Leslie Grace shared some behind-the-scenes Batgirl footage on social media

If Warner Bros. Discovery isn't going to release Batgirl, at least we can enjoy it in two-second clips

Aux News Batgirl
Leslie Grace shared some behind-the-scenes Batgirl footage on social media
A photo from the set of Batgirl in Scotland Photo: Jeff J Mitchell

It’s been nearly two months since Warner Bros. Discovery revolutionized the film industry by realizing that you can make more money off of a movie by throwing it in the garbage than by releasing it, with Adil El Arbi and Bilall Fallah’s Batgirl movie losing its release on HBO Max so the studio can put it on a shelf as a tax write-off. As far as we know, very few people have actually seen anything from the movie since then, save for anyone who attended one of the secret “funeral screenings” that the studio held over the summer, but Batgirl star Leslie Grace has decided to just go ahead and start releasing some footage herself on TikTok… though she’s strictly sticking to behind-the-scenes clips that were recorded during production.

Still, it’s cool to see something related to this movie that we may never get to see in full, though you’ll have to click over to TikTok (via The Hollywood Reporter) to see it. In the string of clips, Grace shows off some decidedly The Batman-esque eye makeup, a few fight scenes (including a well-choreographed knife attack), and a final shot of her having some fun in costume (with a cool pair of Bat-goggles that weren’t in the original suit teaser and some graffiti that looks a bit like the Penguin).

In addition to Grace, the movie would’ve featured Michael Keaton’s Batman (seemingly setting this in the Burtonverse), J.K. Simmons’ Commissioner Gordon (seemingly setting this in the Snyderverse), and Brendan Fraser as the villain Firefly (seemingly setting this in the Fraserssance that we’re all currently living in). Speaking of Fraser, he recently said that Batgirl getting shelved was the “canary in the coal mine” for major studios deciding to reconsider the benefits of spending a bunch of money on a movie that will exclusively go on streaming. (You know, we’re not obvious geniuses like Warner Bros. Discovery boss David Zaslav, but at a certain point you’d think that putting it on a paid VOD platform would at least get some money from people who were curious or who wanted to support the work of the cast and crew.)


  • soylent-gr33n-av says:

    You know, we’re not obvious geniuses like Warner Bros. Discovery boss David Zaslav, but at a certain point you’d think that putting it on a paid VOD platform would at least get some money from people who were curious or who wanted to support the work of the cast and crew.The cast and crews’ moms’ subscriptions really aren’t going to outweigh whatever tax write-off WarnerDiscovery or whatever they’re called got for shelving this. Sucks, because the fight rehearsal she shared looked good and I’d love to see Bat-anyone doing more hand-to-hand brawling à la Daredevil.

    • ageeighty-av says:

      Yeah, Sam, as usual, doesn’t get it. They used the film for a tax writeoff. If they released it now, they’d have committed tax fraud.I don’t like it any more than him, but they can’t release the film now.

      • realgenericposter-av says:

        I mean, within a reasonable time they could probably amend and return whatever the write-off was, but they are unlikely to do that.

      • nilus-av says:

        They can release it, they’d just have to file an amended return with the IRS and pay more taxes. Also they can still release it in the future but again, would have to declare that to the IRS. It’s only fraud if you don’t tell the IRS(and don’t pay them)

        • ageeighty-av says:

          None of which is likely, or going, to happen.

          • nilus-av says:

            Not any time soon but potential after the current CEO gets the boot it’s possible new leadership may opt to release it. I’m not holding my breath or anything but I do feel like it will eventually get released. 

          • ageeighty-av says:

            Said new leadership would have to financially justify not only releasing the film, but also paying back the tax break with no guarantee of the film ever making a return on it. Now that the tax break has been received, any payback of it would go on a future year’s, and a future CEO’s, books. They’d have to be really confident that movie is great and would make them a lot of money.

    • macintux-av says:

      I canceled my subscription over Zaslav’s heavy-handed scythe, but that’s a mere drop in the bucket.

    • cosmicghostrider-av says:

      Your post assumes the world is racist. My dad caught wind of this yesterday and immediately he was like “so they’re going forward with Ezra Miller and not this girl, I think that’s racist”.

    • cosmicghostrider-av says:

      so fuck you more than there Moms are watching it is what I’m trying to say. Go fuck yourself.

  • mckludge-av says:

    realizing that you can make more money off of a movie by throwing it in the garbage than by releasing itNo, you can’t make more, but you can lose less.

  • loopychew-av says:

    I want more of Leslie Grace as Batgirl on the motorized kids’ horse ride.

  • apostkinjapocalypticwasteland-av says:

    Was there any connection to the DWDCU (otherwise known as the Darlingverse)? If so, I want, nay, DEMAND the WildeCut.

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