With precious time ticking away, Cillian Murphy is up for 28 Years Later

In the latest blow to 28 Days Later fans, it seems like 28 Months Later is off the table

Aux News Cillian Murphy
With precious time ticking away, Cillian Murphy is up for 28 Years Later
Cillian Murphy Screenshot: DNA Films

It’s been 16 years since 28 Weeks Later, and we’re still waiting for an update. 28 months have come and gone without so much as a mention, which leads us to wonder, won’t someone please think of the 28 Days Later fans? Thankfully, with the imminent release of Oppenheimer, interviewers finally have a reason to prod Cillian Murphy about his oft-forgotten zombie-adjacent hit as it languished for more than a decade without another sequel. It’s heartbreaking when you think about it. Anyway, he finally has an answer, sort of. Per Collider, Murphy is “up” for another round of rage runners and recently talked to director Danny Boyle about it. However, he didn’t mention what Boyle thought of his idea—only that Murphy reminded Boyle of how long it’s been since they shot the movie.

“I was talking to Danny Boyle recently, and I said, ‘Danny, we shot the movie at the end of 2000,’” Murphy told Collider. “So I think we’re definitely approaching the 28 Years Later. But like I’ve always said, I’m up for it. I’d love to do it. If Alex [Garland] thinks there’s a script in it and Danny wants to do it, I’d love to do it.”

As nice as it was for Murphy to remind Boyle how long it’s been since they shot, his response doesn’t really offer any new information. Thankfully, screenwriter Alex Garland gave the goods to Inverse last week. Apparently, he and Boyle are “seriously” talking about it. “A few years ago, an idea materialized in my head for what would be really 28 Years Later,” Garland told Inverse. “Danny always liked the idea.”

“So we’re talking about it quite seriously, quite diligently. If [Boyle] doesn’t want to direct it himself, I’ll be well up for it if we can execute a similarly good idea.”

If our calculations are correct, Murphy, Garland, and Boyle have precisely seven years to figure this out. Because once the 28th anniversary of the film passes, no one will want to see this thing.

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