Andrew Garfield unconvincingly denies Spider-Man: No Way Home appearance after set image leaks

But he wouldn't know about the pictures because, as Garfield joked, it's not possible to see photos of yourself

Film News Andrew Garfield
Andrew Garfield unconvincingly denies Spider-Man: No Way Home appearance after set image leaks
Andrew Garfield Photo: Jeff Spicer

Andrew Garfield says those expecting an appearance from him in Marvel’s Spider-Man: No Way Home, will be greatly “disappointed.” In an interview with Jimmy Fallon on The Tonight Show last night, the host pressed the former Spider-Man about an “alleged” photo of him and Tobey Maguire on the set of the forthcoming installation. As Fallon brings up the image, Garfield gives an unconvincing eyebrow raise, before moving into denial that the image even exists.

“Not sure about that,” Garfield tells Fallon. Fallon then gestures to himself and the audience, “We are, we’re pretty sure about it. So, we know what’s up, do you know what’s up?”

Garfield’s NDA seemingly kicks into overdrive as all the actor can offer up is laughter, before he acting shocked that he will indeed be in Spider-Man: No Way Home.

“Have you seen the photo?” Fallon then asks.

“What are you talking about?” Garfield asks right back, running Fallon around in circles. To be fair, Fallon’s case is weakened by the lack of photo evidence, which has been scrubbed from the internet by Marvel agents. However, the leaked photos did depict Maguire and Garfield back in their Spider-Man suits on set for the film. “I heard about it, and I did see it” Garfield finally admits before taking on hater status by calling it photoshop.

Before the end of the interview Garfield lays the denial on thick, saying, “I think that Tom Holland is just the perfect Peter Parker and Spider-Man, so I’m just super stoked. I get to just like, be a fan again, which is my preferred position—to be able to sit in the audience and kind of go, ‘Yeah, you screwed up mate, you didn’t do it as well as you could have done, eh?’ I get to be that guy that’s just like, ‘Yeah, I don’t really love the suit… I get to be that person which is so much fun.’”

While he may or may not appear in the upcoming Spiderman: No Way Home, Garfield has a few verified projects on his slate this year. He stars opposite of Jessica Chastain in The Eyes Of Tammy Faye, which hits theaters this weekend. Garfield will also play Jon in the Lin Manuel Miranda-directed film adaptation of tick, tick… Boom!, which arrives in theaters in November.

Spider-Man: No Way Home will hit theaters on December 17, and the truth will finally be revealed. We know for a fact that Benedict Cumberbatch returns as Doctor Strange, with Alfred Molina reviving his role as Doc Ock, which only strengthens Maguire truther’s arguments about his role in the forthcoming film.


  • reglidan-av says:

    I am pretty sure that Andrew Garfield in no way prefers to be just a fan instead of getting paid tens of millions of dollars per movie to play the role.

    • theunnumberedone-av says:

      I think he’s alluding to the incredible emotional gauntlet getting such terrible movies for such a dream role would’ve been.

      • reglidan-av says:

        Yeah, I can see that.  I would also say that neither he nor Emma Stone were at all the problem with those movies and if they’d had better material to work with, they would have really shone in those roles.

        • theunnumberedone-av says:

          Yeah, they were pretty much the only thing that wasn’t a problem. I remember being fine with the first movie when it came out because I at least enjoyed their relationship and it spent a good amount of time on it.

        • kirivinokurjr-av says:

          As charming as Holland is, his version is a tad too nervous and I think Garfield’s version was the one I thought most closely resembled the Spiderman and the Peter Parker I knew from the comics and from the cartoon in terms of sense of humor/sarcasm/smart-aleckiness.

          • reglidan-av says:

            Yeah, the one thing that has never made the translation from the comics to the movies is the notion that Peter becomes much, much funnier in the Spider-Man costume, mostly to mask how frightened he is almost every time he goes into a fight.  Spider-Man fight scenes are some of the funniest comic book scenes I’ve ever read and I think that aspect of his character alone is the chief thing that made him the most popular character in the Marvel stable for decades.

        • captain-splendid-av says:

          As much as I like Maguire and Dunst, Stone and Garfield were better in the roles IMO.  As you said though, shame everything around them kinda stunk.

    • gargsy-av says:

      I like that you think he got paid anywhere near that amount of money.

      Are you retarded?

  • akabrownbear-av says:

    This is the worst kept secret in Hollywood. It’s not even clear to me anymore why they’re protecting it.

    • mimomisu-av says:

      As badly kept as the Mandarin appearance in Iron Man 3? 🙂

    • tossmidwest-av says:

      They’re trying to have their cake and eat it to, basically. They’re letting Andrew Garfield, Jamie Foxx, et al. give winks and hints without “officially” confirming, that way all the Extremely Online fans know they’ll be in the movie and they get excited and show up opening weekend. But since it’s not officially announced, they can maintain a sort of plausible deniability to market the movie as having big surprises and twists, which will hopefully help draw in people who would otherwise think it’s just like the other 8 Spider-Man movies that have already been released.

    • qwerty11111-av says:

      Because playing dumb gives Sony a marketing campaign that they don’t had to spend a dime on. If they acknowledged Garfield is in the movie back when it leaked, AV Club’s not writing articles about his interview today and we’re off discussing something else.

      • akabrownbear-av says:

        Eh I don’t really agree. I think this movie having the cast it supposedly has is going to be big news and there is going to be tons of press and fanfare around it no matter what. This article would have still been written, it would have just been about Garfield reflecting on how happy he is to give his character closure or something like that. Because AV Club has article minimums and they definitely would have done a quick and dirty write-up on whatever Garfield says about what’s sure to be one of the biggest movies of the year.And Sony is spending money on their campaign – they have a trailer and commercials and those will ramp up as the release approaches.

      • gargsy-av says:

        “If they acknowledged Garfield is in the movie back when it leaked, AV Club’s not writing articles about his interview today and we’re off discussing something else.”

        Yeah, if that happened AVClub would be discussing the studio’s confirmation that Garfield is in it.

    • capnandy-av says:

      Because even if there’s the tiniest shred of doubt in your mind, you’ll pop when they show up on screen. See also: AEW waving around great big neon signs reading WE SIGNED CM PUNK, EVERYONE COME WATCH HIS FIRST APPEARANCE BUT SHHH, IT’S A SECRET and the crowd and TV audiences still losing their goddamn minds, because what if you’ve been played? what if they’re gonna disappoint you?

      • sinister-portent-av says:

        I’ve seen the pictures and the video. I’m pretty much beyond doubt. I’ll still pop when they show up. On my TV, because I’m not going to any theaters until the PS5 is readily available in stores at the earliest.When I heard the rumors, I thought they were dumb, and also never going to happen. Now I am super excited. Such a fanboy. 

      • TRT-X-av says:

        It’s exactly this. Like, everybody kinda assumed Mysterio was going to be the bad guy…but the trailers leaned hard in to “no no this is Mysterio from an alternate universe.”So there was the CHANCE this was a good Mysterio and there’d be an evil one at some point. But there were also a handful of us who pegged the “he’s a bad guy and it’s all an illusion!” from the start.The only part I missed on was that I thought he’d be working with Tinkerer rather than his team of misfits (And Peter Billingsly)But we still didn’t know because there were all kinds of different ways it could go.

    • chris-finch-av says:

      It’s almost as though they’re…marketing it.

    • krismerrells-av says:

      I wonder if/suspect that their appearances may be little more than brief cameos, which would make them want to downplay it as much as possible, to temper the disappointment.

    • croig2-av says:

      Because it’s still a long way until December. The first trailer just dropped.  Assuming it’s true, if they are not planning to keep it secret until the release I would expect a Nov trailer to finally reveal it.

    • hamiltonistrash-av says:

      the normals who don’t read entertainment news will not be spoiled.
      so, 98%-99% of the rest of everyone else

    • anathanoffillions-av says:

      Mark Ruffalo spoiling MCU movies became such a thing that it’s turned into a perpetual dance of non-disclosure, just enjoy how charming millionaires can be when not trying to endanger their meal ticket

      • captain-splendid-av says:

        Look at Mr. Big Shot over here, gets to piss on his boss’ desk every morning unlike the rest of us plebes.

    • printthelegend-av says:

      I think Warner Bros. actually had the right idea with regards to this stuff. They know they can’t hide it, so they’re just “Yeah Michael Keaton is back and it’s gonna be rad.”

    • cosmicghostrider-av says:

      I mean, if it was in the trailer would you be as excited? I’d rather they deny it until the day comes and then be mindblown that it’s true having grown up on the Maguire films. But realistically if Doc Ock was a teaser end tag that has to mean there are greater surprises to be had in the film.

      Tbh I’d love it to be true but I’d rather they completely deny it otherwise.

      Why spoil a movie before it comes out? What is this, the Spider-Man: Homecoming trailer??

    • sockpanther-av says:

      Free publicity

    • TRT-X-av says:

      Because I think there’s something more to this than just alternate Spiders-Man.Like, there’s nothing saying Molina, Foxx, and DaFoe can’t just be this universes Doc, Electro, and Goblin.And just like Far From Home ran with “No seriously Mysterio is a good guy!” right up until it hit theaters, it’s entirely possible there’s a similar spin on the original lore in this.Like, everybody expects it to be three alt-universe Spider-Man, but what if Tobey and Garfield are playing completely different people? Afterall, variants can be anyone/anything.

  • chris-finch-av says:

    Knowing they wouldn’t have asked him about it if he couldn’t talk about it, and knowing they wouldn’t have aired it if he truly couldn’t talk about it…I’m exhausted.At this point I’m hoping all the cameos will be part of some front-loaded meta joke that the movie quickly abandons, like Goldmember. That’s how broken I am by today’s media landscape: I want more movies to crib from Goldmember’s book.

    • mifrochi-av says:

      I watched Goldmember on a transatlantic flight, when I was kind of punchy and exhausted. For the first five minutes I tried to stifle my uncontrollable gales of laughter, so as not to frighten the other passengers, and my wife became concerned that I was having a stroke. Then, fortunately for all of us, the last 90 minutes of Goldmember began, and uncontrollable laughter was no longer an issue. 

      • hamiltonistrash-av says:

        a script so bad even Michael Caine couldn’t salvage it

        • mifrochi-av says:

          Did Goldmember have the scene where the subtitles were partially obscured by the background, so it looked like they were dirty words? Because that was a really unique concept that lost a bunch in execution and lost a whole lot more when the characters acknowledged the existence of the subtitles and explained what was happening for the audience. 

        • dirtside-av says:

          It does have the single best line in the entire trilogy, though:“There are only two things I can’t stand in this world: People who are intolerant of other people’s cultures… and the Dutch.”

    • yellowfoot-av says:

      This would be fantastic. We know from the Hawkeye trailer that there’s Avengers media within the MCU, so maybe a movie within a movie is possible.Even better would be a visible Spiderman fandom that has people cosplaying in the streets. It makes sense to play up the protest part of revealing his identity, but there are definitely still fans out there. They could have Maguire and Garfield fighting over whose homemade suit is better and how to best shoot webbing

    • labbla-av says:

      All the Spider-Men and crossover villains die in the first 30 minutes. 

    • macthegeek-av says:

      The “X-Force from Deadpool 2″ vibe is running strongly here.

    • libbing-av says:

      Or all the other times the MCU comically subverted the idea of interdimensional sheniagans and crossovers? Would be funny to see the fans’ reaction to their overblown expectations dashed yet again.

    • egwenealvere-av says:

      Austin Powers basically predicted today’s media landscape, so you’re not far off!

  • kuntasbouncedcheck-av says:

    At this point, are they paying the Into The Spiderverse people a commission?  Seems awfully convenient that ITS is a gigantic hit with the genius idea of bringing different takes on the character together and now the MCU is basically doing the same.  Or is it just me?  Also Spiderham > a bunch of very similar white dudes.

  • kinjacaffeinespider-av says:

    As long as that’s all he’s unconvincingly denying. That is all he’s unconvincingly denying, isn’t it?

  • brickstarter-av says:

    Sony corporate: Listen, Garfield, you can’t let anyone know you’re in the new Spider-man movie because then no one will want to see it.

  • kirivinokurjr-av says:

    I don’t understand how he’s responding this way after four years of exposure to the Sean Spicer/Sarah Huckabee Sanders masterclass in shamelessly lying through one’s teeth.

  • arriffic-av says:

    I’m going to put myself out there for ridicule and state that I loved him in the role.

  • coldsavage-av says:

    I don’t have a ton of sympathy for celebrities, but I do in this case. I imagine Garfield, everyone on Justice League, everyone on Avengers, etc. must get really exhausted by a ton of media outlets trying to prod them daily for a scoop. At worst, they can break an NDA, get irritated and act out, reveal a major plot point/surprise that ruins the enjoyment for many… and at best they can come off as a tight-lipped, shitty interview. What is the incentive for them to even participate, beyond the contractual obligation? And if they are only doing your show because they have to, why not try to generate a little good will and ask some softball questions about the movie and then some questions about their personal interests.And as a fan who used to scour the internet for pics of PS and N64 games in development, I get it. But I also personally reached a point where its like, whatever happens in this movie happens. I am not going to see/skip it based on whether Tobey Maguire is in it. I would rather just be surprised.Tangentially related, Fallon tends to come off as the person playing Never Have I Ever who tries reallllllly hard to get someone to reveal something deep and personal that no one else knows while playing. After awhile, that just gets exhausting and I came to realize that almost everyone who had that bent while playing was a shitty person.

  • haggispuddin-av says:

    I know Fallon is famous for breaking up in skits from his SNL days, but what’s with the fake laughter in his late night show? I think it was the Vic Berger video that made it so I can’t help but notice how often he doubles over in fake laughter.

  • blippman-av says:

    Since he’s been asked this in every interview he’s done while promoting his movie I’m sure that totally means he’s telling the truth and this isn’t part of some planned PR move to make sure he always gets asked about it.

  • gargsy-av says:

    “Before the end of the interview Garfield lays the denial on thick, saying, “I think that Tom Holland is just the perfect Peter Parker and Spider-Man, so I’m just super stoked. I get to just like, be a fan again, which is my preferred position—to be able to sit in the audience and kind of go, ‘Yeah, you screwed up mate, you didn’t do it as well as you could have done, eh?’ I get to be that guy that’s just like, ‘Yeah, I don’t really love the suit… I get to be that person which is so much fun.’””

    Which part of that is a denial being laid on thing?

  • anthonypirtle-av says:

    This clip just reminds me of how little I enjoy watching Fallon.

  • hootiehoo2-av says:

    I wonder which of the Peter Parkers dies. I’m guessing it’s Andrew since he means the least but Toby would be a better gut punch.Hopefully both Toby and Andrew ask Tom why is he crying over Iron fucking man when his parents are dead and oh yeah some guy who taught him about great power and responsibility is also dead.As always fuck Iron-man and Marvel/Disney for making Spider-man a fucking side kick. He is fucking Spider-man the only hero for years that could make more money or as much of a impact as the big 2 (Supes and Bats).

    • mifrochi-av says:

      Peter Parker describing Captain America as “some kid from Brooklyn” is a rock-solid joke, and 100% of the interaction I wanted to see between Spider-Man and the Avengers. He’s so much better of a character than the rest of the franchise. But who knows, maybe Kamala Khan will have her powers for like ten minutes before Brie Larson shows up. 

    • galvatronguy-av says:

      I’m no therapist, but “buck up, remember you already lost your father and your adoptive father, what’s another father-figure dying? Nothing!” probably isn’t an effective strategy for helping a person cope with grief.

      • hootiehoo2-av says:

        Well maybe don’t fucking make Tony his father figure! It added nothing to the story but make a bunch of new fan boys happy Iron man got more screen time. RDJ was great as Iron man but that fucker screwed up Marvel’s best character Spider-man so fucking much. 

        • TRT-X-av says:

          Well maybe don’t fucking make Tony his father figure!
          He lost his parents and his uncle at a young age…you don’t think he’d latch on to someone like Tony as a father figure in the absence of any other immediate role models?

        • galvatronguy-av says:

          I’m just telling you why they’re probably not gonna ask Tom why he’s crying over Iron Man, don’t shoot the messenger, I didn’t right these things 

    • TRT-X-av says:

      Hopefully both Toby and Andrew ask Tom why is he crying over Iron
      fucking man when his parents are dead and oh yeah some guy who taught
      him about great power and responsibility is also dead.
      Because by the time we’ve met this version of Peter, Uncle Ben has been dead for a while, as have his parents…while Tony’s still a relatively fresh wound.He doesn’t have to be openly weeping to still miss his parents and Ben, but when we see him in Far From Home they’ve *just* gotten back from Endgame.

  • kateshow-av says:

    Ugh, I was really hoping we’d never see Garfield near a Spider-Man role again. He played the role all wrong to me.

  • fronzel-neekburm-av says:

    I hear he’s actually playing Khan. 

  • dirtside-av says:

    I like Andrew Garfield as an actor, but his normal speaking voice sounds like a fake English accent.

  • monsterdook-av says:

    I mean, we already know BATMAN is going to be in it too, so why try to deny it?

  • etruwanonanon-av says:

    Can you believe this movie is only a few months away?!? Eeeekkkk!

  • Ken-Moromisato-av says:

    What I want to know is if Supaidaman will be in this movie

  • nogelego-av says:

    I got a Jon Davis’ House alert for this?

  • AgedReason-av says:

    I would just do every press-junket wearing a T-shirt that reads: “NDA” maybe also: “SHH”

  • macthegeek-av says:

    Boy, aren’t we all going to feel dumb when we find out that Garfield’s cameo isn’t in No Way Home at all, but gets spliced into Multiverse of Madness instead.

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