Benevolent studio offers free removal of your Kanye West tattoos

Maybe you don't need to have the "I like Hitler" guy on your arm anymore, huh?

Music Features Kanye west
Benevolent studio offers free removal of your Kanye West tattoos
Kanye West Photo: Brad Barket/Getty Images for Fast Company

An exciting offer today for anyone who signed up for some good-natured “No one man should have all that power” fun with rapper Kanye West a decade-and-change ago, and who now has to walk around in public with a picture of a guy who says things like “I like Hitler” on their arm: A London-based tattoo removal studio is offering free removals for anybody with West’s increasingly antisemitic bullshit-spouting face tattooed on their body.

This is per The Washington Post, reporting on an offer from the U.K.’s Naama Studios, which announced recently that it’s launching a “Yeezy come, Yeezy go” program that offers pro bono de-Kanye-ifications for remorseful fans. (They actually announced the offer two weeks ago, so after West had gotten seriously into his ongoing and loving flirtation with antisemitism, but before he managed to baffle even Alex Jones on Infowars today by singing the praises of Adolf Hitler and the Nazi party.) Per the Post, Naama already offers a pro bono tattoo removal service for people who regret getting them, but who can’t afford the steep (up to $2400) price of removal; the company is couching the Kanye program in a similar light.

West, a bold explorer in the realm of terrible ideas held publicly, appeared on Infowars earlier today, continuing his recent trend of appearing on the shows of right-wing conspiracy types and then saying the quiet part so loud that it appears to blow out their eardrums. (Tim Pool got a West walkout when he pushed back on some of the rhetoric; Jones let West say what he liked.) No dog whistles, no beating around the bigoted bush. Just “I like Hitler,” stated bluntly, along with the usual idiocy about Jewish people controlling the media. And while we might contend that the point where you’d no longer want to endorse Kanye West’s thoughts and ideas with ad space on your personal flesh probably should have passed five or six hateful tantrums ago, it really does seem like the getting might be good on getting his face off of your face.

Naama says multiple people have already approached them about taking them up on their offer.


  • breadnmaters-av says:

    Nah, anyone stupid enough to emblazon their bodies with images of West should spend the rest of their days visibly regretting it. Some other stupid people might be compelled to think first before wearing anyone else’s face on their own face. Just buy a t-shirt ffs.

  • officermilkcarton-av says:

    Going to get my unwanted Starland Vocal Band Tattoo covered up with a Kanye Tattoo, so I can  get it removed for free. *taps head*

  • mavar-av says:

    The Right in decline

    Trump isn’t being heard on his tiny social media platform and his world is falling apart around. He needs to gather his flock to help and defend him. So in a desperate attempt to get attention he just released a video, but the guy who lies every time he opens his mouth is not reliable source when it comes to the truth. 🤣

  • softsack-av says:

    No idea how viral it’s been going, so maybe this is all well-known by now, but I don’t think this article gets across just how insane that Alex Jones appearance was:Kanye appeared dressed in an all-black mask/hood that covered his entire face, and refused to take it off.Alex Jones, of all people, was clearly taken aback by the way West was acting.
    Every time they cut to commercial, Jones would say something like:
    ‘This is crazy,’ then add: ‘We’re all crazy here. Everyone. Everyone in
    the world,’ when it looked like he might offend Kanye.
    The ‘I love Hitler’ etc. comments came out in response to Jones trying to
    offer mild and increasingly flustered pushback against his antisemitism.Whenever
    Jones tried to ask a question that was even somewhat related to policy
    or required a semblance of political knowledge to answer, West would
    just bark: ‘Nick!’ and pass the answering duties on to that odious little gremlin fuck Nick Fuentes.Still, whenever this happened West would invariably interrupt Fuentes’ points and derail the conversation by going off on some 5-minute rambling lecture about God, or Jesus, or the Jews, or whatever.
    West phoned a ‘free-speech absolutist’
    friend of his to appear on the show basically just to make the point: ‘I’m Jewish and it
    didn’t stop me from being cancelled!’ No-one acknowledges that this
    explicitly goes against West’s message of antisemitism, and I’m pretty
    sure West himself didn’t even notice.
    West – sorry ‘Ye’ –
    repeatedly took out a child’s fishing net that he called ‘Netan’, short
    for ‘Netanyahu’, to do ventriloquist bits where the former Israeli PM
    spouted exaggerated critiques of West’s behavior in a squawky, Elmo-like
    voice. These bits were meant to be funny; they were not. Jones and
    Fuentes could barely muster a polite smile in response.The
    whole thing was a complete trainwreck: a bunch of far-right goons
    treading on eggshells trying to coddle their most famous ally, despite
    his transparently unhinged and politically suicidal behavior, while Alex Jones attempted to impose some kind of structure to it all, and it was
    honestly hilarious to watch.It is blindingly obvious
    that West is in the throes of mental illness. I dunno how that relates
    to his antisemitism – I expect they both feed into each other and it’ll
    be impossible for anyone but a psychologist to disentangle them – but
    no-one can listen to him talk and conclude that he is in his right mind.

    That would be sad, as would the fact that these far-right vultures are attempting to use him to promote their agenda. Except that when even Alex fuckin’ Jones views this as ‘too much,’ it would tend to suggest that they’ve bitten off more than they can chew. This is all starting to reflect incredibly poorly on the Trumpists and Trump himself, even among mainstream Republicans,
    and if he doesn’t get indited I’m cautiously optimistic that this is gonna lead to
    DeSantis getting the nomination, Trump running as an independent, and
    justice being served as the GOP breaks itself.

    • igotlickfootagain-av says:

      Honestly, if an independent Trump ended up splitting the right wing vote I might just spontaneously orgasm from sheer schadenfreude.

      • softsack-av says:

        Oh, same. It would be less than what they deserve, but the poetic irony would be just *chef’s kiss*

      • pearlnyx-av says:

        The GOP will just let him run as a repub again. The only reason he was running for the GOP was because he threatened to run as an Independant if they didn’t take him. It would have ensured that Hillary won if he did. They couldn’t have that.

    • hendenburg3-av says:

      “ I dunno how that relates to his antisemitism”It does not. There is no relationship between bigotry and mental health. Only the willingness to voice it out loud.   But then again, the same can be said of Thanksgiving dinner

      • nonoes-av says:

        this cannot be overstated. mental health issues DO NOT make you a terrible person, that was already there

      • softsack-av says:

        If a mental illness can make someone believe that there are demons hiding in their walls and controlling their friends and family, I’m pretty sure it could make someone believe that the Jews are out to get them. Bigotry may not be evidence of mental illness (though there is some psychological discourse surrounding that) – but conspiratorial thinking is. Maybe Kanye’s mental illness caused an existing prejudice to expand, or maybe it caused the thought patterns that led to the bigotry. Neither of us are qualified to say.

    • yllehs-av says:

      When you’re too crazy for even Alex Jones to tolerate, that should be a signal to get psychiatric treatment post haste.

  • igotlickfootagain-av says:

    The idea is commendable, and then the “Yeezy come, Yeezy go” joke just makes it sublime.

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