Benedict Cumberbatch’s home terrorized by a man brandishing a fish knife

The home Benedict Cumberbatch shares with his wife Sophie Hunter was reportedly damaged by an intruder wielding a strange and unique weapon

Aux News Benedict Cumberbatch
Benedict Cumberbatch’s home terrorized by a man brandishing a fish knife
Benedict Cumberbatch Photo: Joe Maher

In an invasion of privacy that certainly aligns with the Doctor Strange name, Benedict Cumberbatch’s home was reportedly damaged recently by a man who cursed Cumberbatch’s name while brandishing a fish knife. The A.V. Club has reached out to Cumberbatch’s representation for comment.

The Guardian identifies the disgruntled intruder as 34-year-old Jack Bissell, a chef who once presided over the five-star Beaumont Hotel restaurant in Mayfair, London. Per court documents obtained by The Guardian, Bissell “pulled a plant from the garden and threw it at the wall” before he “spat at the property’s intercom and attacked it using the fish knife.” At the time of the incident, Cumberbatch was reportedly in the residence with his wife, Sophie Hunter, and their three children; thankfully, no one was harmed. Cumberbatch has yet to publicly comment on the reported incident.

“I know you’ve moved here, I hope it burns down,” Bissell allegedly said at one point, after kicking open the home’s front garden gate.

Although he fled the scene, Bissell was identified by DNA he left on the intercom, The Daily Mail reports. During the trial, the prosecution also reportedly alleged that before the attack, Bissell had told a shopkeeper point blank that he planned to “break in[to] and burn down Cumberbatch’s house.”

After pleading guilty to a charge of criminal damage at Wood Green Crown Court in London on May 10, Bissell was fined £250 (just under $310 in U.S. currency) and given a three-year restraining order forbidding him from going near Cumberbatch, Cumberbatch’s family, and the area where they live. Per The Daily Mail, Bissell offered no defense for his actions (and no explanation for his unique choice of weapon).


  • mykinjaa-av says:

    Front page censored the “u” in his name. LOL!

  • mifrochi-av says:

    Dude was a chef, so he probably knew that fish knives (ie, knives used for filleting fish) are long, lightweight, and very sharp. The idea of getting stabbed or cut with one is making me a bit weak in the knees. But now I have to wonder, from the way the article is written… Did somebody think a “fish knife” is a knife made from a fish? Or a knife with a fish on it? 

    • chris-finch-av says:

      It says how far this site’s fallen that the author could neither muster the energy to go on an extended “so is it like a single fish carved down into knife shape, or lots of fish meat constituted into a knife shape like a fishstick?” jag, nor simply google “fish knife.”

    • anathanoffillions-av says:

      in eXistenZ Cronenberg introduced a fish gun, maybe that?

    • bookfisher-av says:

      Now given this is a chef, I would bet on the kitchen tool as well, but a fish knife can also be the knife cutlery you use when you eat fish the fancy way , and those are indeed weird – and not that good for eating fish, if you are using one of those you almost deserves to get a stab in, so it is kept sporting* *dont actually be sporting towards knife or other weapons touting psychos

    • dremiliolizardo-av says:

      There are two kinds of fish knives that I am aware of. One is a thin, sharp blade made for filleting and the other is short, very dull, and meant to be used at the table.I feel like this is a really important distinction here.

  • chris-finch-av says:

    A fish knife is just a skinnier blade, good for filleting a fish. It’s…not a very weird knife.

  • kinjacaffeinespider-av says:

    Is he standing in front of the same faceted mirror thing that Elizabeth Olsen was last week?

    • snooder87-av says:

      Prop from a Dr Strange publicity shoot, maybe?

      • kinjacaffeinespider-av says:

        I’m reminded of school pictures when there were two backgrounds to choose from: a pastoral sylvan glen where you leaned on a fence, or lasers. Mom never got the lasers. I leaned on a lot of fences.

  • kinjacaffeinespider-av says:

    “Bissell was identified by DNA he left on the intercom,”
    Ew, what did he do to the intercom?

  • anarwen-av says:

    Benedict is going to sleep with the fishes.

  • presidentzod-av says:

    Probably got miffed when Dr Strange declared the branzino “utter rubbish” and sent it back to the kitchen.

  • bythebeardofdemisroussos-av says:

    “Dear God, a fish knife?” Cumberbatch says, peering out through his curtains. “Doesn’t the oaf know one attacks houses with a paring knife?”

  • captain-splendid-av says:

    How the fuck do you go from being the head chef at a five star restaurant to some highly ineffective murder attempt?

    • dirtside-av says:

      Haute cuisine kitchens are an extremely stressful environment; it’s not all that uncommon for people involved in it to crack in some way. I’m just curious why Frumious Bandersnatch was the target here; maybe he ate at Bissell’s restaurant and was rude, or something, so Bissell fixated on him? Or maybe he just really didn’t like Multiverse of Madness? We’ll probably find out more at some point.

    • capeo-av says:

      He wasn’t head chef. This article is, not shockingly, inaccurate. He was a “former chef de partie,” which is a line cook. The lowest of the cooks in a restaurant. He worked at the restaurant for two separate stints, less than a year each, the last in 2020. He’s been arrested multiple times since 2015, including other bizarre acts of vandalism for no apparent reason.

  • anathanoffillions-av says:

    it’s a case of mistaken identity: he meant to murder Slumberdick Bumblecrotch and instead he terrorized Bunnydick Cumbersome.Several errors with this article, as always: “a chef who once presided over the five-star Beaumont Hotel restaurant in Mayfair, London” – I read he worked in the seafood section, is that “presiding over”? His Twitter on another article says “Chef de Partie” which is a line cook…so likely did not “preside.” Apparently he removed the intercom with the fish knife. Also from a picture outside the courtroom…the crazy guy owns a pretty awesome jacket that I now want.Pretty lenient punishment, just shows how hard it is to get rid of stalkers. He fled, they had to get DNA tested…the DNA testing alone probably cost several thousands plus other parts of the investigation, I hope the “prefect” or whatever the fuck the brits call them sues him. Has anybody even speculated as to the reason? Did he ask for an egg yolk omelette? Did he refuse an invitation to his private island dinner?

  • apostkinjapocalypticwasteland-av says:

    Is the house okay? 

  • TRT-X-av says:

    “Fishknife Brandishman” about as plausible a British name as “Benedict Cumberbatch.”

  • jhhmumbles-av says:

    Yikes. Chef at a five star restaurant to threatening celebrities is quite a fall.  Look after your mental health folks, and take it seriously.  It almost certainly won’t involve Benedict Cumberbatch, but this kind of thing could happen to you.  

  • apostkinjapocalypticwasteland-av says:

    A name like Bissell, and his weapon of choice isn’t a vacuum cleaner? 

  • rbcjoker76-av says:


  • izodonia-av says:

    I misread the headline as “Knife-wielding fish man.”I like my version better.

  • thegobhoblin-av says:

    In unrelated news, Benedict Cumberbatch cast as Nabeshin in the American live action remake of Puni Puni Poemy.

  • capeo-av says:

    How is a fillet knife “a strange an unique weapon?” The fuck? What world do you live in? Not only are they common in any set of knives you might buy but they’re ubiquitous in restaurants. a chef who once presided over the five-star Beaumont Hotel restaurantWhat? He presided over nothing. He was a line cook, the lowest of the low as far cooks go, for two brief stints, less than a year each, the last in 2020. He’s most famous for being the guy that was running around shirtless and with his pants down, for some reason, during the Syria protests in 2015 and getting arrested on camera. He’s been arrested multiple times since for theft and bizarre acts of vandalism. Dude is not well. I’m actually rather shocked how lenient the sentence is. Not that he should be thrown in jail, but he should be committed to a proper psych ward where he can receive treatment and potentially be released under supervision. While this particular episode didn’t end up resulting in violence it was a wildly threatening act directed at a particular person. They went through all the trouble of DNA and basically said, “hey, stay away from the person you’re stalking and whose property you just tried to invade an burn down.” I wouldn’t be particularly assured if I was Cumberbatch and his family.

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