Ana de Armas is preemptively disgusted by the idea of her Marilyn Monroe nude scenes going viral

Still: "I don’t think it gave me second thoughts," the Blonde actor says, unprompted

Aux News Ana de Armas
Ana de Armas is preemptively disgusted by the idea of her Marilyn Monroe nude scenes going viral
Ana de Armas Graphic: Monica Schipper

2022 is the year of the looooong promo tour: if you thought the build-up for Don’t Worry Darling, a movie filmed during the pandemic, was bad, just be grateful it wasn’t Blonde, a movie filmed long before the pandemic and is only now finally seeing the light. (It premieres on Netflix on September 28.) Rumblings of Ana de Armas’ revelatory performance have been going on for actual years leading up to the release. In a new Variety profile, the actor admits to having seen the film “too many times to count,” mostly with small groups of close confidants.

With all that time to contemplate her biggest swing yet, de Armas has already anticipated some of the reactions to her depiction of Marilyn Monroe. “I know what’s going to go viral, and it’s disgusting,” she tells the outlet, “unprompted,” referencing the graphic nude scenes in the NC-17-rated film. “It’s upsetting just to think about it. I can’t control it; you can’t really control what they do and how they take things out of context.” She adds (presumably without being asked), “I don’t think it gave me second thoughts; it just gave me a bad taste to think about the future of those clips.”

It’s impossible to argue with de Armas’ thought process; the Internet is forever and some horny freaks are sure to take pleasure in the depiction of a beautiful actress’ exploitation. But so far, the most viral reactions to the biopic highlight its unrelenting brutality of Monroe, subjecting her (and the viewer) to violence, sexual assault, and an immediately-infamous talking fetus scene.

Much has already been made about de Armas seeking permission from Monroe’s grave (!!!) to depict her in such extremes, and Monroe’s ghost possibly haunting the set. But de Armas was undaunted by the challenges: “I did things in this movie I would have never done for anyone else, ever. I did it for her, and I did it for [director] Andrew [Dominik],” she says. All that for a movie that is so far getting middling reviews—it’s uncertain whether having those nude clips immortalized on the internet was worth it.


  • kinjacaffeinespider-av says:

    As opposed to her other nude scenes which are only a click away?

  • bobwworfington-av says:

    Best to just let us know the exact moment these scenes will be happening so we can look away. Standard time stamp notations will do. 

  • cinecraf-av says:

    “I am so disgusted that you all would be drawn to the numerous nude scenes in my NC-17 rated movie, available wide on Netflix September 28th.”

    • dirtside-av says:

      Right? This does feel a little disingenuous, given the environment we live in. (To be clear, the fundamental problem is the environment, not the way de Armas is reacting here.)

    • bobwworfington-av says:

      “I cannot BELIEVE those meanies gave us an NC-17. I mean, it’s just graphic sex and nudity. Nude. Graphic.”

    • akindergentlershoebox-av says:

      Yeah that’s not what she’s saying. She’s lamenting the fact that, for certain people, the work she did on a project she feels deeply about is going to devolve into nothing more than “hehe boobs”. Look at the last reply made to you if you have any doubt. 

  • dicktator-av says:

    Oh my goodness!  These nude scenes I did are going to be memes!  I totally don’t want these nude scenes I do to become memes!  I should be able to do nude scenes without being abused over it!  Did I mention I’m nude?  NUDDDDDEEE!!!!

  • arminiushornswaggle-av says:

    it will be worth it to me

  • stevennorwood-av says:

    You filmed nude scenes in the internet age. What did you think was going to eventually happen?
    Of course, I chalk all this up to Selling The Movie, but it still seems naive at best.

    • gterry-av says:

      Remember when Alyssa Milano’s mom’s job was to try and shut down every website that illegally posted pictures of Alyssa Milano naked from movies she had done. It’s crazy how much the internet has changed so much where now it is hard to believe someone would ever think that would work.

  • chandlerbinge-av says:

    This made me look up if Mr. Skin still exists. Sure does.

  • leonthet-av says:

    There already was a part in Alex Garland’s “Devs” where people watch Monroe and Arthur Miller having sex. One of the cast refers to it as “The ultimate celebrity sex tape.”

  • kman3k-av says:

    Person living in 21st century “shocked” to learn that humans like sex…news at 11..

  • murrychang-av says:

    Pretty sure this is a humblebrag. 

  • rachelmontalvo-av says:

    “Middling reviews”. So no possibility of a sequel?

  • rerecognitions-av says:

    i.e. the only parts of the movie I’m interested in.

  • bobwworfington-av says:

    I hate to keep dunking on this poor woman, because I loved her in Knives Out and she was by far the best thing about that putrid Bond movie. BUT… what does she think those of us of a certain age did before the Internet? VCR tapes don’t like constant rewinding, you know.On a personal note, I’d like to thank Mary Louise Weller, Sarah Holcomb and Karen Allen in Animal House.

  • mavar-av says:

    Oh, I see…

  • dc882211-av says:

    “The Internet is forever and some horny freaks are sure to take pleasure in the depiction of a beautiful actress’ exploitation” Is it being said that Ana de Armas is being exploited? Or that Marilyn being nude in the script is exploitative? The phrasing here is throwing me for a loop.

  • localmanruinseverything-av says:

    I was just thinking today about how we’ve always been told that “the Internet is forever,” but 25 or so years into this whole endeavor, hasn’t that turned out to be not the case? Sure, Ana’s nude scenes will probably always be around, but how many of us have had a website or video we loved abruptly just disappear, and you can’t find another copy of it? Whether it be because of copyright claims, or because someone didn’t want to pay a server fee anymore, so much of the Internet just goes away (which is probably how it should be). Hell, there used to be a naked photo of me on a semi-legitimate website (photo slideshow from when I decided to to participate in a naked protest event, oh to be 23 again!), and it took less than a decade for that website to be gutted by corporate powers and shut down. Anyway, I can’t wait to watch Blonde.

  • liebkartoffel-av says:

    “It’s impossible to argue with de Armas’ thought process; the Internet is forever and some horny freaks are sure to take pleasure in the depiction of a beautiful actress’ exploitation”Getting turned on by an attractive actress participating in graphic sex scenes? Is there no end to the depravity of these sick fucks?

  • erictan04-av says:

    How many weeks/months after her statements will she reveal that she didn’t have to do the nudity but someone forced her to?

  • south-of-heaven-av says:

    Either have a no nudity clause (a fair thing to do) or deal with it. The internet exists and isn’t going anywhere.

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