Bad news, perverts: Idris Elba didn’t play Knuckles, a cartoon echidna in a kids movie, as “sexy”

Unfortunately for die-hard Sonic and Elba fans, the CGI character will not be intentionally hot

Film Features Idris Elba
Bad news, perverts: Idris Elba didn’t play Knuckles, a cartoon echidna in a kids movie, as “sexy”
Elba, left, considering how to ignore the obvious sex appeal of Knuckles, right. Photo: John Phillips

Before the release of the Sonic The Hedgehog movie, we underwent a long period where the film’s creators made us look at different versions of the titular ‘hog’s cartoon design, testing our willingness to watch their blue devil (and his teeth) race across theater screens. The furor over this aspect of the video game character neatly overwhelmed the internet, stopping Sonic’s die-hard fans from making their voices heard on a question of far greater importance to their community: Would Sonic be sexy?

Now, without any good way to avoid this topic going forward, Sonic The Hedgehog 2 is having to address it head-on by having one of its stars, Idris Elba, get out in front of the issue and declare that, no, Knuckles The Echidna was not played “sexy.”

Screen Rant was given this important information in a recent interview where Elba was asked “about how his history of debonair English characters would play into his Knuckles performance.” The actor, knowing that the best way to break bad news to Sonic’s sprawling community of pervert fans is by being direct, answered:

“Honestly, I cannot say. Contractually, I cannot say anything. But I wouldn’t say he was sexy. I don’t think I’m going for that. That’s for sure.”

Whether Elba is “going for that” or not is, of course, going to be a bit besides the point. The internet is capable of getting hot and bothered over everyone/thing from Venom and Thanos to that robot from the Lost In Space reboot. The cartoon version of an Australian creature renowned for being the only egg-laying mammal and mating in “train” formation shouldn’t be much of a challenge.

Our only hope is the fact that even Elba—a notably sexy dude playing a character beloved by a vibrant community of drooling sickos— couldn’t manage to make the humanial freak he portrayed in the 2019 Cats hot enough to capture the world’s hearts. Maybe his intentionally unsexy Knuckles will also escape attention.

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