And that’s how long it took Kanye to get himself suspended from Elon Musk’s Twitter

The final straw came when West tweeted out an image of a swastika, triggering Twitter's "incitement to violence" rules

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And that’s how long it took Kanye to get himself suspended from Elon Musk’s Twitter
True story: That’s George Lucas cropped out on the edge there. It’s a funny old world. Photo: Kevin Mazur/Getty Images for TIME

Congratulations tonight to anyone who had “just about exactly one month” as their (shockingly) long pick in the “How long will it take Kanye West to get himself suspended from Elon Musk’s Twitter?” betting pool, as West appears to have finally passed Musk’s own personal thresholds for “free speech” at last—presumably right around the time he posted a picture this evening of a swastika entwined with a Star Of David.

Today was a fairly wild day for West all around, even by the extraordinarily lax standards of what constitutes “wild” for a guy who’s been hatefully spiraling now for a couple of years/what feels like a significant chunk of our lives. Earlier today, West went on Alex Jones’ Infowars, where he achieved the seemingly impossible task of making Alex Jones come off as a pleading voice of moderation, calling for some measure of restraint in the face of West’s blunt assertion that Nazi leader Adolf Hitler had many commendable traits, and that he loves Jewish people and Nazis equally.

Which brings us back around to West’s Twitter, which has now been suspended (with West posting a shirtless picture of Musk as his final tweet, because there’s a level at which this is all theater and trolling, in addition to being a statement of a whole bunch of genuine antisemitic ideas.) The swastika-Star Of David thing appears to have been the final straw after a whole bunch of hedging; although Musk has claimed he didn’t personally push to have West return to Twitter after Musk over-paid to acquire the social media company in late October, he’s often portrayed himself as friendly with the rapper as part of his ongoing efforts to suck up to famous people make Twitter a more inclusive and welcoming space.

After the suspension, Musk issued a real “Gosh, who’d a thunk it’d turn out this way” statement his followers, writing that, “I tried my best. Despite that, he again violated our rule against incitement to violence.” And genuinely: Who’d a thunk?


  • kingofmadcows-av says:

    It would be kind of funny if Kanye did this to get out of his deal to buy Parler.

    • severaltrickpony-av says:

      Now, this is a conspiracy theory I can get behind!

    • bagman818-av says:

      Sure, that sounds like Kanye. Always thinking 10 moves ahead.*eye roll*

      • jallured1-av says:

        He’s playing 3-dimensional Go Fish.

        • igotlickfootagain-av says:

          I think he’s playing 3-D Uno, where he slowly loses things one at a time (his wife, his family, his sponsorships) until he has just one thing left (the clothes he stands in perhaps?) and can shout “Uno!” as loud as he likes.

    • soylent-gr33n-av says:

      Proving him to be smarter than Musk, at least when it comes to getting out of deals he shouldn’t have made

      • jallured1-av says:

        He was already out as of mid November. Let’s just admit he’s an anti semite, not some savvy genius with a coherent secret plan.

    • almightyajax-av says:

      According to the rumors, though, he was out of that before Thanksgiving. Maybe he forgot? He seems to have a lot on his mind lately.

    • theunnumberedone-av says:

      It’d be funny if him doing this didn’t embolden thousands of Nazis.

  • tigernightmare-av says:

    I’m curious just how many of the Twitter nazis loudly proclaiming Kanye as right these past few weeks are going to continue to dickride Elon, or turn against him because he refuses to embrace the spirit of the holocaust. I wish I’d never hear from any of these people for the rest of my life, though.

    • jgp1972-av says:

      Musk’s fans will never turn on him, no matter what he does-if he decides against West, they’ll then decide that West must be wrong.

      • tigernightmare-av says:

        For some, sure, but I’ve already witnessed a lot of, “So much for free speech,” from many of his followers. It’s some decent schadenfreude to see them turn on each other.

      • yawantpancakes-av says:

        Quick, someone post the meme!

      • browza-av says:

        GM CEO Mary Barra stopped posting to Twitter. I’ve enjoyed the pro-Musk posts calling her an idiot because she has GM fully invested in EVs.

      • yesidrivea240-av says:

        I’ve seen quite a few disavow their love for Kanye since yesterday. It’s a snowball effect, I expect to see more follow in the coming days and weeks.

    • jono21-av says:

      Elon Musk doesn’t really care about them. If that’s what they thought, then they were naive. At the end of the day, Elon cares about the bottom line and with the EU threatening to ban Twitter in Europe if they they don’t have consistent moderation policies, it was only a matter of time before he turned on them.

      • tigernightmare-av says:

        If Elon cared about the bottom line, there is a lot of evidence to the contrary, like driving away advertisers, or overpaying for Twitter by several billion dollars. Elon only cares about Elon, and he’s finding out just why his vision of a perfect Twitter is incompatible with why Twitter had those anti-nazi, anti-misinformation policies in the first place. I kinda hope he follows through on his threat to enter the smartphone market just to see how much worse a trainwreck can truly get. And the people who would buy a Musky™ would be some final girl multi venn diagram intersection who hate Jewish people yet think nazis are uncool, love Trump but hate Alex Jones, and paid $8 to be verified with 10 followers.

    • deb03449a1-av says:

      These people (online Nazis, Musk, Trump, etc) inevitably turn on each other, because they’re all awful people.

    • igotlickfootagain-av says:
  • bif67-av says:

    Oof. Kanye you moron, take your meds! He’s going off the deep end since his divorce from his tramp ex.  Guess his upcoming alimony payment is fueling the fire.

  • yellowfoot-av says:

    At this rate, I honestly think we’re no more than two weeks out from Kanye seriously injuring either himself or someone else. I hope some of his more likely targets recognize this and beef up security for awhile. Elon’s probably fine without guards though, he’s got his amazing sense of humor to disarm any threat.

    • yawantpancakes-av says:

      Most likely, injure himself. Kanye is as soft as baby shit.

    • south-of-heaven-av says:

      If I were Kim Kardashian I would be legitimately scared. Like I know her public persona sucks for a lot of reasons but her ex husband and father of her children is spiraling badly and he may attempt to lash out.

      • bagman818-av says:

        If Kim doesn’t have significant personal security already, I’d be shocked. And I’m pretty sure she already changed the locks.

      • yesidrivea240-av says:

        I absolutely despise the Kardashians, but I’m with you there. If not for her, for her kids. They shouldn’t have to deal with this at such a young age. As someone who comes from a seriously fucked up family, I worry about their mental health when they’re older.

      • jallured1-av says:

        People who suck don’t deserve to be murdered. I think we can all feel OK saying that without equivocating. 

      • brross-av says:

        He has been lashing out against her for awhile now. The issue that initiated this spiral seemed to be that he wasn’t allowed to unilaterally decide to pull them out of their school and make them attend his unaccredited scam academy, which he thinks he’s entitled to do against their best interest as their father

    • nilus-av says:

      I generally don’t encourage such thoughts but Kayne seems attached to Nick Fuentes and Milo Yiannopoulos lately so a murder suicide with this three would be a big net gain for humanity. 

  • it-has-a-super-flavor--it-is-super-calming-av says:

    AFAIK we’re talking about an African-American who apparently is friends with a white supremacist.
    Unless I’ve got that wrong, which I concede is possible, Kanye’s evidently not really thinking things through.

  • Axetwin-av says:

    I give it 24 hours before Musk personally walks back that ban citing something about “Free Speech” again.

    • thepetemurray-darlingbasinauthorithy-av says:

      Now, now, it’s free speech and comedy until someone changes their twitter handle to “Elon Musk Fondles Dogs”.

    • daveassist-av says:

      I don’t think so on this one. Ye managed to make Alex Jones look like the adult in the room, so we’re clearly on a twisted path, too twisted for even the likes of Musk’s sometimes free-speech policy.At some level, Musk has to answer to others whose money is also tied up in all of this, and doing things like allowing Ye’s conduct to go unanswered on Twitter may push them too far.

      • paezdishpencer-av says:

        Ye managed to make Alex Jones look like the adult in the room, so we’re clearly on a twisted pathAlex Jones? Adulting?? Not frothing about Gay Frogs and huckster testosterone pills?Wasn’t this the 5th sign in Revelations or something?

    • systemmastert-av says:

      Ye’s already posted screeenshots on Truth showing that this is a 12-hour suspension.  The “indefinitely” thing appears to be a plebe-pleasing fiction.

  • Logical-av says:

    Oh well. Kanye was given a chance and blew it.

    What’s funny about the reaction to Musk’s Twitter in general, is that everyone is complaining that it has become a hellscape yet all they can point to is certain people becoming unbanned they don’t like.

    Kanye is an example of the process working, although he’s so high profile that he wasn’t hard to miss. Where’s the test for unknown joeblow who does the same thing from their dark basement?

    I like what Musk is trying to do, in theory. I mean, getting suspended for deadnaming is about the dumbest thing I’ve ever seen. Next thing you know, you can be suspended for calling someone unattractive. However, nope, there needs to be a middle. Facebook had similar issues where they banned people for dumb stuff. They’ve got better.

  • reformedagoutigerbil-av says:

    Thank God I am a gerbil. I hear Musk fondles dogs.

  • weirdstalkersareweird-av says:

    SO fun to see absolute dipshits pulling the “oh, so we CAN’T say that Hitler had some good ideas?” card in 2022.We are the dumbest population alive.

    • zirconblue-av says:

      Hey, say what you will about Hitler, but at least he killed Hitler.

      • coatituesday-av says:

        Hey, say what you will about Hitler, but at least he killed Hitler.
        Ah! So THAT’s one of those “good ideas” Hitler had that Kanye mentioned.
        Fine, but was there another one?

      • preparationheche-av says:

        Or so the Germans would have us believe…

    • paezdishpencer-av says:

      Shit, as soon as I heard ‘free speech absolutist’ I knew we were about to see Voat 2.0…..just with a larger, more stupid crater effect.

      • weirdstalkersareweird-av says:

        Yep. These half-assed nihilist fuckos think that the height of freedom is being able to indiscriminately type textual diarrhea, and then argue about their right to do just that.

    • igotlickfootagain-av says:

      We need a new John Belushi to drive his car through crowds of Nazis.

  • killa-k-av says:

    Fuck Kanye West.

  • breadnmaters-av says:

    I thought Musk was gong to allow people to be their worst selves, so this comes as a surprise to me. My first thought was that this is just a performance the two are engaging in – to get everyone engaged and enraged.Wouldn’t be the first time.

  • sui_generis-av says:

    The final straw came when West tweeted out an image of a swastika, triggering Twitter’s “incitement to violence” rules
    I mean, if you look at the timeline technically the “final straw” was when he posted that photo of Musk…

  • fuckyou113245352-av says:

    free speech is dead. 

  • robert-moses-supposes-erroneously-av says:

    You know what? I think I’ve heard just about enough about these two dudes.

  • SquidEatinDough-av says:

    Immovable Mr. Free Speech meets unstoppable Mr. Edgelord with hilarious results

  • chrisschini-av says:

    I feel really bad for Kanye and anyone who has ever supported him (friends, family, fans). Dude is in a really bad headspace, and his vast resources have only isolated him further, so he can’t get the help he actually needs. Its really upsetting to watch a person come apart so publicly. My manic episode was the worst day of my life, and I didn’t have the complications of vast wealth and fame. This absolutely doesn’t justify his behavior, which is unconscionable, but I still feel for the guy.

  • kinjacaffeinespider-av says:

    Damn, Alex Jones thinks you need to chill.

  • ablazinbluetoe-av says:
  • eatshit-and-die-av says:

    I wish someone would just put a bullet in his fucking head.

  • necgray-av says:

    It’s time to pray.

  • coatituesday-av says:

    That swastika/Star of David mashup is weird, but not without precedent. I live in the south and I see a mess of flags that combine the US one and the Confederate one. Sometimes it’s a sort of one-fading-into-the-other design, and then there’s one that depicts a hand pulling the US flag up to reveal the Confederate one.Anyway, the sentiment behind those baffles me. Is the swastika/Star one saying that the two groups are now best buddies, or should be? and is the US/Confederate thing saying that we as a nation have to somehow combine the two (which I thought we did after the Civil War)?
    The one with the hand though, SEEMS to maybe say that when you pull aside America and look beneath, you get the CSA, and I’m not sure that’s inaccurate. I also think it might be a little too deep for whoever designed that flag but that’s just me.

    • razzle-bazzle-av says:

      Yeah, I wondered the same thing. I googled the image and it wasn’t quite what I was expecting. One could surmise it’s saying that Jewish people are the new Nazis? Or from the opposite end, that the Jews “won” in the end and are overtaking the Nazis? If West says he loves both grou, then I’m guessing it’s intended to express that. The article doesn’t indicate he did anything on Twitter other than post that image (and I guess a shirtless Musk) so I’m a little confused by the incitement thing.

  • docprof-av says:

    It’s good to know that the twitter moderation policy is apparently that if you tweet a swastika, the ceo of twitter will personally text you about it before suspending your account.Oh, and today the writer of the daily stormer had his account reinstated.

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