Bill Cosby would like to tour in 2023

Disgraced comedian Bill Cosby is eyeing a return to the stage in the new year

Aux News Bill Cosby
Bill Cosby would like to tour in 2023
Photo: Pool

In a surprise radio interview today, disgraced comedian Bill Cosby announced that he intends to take a show on the road in 2023.

“Yes, because there’s so much fun to be had in this storytelling that I do,” Cosby responded when asked if he plans to tour again during an appearance on “WGH Talk,” per Variety. “Years ago, maybe 10 years ago, I found it was better to say it after I write it.”

A possible Cosby tour would be his return to “storytelling” following his release from prison in June of last year. In 2018, Cosby was found guilty of three counts of aggravated sexual assault; however, the sentence was vacated in 2021 when judges ruled that the one-time comedian had been denied a fair trial. During a 2005 suit, Cosby admitted to giving women quaaludes with assurances from then-Montgomery County District Attorney Bruce Castor Jr. that the information would be used to prosecute him. When the information was used in the subsequent trial about a decade later, it was ruled that Castor’s successor Kevin Steele had not honored the agreement.

However, Cosby is not out of the legal woods yet. Earlier this month, five more women filed a lawsuit alleging that the former Cosby Show star had forced them into sexual acts or raped them in the 1980s and 90s, according to Variety. Andrew Wyatt, Cosby’s spokesman, said in response, “Mr. Cosby continues to vehemently deny all allegations waged against him and looks forward to defending himself in court.”

Perhaps he also seeks to defend himself in the court of public opinion. Wyatt confirmed this morning that Cosby is “looking at spring/summer to start touring.” For his part, Cosby said, “When I come out of this, I feel that I will be able to perform and be the Bill Cosby that my audience knows me to be.”


  • minimummaus-av says:

    It doesn’t help that WGH Talk and its ilk are interviewing this man.

  • kinjacaffeinespider-av says:


  • gdtesp-av says:

    Look on the bright side……this increases the chance of him shitting himself to death on public. Maybe it’ll be on Instagram.

  • mrfurious72-av says:

    He wants to rub it in, plain and simple.It reminds me of Bishop James Timlin. He was called out in a grand jury report as having covered up sexual abuse in the Scranton Diocese and while the Diocese cravenly did not punish him, they basically told him to keep a low profile in retirement.He did not. Despite the Diocese specifically asking him not to, he went around to various events and whatnot and did the opposite of keep a low profile. Much like Cosby, he seems to feel that he didn’t do anything wrong and is proud that he got away with it.

  • kinjacaffeinespider-av says:

    Even if they are right, does anyone really “look forward to defending themselves in court”? Especially from charges like these?

  • charliemeadows69420-av says:

    The USA doesn’t care about the victims of the rich and powerful. The Epstein case proved that. Neither political party has any interest in holding the politicians and billionaires accountable for their crimes against children. They are all on the same team.

  • evilbutdiseasefree-av says:

    Un-rape all those women and then maybe.

  • sharculese-av says:

    well this isn’t the sort of measured and considerate behavior i expect from a rapist

  • leogrocery-av says:

    “During a 2005 suit, Cosby admitted to giving women quaaludes with assurances from then-Montgomery County District Attorney Bruce Castor Jr. that the information would be used to prosecute him.” Well, that’s the world’s dumbest plea agreement.  

    • dresstokilt-av says:

      It was the world’s dumbest plea agreement, but not on Cosby’s part. There’s a critical not missing from that sentence, should be right between “would” and “be.” The whole reason that piece of shit is out of prison is that Castor made a really dumb deal, which is why Cosby won his appeal on the grounds that the evidence used against him was inadmissable.

      • kinjacaffeinespider-av says:

        Thanks for carefully breaking that down for us. 

      • cranchy-av says:

        Eh. The deal kept him from taking the 5th in the civil suit, which led to the admissions about drugging women and a nice $ settlement with the victim.  And before Cosby gave that testimony (which was only possible because of the deal) the prosecutor had enough to charge Cosby but probably not enough to convict based on the later trials and appeals.  The DA traded a shaky criminal case to help strengthen the victim’s civil case.  I don’t know that it is a deal I would have made, but it is one I understand (this is assuming it actually happened since no one apparently could find it in writing).  

        • dresstokilt-av says:

          As someone who had to live with this chump as my DA, I’m going with “shitty DA makes shitty deal.”

        • leogrocery-av says:

          Exactly. Saying Castor’s deal was the reason Cosby got out of prison isn’t exactly true – the reason he got out is because Castor’s successor reneged on the agreement and used Cosby’s depo testimony to get the conviction. So it’s also true that Cosby was probably only in jail because of Castor’s deal.

  • modusoperandi0-av says:

    Two drink minimum!

  • bythebeardofdemisroussos-av says:

    ‘I cannot do my life’s work at home – I need to tour in order to find victims.’

  • reformedagoutigerbil-av says:


  • dresstokilt-av says:

    I can suggest a few places for him to tour.

  • ksmithksmith-av says:

    As a wise man once said, Cosby should have a coke and a smile and shut the fuck up.

  • ziggycannonball-av says:

    Looking forward to Cosby on tour. It’s about time! It’s a sad and troubling sign of the times that there’s still so much negativity projected on Cosby by those miserable few who continue to obsess, live in denial, and are blinded by the anger and shame in their own lives. Folks still seething about past trials need to seek help for their own betterment and stop living their lives through celebrities; stop kneeling at false prophets. For every finger pointed at someone else, there are three pointed back at you.

  • william714-av says:

    Hey Hey Hey its Fat Albert….let’s see where the chips fall. Obviously, he wants to vindicate himself before he dies….the whole thing could go sideways and be humiliating & incriminating……

  • schwartz666-av says:

    Rapes aside, I can’t even begin to imagine anyone being excited to pay $100+ to go see an 85-year old man’s “comedy” show. But alas, it will probably sell out.

    • eleanorsledgewick01-av says:

      Maybe he can get Chappell to open for him?

      • rockhard69-av says:

        Chappelle only rapes wokesters

      • surreall-av says:

        Dave Chappelle is one of the funniest humans alive and never raped anybody but I see what you did there……it’s like “hey this guy hurt somebody’s poor wittle feelers” so let’s lump him in with a horrible fucking rapist! Get over it.

      • kelly08s1-av says:

        Like a comedian doing comedy that a few trans people didn’t find funny is almost as bad as decades of raping people.  GFY. 

    • nilus-av says:

      I’d pay to see Mel Brooks live and he’s 96 But he is also not a rapist 

    • sjfwhite-av says:

      “Rapes aside…”  LOL

    • xpdnc-av says:

      I work out at a health club predominantly used by older black people. The last that I heard the guys talking about Cosby in the locker room, they were still defending him. While they might not shell out $100, I don’t doubt that they would pay $50 with a 2 drink minimum if he was booked into the casino venues.

      • subahar-av says:

        Damn that’s fucked up

        • xpdnc-av says:

          Very fucked up, but he was a real hero to the black community. It was a helluva blow to have such a successful black icon turn out to be a true scumbag. I think that the guys really wanted there to be a conspiracy to take him down. The incredible irony is that he didn’t have to drug women for the sex. He certainly could have had all the sex that he could handle just because he was Bill Fucking Cosby.

          • ryanln-av says:

            But he did have to drug them all- because that was his kink. His kink was wielding power and getting off that there is nothing that anyone could do to stop him or diminish his reputation. I bet that women who threw themselves at him generally repulsed him, because you know they were voluminous. It’s the ones that were hard to get, because they were young or married or gay or generally uninterested that were the real triumphs. For black men of a certain age (see my 81 year old dad) this subject drives them insane because what they want to believe is so at odds with the evidence that’s out there. Was devestating to me as a kid who grew up with his cartoon, his records, his comedy specials, fucking “Picture Pages” and what was the most important tv show of the 80’s as far as black representation is concerned. He was funny, a billionaire, educated- by any measure a role model, excluding his old-man-yells-at-cloud moments. But in reality he’s also a scumbag racist. What a kick in the nuts.

          • ndlb-av says:

            Definite possibility he can’t get it up if they’re willing

    • djdeejay-av says:

      “Rapes aside” is one of the most bananas ways to start a sentence. 

    • seven-deuce-av says:

      I can’t imagine anyone wanting to see Cosby, but wtf is wrong with seeing an 85 year old perform if they’re still able to?!

    • xpdnc-av says:

      And not $100, but if he hadn’t been exposed as such a despicable person, I might pay to see him again. I saw him in the early 80s, and he made me laugh harder than almost any other act that I’ve seen live. Ian Bagg being the other act.

    • weedlord420-av says:

      lol exactly what I was thinking. Like yeah even if somehow he was actually in perfect moral standing, I don’t think he would do well on stage at all at his age

    • rollotomassi123-av says:

      The fact that he’s nearly blind can’t possibly help, either.

  • ziggycannonball-av says:

    Looking forward to Cosby on tour. It’s about time! It’s a sad and troubling sign of the times that there’s still so much negativity projected on Cosby by those miserable few who continue to obsess, live in denial, and are blinded by the anger and shame in their own lives. Folks still seething about past trials need to seek help for their own betterment and stop living their lives through celebrities; stop kneeling at false prophets. For every finger pointed at someone else, there are three pointed back at you.

  • fistfullofbees-av says:

    Well, the most obvious question:
    Who in the holy hell would want to see him perform?

  • happyinparaguay-av says:

    Is he still going to lecture his young Black audience with sanctimonious rants about how they need to pull up their britches?

  • SquidEatinDough-av says:

    Hope every show gets disrupted by activists.

  • misterpiggins-av says:

    Oh, maybe he can open for Dave Chappelle.

  • rockhard69-av says:

    Who let the rapist out? I was happy we managed to lock another thug up but you let ‘em out

  • nilus-av says:

    During his trial weren’t they painting him as a sick old man who was mostly blind and not long for this world?   Funny how he seems to be able to tour now.

  • breadnmaters-av says:

    Storytelling? I know there are enough nasty old sexists in my town who might fill a small venue for this man, but I doubt he even knows wtf he’d talk about. I can’t imagine him being openly welcome by any community. But then given what’s happened with Roe V Wade, I could be wrong. The No-Apology Rapist’s tour might be an unexpected hit.

    • systemmastert-av says:

      He mostly does “Black kids these days with their expensive hats and their sagging pants lack respectability” type material nowadays.

  • fanburner-av says:

    If I had Fuck You money, I would buy up all the tickets to all his shows and fill the seats with women to sit there, stare at him, and not laugh, clap, or smile. Just stare.

    • seven-deuce-av says:

      I’m sure he would be happy to sell out shows regardless of the passive aggressive staring your hypothetical audience would project.You see, he clearly lacks empathy and is an utter misogynist so your “fuck you” money wouldn’t be productive at all.

    • bigbydub-av says:

      Make sure you pick the night when he’s filming the Netflix special.

    • rollotomassi123-av says:

      If he’s just doing smallish venues, you could probably fill it with his victims. Or at least the first several rows. 

  • surreall-av says:

    I mean of course! What better way to find fresh victims than going “on tour”! This dude has been creepy as fuck for years and yes I’m old, I remember The Cosby show and all it entailed, and his stand-up, but I distinctly remember Cosby doing an interview (not terribly long before allegations came out etc) with Regis Philbin on some sports show and I recall thinking “man this dude is fuckin’ weird” he’s just always seemed off. Anyway, fuck Cosby. Dude should just kick off already and make room for comedians who AREN’T complete unapologetic, megalomaniac rapists.

  • thegobhoblin-av says:

    I don’t care for his foul-flarn-filth going on backstage.

  • titwindow-av says:

    And I would like him to go away.

  • libsexdogg-av says:

    Fuck off, Bill. 

  • lovesseafood-av says:

    He’s delusional. Does he actually believe that the majority of the public would react favorably toward him if he appeared onstage? The sociopaths are very different from you and me. 

  • kim-porter-av says:

    In fairness, I’ve heard his new hour is unreal.

    • kinjacaffeinespider-av says:

      “And Noah asked The Lord, ‘What are these things?’
      And The Lord answered, ‘These are Quaaludes, Noah!’

  • terranigma-av says:

    Hey this is not an old white man

  • chagrinshaw2001-av says:

    What… the… fuck? Sometimes I still can’t believe Heathcliff Huxtable is a rapist. 

    • kinjacaffeinespider-av says:

      He isn’t.
      Just the monster who successfully portrayed a character, who isn’t real, for a number of seasons.
      Until he got thumped by Bart Fucking Simpson.

  • bashbash99-av says:

    i wonder if he’ll do the “chicken heart” bit and some fat albert voices

  • zebop77-av says:

    Bill Cosby would like to tour in 2023
    And I would like to spit at Bill Cosby on tour in 2023 and would urge any decent human being should he bring his decrepit, raping ass to your town to do the same.

  • docprof-av says:

    That’s cool. He can go tour with Dave Chappelle and I won’t go and it’ll be nice for me.

  • wgmleslie-av says:

    Yeah, and T****p would like to be President again.


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