Billy Porter embraces directing on the trans teen story Anything’s Possible

The Pose star discusses his behind-the-lens debut, the challenges of teenage life today, and the one topic that's "none of your business"

Film Features Anything's Possible
Billy Porter embraces directing on the trans teen story Anything’s Possible
(from left) Actress Eva Reign and director Billy Porter on the set of Anything’s Possible. Photo: Orion Pictures

In 2019, Billy Porter made history as the first gay black man to be nominated and to win a lead acting award at the Primetime Emmys, for his unforgettable role as Pray Tell on the series Pose. In 2020, Time magazine chose him for its list of the 100 most influential people. And earlier this year Porter won his second Tony Award, for producing, after earning his first in 2013 for acting.

For his next challenge, the endlessly talented Porter makes his directorial debut with Anything’s Possible, a comedy about Kelsa (Eva Reign), a black trans teen navigating her senior year of high school while embarking on a romantic relationship with her Muslim classmate Khal (Abubakhar Ali).

Porter, whose work on Pose helped set a new standard for representation on screen, spoke to The A.V. Club about the challenges of exploring Kelsa’s life and love on screen. In addition to talking about the coming-of-age films that inspired him—which he notably observes did not feature characters like him—Porter discussed the modern teen realities he had to learn about in order to portray them sensitively in Anything’s Possible. And he revealed his regret about removing a subplot from the film that has taken on new relevance in the light of recent news.

The A.V. Club: This movie strikes an interesting balance between a traditional coming-of-age experience and a deep look into the life of a trans teenager. As the director, what were your priorities in terms of telling the story authentically?

Billy Porter: Truth, authenticity, joy, the celebration of transness, and love.

AVC: What films did you draw on for inspiration for the look and the tone of the film?

BP: Well, I spoke very often of the John Hughes coming-of-age genre of the ’80s. That was my era. And I was very drawn to those movies while consciously understanding that I was not in them. There was no representation of me being in them. They were not speaking directly to me. I had to superimpose myself and my life onto the characters that I most related to. And so when I read this script, I was really moved by the fact that our screenwriter, Ximena, had captured this magical space and included the human beings that reflected what the actual world looks like.

AVC: Was there anything that Kelsa had to deal with that was difficult for you to understand as an adult?

BP: Yeah, but it wasn’t Kelsa. It was actually about Abubakr Ali’s character, who ends up not going to traditional college. That was a conversation that I had to have with Ximena, who’s a young person, and other young people who quite frankly don’t want the bill. So they want to find trade jobs now. They’re not interested in going into debt by going to college. That’s not something that was an option for my generation, and especially a black man who’s first generation post-civil rights movement, a four-year college was the only option. So that was an interesting conversation to have for me.

There was also a storyline for Chris, the crazy white girl. She had a whole boyfriend, pregnancy, abortion storyline—which after what has happened, I wish I had fought to keep it in. But there was a connection that I was making from her wild and wacky behavior. And you don’t get to see it in the movie because it’s not there anymore. But there’s only one sort of erratic moment that you see and it’s with her with the paintballs on the house. And I was like, oh, well, the fact that she had to go and get an abortion on her own and her boyfriend didn’t show up for her, and they broke up and he went radio silent, all of those things are justification for her behavior. And what I got from my editor actually, who’s a female 25-year-old, she’s like, oh, we don’t need that justification. We are who we are and we act like we want to act. It doesn’t have to be connected to some sort of trauma for us to act that way. And that was enlightening for me.

AVC: Kelsa tells the camera directly what she goes through as a teenager. How did you figure out the challenges she explicitly faced, and the ways to portray them dramatically in the story?

BP: Well, that’s the screenwriter. We really worked very intentionally with the screenwriter to make sure that we show the conflict in her life and not just talk about it. But what’s interesting about the internet and social media is that there is an element where you actually do just talk about it, direct address to the screen. So it was actually useful for us—that space was useful for us because it’s a natural space for how these kids communicate with each other now. So it actually was very useful.

AVC: This subject matter requires such a light touch to navigate the obstacles that teens face in terms of potential social stigma and romantic relationships. What was the toughest thing to portray, since the tone of the film is ultimately very celebratory and upbeat?

BP: The toughest thing to portray was the actual physical connection, the physical sexual connection. That’s a really difficult conversation. I feel like it’s nobody’s business but the people who are involved. And yet as a queer person, as a black gay person, the first thing that people go to is the sex. The first thing that people go to is my bedroom. My bedroom is none of your business. Stay out of my bedroom and you’ll be fine. So the hardest part in this was the balance of how do we sort of give a nod to that kind of relationship without actually doing it. Because I didn’t want to distract from the other magical things that are happening. With this script and the film and the dialogue that we get to create and the space that we get to create, I didn’t want to distract from that.


  • barb-elith-av says:

    Something like .5% of the population identifies as transgender. Why are trans rights dominating the cultural discourse going into the midterm elections? This is how Big Media and the politicians subvert Democracy. Get them arguing over a hot button issue that affects almost nobody to distract them from what is really important. The USA is pushing the completely draconian erasure of basic human rights and we are too caught up arguing over Kim Kardashian’s latest tweet and whether it’s okay to call women women. FFS. The internet is dooming humanity. Our collective ID rots more each day.

    • avclub-ae1846aa63a2c9a5b1d528b1a1d507f7--disqus-av says:

      First off, it’s more like 5% who are trans or nonbinary. While I suspect you’re trolling, but the point is that trans people deserve protection, they deserve to be able to live their lives on their own terms and as the people they are. Trans women in particular are frequently subjected to violence and trauma and Black trans women are killed at alarming rates. Even if it’s a small percentage of the population, they’re still PEOPLE who deserve to live, and live joyously and authentically.

      • barb-elith-av says:

        .5% identify as transgender. It’s a quickly growing demographic because it’s all the rage with kids these days but those numbers will go back down to typical levels soon enough, when it’s no longer so trendy. Democrats are losing elections because politicians are arguing about bathrooms and gender bending athletes instead of climate change and slave wages. You look even crazier prioritizing these issues over abortion/inflation/mass shootings etc. than the Republicans do shooting things on Youtube to the center and guess what? You need the center in a two party system to win. Are you willing to throw away 100% of the population for .5%, hell 5% of the population so people think you’re super duper woke on Twitter?

        • avclub-ae1846aa63a2c9a5b1d528b1a1d507f7--disqus-av says:

          it’s not a fucking TREND, you asshole. People are finally living their authentic lives. There is no compromise where you’re denying people their humanity. None.

          • barb-elith-av says:

            Yes, because children always 100% of the time have figured out the entirety of their identity and can be trusted to make calm rational decisions that are in no way influenced by outside forces.Telling people to use their biological bathrooms and play in their biological sports is not removing their humanity. Zero compromise erases all of our rights you moron. I’m not saying we shouldn’t work towards those goals but now is not the time to push this specific agenda, during the mid terms, in the face of major political and cultural degradation.I’m sure in the near future during the coming civil war while those of us who aren’t burning alive during the increasingly hot summers are starving to death from poverty everyone will feel secure in the fact that at least a transgender person got to wipe the floor with the competition in the 500 meter against the bio women…

          • barb-elith-av says:

            You ever notice how transgender men are never fighting to compete against biological men?  It’s almost like it’s less about rights and more about the competitive edge?!?

          • tekootter-av says:

            I would argue that forcing people to deny their identity is, absolutely, removing their humanity. It’s removing the most essential part of who they are. But it’s clear that you’re really intent on trolling people here by mocking trans people and anyone supporting them, so I’m certain that means nothing to you.I take comfort in the thought that if there is indeed an “upcoming civil war” (which you’ve made pretty clear you’re a big fan of and which side you’d be on) that the strong, proud trans folks will be holding their heads high towards the future while bigots like yourselves shrivel.

    • yllehs-av says:

      I don’t know what you’re seeing that you think it dominates the cultural discourse. Are they screaming about it a lot on Fox News? I’m guessing so, but they shouldn’t be the arbiters of culture.The vast majority people aren’t going to be pregnant 10 year old rape victims either, but their well-being should matter to everyone.

      • barb-elith-av says:

        You’re conflating not being able to use a bathroom or dominate a sports category you don’t belong in to being raped as a 10 year old and forced to give birth.These two things are not the same. And that’s the problem. With you and your ilk it’s all or nothing. You know what happens when we fight all or nothing? Trump. White Supremacist Nationalism. Unaccountable militarized police. The erasure of the middle class. Mass shootings every day of the week. You’ll excuse me if I don’t get choked up because somebody called the person with stubble “him” by accident. You want me to be Right Wing Nut so bad you don’t realize I am a typical Democrat. I’ve never watched Fox News in my life.  Thank you for making my point for me.

        • tekootter-av says:

          Just so I’m clear, you’re saying that the fight for trans rights and representation is why we get “white supremacist nationalism” and mass shootings?You do realize that people have the capacity to rally for the rights of trans and LGBT people while *also* protesting white supremacism and gun ownership, yes? One does not preclude the other.

          • barb-elith-av says:

            Directly? No. Indirectly? Yes. Divisive issues are being purposefully pushed to the forefront by the media and right wing politicians to the detriment of the Left time and time again. And the public facing progressives, those most outspoken online, are all too happy to help them by subverting frankly more important narratives. We need the center to vote Democratic. Trans Rights dominating the news daily pushes center voters towards the Right. In 2016 everyone screamed to vote for Hillary because the alternative was so dangerous. So I guess doing something we dislike for the betterment of all only counts when it aligns with our existing beliefs and we’re actually flagrant hypocrites, eh?All we have to do is look less crazy than the Right and yet we continuously lose. Everyone seems to believe that the midterms are already lost and that Republicans will take back more power. And the Dems answer? Run somebody other than Biden in 2024 election. Because not running the incumbent has worked so well in the past. Are we trying to lose on purpose?

          • briliantmisstake-av says:

            It doesn’t make anyone “look crazy” to support trans rights. And it’s in the news because trans folks are being openly persecuted through anti-trans laws in dozens of states. These laws need to be fought. The basic civil rights of millions of people is not a bargaining chip where if you give it up, you’ll get what you want. It’s just a stepping stone to take away the civil rights of who isn’t a straight cis white christian man. It’s exactly the kind of pandering to the right that you are proposing that’s help get us into the situation we’re in now. 

        • khalleron-av says:

          Are you going to get all choked up when a woman is murdered for being trans?

          Because that’s what’s happening, and that’s why it’s important.

          And as far as that goes, it’s you RWNs who are making it a big issue. The rest of us just want people to be accepted for who they are, not what they are. If you didn’t pass laws against trans people using bathrooms or getting medical care, there wouldn’t be an issue.

          So stop blaming Dems for your own evil actions, dude.

          • barb-elith-av says:

            This is exactly what I’m talking about. I am not Right Wing you fucking imbecile. I am not trying to take away anybody’s rights. If it was up for a vote I’d vote for it. I’m talking about a strategy that is going to get us out of the clusterfuck we are currently in. That you instantly make untrue accusations in an effort to shut me up is the issue. Assholes like you believe in some kind of ethical purity that nobody actually lives up to. You lost the right to yo0ur own bodily autonomy because we are too worried arguing about pronouns. Being called the wrong pronoun is not a human rights violation. Fuck off. I have never voted for a republican candidate not once.  And yet you still despise me and consider me your enemy.  Why should I give a fuck about you anymore?

          • khalleron-av says:

            Dude, you’re the one arguing it’s not important.

            It’s important.

            All it takes for evil to win is for ‘good men’ to do nothing. Stop saying it’s not worth your time. Or worse, not worth anyone’s time.

            You may not be voting R, but you’re certainly siding with them on this.

          • barb-elith-av says:

            We are going to continue losing until we focus on the needs of the many over the needs of the few. It’s as simple as that. Call me whatever you want.  It does not change this simple reality.  

          • briliantmisstake-av says:

            Again, “the few” is millions of Americans. Plus, even if you don’t give a shit that trans folks are literally being killed and there are laws against trans folks being proposed in dozens of state, the anti -trans push is just a stepping stone to taking away other rights. This is the equivalent of saying they should have gone ahead and let Hitler prosecute jewish people because “its not a big percentage of the population.”

          • khalleron-av says:

            Yep, evil. The many is made up of the few, dude.

            I’m sure your fellow evil-doers will thank you for taking up their ‘divide and conquer’ strategy. You’re their kind of guy!

          • jumptyfred-av says:

            Let me be clear: your theory and strategy, which boils down to “we need to stop talking about and supporting trans people because it’s helping Republicans and indirectly supporting mass shootings and white supremacy” is (1) idiotic (2) untrue (3) lacks humanity and (4) fucking awful. 

          • barb-elith-av says:

            Even mentioning possibly not FOCUSING AS HEAVILY on trans rights as we currently are is enough for you to instantly resort to the insults. Thanks, you guys are so far up your own asses you don’t realize you’re literally making my point for me.

          • jumptyfred-av says:

            You literally, in this thread, said that supporting trans rights is indirectly contributing to white supremacism and mass school shootings. I didn’t insult you. I’m saying that’s a fucking awful theory and extremely wrong. I’m sorry that you equate human rights as some sort of game to be played with the hopes of winning or gaining points, and that you see trans people as disposable trendy clowns.

          • barb-elith-av says:

            Getting increasingly hung up on “woke” shit that doesn’t affect the average American citizen means Democrats lose. Democrats losing opens the door to Trump stacking the Supreme Court and is largely responsible for the growing White Nationalist and Fundamentalist Religious agenda winning out. And it’s getting progressively (pun intended) worse with no light at the end of the tunnel.

          • briliantmisstake-av says:

            It’s not getting hung up on woke shit to fight for basic human rights. You don’t sacrifice someone else’s civil rights to appease the forces that are trying to take everyone’s away. Should we not care about racism because Black people are only a small percentage of the population?

          • ghostscandoit-av says:

            The only ones making trans issues a major tracking point is the right wing because they got what they wanted with abortion and need a new boogeyman for the midterms. Trans people using the restroom and being in sports has not been an issue until the right wing started making it one. The literal bare minimum one can do for trans people is using their name and not intentionally misgendering. It’s the right wing who froths at the mouth that they can’t be rude and hateful whenever they want anymore, that trans people being slightly visible instead of closeted is akin to grooming, and that women are “being erased” when they’re literally stripping away bodily autonomy. If standing up for a marginalized group who is the right’s current punching bag is too much for you – you’re not an ally to the left.Shooters and white nationalists are being radicalized by the same right wing pundits who are constantly ranting about trans folks. But that’s just right now. If trans folks magically disappeared, the these guys would then point at Black, Jewish, or gay people. You don’t win by placating these fascists.

          • Rev2-av says:

            Don’t feed the trolls. These kids are as bad as trying to talk to a religious extremist. 

        • khalleron-av says:

          Are you going to get all choked up when a woman is murdered for being trans?

          Because that’s what’s happening, and that’s why it’s important.

          And as far as that goes, it’s you RWNs who are making it a big issue. The rest of us just want people to be accepted for who they are, not what they are. If you didn’t pass laws against trans people using bathrooms or getting medical care, there wouldn’t be an issue.

          So stop blaming Dems for your own evil actions, dude.

        • khalleron-av says:

          Are you going to get all choked up when a woman is murdered for being trans?

          Because that’s what’s happening, and that’s why it’s important.

          And as far as that goes, it’s you RWNs who are making it a big issue. The rest of us just want people to be accepted for who they are, not what they are. If you didn’t pass laws against trans people using bathrooms or getting medical care, there wouldn’t be an issue.

          So stop blaming Dems for your own evil actions, dude.

        • bigbydub-av says:

          Nobody wants to hear this unfortunately.  

        • Rev2-av says:

          Believing in what a woman is and letting them have their own voice and spaces is “right wing”? Crap like this is how we get someone like Trump in the White House.

        • yllehs-av says:

          You still didn’t tell me why you think it’s dominating the cultural discourse. It’s not.You’re going out of your way to use demeaning words about people. That’s nothing to be proud of. And we got Donald Trump because right-wing media riled up the racists over having a Black president.

    • barb-elith-av says:

      @pedantic:If you’re going to erase my response then why the hell would I leave yours up?

      • avclub-ae1846aa63a2c9a5b1d528b1a1d507f7--disqus-av says:

        You can do whatever you want but the humanity of trans and nonbinary people is not up for debate with me.

        • barb-elith-av says:

          Then why the did you respond to my original comment?
          It’s awfully easy to write off your allies and resort to personal insults when you’re constantly looking for that next dopamine fix from telling people off anonymously for likes isn’t it? Political strategy (which is the discussion I’m having despite your best whatabout strawman (teehee!) arguments trying to change the topic) doesn’t erase the humanity of transgender people. How fragile are you? Nevermind…  

          • avclub-ae1846aa63a2c9a5b1d528b1a1d507f7--disqus-av says:

            I don’t want transphobic people as an ally. I gave it a shot in case there was any common ground to be had, but there clearly isn’t, and that’s my fault for even responding at all. I should have known that someone going on about that sort of nonsense on an article about a sweet little movie that’s hurting nobody wasn’t someone to engage with.

          • briliantmisstake-av says:

            You’re not an ally of you want to throw trans folks under the bus.

    • kinjacaffeinespider-av says:

      “Now children, who can tell me what the internet was, and how it almost destroyed humanity in 1997?”

    • briliantmisstake-av says:

      Nice of you to say that denying the rights of about 16 million Americans. is a ditraction  Fighting for trans rights isn’t a distraction, it’s a basic human rights issue. It is “really important.” It is part and parcel of the “draconian human rights” issues facing the states right now. It is tied to Roe v Wade, the drive to overturn Obergefell, and others through the erosion of privacy and other rights. And folks can both fight for the rights of trans folks and fights for other rights. In fact, it’s imperative to everybody’s rights that we do so.

    • barb-elith-av says:

      I love trannies. I always keep a few stocked in my basement dungeon. I’m doing my part.

    • briliantmisstake-av says:

      You can delete all the comments you want, it will never the fact of how wrong you are.

  • avclub-ae1846aa63a2c9a5b1d528b1a1d507f7--disqus-av says:

    Just so my thoughts are here for all to see, instead of as a reply where they can be dismissed:The humanity of trans and nonbinary people is not up for debate. Their right to live their lives as they see fit, in an authentic way, is not up for debate with me. I will not compromise on it. I will not sacrifice human beings to the altar of some “greater good”. There is no percentage of marginalized people it’s OK to mistreat, misgender or murder.

    • avclub-ae1846aa63a2c9a5b1d528b1a1d507f7--disqus-av says:

      Also, roughly 5% of the population identifies as trans or nonbinary, though it wouldn’t matter if it were “only” 0.5% – that would still be over 1.5 million people in the US.

      • soufirianoctis-av says:

        That’s a bigger population than the State of Rhode Island lol. So saying we should sacrifice trans issues because it’s such a small population, it’s like if someone decided “Hey, I want to strip everyone in Rhode Island of all their basic human rights and the need to be treated as human beings” and everyone just shrugged their shoulders and went “Eh, it’s not that many people, we got bigger things to worry about.”

    • barb-elith-av says:

      Assuming you voted for Biden, do you believe 100% every single one of his political beliefs? You think he was the absolute best candidate?  No? So I guess you vote for the greater good instead of ethical idealism too, hypocrite.

    • briliantmisstake-av says:

      Yeah, that troll went through and deleted every comment that pointed out that they are throwing the civil rights of millions of people under the bus for an appeasement strategy that won’t work anyway. I mean Jewish folk were less than one percent of the population in pre-WW2 Germany, why should anyone have let their marginalization “distract” them from “important” issues? Native Americans are only about 2%, let’s not care about their rights either!

  • bigbydub-av says:

    LARP Quidditch, always stupid but perhaps fun for Harry Potter fans, has become ‘Quad Ball’ and utterly pointless. If J.K. Simmons is a villain, Harry Potter fandom has become taboo. Now there is no reason whatsoever for all this silly knees-bent running about advancing behavior.

  • briliantmisstake-av says:

    Here’s all the comments that Barb_Elith decided to dismiss, because they must realize, deep down, how very wrong they are.Her’s one:Nice of you to say that denying the rights of about 16 million Americans. is a distraction Fighting for trans rights isn’t a distraction, it’s a basic human rights issue. It is “really important.” It is part and parcel of the “draconian human rights” issues facing the states right now. It is tied to Roe v Wade, the drive to overturn Obergefell, and others through the erosion of privacy and other rights. And folks can both fight for the rights of trans folks and fights for other rights. In fact, it’s imperative to everybody’s rights that we do so.And another:It doesn’t make anyone “look crazy” to support trans rights. And it’s in the news because trans folks are being openly persecuted through anti-trans laws in dozens of states. These laws need to be fought. The basic civil rights of millions of people is not a bargaining chip where if you give it up, you’ll get what you want. It’s just a stepping stone to take away the civil rights of who isn’t a straight cis white christian man. It’s exactly the kind of pandering to the right that you are proposing that’s help get us into the situation we’re in now.And another:Again, “the few” is millions of Americans. Plus, even if you don’t give a shit that trans folks are literally being killed and there are laws against trans folks being proposed in dozens of state, the anti -trans push is just a stepping stone to taking away other rights. This is the equivalent of saying they should have gone ahead and let Hitler prosecute jewish people because “its not a big percentage of the population.”And another:It’s not getting hung up on woke shit to fight for basic human rights. You don’t sacrifice someone else’s civil rights to appease the forces that are trying to take everyone’s away. Should we not care about racism because Black people are only a small percentage of the population?And those are just mine. There were may others from much more eloquent commenters that thoroughly dissected how reprehensible and wrong headed their ideas about trans rights are. 

    • avclub-ae1846aa63a2c9a5b1d528b1a1d507f7--disqus-av says:

      I had a bunch but I did also call her an asshole, to be fair.

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