Bassem Youssef says he and James Gunn are cool over Superman: Legacy “fiasco”

Youssef went on social media this weekend to say he's talked to Gunn about being dropped from Superman: Legacy, calling the incident an "honest oversight"

Aux News Bassem Youssef
Bassem Youssef says he and James Gunn are cool over Superman: Legacy “fiasco”
Bassem Youssef Photo: Paul Morigi

There’s no beef between comedian and actor Bassem Youssef and Superman: Legacy director/king of all D.C. Comics movies James Gunn, apparently. Which is worth noting since, earlier this week, Youssef made headlines with a series of interviews he gave (most notably in Salon) where he talked about losing out on a part in Gunn’s upcoming Superman reboot—and the ways the timing of his rejection from the role seemed to line up with some public comments that he’d made in support of Palestine amidst the ongoing Israel-Hamas war. Now, Youssef has made it clear that he and Gunn have since talked through the series of events that led him to no longer be associated with the project, saying he believes the way it was handled was now an “honest oversight.”

Youssef made his statement in a video on social media, which he said was intended to clear the air and give his untainted version of events. (Especially since he’s apparently already filmed another interview, before this all blew up, in which he told a similar story, which will air next week.) In short, Youssef says he sent in a taped audition to Gunn a day before the SAG-AFTRA strike began in 2023, which led to a one-on-one “chemistry” call with Gunn that seemed to confirm he’d gotten the part of Rumaan Harjavti in the film. Then, though, the strike shut everything down—notably before any further camera tests could be shot, or contracts signed. From Youssef’s perspective, he then went on Piers Morgan’s show a few months later, in a broadcast that aired on October 17, to talk about Palestine—and almost immediately got a call that the script for Superman had been changed, and that his part had been removed.

Gunn has, through his own social media presence, endorsed accounts that say the script had already been altered, and Youssef’s part cut, in September, before the October 7th attack of Israel by Hamas; he doesn’t appear to discount, though, that Youssef didn’t hear about any of this until after he’d been on Piers Morgan. And, in Youssef’s accounting, Gunn apparently said he understood why the comedian might’ve made the connections that he did. (He also notes, as sources indicated to us this week, that Gunn didn’t consider Youssef officially cast in the film at any point, since the strike had interrupted that normal process.) And while Youssef does hedge just a bit (saying “I hope there was nothing else but that” behind any of the decisions), and he does say he believes the entire thing was “mishandled,” he makes it clear that he bears no ill-will toward Gunn or anyone else involved in the “fiasco.”

Superman: Legacy is currently scheduled for a July 11, 2025 release date.

[via Deadline]


  • thepetemurray-darlingbasinauthorithy-av says:

    Bassem seems like a swell dude, and I hope he gets some work – preferably something better than a – good lord – a DCU film. 

    • oceanpullsmeclose-av says:

      As a *checks notes* military dictator of a Libya expy nation.(LOL I didn’t need to check my notes, I read JLI, I’m cultured and knowledgeable

  • tiger-nightmare-av says:

    Two lessons. 1, don’t complain publicly if you never had papers signed. 2, always doubt the Snyder cult’s agenda.

  • hiemoth-av says:

    What is a little bit weird for me in the whole thing is Youssef at the end expressing that the situation was just mishandled and how he doesn’t blame anyone for the fiasco as I genuinely don’t know what exactly anyone here could be held accountable for?If he takes Gunn at his word, then the changes to the script already existed and furthermore not only had there not been any formal offers, he hadn’t even done a camera test. So after all that for him to have gone in interviews to make such allegations, it is wild that he is still making it seem like he was still a victim of something in this situation.

  • refinedbean-av says:

    I don’t think this guy would’ve made a good Superman anyway

  • geoffv2-av says:

    Very frustrating that he still says “I hope there was nothing else but that” when caught lying about the reason he didn’t get a part. Just accept defeat gracefully instead of trying to pretend it was about something else to get yourself hired!

  • akhippo-av says:

    Somebody sat him down and explained that acting like he’s the victim of real world events when he isn’t, will not get his bills paid. And that just maybe cozying up to Piers Morgan isn’t the career track that he should take.  

  • murrychang-av says:

    Well thank god I can finally get some sleep!

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