Oh, great, Amy Schumer told her cut Oscars joke about the Rust shooting

The Slap has had its day in the sun. Now it’s time to give it up for the hosts.

Aux News Schumer
Oh, great, Amy Schumer told her cut Oscars joke about the Rust shooting
Amy Schumer Photo: Robyn Beck (AFP via Getty Images)

All things considered, Amy Schumer did a pretty good job hosting this year’s Academy Awards. Obviously, any flubs were overshadowed by a much larger controversy, but still, that Leonardo DiCaprio joke was pretty good. That line about the Golden Globes being included in the In Memoriam? Wonderful.

But what about the stuff that didn’t make it into the show? Don’t people deserve a chance to hear the jokes that never left the page? Whether they want it or not, Amy Schumer is sharing some of her axed material from Oscar night, and, ew, boy, it’s not pretty.

At a recent gig at the Las Vegas’ Mirage Theater, Schumer talked about the show and how she was feeling during the broadcast. And, of course, she spoke about her reaction to The Slap.

“I was kind of feeling myself, and then all of a sudden Ali was making his way up,” Schumer said, referencing Will Smith’s Oscar-nominated turn as Muhammad Ali in Ali. “And it was just a fucking bummer. All I can say is that it was really sad, and I think it says so much about toxic masculinity. It was really upsetting, but I think the best way to comfort ourselves would be for me to say the Oscar jokes that I wasn’t allowed to say on TV.”

“I want to preface these Oscar jokes by saying that my lawyer said not to say these. Don’t tell anybody, and don’t get mad at me.”

What kind of jokes wasn’t she allowed to say on TV? How about a cracker-jack quip about the tragic Rust shooting?

Don’t Look Up is the name of a movie? More like don’t look down the barrel of Alec Baldwin’s shotgun,” Schumer said. “I wasn’t allowed to say any of that, but you can just come up and [slap] someone.”

[Tugs collar]

To be fair, had Will Smith consulted his lawyer before The Slap, well, we might be living in a very different world, a better world, a world where Amy Schumer’s Rust joke doesn’t get told. She apparently had more jokes that weren’t ready for primetime, including some zingers aimed at James Franco and Joe Rogan.

Still, we’re all grateful that Schumer didn’t tell that joke on stage, especially considering Hutchins’ name was barely visible during the ceremony’s bizarre, overly complicated In Memoriam segment.

Don’t Look Up? More like don’t share your cut Oscar material. Unfortunately, it’s too late for Amy Schumer, but there’s still hope for Regina Hall and Wanda Sykes.

[via Variety]


  • milligna000-av says:

    Oh no, you didn’t like a joke in an act you didn’t actually see. Can you do some concert reviews based on reddit posts about them?

    • dirtside-av says:

      Can’t, too busy reviewing video games based on Let’s Play streams I didn’t watch

      • maulkeating-av says:

        I’m too busy doing deep-dive literary criticism of books that popped up next to cocktails and coffee cups in my insta feed based on the hashtags.

    • well-lighted-av says:

      Do you really think this was meant to be a review? Do you know what a review is? 

    • batteredsuitcase-av says:

      I don’t find Amy Schumer funny. But criticizing comedians for not being funny because the joke doesn’t land when it’s written out is completely unfair. For all we praised them after their deaths, if we just typed out Bob Saget’s and Norm MacDonald’s jokes, they are the most boring, offensive, unfunny shit you’ll ever read.

      • SquidEatinDough-av says:

        lol no

      • mikolesquiz-av says:

        If she could land that joke, she’s on an unprecedented level of comedy genius who could read out of Finnegan’s Wake and have them rolling in the aisles. Or maybe, just maybe, she doesn’t have much of a sense of humor and struggles to even formulate the most basic kind of “cheap reference” joke, which is the reason she steals gags in the first place and has so many writers.

    • satanscheerleaders-av says:

      Who do you think he is, Leonard Pierce?

    • quasarfunk-av says:

      “And that’s why you shouldn’t give to charity.” Is that something you find funny, Mr. Mulaney?

    • callmeshoebox-av says:

      Oh no you don’t like an article on a blog you’re not forced to read. What else is new?

    • thorstrom-av says:

      Eat a fuck, you shit.
      Making jokes about Rust, a film in which a person died on set, is shit humor. If that’s where you need to go to locate humor, you’re just an uninspired hack (like Amy Schumer. And apparently you. Great.).Can death be funny? Sure. Can an accidental death, on the set of a film, not set in a particularly interesting story, just a sad one, be funny? Sure, but not like that. An actual funny one.In closing, fuck off.

  • docnemenn-av says:

    Leaving aside the “someone died for real” angle, it’s not even that good a joke. 

    • nightriderkyle-av says:

      It’s kind of surprising how little of Amy Schumer’s comedy output has lasted.
      I never watched it but Inside Amy Schumer got a lot of press while it aired. Internet Writers were all over Trainwreck when it came out. And they are barely mentioned now.
      Dunno why that is.

      • jmyoung123-av says:

        They were both great, regardless.

      • pocrow-av says:

        I never watched Inside Amy Schumer, but Trainwreck is decent, especially due to the comedy stylings of John Cena.

        “Mark Wahlberg? I look like Mark Wahlberg ate Mark Wahlberg!”

      • grantagonist-av says:

        I’m not much for her standup either, but Trainwreck was legit funny (plus it has Bill Hader!), and the handful of Inside Amy Schumer episodes that I’ve seen had a pretty good ratio of hit/miss sketches.Some of the great sketches that spring to mind are* “Last Fuckable Day” (with Tina Fey, Julia Louis-Dreyfus, and Patricia Arquette)* the boy-band riff “Girl, You Don’t Need Makeup”* the episode-length “12 Angry Men Inside Amy Schumer” featuring an ensemble of too many name actors that had no business being in a cable sketch (Jeff Goldblum, Paul Giamatti, John Hawkes, Dennis Quaid) rounded out by more reliable names (Chris Gethard, Kumail Nanjiani, Vincent Kartheiser, Nick Di Paolo)

        • grantagonist-av says:

          (a clarification: by “more reliable”, I meant “additional reliable”, and not like, a comparison of reliability)

        • junwello-av says:

          The one with Paul Giamatti as God was the best sketch in the entire show, imho.

          • nilus-av says:

            It worth noting everyone here commenting about how great all the other actors are in Amy Schumer projects.  Kinda telling

        • drkschtz-av says:

          I liked her Friday Night Lights parody where her Connie Britton wine glass kept getting bigger.

        • rev-skarekroe-av says:

          Life & Beth is really good and people should be paying more attention to it.

          • jeninabq-av says:

            I think it’s the best thing she’s ever done. I wish it was getting more attention as well. 

        • bobwworfington-av says:

          Everyone is that fuckable sketch is someone I would fuck now. 

        • dwarfandpliers-av says:

          her Friday Night Lights parody was genius and hilarious

          • pomking-av says:

            Every time the wine glass got bigger I died.And Josh explaining the “no rape” policy. The subject is cringey AF but they somehow pulled it off. “But what if they’re dressed like a slutty nurse?” She does seem to like to go after Sorkin. She & Josh did another sketch as McDonald’s employees but the script was Sorkin esque, like a West Wing episode, with an absurd amount of urgency to getting an order to a drive thru customer. 

          • dwarfandpliers-av says:

            I remember the giant growing wine glass and the way she’d sashay (or sway drunkenly, maybe both at the same time) away after imparting her wisdom and the wine would just slosh out of the glass…I’m laughing just typing it out

          • pomking-av says:
          • dwarfandpliers-av says:

            thanks and a tip of the cap to you

          • dwarfandpliers-av says:

            “you can’t bring a wet mule around a hot corn oven” is a saying I need to work into my daily conversation WAY more than I currently do LOLOLOLOL

          • dwarfandpliers-av says:

            the rape discussion with the coach and the football players was such that I thought they could plausibly show that to high school boys to get the point across about consent. Funny and informative can be a killer combination in the right hands and to the right purpose.

        • katanahottinroof-av says:

          I liked parts of it, but it was a sketch show with so much filler: (1) the standup bits, which are fine, but that should be it; (2) those constant cuts riffing through her making wacky faces, (3) street interviews, which were mostly uninteresting to me, then (4) the interviews at the end, which I did not care about at all. They could condense the number of episodes by half.

      • weedlord420-av says:

        I really liked Trainwreck although it’s not one that I’ve revisited.

      • gaith-av says:

        Some artists only have one shtick, I guess. When was the last time Eminem said anything new, let alone in a new way?

        • batteredsuitcase-av says:

          Yet another reason why we should all celebrate the genius that is Martin Mull

        • Keego94-av says:

          Neat. Look kids, an Eminem reference….You’re really on the cutting edge of the zeitgeist..

        • crankymessiah-av says:

          That’s a bizarre and dumb comparison. Eminem’s career has stretched across 3 decades. Are we really expecting him to break new ground after 30 years? Is that in any way comparable to Schumer not having original jokes or standing the test of time (no, it is not)?

        • owitzia-av says:

          Eminem made a covid dis track. It’s kinda good, even if the chorus is a total dad joke.

      • synnibarrlarper-av says:

        Cutting is a phenomenal album. Absolutely legendary

      • ijohng00-av says:

        Inside Amy Schumer is great. some really good sketches.

      • iflovewereall-av says:

        I loved Inside Amy Schumer, some really great sketches and ideas. 

      • rauth1334-av says:

        she was a “bro” girl, who was also fat. perfect circle of right-left wank. cept shes boring and has nothing. 

      • ribbit12-av says:

        I am really liking Life & Beth, though.

      • hootiehoo2-av says:

        Inside Amy Schumer was really good but she also had a team of writers and her guest actors stole most of the scenes. Trainwreck was good but she was so unlikeable in it. 

        • grantagonist-av says:

          > Trainwreck was good but she was so unlikeable in it.That was… literally the point? It wasn’t called Awesome Chick.

      • pomking-av says:

        Inside Amy Schumer had some great skits, it could be very funny at times. The Friday Night Lights skit with Josh Charles is hilarious, and it addresses a serious issue. Trainwreck was okay, it had its moments.I was just listening to an old How Did This Get Made with her as guest, they reviewed “Color of Night”, this batshit Bruce Willis movie about psychotherapy, lots of sex, and trying to see if they could keep an R rating while showing Willis’ and Scott Bakula’s penises. She was actually rather humorous but she was also playing off three very funny people, and the subject was very easy to make fun of. Her new Hulu series is not funny at all, and I didn’t find any of her jokes at the Oscars funny. I did appreciate her slamming Sorkin for making a movie about Lucille Ball with no laughs. 

      • bcfred2-av says:

        Her act is pretty much roasting herself for being a drunken slutty mess, which certainly presents some great opportunities for humor, but after a while you’ve just heard it before.  Chelsea Handler as well.

        • pomking-av says:

          And Whitney Cummings. God she’s awful. The only good thing that came out of her show was Rhea Seehorn. 

      • ofaycanyouseeme-av says:

        We probably were trying to collectively, unconsciously heal that wound and pretend she was gone after it became obvious that Amy Schumer is a shameless joke thief.
        That she’s still so popular is kind of the real problem. Guess enough people relate to sociopaths with a stolen act and stolen talent.

      • qwedswa-av says:

        I’m going to sound like a lot of other random haters, but the reason is that she’s not that good. She’s like someone good enough to be a bench player on a professional sports team. She’s still funnier than nearly everybody else, but the other professionals are way better than her. The reason her movie and tv show are better is because they have more writers. She can pull off a joke and do a bit, but she doesn’t create a lot of good material on her own.

      • normchomsky1-av says:

        I hate the sexism levied at her, but she just isn’t that memorable. The whole being a senator’s niece thing also makes me thing she’s gotten more than a few free passes in life.

      • john159753-av says:

        Think of a standup routine that you think deserves to be continually mentioned (not sure of your taste, maybe some good ole Bill Burr?) …but whatever floats your boat, can you honestly say your favorite routine is “mentioned now”?

      • gccompsci365-av says:

        Google search “white mediocrity”

    • dinoironbody1-av says:

      I didn’t know where your avatar was from until I watched that episode last night.

    • paulfields77-av says:

      It’s a terrible joke.  I’ll generally give some allowance for controversial jokes if they are really funny, but this one wouldn’t make the grade even if it wasn’t about somebody being shot dead fairly recently.

    • bio-wd-av says:

      It feels like a 4chan joke.

    • softsack-av says:

      It’s just so… labored. She’s taking two ideas that have no relationship to one another and just trying to awkwardly mash them together. The punchline is a total non-sequitur, it’s like one of those Family Guy cutaway gags. You could just as well say: ‘The Power of the Dog? More like the Power of Alec Baldwin’s Gun!’ and it would make just as much sense.
      And on top of that she says ‘shotgun’ for no reason. It’s not even an accurate joke, which I’m sure we all agree is the most important thing.

      • kpinochle-av says:

        Technically incorrect is the best kind of incorrect

      • muttons-av says:

        Is it possible that this was NOT a joke that she crafted to be told during an Oscars hosting gig, and was, in fact, a joke that was purposely terrible and created just for a bit about Oscars jokes that were cut?
        Just saying, the setup for the joke is telling the audience that these were jokes she was forbidden from using during the Oscars. She then shares a few terrible jokes she made up for this bit, and not actually for the Oscars. Making shit up that never happened is classic stand up comedy. Telling bad jokes purposely has also been done before, to varying success. (Norm McDonald’s set at the roast of Bob Saget comes to mind as an example of greatness in that arena.)

        • Keego94-av says:

          “Making shit up that never happened is classic stand up comedy.” Shhhh. Don’t tell. Half these rubes believe that stand up comics are the walking embodiment of a documentary. Everything they say is true and should be taken 100% at face value.Oh wait…

          • muttons-av says:

            Precisely. Nobody really believes all the things comics say in their acts. So why are we acting like Amy Schumer is somehow different and that what she’s saying happened actually happened? The joke is SO bad.  I can’t really believe it isn’t intentionally so.

          • TigerStylez-av says:

            The point….You

          • Keego94-av says:

            Your comment is not good. Do better.

        • mamakinj-av says:

          Telling bad jokes purposely has also been done before, to varying success. (Norm McDonald’s set at the roast of Bob Saget comes to mind as an example of greatness in that arena.) But reminding people that Bob Saget definitely didn’t rape and murder a young girl in 1990 is absolutely necessary for the public to know. NEVER FORGET!

          • crankymessiah-av says:

            …wut? That has nothing to do with McDonald’s roast of Bob Saget. I think you’re getting things mixed up…

          • muttons-av says:

            Always forget! We must tell everyone to squash this pernicious slander wherever they can and not allow it to spread. Tell everyone! Don’t let it spread!

        • softsack-av says:

          Yeah, to be fair I could see that being the case. Definitely hard to tell without seeing how it was delivered – sometimes these things don’t translate well to print.Also, ‘hacky journalists deliberately misrepresenting a comedian’s jokes to make them sound worse than they are’ is definitely a thing. Some people on here might remember that weird moment when Vulture transcribed Aziz Ansari’s entire set from his first post-cancellation show, and then Jezebel transcribed their transcription, both attempting to make him and his jokes seem as awful and not-funny as possible.

        • jomahuan-av says:

          i really hope so. as is, it sounds like a joke one of vanessa bayer’s characters would say.

        • synnibarrlarper-av says:

          This is 100% correct and anyone who’s seen anything of Schumer’s standup would know it.

        • TigerStylez-av says:

          You’re giving her intelligence she doesn’t possess

        • jeninabq-av says:

          Best. Roast. Ever. 

      • robert-moses-supposes-erroneously-av says:

        “Licorice Pizza? Eating that sounds worse than getting shot by Alec Baldwin!
        “CODA? Does that stand for “Cinematographer Ouch! Damn, Alec!”“Dune? More like ‘Dune’t you wish you weren’t getting shot by Alec Baldwin?”Amirite? HAHAHA!

    • sarcastro7-av says:

      It’s as bad as the Chris Rock joke was to begin with!

    • dwarfandpliers-av says:

      yeah that was really embarrassingly clunky, like something a high schooler would tell, apart from the whole “someone actually died from this,” and oh BTW now noted cool-headed pacifist Alec Baldwin has added you to his shit list.

    • soylent-gr33n-av says:

      Yeah, it sounds like she reworked a Dick Cheney joke.

    • moodoo-av says:

      Award show comedy is usually pretty dire to begin with; some clunkiness can and will be forgiven if you’re not also trying for the most hot-button topic of the moment.  

      I’m not sure there’s a host in history whose performance at one would make a best-of album. Chris Rock is one of the most influential comedians of his generation and has at least two hours of all-time great material, and I’m not sure a single Oscars joke would make that cut. “Jada Pinkett-Smith is bald, like another bald lady” was nowhere near funny enough to get slapped over.

    • evanwaters-av says:

      Seriously it’s just terrible.Now, “The Claudine Longet Invitational” on SNL, that was a good joke in terrible taste. 

    • wombat23-av says:

      that was my take, this was like a yakov smirnov joke, the ending was wordy and joining the two movies that weren’t that thematically linked is stretching  a joke that even i, hack that i am, would have tossed. i have seen good dark humor with jimmy carr and such, but the edge doesn’t excuse sloppy craftsmanship.

    • Shampyon-av says:

      Bringing back the “someone died for real” angle: The audience for that joke included Halyna Hutchins’ friends and coworkers.Isn’t knowing your audience one of the most basic skills of a professional comedian?

  • drmedicine-av says:

    You get that a standup joke premise isn’t necessarily literally true, right?

  • argiebargie-av says:

    She really wants you to know she’s edgy AF, y’all.

  • michelle-fauxcault-av says:

    Still, we’re all grateful that Schumer didn’t tell that joke on stage, especially considering Hutchins’ name was barely visible during the ceremony’s bizarre, overly complicated In Memoriam segment.So there you use only the last name of the victim of the Rust shooting, Halyna Hutchins, as if you had referred to her earlier, but you hadn’t. In fact, that’s the only mention of her at all in the article. It’s almost as if there was an earlier version of this piece where you used her full name prior to that (at least that much, one hopes), but then the piece was edited and the prior mention of her full name was cut out for some inexplicable reason, probably to make room for 10% more snark. (Nevermind the shit job making her name possessive). If you all did half as much work putting out decent posts as you do finding low-hanging cringey shit to dunk on, you might not be so cringe-worthy, yourselves.

    • softsack-av says:

      Agree with the other criticisms but…(Nevermind the shit job making her name possessive). Adding just an apostrophe is a perfectly acceptable and, IMO, the correct way to make a name ending in -s possessive. Hutchins’s seems too untidy, and most people won’t pronounce the extra s anyway.Plus it gets extra weird if it’s made into a plural possessive: Hutchinses’s. That’s three ‘s’s! It’s too many!

    • lordtwiddlethumbs-av says:

      Yeah this is legit a Buzzfeed-style mountain/molehill content-free piece if I’ve ever read one.

    • drkschtz-av says:

      Hutchins’ is correct basic grammar.

      • robert-moses-supposes-erroneously-av says:

        As someone with a last name ending in an S, you are wrong.( s’ ) is the appropriate possessive for words ending in an “s” THAT ARE PLURAL. If a word ends in an “s” for non-plural reasons, like all last names, it’s ( s’s )Example: “The ants’ favorite picnic food” and “My brothers’ bedrooms” BUT“The cactus’s thorns” and “Venus Willams’s racket”

    • satanscheerleaders-av says:

      Hutchins’ is AP style, which is what most journalists follow.Hutchins’s is Chicago (and Strunk & White), although both say to use just the apostrophe when making old Biblical names that end in “s” possessive (for whatever reason).Anyway, either is correct as long as you’re consistent.

    • SquidEatinDough-av says:

      Lol are you ok

  • thegobhoblin-av says:

    I wasn’t blown away.

  • coolmanguy-av says:

    That’s not even a good offensive joke

  • ghboyette-av says:

    Meh. At least it wasn’t a dated reference to GI Jane or whatever.

    • kinjacaffeinespider-av says:

      “Hey Hutchensiseses’…love ya! See ya in Rambo VI!”

    • rev-skarekroe-av says:

      The real takeaway I’m getting here is that all the jokes at the Oscars, told and untold, sucked.

      • pomking-av says:

        Maybe it’s time to stop making the Oscars a circle jerk/celebrity roast and honor film making? Air it on Turner Classic Movies, have Ben Mankiewicz host, and presenters are people who actually know something about film making instead of pairing two actors who can barely read a teleprompter.

        • maulkeating-av says:

          I would LOVE a fuckin’ televised award ceremony with actual, y’know, film intelligentsia.Have award given out beyond “This film had a black person saved by a white person” or “This smokin’ hot actress hagged it up for her role” or “Fuck it, the only animated movies I’m aware of are made by Disney, so that one wins”. 

        • masterdebator-av says:

          And maybe take the $140k spend on each gift bag and donate it instead to the Ukrainian war victims? The (mostly) rich Hollywood types are the last ones to actually need all that swag.

        • bio-wd-av says:

          31 Days of Oscar is the best part of the Academy Awards, full stop.

        • asmithguy87-av says:

          On Cinema at the Oscars on the HEI network with Film Expert Greg Turkington

  • DLoganNZed-av says:

    Ugh. Somebody slap her.

  • crocodilegandhi-av says:

    “Don’t Look Up”? More like “Don’t Quit Your Day Job”!

  • asadwalker-av says:

    unfunny joke thief.

    • zythides-av says:

      She really should have waited for other comics to come up with better jokes, then used those in her show.

  • voon-av says:

    Oh, great, AV Club reprinted Amy Schumer’s cut Oscars joke about the Rust shooting.

  • alferd-packer-av says:

    “I was kind of feeling myself” seems like the interesting part. Is there a clip of that?

  • cjob3-av says:

    Now if Will Smith slapped her for *that* joke, I think we all would have been pretty okay with it.

  • bobwworfington-av says:

    What a fucking cunt she is

  • stanleeipkiss-av says:

    what’s funny is the joke about Don’t Look Up that she did say was much better (not great, but better than this). Hey, sometimes the notes from higher ups and peers are actually right and we don’t need the “director’s (comedian’s) cut” because it is actually not good!

    • pomking-av says:

      And notice Adam McKay laughed at it and didn’t walk up on stage and slap her. Nicole even laughed at the joke about the Lucille Ball movie. 

  • hootiehoo2-av says:

    Wonderful, it’s no wonder so many of us got sick of her a long time ago. She can make a joke about the accident, hopefully someone makes many jokes on stage about her operation that went wrong/She is a tool and I fucking love edgy comedy but she has always been someone who can dish it but can’t take it.

    • pomking-av says:

      Why would you joke about a woman being killed, but Will Smith smacking Chris Rock has you traumatized for days, when you weren’t even on stage when it happened? I’m appalled at what Smith did, but TBH I thought it was a bit. He should be punished in some form but I’m certainly not traumatized by it. 

      • normchomsky1-av says:

        I found his yelling more unsettling than the slap itself, but it was by no means traumatic. 

        • hootiehoo2-av says:

          Funny you said that, I found the yelling more unhinged than the slap and either way I think everyone will be fine. Rock handled it like a stud and Smith came out of it looking awful.

          • normchomsky1-av says:

            Yeah, I’ve been burned more by random outbursts than physical attacks in life.It really shows Will’s darker side that was kind of always there. 

          • hootiehoo2-av says:

            I mean I’ve played baseball in high school and sports with friends or leagues as an adult and people get physical and sometimes you realize it’s a stupid reaction to something stupid.When someone is shouting at your non stop you start to think do they really want to do harm or is something else wrong with their head at the moment.Anyway back to Amy, she is awful as screw her. 

      • hootiehoo2-av says:

        Same here,  her saying she is traumatized about it but wanting to bring up a women getting shot in an accident and laugh at it shows how fucking up her own ass she is. 

    • matrim-cauthon-av says:

      Andrew Schulz had a bunch of good jokes:
      Will Smith looked like he was from the streets of Philadelphia, while Jada looked like she was from the movie.

      Dont feel bad for Chris Rock, he was finally involved in a hit white people will watch.

      If there was going to be one woman at the Oscars suffering from hair loss who didnt understand humor, I thought it wouldve been Amy Schumer

  • popsfreshenmeyer-av says:

    It’s a joke that is on-par with a stale-ass “G.I. Jane” reference.

  • nilus-av says:

    Remember everyone, watching a man slap another man is traumatic to everyone seeing it and toxic masculinity but telling a joke about how someone accidentally KILLED someone else is A- OKAY!

  • roselli-av says:

    What the hell is wrong with Amy?Someone did something wrong. So I also get to do something wrong?
    That’s not how things work.

    • light-emitting-diode-av says:

      To be fair she made The Slap about herself immediately after it happened. A week on the furor seemed to die down, so she’s gotta rile it up again for more of the free publicity since she has a show out. 

      • roselli-av says:

        Also to be fair, I don’t pay enough attention to Amy to know what she’s like when things are normal. I stopped listening when it turned out that she’d pretty much just a selfish jerk. 

  • ofaycanyouseeme-av says:

    It has already been proven that she stole several of her Oscars 2022 jokes from Twitter users. This woman is shameless and pathetic, which absolutely makes sense.
    Amy Schumer will live a long life of legitimized theft and aggressively below average talent. I’m certain she will require in her will that all eulogies have to have 60% stolen material. Her fans won’t know or care.
    I cannot believe this joke thief (still stealing mind you) continues to get work.

  • batteredsuitcase-av says:

    I stole this, but the real joke was: “Alec Baldwin is here, expecting his seventh child. Man, do you ever shoot blanks?”

    • pomking-av says:

      She needs another excuse to pose in her underwear at 6 months pregnant and show other women she’s only gained 4 pounds. 

      • electricsheep198-av says:

        4 lbs gained at 6 mos pregnant isn’t that odd, is it? I lost 10 lbs the first 3 months with both kids due to being sick all the time, so by 6 mos I wouldn’t be surprised if I was only up a net 4. Many of us don’t start getting enormous until 8 or so mos.I guess there was no reason to share all of this.

        • pomking-av says:

          I just said a number I have no idea how much weight anyone should gain in a pregnancy. His wife is just so tiresome.Don’t sweat the sharing stuff! We all do that. 

          • electricsheep198-av says:

            Oh for some reason I thought you were talking about Amy Schumer. Yeah Hilary “I’m really Spanish, I promise” Baldwin is very annoying.

          • pomking-av says:

            No Hilaria and her bathroom underwear photo shoots. And it does not distract from the fact that you pretended to be Spanish to the point your husband imitates your “lack” of understanding English on talk shows. It’s like Alec decided to live out the plot of 30 Rock when he was engaged to Phoebe who pretended to be British and had bird bones.https://pagesix.com/2020/12/29/how-30-rock-predicted-alec-baldwins-future/

    • normchomsky1-av says:

      Bad taste, but actually funny. People always allow for bad taste jokes if they’re actually funny, and her joke wasn’t. 

  • yodathepeskyelf-av says:

    “Don’t Look Up? More like don’t share your cut Oscar material.”…come on, man.

  • SquidEatinDough-av says:

    Again, tell me how slapping comedians isn’t good.

  • notarussian-av says:

    White mediocrity at its finest.  I thought we ditched this lady a la Dane Cook.

  • khalleron-av says:

    If ‘The Slap’ had been a movie scene, audiences would have been cheering Smith on.

    So what is ‘toxic masculinity’ and why is Hollywood in favor of it until it happens to THEM?

  • drewtopia22-av says:

    This the same person who said they were traumatized by someone getting slapped? ffs

  • keepemcomingleepglop-av says:

    “A joke so tasteless was told that we must reprint it in order to feign outrage!”

  • bobbycoladah-av says:


  • normchomsky1-av says:

    I swear most comedians are somewhat sociopathic. Like, in her head she probably thinks “this is the joke I was GOING to tell, but I didn’t. (proceeds to tell joke anyway) look at how NICE I am for not telling this joke!” Ditto for the Rocks, Chris was like “this is the nice joke” and his brother (whom I never heard of before this week) decides to double down and antagonize Jada instead of Will, just because people said they probably shouldn’t do so. 

  • drewskiusa-av says:

    The In Memoriam was pretty great and not bizarre at all; all of them should be celebrations of life like this 2022 telecast’s version was.

  • twdc-av says:

    This is Greg Gutfeld-level joke telling.

  • destron-combatman-av says:

    HAHAHA Amy Schumer is a dumb cunt. How funny.

  • mykinjaa-av says:

    “I just have to say it…”
    Opening line to every horrible take and joke.

  • katanahottinroof-av says:

    Soooooo… why report on it if the entire problem is dissemination?

  • stickmontana-av says:

    Thank you for proving my point that the people with the strongest takes on what counts as funny are the least funny people on the planet. It’s just so refreshing to read a bunch of comments by people who have zero taste and zero background in comedy.
    50 fucking comments about how Amy Schumer isn’t funny, mostly by people who aren’t even remotely familiar with her comedy.

  • ax2x2-av says:

    Where the joke?

  • seven-deuce-av says:

    “All I can say is that it was really sad, and I think it says so much about toxic masculinity.”Oh, Jesus.

  • marceline8-av says:

    This is a great reminder that a lot of comedians chose to follow their career path because they’re shitty, damaged human beings.

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