Take a tour through the Barbie Dream House with Margot Robbie

The Barbie press tour continues with an Architectural Digest tour of the Dream House courtesy Margot Robbie

Aux Features Barbie
Take a tour through the Barbie Dream House with Margot Robbie
Barbie Screenshot: Warner Bros. Pictures/YouTube

The Barbie press tour is the gift that keeps on giving and giving and giving. Just when you think they can’t possibly slay any harder, Margot Robbie is giving an Architectural Digest tour of the Barbie Dream House. Has any film understood its audience better, and marketed so completely effectively?

Well, who cares about other movies—we’re in Barbie lockdown. And what a delight it would be to be locked in the Barbie Dreamhouse, where everything is beautiful and nothing hurts. (Literally!) The new AD video is in part a genuine tour led by Robbie, pointing out her favorite things about her perfect pink plastic set. At the top of the list is the swirly slide down to the fake pool (there is no water in Barbie Land—or any other element for that matter—but the pool is gorgeous nonetheless).

Margot Robbie Takes You Inside The Barbie Dreamhouse | Architectural Digest

Other notable features include the kitchen stocked partially with “real” tools and partially with flat decals à la a genuine Barbie toy, and a magical wardrobe meant to rival cinema’s previous pinnacle of the genre (Clueless, natch). Best of all, the Barbie houses are all see-through so all the Barbies can wave at each other and call out their good-nights every day. There is a true sense of community in Barbie Land!

The other part of the video is behind-the-scenes nitty gritty from director Greta Gerwig, production designer Sarah Greenwood, and set designer Katie Spencer. A lot of thought and research went into designing Barbie Land, which is evident from the set’s timeless, artificial beauty. Gerwig waxes poetic about ’50s musicals and the color pink, both of which were crucial elements for building this set from the ground up. (The film infamously used up the world’s supply of pink paint.) “Walking into those environments and feeling the kind of artistry and the love and the playfulness, it just was so exciting,” gushes Ryan Gosling, teeming with Ken-ergy.

The attention to detail in this Barbie campaign is really bar none—the new French poster that mimics a classic snapshot of Barbra Streisand and Elliot Gould is yet another example of the Barbie team just getting it. The end of the road is nearly upon us as the July 21 premiere draws closer, but the journey to Barbie alone may be worth the price of admission. See you at the Dream House!


  • kinjacaffeinespider-av says:

    Hey, there’s a “real” tool in the kitchen!

  • liebkartoffel-av says:

    “Walking into those environments and feeling the kind of artistry and the love and the playfulness, it just was so exciting,” gushes Ryan Gosling, teeming with Ken-ergy.Stop trying to make “Ken-ergy” happen. It’s not going to happen.

  • milligna000-av says:

    Not really much of a homage, is it?

  • cosmicghostrider-av says:

    I’m going to share my secret:

    I haven’t watched a film trailer since roughly around Infinity War.
    I didn’t know Black Widow was blonde going into the film.
    I didn’t watch the Vol 3 or Thor 4 trailers – loved both (Vol 3 way more)
    And I just bought Pokemon Scarlet and I went a whole year without looking at any of the new Pokemon.

    I’m not trying to be stuck up I just have noticed I’ve been enjoying things a lot more than people who are engrossed spoiler culture (modern trailers do spoil I don’t care what people say, there is such thing as “aesthetic spoilers” – for example I had no idea what Omnipotent City was gonna look like in Thor and I’m a lot happier about that).

    I remember watching the trailers for Thor and Infinity War after seeing the film and thinking “well shit this is just a front-to-back highlight reel of the entire film”.

    I didn’t see the trailer for Wakanda Forever until afterward either. You have no idea how hard I laughed when they spoiled the first-shot in the new costumer at the end of the trailer. You realize that was at the end of the film right? Trailers ha ve no shame anymore the last half hour used to be off limits for trailers.

    This is my long way of saying if you actually wanna see Barbie and you’ve watched the trailers, then I feel sorry for your unevolved mind that thinks it needs spoilers to enjoy things more (when the truth is your just impatient af cuz u know ur gonna see it regardless).

    Is Spider-Verse any good? I haven’t seen a lick of promotional material.

    • nilus-av says:

      Are you okay? This is like your forth post about trailers on this article. Including one where you respond to yourself…twice?Anyways Spider-verse is great. Both of them. Second one ends in a massive cliff hanger which was not telegraphed in the trailer but if you don’t know its coming may tick you off. Similar to how some people felt after seeing Fellowship of the Rings.

  • cosmicghostrider-av says:

    The MCU started a trend with trailers where they just dump the entire film in the trailer so that parents watching with their kids have a full scope of what they’re in for when they buy a ticket. It makes A LOT of sense. Go look at the original trailer for Spider-Man: Homecoming. It featured front to back every major beat of that film. The trailer had a lot of clips from the Ferry Scene followed by a clip of Stark on a rooftop taking the suit away and the trailer (no shame) ended with a clip of Spider-Man’s final fight with vulture wearing the home-made suit….. that’s… not cool.

    Other blockbusters have somewhat adopted this to, I’m just saying if you actually want to see Barbie, don’t spoil the aesthetic with all the marketing material. Tis a fool’s errand.

    • cosmicghostrider-av says:

      Did anyone else think “hey I’ve seen this before” when they watched Thor, yah maybe don’t watch MCU trailers anymore. You’ll thank yourself later.

      • cosmicghostrider-av says:

        Is there a prize I don’t know about that they hand you at the theatres for knowing an entire film before you see it? The only reason I can deduce for people dissecting trailers is: “bored with ones life, needs this earlier than the date.”

  • nilus-av says:

    Okay but where does Barbie shit? That is what we want to see in this movie. Multiple scenes of Margo Robbie dressed as a kids toy taking long hard dumps into a pink toilet while everyone in her magical work watches because there are no walls! Are you telling me this was cut from the movie? Those cowards!!! Its what the people want to see!!!! Robbie, Barbie, pink toilet, long hard coils of shit!!! Give the people what they want Greta!!!Note to all the haters who will respond to this. I know the truth. Every comment you make I am just going to read as “YES, I WANT BARBIE SHITS TOO!” and will add it as another signature on my online internet petition to get the Barbie Shit cut released and incorporated in the Snyder-verse!

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