How does Andor fit into the Star Wars Universe?

Looking for some context as the new Disney Plus series begins? We’ll get you up to hyperspeed.

TV Features Darth Sideous
How does Andor fit into the Star Wars Universe?
(L-R): Luthen Rael (Stellan Skarsgard) and Cassian Andor (Diego Luna) in Andor Photo: Lucasfilm Ltd.

With every new Star Wars project that comes out, it gets a little more complicated keeping track of what’s going on in the galaxy. Like trying to figure out where the latest new streaming series, Andor, falls into that continuum. We know that most of the story takes place five years before the events of Rogue One, with the exception of some flashback scenes depicting Cassian’s (Diego Luna) childhood and adolescence. But what else do we need to know? What’s happening as the show begins? What are the characters we’ve known and loved up to? To help make things clear, we’ve focused on a handful of questions and answers that will provide the insight we need as Andor kicks off today with a three-episode series premiere.

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What’s the state of the rebellion?
Genevieve O’Reilly as Mon Mothma in Andor Image Lucasfilm

The Rebel Alliance won’t officially be formed for several years, but that doesn’t mean everyone is happy to be living under Imperial rule. Some folks are actually starting to do something about it. There are isolated groups of insurgents throughout the galaxy, especially in the mid and outer rims, where the Empire has less control. They’re mostly guerrilla fighters, operating independently on their home worlds or nearby systems. These include Saw Gerrera’s Partisans, who appeared in both Rogue One and the Rebels animated series. Though they share the same goals of restoring the Republic their methods are considered too extreme to be accepted by more moderate factions.During the year Andor is set there are two important figures working toward building a formal opposition movement. One of them is Senator Bail Organa, who has been keeping tabs on underground rebel activity through a network of intelligence operatives using the code name Fulcrum. The other is Senator Mon Mothma, who hasn’t yet given up on the idea of democracy and is trying to change the system from within as a member of the Imperial Senate. To protect her interests she outwardly supports the Empire, while secretly organizing those fighting against it. It’s around this time that Senators Organa and Mothma set out to unite the independent cells of the resistance under a single banner, which will eventually become the Alliance to Restore the Republic.


  • yawantpancakes-av says:

    I find your faith in slideshows disturbing.

  • stevennorwood-av says:

    “looking some…”? Come on…

  • undeadsinatra-av says:

    The last slide, thankfully, came through with the info I needed.  Had me worried there for a few.

  • kinjacaffeinespider-av says:

    Like a butt plug?

  • kinjacaffeinespider-av says:

    “Luke Skywalker is currently 14 years old, living on Tatooine with his Uncle Ben and Aunt Beru”
    So when did they switch from a rice paddy to a moisture farm?

  • apostkinjapocalypticwasteland-av says:

    I only have one note. At all times, every character needs to be asking, “Where’s Ahsoka?”

  • theotherglorbgorb-av says:

    How does Andor fit in? Well, I don’t need a slideshow to tell me he’s about the same age as he is in Rogue One. So, he fits in right before that movie. A spin-off of a spin-off.

  • 2sylabl-av says:

    “Who.” WHO are the characters we’ve known and loved.

  • bc222-av says:

    How old is Andor supposed to be in this? And how long ago are the childhood flashbacks? Because it sounds like in the flashbacks, the Republic is still in charge. but also… they’re worried the Republic ship is full of people who will kill the populace of the planet out of revenge?
    Also, I find it distracting how old Maarva looks like Glen Close playing Temple Grandin.

  • therealnerdrage-av says:

    This is just going to get more confusing from here on out. Somebody please make a timeline with all the events for us to keep track of, and when each series and movie begins and ends.

  • bakamoichigei-av says:

    It literally gives the year as 5 BBY on the screen as the first scene opens. Anyone who doesn’t already know all they need to from that isn’t going to give much more of a shit with all of this explained. 🤨

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