Benedict Cumberbatch's Doctor Strange joins Spider-Man 3

Aux Features Spider-man 3
Benedict Cumberbatch's Doctor Strange joins Spider-Man 3
Benedict Cumberbatch as Doctor Strange in Avengers: Endgame Screenshot: YouTube

We called it. Well, okay, we were one movie early, but still, give us some credit. Give us 12% of the credit. (An argument could be made for fifteen.) Doctor Strange, as played by Benedict Cumberbatch, will be joining the upcoming Spider-Man 3, vacating the mentor role formerly occupied by Robert Downey Jr.’s Tony Stark (and, to a lesser degree, Samuel Jackson’s Nick Fury in Spider-Man: Far From Home).

The Hollywood Reporter says that Cumberbatch will be donning his occasionally misbehaving cloak of levitation and helping out Tom Holland’s Peter Parker in his third solo MCU film. Honestly, this makes even more sense now that we’ve already gotten the much weirder news that Jamie Foxx will be reprising the role of Electro for the upcoming webslinger movie. As we said at the time, Foxx’s involvement is “very strange,” given that The Incredible Spider-Man 2 (in which Foxx’s antagonist was one of the two major villains) was not an MCU film, but rather took place in its own separate universe. How fitting, then, that we used that language; Doctor Strange will presumably help make sense of Electro’s presence, because in case you needed reminding, the next Doctor Strange MCU film is called Doctor Strange And The Multiverse Of Madness. Draw your own conclusions.

The still-untitled (as far as we know, anyway) Spider-Man 3 is set to begin shooting this month in Atlanta, while Doctor Strange And The Multiverse Of Madness is also gearing up to start shooting in October, albeit in London. Thank goodness Cumberbatch has that whole “ability to travel through portals” thing, because if he didn’t, it would be a huge pain in the ass to be constantly flying back and forth across continents, just to tell Peter Parker to get it together, or whatever.


  • laserface1242-av says:

    You know, maybe Peter doesn’t need to be glued to the hip with a mentor figure? Like, it’s bad enough that most of MCU Peter’s tech comes from Tony, but I don’t think Peter needs more mentor figures. Especially now that he has total control of a spy satellite/orbital weapons platform and that’s somehow a good thing.Also, I’m partially suspecting that Strange will mindwipe everyone to forget Peter is Spider-Man. 

    • perlafas-av says:

      But but maybe he’ll get a MAGICAL SUIT ?

    • bostonbeliever-av says:

      Agreed. Also Strange is one of the least charismatic MCU heroes on the roster right now. I guess Captain America is dead, Iron Man is dead, Vision is dead; Chadwick Boseman is dead (RIP); Thor and Hulk already have their own buddy thing going; Hawkeye sucks; the Guardians of the Galaxy are in space somewhere; Falcon, Winter Soldier, and War Machine are still sidekicks (until they get their own movies); and they couldn’t possibly pair him up with a female mentor. So that kind of leaves Doctor Strange as the only option?

      • heybigsbender-av says:

        @Spike Seagull – Steve Rogers is not dead, just old. Black Widow is dead (RIP). She didn’t get the big funeral at the end of Endgame, so it’s easy to forget.

      • bostonbeliever-av says:

        Realize I forgot about Ant-Man, and while the synergy of an Ant and a Spider teaming up is tantalizing, he also has his own thing going with Wasp.

        • hornacek37-av says:

          I want a scene right out of the 1960s comics where either Evangeline Lilly or Michelle Pfeiffer says that they hate Spider-Man because they are the Wasp and wasps are natural enemies of spiders.

        • cosmicghostrider-av says:

          When I read your other post I actually laughed out loud at the fact that you forgot Ant-Man. The joke that nobody really cares about Ant-Man has so many layers to it LOL. It started out as a running gag in the films but it is true that still people seem to initially forget about Ant-Man in real life. He’s been involved in every big team up since his debut. He introduced the biggest plot element into Endgame for beating Thanos. Yet still people are just like “Oh yeah and Ant-Man!”. 

      • ibell-av says:

        Don’t forget you got all those pesky X-Men to deal with. Wolverine and Spidey have very strong ties. 

      • bowie-walnuts-av says:

        SPOILER MUCH?!?! Just kidding of course. I stopped watching MCU movies after Winter Soldier and Civil War.

      • djclawson-av says:

        Dr. Strange was set up to be the new Tony Stark but he will never be the new Tony Stark. Also, Cumberbatch cannot do an American accent to save his life. One of the rare miscastings in the MCU.

    • mjk333-av says:

      I agree that the whole mentor thing is overplayed (especially for a character that never really had a mentor before… Must be the result of this generation being used to helicopter parenting…)However, if they’re bringing in the whole Spiderverse concept and the mystical Spider Totem stuff, it WOULD make sense for him to go to Strange for some advice and a team-up.Really, they could build the whole franchise into a Spider-Man team up bit with a guest hero each film. And that’d be more true to the comics than most of what they’ve actually done with the character so far. lol

    • iambrett-av says:

      That’s about where I am. Strange will do some kind of magic to get Peter of that jam, and Peter will then agree to return the favor by helping him out with something. 

    • ourassisinthejackpot-av says:

      First, stop commenting on everything.  Second, no one’s said this is a mentor figure dynamic, so calm your britches. 

    • galdarn-av says:

      “You know, maybe Peter doesn’t need to be glued to the hip with a mentor figure?”

      Especially a character who has been set up in the MCU as “basically Tony Stark, but with magic”

    • adamtrevorjackson-av says:

      i think this publication is just implying he’ll be a mentor figure, but it’s not necessarily what’s going to happen. makes me wonder if we’ll get some spider-verse 2 connective tissue in here as well.

    • imodok-av says:

      You know, maybe Peter doesn’t need to be glued to the hip with a mentor figure?
      No, but Tom Holland does. They probably hired Cumberbatch to keep Holland from blurting out secrets during the press tour…
      Seriously, while Peter/Tom’s apparent chemistry with older, goateed, sarcastic and slightly asshole c0-stars (the count is three so far) is definitely a factor, I think Dr. Strange’s inclusion has more to do with Fiege’s grand vision for this next phase. Not just a tie-in to DS2, but an overall emphasis on crossovers and team ups.
      After Endgame, Feige and team recognized they would have to revamp their formula because the audience’s expectation of scale and spectacle have been raised. Introducing new characters, settings and threats is the obvious part of that revamp. But where the Thanos overarching subplot lingered in the background for years, the multi-verse saga will roll out much more quickly and comprehensively imo. And instead of the cameo crossover appearances we saw in the earlier stages of the MCU, guest characters will be thoroughly integrated into ongoing stories. These are all familiar strategies in the comics that are now being translated to movies.Finally, I think Infinity War and Endgame demonstrated that Dr. Strange (at least the way he is written in the MCU) is better in an ensemble than on his own. Perhaps Strange’s weakness as a character in his own movie have more to do with director Derrickson. But both in comics and in film, there seems to have been a decision to move Strange from being a solo character, where he has never thrived as robustly as other core Marvel heroes. In truth Dr. Strange’s solo stories never quite meshed with the regular Marvel universe, and books like the Defenders were used to try to integrate him. So it may be that Dr. Strange needs Spider-Man more than vice versa.

    • radekk14-av says:

      A. He better be introduced as the mystery man Aunt May has dating recentlyB. You know Benedict was case because Tom Holland needs a chaperone on the press tour. 

    • ospoesandbohs-av says:

      Counterpoint: Tom Holland is not as bankable as RDJ or Benedict Cumberbatch or Samuel L. Jackson.Also, that’s exactly what Strange did in the comics.

    • katanahottinroof-av says:

      They’re both New Yorkers.  You run into everyone there.

      • hornacek37-av says:

        In the Lee/Ditko Spidey era, New York was literally a small town. Characters would go for a walk looking for someone and almost immediately run into the person they were looking for.

    • mythicfox-av says:

      What? That’s insane! Surely they’d never use some, I dunno, magical reset button to make people forget he’s Spider-Man!

  • el-zilcho1981-av says:

    The Amazing Spider-Man 2. Jamie Foxx was Electro in The Amazing Spider-Man 2. There is no The Incredible Spider-Man 2. Or an Incredible Spider-Man 1.

  • 10cities10years-av says:

    Spider-man 3: Homey don’t play that.

  • perlafas-av says:

    And The Multiverse Of MadnessPleonasm ?

  • djanroi-av says:

    I think you meant “occupying.”Anyway, I wonder if all this Multiverse Madness is a sign of some kind of understanding between Marvel and Sony regarding Spidey movies going forward.(Assuming of course movies are still a thing in the future.)

  • otm-shank-av says:

    The Incredible Spider-man? I never watched that one. Is that where Hulk gets spider powers or is it where Spider-man gets hulk powers?

  • miked1954-av says:

    Spiderman holds a special place in my heart because it was Spiderman 3 that caused me to proclaim ‘I am now comic book movied-out’… back in 2007. I’m an oldschool (and aging) comic book reader. I’ve gotta say I never warmed up to Dr. Strange at all.

    • adamtrevorjackson-av says:

      what a disapointing summer that was. spider-man 3, pirates 3, fantastic 4 rise of the silver surfer, die hard 4, the first transformers…there were a lot of good movies that year but the nerd shit was really disappointing.

    • sophomore--slump-av says:

      Such a big Spidey fan that you don’t use the hyphen? 😛

    • labbla-av says:

      I actually find Spider-Man 3 really refreshing. Especially in this age of the MCU and constant sequel set up. It was just a big messy soap opera tossing tons of ideas at the screen not even too concerned about making room for a 4th one. 

  • robert-denby-av says:

    Apropos of nothing: I learned today that Doctor Strange lists a character named Tina Minoru, who is the mother of Nico Minoru of the Runaways.She appears very briefly as one of the mages defending the Hong Kong sanctum, but she is clearly gearing up with the Staff of One.She is played by a different actor in the Runaways series, but I think this was a cool easter egg.

    • goddammitbarry-av says:

      If sometime in the (probably distant) future we do get an A-Force show/movie, it would be awesome if Lyrica Okano could reprise her role as Nico because she was excellent. 

  • iambrett-av says:

    They really need Peter to have a Tony Stark-esque figure looming over every film of his, don’t they? In any case, this could be fun if Strange does some magic to make it look like Peter isn’t Spider-Man, and then Peter repays the favor by helping Strange deal with something. 

  • mousemousemousemouse-av says:

    Staring at the word “vacating” in the first paragraph.  Looks like I “remembered” to mark Opposite Word Day on my calendar.

  • galdarn-av says:

    “Benedict Cumberbatch, will be joining the upcoming Spider-Man 3, vacating the mentor role formerly occupied by Robert Downey Jr.’s Tony Stark”

    That was quick. He joined the movie then vacated it all in the same sentence.

    Not really much of a story then, is it?

  • macthegeek-av says:

    I don’t swear often.But if Strange opens the door for Parker to make a deal with Mephisto, I am done. Out the door. Gone. Nothing left behind but a fading string of expletives.

    • jhelterskelter-av says:

      Twist: the deal is that he trades all of his Tony Stark tech for a backstory featuring Uncle Ben.

      • ryan-buck-av says:

        “Twist: the deal is that he trades all of his Tony Stark tech for a backstory featuring Uncle Ben.”And since the working title for the movie is Serenity Now, Uncle Ben will be played by Jason Alexander.

        • velvetal-av says:

          Jason Alexander is the only way I’d be willing to sit through the Uncle Ben story once again.

          • ryan-buck-av says:

            Agreed. I don’t mind non-origin flashbacks that include him or even a parallel universe in which he’s still alive, but I have no desire to see another recreation of Amazing Fantasy #15.

    • yawantpancakes-av says:

      Not going to happen. There is no need to.One More Day happened because Joey Q wanted to erase Peter’s marriage to MJ to make him appear younger. Peter is already young in this series of movies.On another note; why are people so obsessed with OMD? Granted, it was a garbage idea. But it wasn’t the worst Spider-Man story IMO. (Sins Past is worse. Clone saga is pretty bad. And late 70’s/early 80’s Wein, Wolfman, and O’neal was mundane bullshit) All it did was break up Peter and MJ for awhile. (Not the first time that happened) And the marriage wasn’t written that well anyway, aside for a few issues here and there.OMD was done 12 years ago. Let it go. And before someone says “Marvel keeps bring it up”, they really don’t. The fans do. You can go to any comic book or Spider-Man message board and there is at least one thread about OMD.

      • rogueindy-av says:

        I think it’s less about the specific twist of Peter’s marriage getting magicked away, and more that it was an utterly blatant mandate to reboot the character.After an episode like that, it’s hard to get invested in anything that happens because you know it’s only a matter of time before the editors/execs contrive yet another reset button.

        • yawantpancakes-av says:

          If that’s the case, why even read comics from the Big Two? DC reboots all of the time. I don’t see people saying “I’m never buying DC comics again!”, like people do with Spider-Man.And TBH OMD is not a reboot. Nothing actually changed. They just say Peter and MJ were not married. They were in a long term relationship. Like I said, the marriage wasn’t written well anyway. And nothing changes story-wise if they were married or not.

          • laserface1242-av says:

            Because the writers couldn’t figure out what to do with MJ outside of cutting to her worrying about Peter. The most obvious answer is simple: make MJ a superhero and have her fight crime along side Peter.

          • yawantpancakes-av says:

            No. That’s corny.
            The most obvious answer is to write a adult relationship. With both character’s personalities in play.MJ is a firecracker. She knew Peter is Spider-Man. She knew what she was getting into. She would be worried, of course. But sitting around at home crying about it wasn’t her style.Problem was the writers (some I’m sure are married) can’t write an adult relationship.

          • hornacek37-av says:

            Funny, the writers were able to do stuff with a married MJ for 20 years.If you’re a comicbook writer and aren’t able to write a married superhero and their spouse well, maybe that says more about how good of a writer you are.

          • rogueindy-av says:

            Speaking for myself, this kinda bullshit is why I *stopped* reading the big two.idk why you’re defending it so vociferously.

          • hornacek37-av says:

            OMD is definitely a reboot. They alter the previous 20 years of continuity, bring back Harry Osborn from the dead, and de-age Peter – the Peter in the Brand New Day issues is written as a much younger (and immature) character.“And nothing changes story-wise if they were married or not.”  There are multiple stories that don’t make sense or have the same impact if you reread them as Peter and MJ being in a “committed relationship” instead of being married.  Kraven’s Last Hunt, for example, is written as newly married couple going through a crisis.  Reading it as just two people living together robs it of so much.

      • laserface1242-av says:

        The difference between those separations and OMD is that it turned Peter into a selfish asshole who cares more about his own guilt than the well being of his loved ones. Peter literally communed with Aunt May’s soul and she told him she was fine with dying and even god himself showed up to tell Peter to come to accept it. But Peter essentially told them to fuck off because his pain is more important than anyone else’s.It makes it seem like, if Peter could, he would have Aunt May strapped up like the God-Emperor of Mankind and damn her feelings on the matter if it meant she wouldn’t die because of his stupid decisions..

      • nilus-av says:

        The only reason he got married in the first place was because Stan Lee was still writing the Newspaper strip and he was having them get married there and Marvel decided it was to be done in the comic too. Peter and MJ hadn’t been a thing for years at that point in the 616

        • yawantpancakes-av says:

          I know that. Spider-Man is my favorite super hero.She just came back to the comics after a long absence. In fact, she turned down Peter’s proposal the last time we saw her.And I’m not sure if it was so much “Marvel’s” fault or it was more about Jim Shooter wanting it done.At the time in the comics, MJ was back for 4 years (she came back in issue 243 in 1983. They got married in 1987). They were close friends. IIRC, the writers didn’t really care to do the marriage.

      • hornacek37-av says:

        “why are people so obsessed with OMD”Because for a lot of readers, a married Spider-Man was *their* Spider-Man. It showed how both Peter and MJ had grown and matured as characters. Then Joe Quesada decided to fix something that wasn’t broken, all because he wanted a Peter Parker that was single and dating multiple women because “that’s the Peter Parker I grew up reading” even though that version of the character never existed.Also, OMD has Peter literally making a deal with the devil to trade away his relationship with MJ, his wife and soulmate, to save his aunt’s life. Never mind that Aunt May is an old woman and only has ~10 years left if she dies of natural causes. This is Marvel’s flagship character making a deal with the devil! How did they think this was a good idea?Both Peter and MJ are written way out of character in OMD. Mephisto comes completely out of nowhere to demand “your marriage!”, something he has never been interested in from any other character. Plus the villain wins! Even to this day, Mephisto has beaten Peter and Peter doesn’t even know it. It’s just an awful story.Yes, Sins Past is terrible (actually the first few issues are great – it isn’t until the Norman reveal that it really goes downhill). The 90s Clone Saga is bad and was way too long, but it contains some great stories (ASM #400 is a classic). Wein’s run is pretty good, and Wolfman’s run is classic. Agree with O’Neal’s run, which is awful. But OMD is worse than all of these.“All it did was break up Peter and MJ for awhile. (Not the first time that happened) And the marriage wasn’t written that well anyway, aside for a few issues here and there.” It wasn’t just “awhile” – Peter and MJ were broken up after OMD for years – it wasn’t until the Spencer run that they got back together. And we also had Peter, MJ and every other character telling the reader that they were not a good couple (and that Carlie Cooper was “perfect” for Peter – ugh). And the marriage was written great – Peter and MJ were a mature couple that was in love but still had disagreements, but they supported each other.
        At the time Marvel was quite vocal saying that they knew the readers would be angry, but that after a few months they would forget about it and accept the new status quo and love the new Brand New Day stories. Well, it’s 20+ years later, and readers still hate OMD and want the marriage back (and the BND era was awful).

    • laserface1242-av says:

      Remember how he astrally projected Peter to everyone who could possibly heal Aunt May in the Marvel Universe and yet somehow none of them could heal a bullet wound? Ignoring the fact that there was literally an Omega-level mutant running around at the time who had healing powers that were so powerful he once was able to reconstruct a person’s heart that had been literally ripped out of their chest.I’d rather they just straight up adapt the Clone Saga in it’s entirety. From Judas Traveler to Spidercide. Every flip flop on who was the clone and who was the original. All two years of that complete waste of time would be a far better alternative than an homage to one of the worst Spider-Man stories ever made.

      • junwello-av says:

        Checks out. Guns are BAD. See also Tara in Buffy. You can be a galactic magical genius but you will not be able to fix a bullet wound.

      • yawantpancakes-av says:

        This is one of the crazy things about a shared universe. For example, if the shared universe worked realistically, there should be no crime in Marvel’s NYC being that 90% of their super heroes live in NYC.Another example, How can the Joker do shit like he does in Joker War if Superman is on Batman’s contact list. One call and its over for Joker.Is Batman’s ego and narcissism so great that he’ll let people die and he won’t call JLA because Gotham is “his city”?

        • laserface1242-av says:

          I mean they could have easily bypass the issue by saying Strange wasn’t available. No need to make all of the greatest minds in the Marvel Universe look like morons who can’t heal a bullet wound. 

          • yawantpancakes-av says:

            They could have bypass all of this by not doing the marriage in the comics in the first place.Comic strip MJ is not comic book MJ.

        • rogueindy-av says:

          That’s not an inherent issue with shared continuity, it’s a bad implementation of shared continuity.

      • yawantpancakes-av says:

        …turned Peter into a selfish asshole…Wait, the reason he fights crime as Spider-Man was because he was a selfish asshole. His selfishness came back to kill his Uncle….who cares more about his own guilt…And Spider-Man does a lot of shit because of his guilt. It’s baked into his character.One of the things I like about Spider-Man is that he’s flawed but he tries to over come his flaws. He’s not perfect. Sometimes he lets his emotions get the best of him.Peter is very protective about his Aunt. For all intents and purposes, she is his Mother. And perhaps, if she died of natural causes, he wouldn’t go through all of this. (He didn’t when she “died” in Amazing Spider-Man 300) But Aunt May took an assassin’s bullet meant for him. In Peter’s mind, it was his fault. And now his selfishness and guilt takes over.

        • laserface1242-av says:

          In Peter’s mind, it was his fault. And now his selfishness and guilt takes over.Except it was his fault. He didn’t have to publicly reveal his secret identity. He only had to reveal it to SHIELD. Even then, he didn’t have to take Aunt May and MJ with him when he went on the run. Tony may have been a fascist at the time but I doubt he’d torture Peter’s loved ones to find him. If he had done either of those things, it would be unlikely that Aunt May would have been shot.

          • yawantpancakes-av says:

            It’s not really your fault if someone takes a shot at you and you didn’t do anything to them personally to deserve it. (Well not many people deserve to be shot)So it’s still guilt at work here.Also, I’m sure you know the Civil War stuff was to set OMD up.And you seemed to miss this…
            …he’s flawed but he tries to over come his flaws. He’s not perfect. Sometimes he lets his emotions get the best of him.
            Once again, a crappy 12 year old story is still being brought up. This time, it’s my fault. My guilt is overwhelming. I’m more like Spider-Man than I thought.

          • yawantpancakes-av says:

            And IMO Spider-Man comics after OMD (Known as Brand New Day) were better than a lot of the shit in his comics done in at least the 10 years before.Sure they started off rocky, but it got better as it went on.And yes, JMS comics were good, but he was running out of steam. (Sins Past, anyone? JMS Spider-Man is an Avenger wasn’t that great either. The less said about The Other, the better)

          • hornacek37-av says:

            Brand New Day is pretty awful. If they weren’t beating you over the head with Spidey running out of webfluid every other issue, they had Peter acting young and “macking on random girls”. Plus they had every character telling Peter that “Carlie Cooper is perfect for you”.Even when Dan Slott started his Big Time run it was just the Mackie/Byrne reboot all over again (Peter gets a science job at a hitech lab). It eventually led to Peter Parker as “billionaire global businessman” which was a lowpoint for the character.

      • hornacek37-av says:

        Don’t forget One Moment In Time, written by Joe Quesada himself, which explains how in the new continuity Aunt May lives.  Through the power of love, Peter performs chest compressions on her and she revives.

        • laserface1242-av says:

          You know, Mephisto showed up in Champions and Miles made a deal with him to redo a mission where most of the team died at the cost of him failing to save a girl he originally saved the first time around. And there it actually makes sense since it starts to sow discord in the team with Kamala stepping down as leader when Miles tells her what happened.Mephisto even alludes to Blackheart that he just kind of likes fucking with Spider-People. 

          • hornacek37-av says:

            I don’t read Miles or Champions but I remember hearing about this when it happened. There has been a lot of Mephisto sightings/references in Spidey comics for the past few years – in the Spidey-Deadpool series, and in Nick Spencer’s ASM run. These can’t all be coincidences, because for a long time Marvel didn’t want to mention Mephisto or the marriage deal at all.Also, I don’t know the fallout of this deal Miles made with Mephisto, but was there a twist at the end? Based on my pre-OMD knowledge of Mephisto, I’m pretty sure most of his deals have a “monkey’s paw” type of twist in them.  The fact that Peter made this deal with him and assumed Mephisto would be 100% fair with him is baffling, but even more baffling is that Mephisto was 100% fair on this deal.  Anyone that’s watched the 1960s Twilight Zone knows that every deal with the Devil always has some hidden detail that ends up screwing you over, more than just what you state in the deal.

  • tormentedthoughts3rd-av says:

    “Spider-Man: The Long Way Home”??

  • mchapman-av says:

    So will we be getting the three Peter Parkers? Will we be getting Miles? Aaron Blake is already in the MCU. Since Dr. Strange 2 comes right after Spider-Man 3, I’m assuming there will be a connection.

  • sticklermeeseek-av says:

    I wonder if this means Andrew Garfield will be involved?It’s interesting that they’re doing multiple dimensions here and also with the animated film. I can’t really see the two joining up; that would be a lot to buy into.

  • ospoesandbohs-av says:

    This makes me wonder if they plan to go the route they went in the comics in 2010, where Doctor Strange makes it so nobody but Peter and MJ remember his secret identity.

  • opusthepenguin-av says:

    My guess is Peter goes to Strange less because he’s looking for a mentor and more because he wants him to cast a spell that makes everyone forget he’s Spider-Man. Like he did in the “One Moment in Time” story…

    • miked1954-av says:

      What decade was that done it? That is some sorry-ass cartoon work.

      • opusthepenguin-av says:

        It’s from 2010. Paolo Rivera does kind of moodier artwork. His art on Daredevil (volume 3) with his dad inking him (and Mark Waid writing) worked really well for me. It’s a great series. And much better than the Spider-Man story!

  • sui_generis-av says:

    Maybe the connection between the third Spider-man film and Doctor Strange 2: Multiverse of Madness is that Strange tries to help Peter repair the damage done to his life when JJJ reveals that he’s Spider-man, so he casts a spell involving a multiversal timeline where that never happened.
    But it breaks the multiverse, and results in the other characters (Electro, other Spider-men, etc.) showing up, as well as Strange’s further adventures in his second film…

    • ryan-buck-av says:

      I’m thinking that he’s still cleaning up the mess from his own movie (or maybe it starts in WandaVision), with the latest tear in the multiverse being the reason why Electro appears.Of course, the movie will undoubtedly end with Spidey & co. stuck in the Sonyverse. Unless Holland has one more appearance left, then Spidey will leave in that movie.

  • akabrownbear-av says:

    I like the idea of a multiverse plot playing out over several shows and movies personally if that is what is happening. But the last time Strange showed up in another hero’s movie, he was in the movie for two minutes and did next to nothing. So who knows if he’ll actually have a big role or if this is just going to be another quick cameo to remind people Spider-Man is in the MCU still.I also don’t know why people are assuming Strange will be a mentor to Peter. That conflicts with the way Strange has been portrayed on-screen thus far and Peter already has his surrogate mentor in Happy. It just seems like a wild assumption made by the outlets who reported the casting unless I am missing something.

    • hornacek37-av says:

      “I also don’t know why people are assuming Strange will be a mentor to Peter”Maybe because the press release says this?

      • akabrownbear-av says:

        It’s not an official press release though, that’s the entire point I’m making. Marvel and Sony had no comment on the story (the article linked by AV Club says this directly) and it appears more like the writer of the release just is assuming Strange will fill the role of mentor.The writer even strangely states that Fury was in the “mentor” role in the last Spider-Man, which IMO clearly wasn’t his role (Mysterio and Happy play that role). That makes me think even more that they’re just making stuff up to fill out their article.

    • ryan-buck-av says:

      Yeah. They’re colleagues. Strange is appearing because there’s stuff concerning Spider-Man that he is best suited to deal with.
      I disagree with your take that Happy is his last mentor. He was more of an Alfred type, if anything. To me, his last mentor was Mysterio. Who he defeated. Signifying he doesn’t need a mentor anymore.

      • akabrownbear-av says:

        But isn’t Alfred Bruce Wayne’s mentor? I agree Happy is not the same type of mentor as Tony was, but he does try to keep Peter on the right path and help him out. 

        • ryan-buck-av says:

          Good point! I was thinking more of a hands-on, how-to-superhero mentor (which I still think Mysterio was), but Happy (and Alfred) definitely fits the bill as a mentor in a broader sense.

  • snarkcat-av says:

    Doctor Strange, as played by Benedict Cumberbatch, will be joining the upcoming Spider-Man 3Why? Not unless he suddenly mind controlled everyone to forget Peter Parker as Spiderman, why would he be in the movie?
    I don’t think Doctor Strange can fit the role of a mentor. For one thing maybe it’s in the acting/writing of the character but I get none of the mentor role to Peter Parker (but then I never got that from Tony Stark & Peter). His character reeked of pure arrogance when he was the top doctor and when he took the role of Sorcerer Supreme without the awareness/wisdom of the position he took. His character was the kind of person that if you put him in any position of top authority (ex. medical or magical) he would be insufferable and know-it-all without any sense of humility of the role he has taken.
    And also an unpopular opinion, I don’t really think he earned the title of Sorcerer Supreme (he suddenly “knows” everything about magic? Bleh)
    They never established a sense of a relationship betweenn Dr. Strange and Peter in the first place. And we’re supposed to believe he can step in as a parental figure. His personality lacks that level of human connection. And claiming any form of a student-teacher relationship would be fake/manufactured.They should just stick with Peter Parker and Nick Fury. I’d believe that more.

  • mattthecatania-av says:

    Chekov’s Gun says if you show Mac Gargan in movie one, he must become Scorpion by movie three!

    • robertzombie-av says:

      Right, as cool as a live-action Spider-Verse sounds, passing up live action Scorpion played by Michael Mando in favor of Electro again would be really frustrating. Same with Donald Glover as Prowler

  • stevetellerite-av says:

    if you give a FUCK about thisplease tell me WHY

  • jmyoung123-av says:

    “…vacating the mentor role formerly occupied by Robert Downey Jr.’s Tony Stark (and, to a lesser degree, Samuel Jackson’s Nick Fury in Spider-Man: Far From Home)“ I don’t think you know what that word means. 

  • squatlobster-av says:

    The Incredible Spider-Man 2 wasn’t just not an MCU film. It also wasn’t a film.

  • franknstein-av says:
  • felixyyz-av says:

    I agree with the general sentiment that Peter doesn’t need a mentor, but Spider-Man has always been a character that worked very well as a team-up partner.

  • velvetal-av says:

    My favorite thing about the Spider-Verse comic was the fact that every Spider-Man adaptation existed as its own universe. So I’m open to the idea of bringing in people from the non-MCU films. Especially if it leads to the return of Alfred Molina’s Doc Ock, which in my opinion, remains the best film supervillain performance. Also, I want a post-credits scene set in a Hostess Fruit Pie ad.

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