Boba Fett wants to take over Tatooine in The Book Of Boba Fett trailer

The Mandalorian spin-off series premieres on December 29

Aux News Boba Fett
Boba Fett wants to take over Tatooine in The Book Of Boba Fett trailer
Temuera Morrison as Boba Fett Screenshot: Disney+

Boba Fett is back! After being believed to be dead in Return Of The Jedi, the bounty hunter made an appearance in the second season of The Mandalorian, showing that he somehow survived. The trailer for spin-off series The Book of Boba Fett picks up right where The Mandalorian left off for Boba.

The last time we saw him and Fennec Shand (Ming-Na Wen) in The Mandalorian, they stormed into Jabba The Hutt’s abandoned palace, with Boba intending to take over the Star Wars universe’s Underworld. He killed Bib Fortuna and took over Jaba’s throne.

“Jaba ruled with fear. I intend to rule with respect,” Boba says in a voiceover, while speaking to Jabba’s crew. “I’m here to make a proposal that’s mutually beneficial. Why speak of conflict when cooperations can make us all rich?” he adds.

But Jabba’s former associates aren’t too convinced and ask, “What prevents us all from killing you and taking what we want?” but Fennec puts them in their place, with the reminder, “If you had spoken such insolence to Jabba, he’d have fed you to his menagerie.”

The official logline from Disney+ reads:

The Book Of Boba Fett, a thrilling Star Wars adventure teased in a surprise end-credit sequence following the Season 2 finale of The Mandalorian, finds legendary bounty hunter Boba Fett and mercenary Fennec Shand navigating the galaxy’s underworld when they return to the sands of Tatooine to stake their claim on the territory once ruled by Jabba the Hutt and his crime syndicate.

Temuera Morrison is playing the bounty hunter; if he looks familiar donning the armory, that’s because he’s the same actor who played Jango Fett in the prequel movies. It’s the perfect casting choice, given how Jango’s genes served as the clone template for the army of the Republic, making Boba both his clone and “son.”

The Book Of Boba Fett premieres on December 29 on Disney+.


  • kinjacaffeinespider-av says:

    Take over Tatooine? He really thinks big.

    • cinecraf-av says:

      [stands up in crowded cantina]Boba Fett: “Tatooine is now mine.”Everyone: “Yeah, cool.”End of series.

    • martyfunkhouser1-av says:

      Those blue cows don’t milk themselves.

      • kinjacaffeinespider-av says:

        You can waste time with your “friends” when your chores are done!

        • martyfunkhouser1-av says:

          … including going to get the power converters, WHICH HE NEVER EVEN DID.

          • kinjacaffeinespider-av says:

            lazy little lima bean!

          • fever-dog-av says:

            Remember kids to pack your power converters when travelling to Europe. Household power is 220v output there. And not all appliances are rated 110-220v there.  

          • soylent-gr33n-av says:

            He said that just because he wanted to get out of doing work. Like when your parents tell you to clean the garage, and you’re all, “But I gotta do homework,” and then get right back to your Gameboy.

          • martyfunkhouser1-av says:

            Plus Tosche Station is where all the women in the universe were, except his twin, his aunt and Mon Mothma.

  • mavar-av says:

    Plot: Boba Fett takes over Jabba the Hutt’s Palace to rule and make money.

  • worthlesslester-av says:

    a little confused about his character. he seemed pretty heroic in the mandalorian – this is the same guy who incinerated luke’s aunt and uncle right?

  • ubrute-av says:

    Jaba-Jabba. Jibber-Jabber. Maybe Jabba the Hutt is known as Jaba by his friends?

  • curmudgahideen-av says:

    At last, Disney is returning Star Wars to what made it great: meetings.

    “How can we trust you, bounty hunter?”

    “If you’ll turn to item 37 on the agenda, you will see that I intend to foster an open-door policy where all input is taken on board.”


    • Kitrace-av says:

      “Charlene! Why isn’t the power point working? Can you get IT up here?”

    • ShachiCanthus-av says:

      In a surprise ending, #64 on Boba’s powerpoint slide deck is “kill everyone in attendance, seize their power. “

    • mdiller64-av says:

      “During this seven-day leadership retreat, we will dive deep into our quarterly metrics and develop our vision for transforming Tatooine from a dust and sand planet into a dust and sand planet with sharply improved ROI.”

    • arlo515-av says:

      A great scene in Raiders of the Lost Ark: a meeting.
      A great scene in Jurassic Park: a meeting.
      A great scene in The Dark Night: a meeting.
      Yes, they’re often just exposition dumps, but meeting scenes *can* be compelling.

    • mrjude-av says:

      I mean, you jest, but the meeting room scene in A New Hope was pretty good. You get to see what physical things The Force can do, and Vader puts a dude in his place.

    • rosssmiller-av says:

      I know this is kind of your whole point, but it really is strange that Disney would greenlight a Boba Fett series and, instead of following his adventures planet-hopping and going after bounties, make it about maneuvering politics while ruling Tatooine. I get that The Mandalorian kind of fulfilled that need anyway, but nothing about this new series looks like it’s playing into the strengths of the “character” (namely: he looks like a badass).

      • egerz-av says:

        My issue is that the franchise *keeps* returning to Tatooine, which was deliberately conceived as a boring backwater planet. You’re supposed to watch Luke hanging around a moisture farm waiting for something exciting to happen elsewhere, in one of the thousands of more interesting planets implied by the story. The whole point is that it’s a place to move beyond.There was no real reason to even have Jabba’s ROTJ palace located on Tatooine, as opposed to some new gangster planet (Greedo found Han on Tatooine, but before the Special Editions it wasn’t clear where Jabba lived). But then Lucas insisted on returning to Tatooine for all of the prequels, twisting the story around so that Anakin was born there, too. We’ve already gotten multiple return-to-Tatooine episodes of the Mandalorian, and then there’s an Obi-Wan series where the entire premise requires him to hang out in a Tatooine hut for every episode.A Boba Fett series could have gone anywhere. Enough!

    • anathanoffillions-av says:

      (Fennec returns to underworld boss’s lair and assassinates him with a long needle)
      “But…you said to circle back and put a pin in it!”

    • laurenceq-av says:

      Every one of the classic OT films (which are still far and away the best SW material ever) contain at least one very important meeting! So it looks like this show is in good company.
      So far, ESB (the best of the lot) is the only one to feature a dinner party, so I do hope we get back to that ASAP.

    • mshep-av says:

      Just wait until the end of the first episode, when the meeting turns out to be about Baby Chewbacca or some shit!

    • bryanska-av says:

      Once again Star Wars steals right from Star Trek

    • adamtrevorjackson-av says:

      i do love everyone being like ‘here are my top ten meetings scenes actually meetings are awesome’

    • pkmondol64-av says:

      Boba kills the meeting scheduler because THIS COULD’VE BEEN AN EMAIL.

    • operasara-av says:

      Capitalism in space!Yay?

    • radarskiy-av says:

      Disintegrations are technically allowed, but there’s a lot of paperwork.

  • nbarlam-av says:

    I really hope in this series Boba Fett finally discovers the true meaning of Life Day

  • sarcastro7-av says:

    “Why speak of conflict when corporations can make us all rich?”

    Pretty funny typo there (it was “cooperation”).

  • dr-memory-av says:

    On the one hand, “who rules the underworld of the galaxy’s biggest backwater?” sounds like the least interesting possible hook for a Star War.On the other hand, Morrison was nearly the only redeeming feature of the prequels, so I hope this ends up being good despite itself?

    • realgenericposter-av says:

      I don’t think Jabba’s empire was confined to Tatooine, just based there; he seemed pretty feared and well-known throughout the galaxy.  I think Tatooine is just the space equivalent of “that run-down Italian restaurant the Don works out of.”

    • normchomsky1-av says:

      I hope they get into some of the other crime syndicates and that Tattooine isn’t his end goal, as that’s a pretty sad end goal. I’m assuming Jabba had a vast empire and Tattooine was just his base of operations because nobody gave a fuck about it, so he was off the radar

      • notanothermurrayslaughter-av says:

        Time to put Emilia Clarke in old-age makeup!

      • pocrow-av says:

        Aspiring to take over Tattooine is like aspiring to be the mob boss of Bismark, North Dakota.

      • somethingwittyorwhatever-av says:

        Ten dollar bet right now payable to your favorite charity — Book of Boba Fett will bring Boba (and his new/old friends) into conflict with the Red Sun. Disney needs to stir up enough interest in the Red Sun to make the Maul/Qira show Filoni desperately wants to make.

    • tesseracht-av says:

      You know, for Tatooine to supposedly be the biggest backwater in the Star Wars universe, it sure is the center of a lot of really important events.

      • dr-memory-av says:

        I agree actually. It’s incredibly dumb that the series keeps going back there: the whole point of the opening of ANH is that it’s the last place that anything interesting would ever happen.

  • murrychang-av says:

    If he doesn’t have a Vette by episode 3 I will be pissed!

  • coolmanguy-av says:

    Looks good

  • gumbercules1-av says:

    “If you had spoken such insolence to Jabba, he’d have fed you to his menagerie.”So it sounds like he needs a world-class menagerie

  • alexv3d-av says:

    This looks very cool and more Ming Na Wen is never a bad thing.

  • igotsuped-av says:

    Just as long as Morrison gets to say “Tatooine” a lot.

  • adamtrevorjackson-av says:

    looks fine, i guess. it would be nice to have something set in whatever the current continuity is supposed to be, though. i’m getting really tired of ‘post X, pre Y’ stories, and it feels like the next 5 shows are all that.

    • mortbrewster-av says:

      Like dealing with the fall-out of the galaxy realizing Palpatine was still alive but isn’t so much anymore by the time they actually get word.And that kid who got that spiffy ring from Rose Tico. 

      • adamtrevorjackson-av says:

        something like maz kanata rebuilding a cantina and asking her new patrons what they’ve been up to has the potential for, like, a million episodes but what do i know? i don’t have 45 years of market research that simply says ‘people like darth vader and boba fett’

    • bigal6ft6-av says:

      the LFL rule seems to be “if someone makes a movie past a point in the timeline then explore that timeline” and right now it ends with Rey Skywalker in Episode IX so it’s all prequels. Sometimes you get stuff in between the movies before the other one comes out, the original Clone Wars project and some post TLJ to TROS content, but it’s mostly a prequel series. 

  • kendull-av says:

    Looks gangster-y. Should’ve called it GoodFettas.

  • eeckinja-av says:

    “…when corporations can make us all rich.”Uh, no. He said “cooperation.” Cooperation can make us all rich, corporations just make themselves rich.

  • mdiller64-av says:

    Why speak of conflict when corporations can make us all rich?That’s a typo that completely changes the meaning of the sentence. It should read: “Why speak of conflict when corporation can make us all rich?” Corporations have nothing to do with it.

  • bagman818-av says:

    The Book of Boba Fett, where he does a lot of bounty hunting works to grow market share while maximizing shareholder value.

    • normchomsky1-av says:

      I hope they show actual book-writing. Like each episode is one of the 285 rules of acquisition galactic crime

    • anathanoffillions-av says:

      but I need assurances this will end in a trade war

      • presidentzod-av says:

        Begun, this trade war has. Again. 

        • anathanoffillions-av says:

          mmmm selling midichlorian futures these winklevi are yeeeessssss

          • dirtside-av says:

            “I’m 6’2″, 220, and there are 20,000 of me.”

          • anathanoffillions-av says:

            “because somebody at Industrial Light and Magic or somewhere just hit cut and paste in the entire prequel trilogy both for droids and for clones, hellboy, avengers 2, and a million other blockbusters where they couldn’t be bothered to put in any effort” lol I am bitter

  • razzle-bazzle-av says:

    Disney: We had some new Star Wars ideas, but y’all really hated those so we’re just gonna keep recycling old stuff.

  • seanpiece-av says:

    I’d be more excited about a new series about an aspiring gangster in the Star Wars universe played by Temuera Morrison if it didn’t have anything to do with Boba Fett.

    • anathanoffillions-av says:

      I mean…he has cool weapons and flies and they can pretty much decide his character is whatever they want to because he was a cipher in the original trilogy…I don’t see why it being Boba Fett is inherently bad

      • kinjacaffeinespider-av says:

        Being Boba Fett: the existential journey of an orphan who becomes a bounty hunter, who becomes worm food, who then gets into local outer-rim politics.

      • seanpiece-av says:

        It’s part of the franchise’s inability to let go of what came before and a refusal to create new things.

        It’s a real shame that The Last Jedi was such a weird misfire of a movie, because at its core it held a very good an important idea: shedding the franchise’s tendency to endlessly rehash what and who we’ve already seen.

        • anathanoffillions-av says:

          Boba Fett hardly was a character in the original trilogy, having him as a speaking character trying to take over an underworld that was only marginally in the series is not a rehash. I don’t see the point in calling it a rehash just because it’s on Tatooine and it’s Boba Fett. The Mandalorian also wasn’t a rehash unless you can point out the frog aliens guarding their eggs in the previous movies. I don’t even consider Rogue One a rehash, and they even let *spoiler* everyone die, which was a new thing for the series. I’m not blind, episodes VII-IX were a ton of recycling (particularly VII and IX) as did Solo (which I loathed) but it’s like people saying all the Marvel movies are the same, they simply aren’t. For me I really really hate prequels, so the fact that they have made the Mandalorian timeline feel alive despite that it can’t change anything to come with the “darkjediemoboyfriend saga” to come is pretty cool by itself. Plus I take these for what they are worth, this shit ain’t Bela Tarr.

          • seanpiece-av says:

            Oh I absolutely agree with you about The Mandalorian, particularly season one. There were familiar things – Jawas, stormtroopers, a tiny green Muppet with pointy ears. But the new things, and new spins on old things, were so good. Mando’s disintegration rifle, for instance, is a clear reference to Boba Fett’s initial appearance as well as Vader’s “no disintegrations” line. But the fact that he has to expend shells to use it is such a cool new tweak that we’ve never seen before. Mwa. Beautiful. Not to mention Nick Nolte’s Ugnaught character, an IG assassin droid, and so many other little things that are clearly from old Star Wars material, but given a chance to become new and interesting rather than useless fanservice.

            Season two of The Mandalorian I enjoyed less, because it started leaning harder into the rest of the universe we’ve already seen – the Darksaber, Ashoka, Boba Fett, etc. It still had great stuff – Bill Burr’s Imperial sharpshooter returning and giving us surprising depth, not to just his character but to the average Imperial grunt, is one of my favorite parts of season two. And hell, even the Dark Troopers were a nice bit of fanservice I appreciated while also being new – to the best of my knowledge, we haven’t seen them outside of the old EU video games, and damn they were pretty scary in action. But weaving Mando’s story into so much we’ve already seen makes the universe feel so much smaller to me. There’s an entire galaxy of adventure out there, and yet everything we see revolves around the same dozen characters.

            To compare to the Marvel movies: when human characters go into space, nobody on Xandar or Hala knows or gives a shit about who Tony Stark or Nick Fury are. But every time we go back to Tattooine, I believe less and less that it’s a forgotten backwater planet populated by simple farmers and people hoping to dodge the law.

            Yeesh, that was a lot of words. Anyway, you’re right that I should give it a chance before I judge. And I hope this is a whole lot more like The Mandalorian than Solo.

          • anathanoffillions-av says:

            well, I think it has earned the chance to see before you judge, and in this context as opposed to the trilogies which are, I agree, super guilty of the “there are only three important people in the gd universe” problem (not to mention the “why are they still called ‘rebels’ at the start of Force Awakens?” problem)Also, “so much we’ve already seen” sounds like you are incorporating a lot of stuff from Clone Wars etc. I didn’t watch all of those, and had no idea what the Darksaber was so it’s new to me, and also a lot of that stuff was written by Dave Filoni who is the one co-captaining this universe expansion. Finally, again, I can’t agree with the “it’s Boba Fett, we’ve seen him before” part because…we haven’t really.

  • isaacasihole-av says:

    The only thing that sucks about this is Tatooine. Enough with the fucking Tatooine already. Lucas only used a desert planet in the first movie because it was cheap for sci-fi. 

    • kinjacaffeinespider-av says:

      What do you hate sand or something?

    • badkuchikopi-av says:

      They should at one point in the first episode just cross over into a lush jungle oasis area that’s nearby but was always just off screen before.

      • ooklathemok3994-av says:

        Star Wars has always struggled with the concept that a planet might have more than one ecosystem.

        • azu403-av says:

          Same with clothing. Everyone is a) in military uniform, b) dressed in flowing robes, c) dressed like medieval peasants, except for Admiral Purple Hair who wore an evening gown for no reason.

      • garland137-av says:

        Tatooine does have lush oases, but they’re all controlled and jealously guarded by Tusken Raiders. That’s where they get the wood for their gaffi sticks. I dunno if Boba has a relationship with the Tuskens or simply killed one and took his stick, but if any outsider managed to discover the location of a Tusken oasis, it would be Boba.I really hope they show one now.

    • SquidEatinDough-av says:

      There was nothing cheap about flying to and filming in Tunisia.

      • isaacasihole-av says:

        It was a lo-fi way of creating an alien world that didn’t need a lot of sets and production design since it was a sparse environment. And they filmed in Tunisia, because there were pre-existing structures that looked alien, also saving them money. It was a lot cheaper than building more sets. 

  • anathanoffillions-av says:

    If Boba Fett shoots first in the Cantina is that premature disintegration?This doesn’t give much of an idea of what the episode to episode show will be like, but that’s fine, there’s no way I’m not watching most if not all of this even if it’s mediocre. I mean, I may have anyway, but The Mandalorian bought them enough good will that I want to at least see what angles they come up with. Also to note: Temeura Morrison is ~61 and Maori, Ming-Na is ~58 and Chinese-American, it’s pretty cool that they are headlining a Star Wars property. Plus, everybody should watch “Once Were Warriors” again.

  • mwfuller-av says:

    The First Church of Boba Fett, Scientist.  Feel free to visit our Boba Fett Reading Room.

  • presidentzod-av says:

    “Ladies, gentlemen, and assorted creatures: Tonight’s featured guest speaker is an author of a book who needs no introduction as his name is literally the title/descriptive phrase of said book.”

  • theredscare-av says:

    If the opening theme isn’t Fett’s ‘Vette I’m not watching it.

  • tyenglishmn-av says:

    As much as I was a Fett superfan as a kid I’m honestly more upset filming this pushed back Mandalorian season 3

    • gokartmozart89-av says:

      I’m not upset about it. I want them to really consider where that show goes next and to minimize the amount of CGI Luke on screen. 

  • riffraff2892-av says:

    Not “corporations,” “co-operations.” Freudian slip much?

  • nogelego-av says:

    Happy to see Yul Brenner working again.

  • laurenceq-av says:

    Fundamentally, this just isn’t a very interesting or urgent story that needed to be told.I really wish Favreau and Filoni were trying harder.

    • lazarusmars-av says:

      They aren’t really running this one though, Robert Rodriguez is.

    • gokartmozart89-av says:

      As opposed to another Messiah story featuring force sensitives and the fate of the galaxy hanging in the balance… again? Nah, I’m good with Boba Fett trying to take over a crime syndicate. I hope they leave Tatooine. I get Jabba’s throne was there (presumably because whoever is in power over the inner rim ignores the outer rim), but his crime empire extended well past that grain of dust. 

      • laurenceq-av says:

        Because it can only be one of those two things?  Okay.

        • gokartmozart89-av says:

          Him taking over a crime syndicate because he’s too old to be chasing bounties across the galaxy seems like a natural progression for the character. Would you rather he be a barista on Coruscant, making blue-foamed lattes for new republic fat cats? What is it that LaurenceQ thinks Boba Fett should be doing in his middle age?It doesn’t seem odd to me for Book of Boba to crib from mob films and tv if Mando did the same with spaghetti westerns and Kurosawa flicks (the latter being particularly influential on Lucas). Disney is fairly risk adverse. 

          • laurenceq-av says:

            I’d rather Boba Fett was dead in the belly of the Sarlaac and there was instead a SW show about a new character.(Almost) every new announced SW show is about a legacy character. Yawn. Even “The Mandalorian” is barely an original character, as he was basically already Fett in all but name.But, you’re definitely correct that Disney is risk-averse, so I guess the best we can hope for is a moderately entertaining, but utterly shallow effort like “The Mandalorian.”

          • gokartmozart89-av says:

            Then don’t watch it. You’re more than likely in the minority there. Boba Fett has been alive outside of that Sarlaac pit long before Disney bought out Lucas, and it was popular with fans. It is one of several elements of the former EU that Disney has revived and repurposed, along with the likes of Thrawn and (unfortunately) Palpatine’s clones.

          • laurenceq-av says:

            good thing to know it was “popular with fans.” If anyone knows good storytelling, as opposed to developing slavish, cult-like devotion to underdeveloped tertiary characters for no reason, it’s SW fans!

          • gokartmozart89-av says:

            And yet you’re advocating for a show centered around a new tertiary character as opposed to fleshing one out. The implication of my previous post is that this content probably isn’t meant for you.

          • laurenceq-av says:

            Uh, no, by definition the lead character in a TV show wouldn’t be “tertiary”, would they? And, yes, Fett will no longer be tertiary, but that’s not the point. Point is, strip-mining the lore and recycling established character after established character is unbelievably boring, unimaginative, backward-looking and will ultimately result in this franchise eating its own tail, leaving it nowhere to go.

          • gokartmozart89-av says:

            …established character is unbelievably boring, unimaginative, backward-looking and will ultimately result in this franchise eating its own tail, leaving it nowhere to go.And my point is that that’s just, like, your opinion, man.

  • iambrett-av says:

    I’m looking forward to it, although part of me is bummed that it’s all back on Tatooine again. It’s a big Star Wars galaxy – stories don’t need to keep coming back to the same planets (to its credit, the Mandalorian mostly avoided that). 

  • docprof-av says:

    It’s really too bad how they don’t want to let any dead characters stay dead. Really ruins the stakes and finality of everything.

    • badkuchikopi-av says:

      I’m shocked we still haven’t heard anything about a  “Mace Windu survived and went into hiding” series.

    • garland137-av says:

      There’s decades of stories about Boba being alive, and he escaped the Sarlacc more than once.

      • thegobhoblin-av says:

        At this point I figure the throws himself back into the Sarlacc every now and then when he needs to lay low for a while and escapes again when the heat it off.

      • docprof-av says:

        And Disney had the chance to ignore all of that and rest the continuity. But instead they’re gonna make a fan service Boba Fett show.

        • surprise-surprise-av says:

          He fell into a pit with a rocket strapped to his back. There are definitely situations where bringing back characters is eyerolling but this isn’t really one of them.

          It’s not wildly unbelievable that he managed to escape. This isn’t a situation where someone had to introduce the concept of time travel into Star Wars just to save him. There’s not a secret planet with an underground bunker full of Boba Fett clones somewhere. I mean, there actually could be – I guess – but that’s not how they went about bringing him back.

          This isn’t some big convoluted way of resurrecting a character. It’s simple and it’s something that books and comics have been alluding to since the beginning of the Disney era of Star Wars.

          This isn’t fan service because – by definition – fan service is something that’s just in there to please fans at the expense of the story. Disney has all but come out and said that The Mandalorian, The Book of Boba Fett, Ashoka, and all of these other post-RotJ series are all connected and leading up to some sort of ending for that era.

  • anthonypirtle-av says:

    I’m pleased to see a genre show with senior actors as leads. Not that anyone would guess Ming-Na Wen’s age just by looking at her. 

  • raymarrr-av says:

    Jennifer Beals looks stunning! The woman gets more beautiful with age.

  • weboslives-av says:

    The Book Of Boba Fett premieres on December 29 on Disney+And your torrent site of choice on December 30th!

  • bembrob-av says:

    Did he saying “corporations” or “cooperation”? It seems the latter makes more sense in context to the question.

  • gterry-av says:

    Did no one realize that a big part of the reason that The Mandalorian was successful was brand new characters in new situations? I don’t really care about about Ashoka or those other Mandalorians from cartoons and I am not sure how much I care about Boba Fett.

  • tombirkenstock-av says:

    I like Temuera Morrison as an actor, but I still think he’s too old to play the character who is supposed to be, what, in his thirties? They should have cast the actors who actually played Boba Fett in the prequels.

  • psychopirate-av says:

    As long as I get an episode where either the Rancor’s child, or that devastated Rancor trainer, returns for revenge, I’ll be happy.

  • mavar-av says:

    Mos Espa, you will never find a more pleasant and wonderful people. We must be excited.

  • admnaismith-av says:

    So…the entire Star Wars universe runs through Tatooine?That’s as uncompelling as the entire Star Trek universe running through Sarek of Vulcan’s family.Who knew these galaxy-spanning franchises were ultimately so small.

  • azu403-av says:

    I grew up with Disney. I remember Walt! So “Disney + leader of a crime syndicate” is a little hard to get my head around.

  • azu403-av says:

    What I want, but won’t get, is less shooting and more making out.

  • steverailsback-av says:

    To me, Boba Fett will always be the guy who got his arse kicked by Luke – who was fighting like 50 other dudes at the same time – , then flies straight into the side of a hovering craft, clumsily falling to his death down the throat of a stationary monster thing.But it looks like Disney has been watching Robot Chicken and had an epiphany on resurrection. LoL.

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