And Just Like That… teaser kicks off a new chapter for the Sex And The City gang

The HBO revival series officially debuts in December

Aux News Sex and the City
And Just Like That… teaser kicks off a new chapter for the Sex And The City gang
Chris Noth and Sarah Jessica Parker in And Just Like That Screenshot: HBO Max/Youtube

The first look at the Sex And The City revival series And Just Like That… is here, and as Sarah Jessica Parker reflects on in the voiceover, “Life is full of surprises.”

The teaser brings us familiar faces with the return of Carrie (Parker), Miranda (Cynthia Nixon), and Charlotte (Kristen Davis). Mario Cantone appears as his original character Anthony Marantino, and we get a glimpse at late Willie Garson’s final performance as Standford Blatch. We also get our first look at new cast additions Sara Ramírez, Sarita Choudhury, Nicole Ari Parker, and Karen Pittman in action.

Some things remain the same for the women, now in their 50s. Charlotte still lives in the apartment she received in her divorce from Trey MacDougal (Kyle MacLachlan), with Harry Goldblatt (Evan Handler) at her side. The teaser gives us a lot of shots of Miranda on her own or chatting it up with women, but also offers the tiniest moment of David Eigenberg as Steve Brady with their now grown up son Brady.

For Carrie, things seem to be steady with her and Big (Chris Noth), but who knows how long that will last. In the teaser, she also shows off an updated version of her staple over-the-top style.

However, some things have definitely changed since the series’ end in 2004. Of course, Kim Cattrall’s absence can still be felt as she’s busy doing every other series revival. Carrie now guest spots regularly on a podcast hosted by Che Diaz (Ramírez). Miranda’s not the only one with a teenager, as Charlotte’s kids are now performing in piano recitals.

The first two episodes of And Just Like That… premiere on HBO Max on December 9, with the rest of the eight episodes arriving weekly on Thursdays.


  • curmudgahideen-av says:

    Let’s face it, the main reason to watch this is to see if they’ve come up with some mean-spirited excuse for Kim Cattrall’s character being absent:- Tragic Botox O.D., now living in Miss Havisham-style isolation
    – Indicted on sex-trafficking charges by Epstein prosecutors
    – Married to Kim Jong-Un
    – Crude intertitle declaring that she ‘died on the way to her home planet’

    • 10cities10years-av says:

      Turned back into a mannequin.

    • ronniebarzel-av says:

      Serving time on Rura Penthe for killing Klingon Chancellor Gorkon.

    • on-2-av says:

      I just really want to see if they have the guts to go with the obvious:Samantha’s cancer returned and she died.  Putting a proverbial nail in a literal coffin.

      • rollotomassi123-av says:

        I figure they’d want to leave the door open for her to make a guest shot in the future. Of course, the show won’t last long enough for that to happen.

    • pocrow-av says:

      Given that Charlotte looks like she has some sort of real-life weird plastic surgery issue (I don’t think her mouth is supposed to go almost all the way around her head), they should probably steer clear of taking any plastic surgery shots at Cattrall.

  • noisypip-av says:

    Cynthia Nixon and SJP are both allowing themselves to show their age, which I appreciate, but Kristen Davis absolutely ruined her face with those fillers.

    As far as the content goes, I can’t even lie and say I won’t watch this. 

    • mifrochi-av says:

      Much like Tom Cruise, she looks like a “Kristen Davis type” from a casting agency. 

    • elci-av says:

      And they both seem so much more youthful bc of it. Like their spirits and personalities shine through I guess is what I mean? So they look more relaxed and like themselves. It’s the double-edged sword with women and aging – you can’t look your age, but you have to look your age the right way, and if it’s too much work then that’s bad but then not having anything done could also be bad and sad. ugh. I am also so excited to watch this! I didn’t thin I would care but two seconds and I am sucked back into caring about their lives. The Hobbs/Brady clan didnt make me shed a tear at all nope not a one.

    • kushnerfan-av says:

      It is very realistic that a rich New York woman like her would have her face turned into a Mummenschanz mask in order to appear “youthful” and “beautiful” while being totally clueless as to how monstrous she actually appears. To the extent she seems youthful, it’s because she looks like a child whose classmate brought a peanut butter sandwich for lunch and now she needs an epi-pen.

      • noisypip-av says:

        To the extent she seems youthful, it’s because she looks like a child whose classmate brought a peanut butter sandwich for lunch and now she needs an epi-pen.That was gold – thank you for the laugh! I had considered it might be in character, upper class socialite, etc., except I’d think Harry, of all people, might try to discourage it and remind her how beautiful she already was. To me, he humanized Charlotte and made her less of a caricature that she had been the first few seasons. Unabashed Harry fan, here. He was the best!

  • crime-waver-av says:

    Not the same without Kim Cattrell.

  • froot-loop-av says:

    I’m thankful that Kim Cattrall isn’t in this, because I might have actually bothered to watch it and probably hated myself for it later. Thanks Kim!

  • detectivefork-av says:

    It’ll be an emotional conclusion when Samantha arrives in the final episode to save the rest of the gang from an army of Dark Troopers.

    • pocrow-av says:

      The final scene of the series is Miranda’s kid holding out a cosmo to a skeptical Samantha on an island. (Martha’s Vineyard.)

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