night Stalker. aka a ghost in the Cortez in Hotel. So yes, a harken back to previous seasons. It cut his hand because the can was crushed and twisted, therefore had sharp parts. I expect that in an episode or two we’ll get a twist of a time jump or a new storyline or it’ll turn out this is a movie.

    • disqusdrew-av says:

      or it’ll turn out this is a movie.

      I hope not. They essentially did this with Roanoke (insert “reality show” for movie). And while I liked that season a lot, I feel it would be redundant to go back to that.
      But I agree with the idea that there will be some kind of twist. I find it hard to believe they can get a season’s worth of episodes out of Mr. Jingles chasing 5 people around a camp

      • imitation-crabbe-av says:

        I maintain that the show doesn’t get enough credit for that twist. It was brilliant, and executed so well. The season has its gaping flaws but I’ll never forget how fucking psyched I was to see the two Shelby’s interact 

        • disqusdrew-av says:

          Personally I think Roanoke is the best season since the first two seasons. The twist was great, it stayed consistent with its plot throughout the season (by AHS standards that is), and it actually had some scary moments which despite having “horror” in its name, AHS doesn’t always deliver on.

        • dog-in-a-bowl-av says:

          The “twist episode” in Roanoke(E6 IIRC) is my single favorite episode of this series to date.

    • silverbulletday-av says:

      we’ll get a twist of a time jump Yeah, I was thinking something along these lines as well, especially when you consider the hitchhiker who was already missing an ear. They hit him during the day. What time did Mr. Jingles break out of the sanitarium? Plus the hitchhiker seemed to be dressed like a late 60s/early 70s hippie and seemed surpised when he was told the camp was “re-opened.” Makes me think there’s some sort of weird time-jump, wormhole, time-shift/travel aspect to this season.Or maybe Emma Roberts’s character is hallucinating everything and she’s the real killer? Whatever happens, please no aliens.

  • diojiwoolf-av says:

    How has nobody mentioned the weird voicemail the blonde guy (Xavier?) gets! It seems like he has some kind of stalker looking to take him out as well. So that gives us three different serial killers all converging on the same location. Things are going to get messy!

    • ericmontreal22-av says:

      I assumed that was a gay twist, but maybe it’s just that I expect one in a Murphy/Falchuk show and that Fern has played gay in his past two Murphy shows (well at least in Versace–I’m not really sure what he was in Apocalypse)

      • diojiwoolf-av says:

        I couldn’t tell if he was just a jilted ex-lover or someone more sinister! I’m hoping we get a good payoff and he’s not some red herring who shows up just to up the body count.

    • lethologica05-av says:

      I thought it sounded like Xavier’s voice, as if he was leaving himself a message, which implies some sort of dissociate identity disorder type thing.

  • srocket-av says:

    Who was Xavier (Cody Fern) talking to on the pay phone at the gas station and what were they saying?

    • metagodzilla-av says:

      I was under the impression it was an answering machine message from the Night Stalker.

    • urwilly-av says:

      LOL, way back in the early 80s, you could call your answering machine and retrieve the messages by entering your three-digit code. He wasn’t talking to anyone; he was retrieving a message that someone had left for him.And that “someone” claimed to know exactly where Xavier went!

  • notthesquirrellyourelookingfor-av says:

    AHS is always great the first couple of episodes. Get back to me around episode 6 and we’ll see how it’s going then.

  • kate477-av says:

    I was sort of like, um, this feels very rote. And almost kind of boring. Then it kind of occurred to me that wait, this is episode one. And while I haven’t done a deep analysis of the credits, there did seemed to be a pit that was on fire spliced into there. Like it was a pit to hell or something.Its really too bad that Mindhunter hasn’t gotten to Richard Ramirez yet, I remember reading about what he did, but I don’t actually know much about him really. If Brooke hadn’t seemed to ask who he was, I might have thought that she might just know more and that ring was maybe given to her by him. It just seems odd to have a known serial killer as the plot that wasn’t quite as advertised as the Mr. Jangles part. While Brooke does have Final Girl written all over her, Montana actually has the best friend that we are very upset when she gets murdered right near the end type. I am not getting super attached to any of the boys just yet, I figure Xavier makes it the longest since he’s like the third or fourth longest tenured AHS cast troupe member this year. I mean, at least until Adina shows up. A random thought, do we think that Tyrone (?) and the psychiatrist might have been the original plans for Sarah and Evan?

  • facetacoreturns-av says:

    I’m not sure Billie Lourd has much range, but she is so damn good at playing the same character over and over.

  • gseller1979-av says:

    It was sort of promising, though it’s hard to tell with AHS first episodes. I love 80s slashers but I have a feeling this will be jumping genres at some point. “Cruel Summer” is a perfect pop song. 

    • brontosaurian-av says:

      Fun fact: that video was shot in DUMBO before it had that name and when it was primarily industrial and/or manufacturing and not particularly nice.

      • rob1984-av says:

        Technically a lot of it was Fulton Ferry Brooklyn, which is down under the Brooklyn Bridge.  The garage is now a restaurant.

  • bigt90-av says:

    So, I know it’s AHS 1984, and it’s a classic slasher story and all that, but was Mr. Jingles a janitor? He cleaned that entire body and blood lickity split, or did I miss something? I know they played the whole it’s in your head thing with Brooke, but it wasn’t right? That hitch hiker dude was dead and hung on the door right? And then again, Mr. Clean aka Mr. Jingles tidied it all up in, like, less then five minutes.

  • kyleoreilly2-av says:

    So bascially a gory less tongue in cheek Scream Queens?  Sure sounds like good half-watching to me.

    • ericmontreal22-av says:

      Oh God, despite for some reason watching both seasons, I always completely forget about Scream Queens (I assume Ryan Murphy wants to, too–in recent articles about him, they never mention it as one of his past shows).

    • agraervvra-av says:

      Yes! Exactly this. Also, with markedly less Niecey Nash.

  • bloggymcblogblog-av says:

    Has anybody been to a summer camp that lasted almost the entire summer? I know that some still exist in various deep woods locations, but they almost seem like a relic from 40+ years ago. I’m slightly younger than the teenagers that would have been at camp during this time period, but I don’t know of anyone that went to summer camp that long.

  • paganpoet-av says:

    I’ve never been so attracted to Matthew Morrison than with that sleazy 80s mustache.I’ll watch it for the fashunz. 1984 is actually my birth year, and it’s my favorite point of reference for music and looks for 80s nights. I have plenty of Keith Haring and Patrick Nagel shirts to prove it.

  • lmh325-av says:

    For better or worse, I suspect that they’re going to pull the rug out from under us. There’s no way it will be a straight slasher movie homage. AHS has never been that clean. 

  • DoctorWhen-av says:

    “Why is there a “release all the prisoners” button at the asylum? And how did Mr. Jingles get a newspaper? If his room only has a mattress and the one ripped out article, where did he put the rest of the paper when he was done?”Just hazarding a guess, but I would imagine a “release all locked doors” button would come in handy in case of an emergency situation. If the building caught on fire, for example, it’d sure save a heck of a lot of time than having orderlies unlock all the cells one by one.I’m sure that even Mr. Jingles was allowed some time out of his cell and that there is a rec room for the inmates, one that had copies of newspapers available so that the slightly more lucid ones could find out about what was happening in the outside world. When no one was looking, he could’ve ripped the article out of the paper. It’s not like smuggling half a page of newsprint out of the rec room would’ve left a suspicious bulge in his clothes that might’ve led to him being patted down.Granted, the papers ought to have been “vetted” to remove any possible triggering stories (such as stories about the camp where an inmate ran amock), but that’s the type of slip-up that seems (IMO) entirely plausible in an institutional situation.Also, the scene in Mr. Jingle’s cell does show off one of the more unfortunate tropes of 80s slasher flicks: a black guy gets killed first.

    • andyfromchicago-av says:

      Yeah the prisoner button seems pretty self-explanatory, as is the million ways an inmate can get their hands on a newspaper.I’ll also add the IV bag: They don’t HAVE to be dangled to any sort of professional medical hook. Oftentimes in emergency situations, they’re just placed three feet above the heart somewhere.

  • disqusdrew-av says:

    I was a little disappointed in this. I was expecting it to be a lot more campy (pun intended) and ridiculous in a fun way. Instead, they appear to be playing it straight, taking it seriously like a regular old slasher film. I can see that premise getting old really fast…so par for the course for AHS

  • robynstarry-av says:

    Disappointing and dull. 80’s references are hackneyed, and I was a teen back in’84. Maybe people who didn’t live through this period find it fun, but for me the episode was a snore – no different that watching the same slasher movie that was copied 100 times over. This better get more interesting quickly or I’ll be out.

  • kool100s-av says:

    This actually does look pretty good, but I can’t. I just can’t do Ryan Murphy schlock anymore. I watched like six seasons of Nip Tuck with a girlfriend eight years ago and I still want to jam an ice pick in my ear. Good thing he only has like thirty shows all somehow doing three seasons a year now. 

  • thatguy0verthere-av says:

    I’m not a follower of the show, but I have to know…what gif of Emma Roberts is it?  I don’t recognize any of them.

  • timmyreev-av says:

    I will probably give this a watch, although I think only the second season (Asylum) was any good. The new time frame and setting does give me hope though, as I think the main problem with the prior seasons is its fetishing of well worn characters (Stevie Nicks is going to sing to someone again? She is great, but please stop) and putting the wackiness over what should be the core concept..which is simply telling a scary story.

  • hutch1197-av says:

    As most other stated, it’s hard to tell where this is going from the 1st episode. We’re all waiting for the standard AHS twist. Having said that, I found the pacing of this premiere episode schizophrenic. It was like riding in a car where the driver kept flooring the pedal and then slamming on the brakes repeatedly.

    • silverbulletday-av says:

      . It was like riding in a car where the driver kept flooring the pedal and then slamming on the brakes repeatedly.This pretty much sums up what living in 1984 was like.

  • stevenstrell-av says:

    Anybody wonder where the heck are the kids that are supposed to be attending this camp?

    • ericmontreal22-av says:

      The time frame seemed really strange, but I think it all took place (well the camp stuff) over their first day/night.  And we kept hearing that the kids were coming the following day. 

      • raymarrr-av says:

        Are we to assume this whole season will take place on this same night. The preview didn’t indicate any daylight scenes or camp activities.

        • ericmontreal22-av says:

          Jeez I hope not.  That would be… really boring.

        • andaristofdriftavalii-av says:

          The most recent season of Netflix’s Slasher did that, which helped explain why everyone didn’t just leave a non-isolated location once murders started happening.

    • thekawaiislartibartfast-av says:

      Yeah, the kids were coming the next day. Seriously, if I were a campers parent I’d be furious that they hired someone the day before camp started.

  • oliviak-av says:

    Trump is the greatest POTUS of the 21st century. AHS’s deranged attacks were idiotic and made this grim show even more unwatchable than usual. 

  • stephdeferie-av says:

    i don’t get all the love for this – it’s so totally unoriginal that it’s definitely the weakest season opener yet. is the point to do an exact copy of what it’s referencing? i know you have to lay out the exposition but sheesh.

  • lazerlion-av says:

    Is aerobics just a thing for sex, like how people called vibrators “neck massagers”? I mean, it involves going on all fours and thrusting, then going on your back and thrusting more.

    Also, I’m betting the head counsellor is gonna be the bad guy who’s the actual serial killer and pinned it all on a PTSD ‘Nam veteran. 

    • brontosaurian-av says:

      Doing music videos for this article it seems. I could swear they did they exact same routine used in the Eric Prydz – Call on Me video. Which is intentionally very sexual. I think aerobics has merits, but also it was pre accessable porn for teenagers and all, so your mom might own it. This song is terrible btw.

      • wirelessjoe-av says:

        This song is terrible btw.Counterpoint: at 126 BMP with no real lyrics to pay attention to this song is perfect for a running soundtrack.

      • avg7967-av says:

        Oh, no, this is a great song. Great to dance to, and to sing along to. And I’d argue that it even has some emotional resonance. Of course I loved the original, too. This remix is a perfect example of the genre at its best. 2:15 is an amazing moment on the dancefloor.

  • noratoo-av says:

    Did anyone other than me get Texas Chainsaw Massacre when they picked up the hitchhiker?

  • jackaaaaar-av says:

    The first episodes of each season is often very good in american horror story but it always leads in alter episodes to endless subplots and gets convoluted and i loss all intrest

  • jayrig5-av says:

    I’m no expert but presumably a release all prisoners button would exist in case of fire or some other threat where they’d have to be evacuated quickly. 

  • butterflybaby-av says:

    Did not understand a single sentence. At least it has Emma Roberts.

  • benbitten-av says:

    All prisons have a release all button for fire concerns….never mind the fact that he hit three buttons, but there ya go.

  • brainssssssssss-av says:

    Margaret and Mr. Jingles look to wear similar bifocals. Maybe this is going to be like Identity where each character is one of Margaret’s personalities battling it out for which one will be dominant via some sort of government testing after she killed her companion counselors. That could be the reveal of episode 5 and 6 forward will deal with the heinous nature of whichever one won.

  • sibylvanae-av says:

    Giving a “B+” to this episode is so laughably generous that I don’t even know how to take anything this reviewer says seriously. 

  • sibylvanae-av says:

    Giving a “B+” to this episode is so laughably generous that I don’t even know how to take anything this reviewer says seriously. 

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