Bond reborn: 17 suggestions for how to really reboot 007

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Bond reborn: 17 suggestions for how to really reboot 007

Daniel Craig’s potential departure from the James Bond franchise has led to a lot of speculation about who could take up the 007 mantle next, with some lobbying hard for a change in ethnicity, sexuality, or gender, while others insist that Bond remain male, straight, and “suave.” But maybe we’re thinking about this casting business all wrong. Maybe, after half a century of sequels, the producers of this series need to really shake (not stir) things up by rethinking the basic alchemy of the character. Maybe it’s time not just for a different actor as Bond, but also a different kind of Bond. Below, we’ve made 17 suggestions—some more plausible than others—for how to make over cinema’s most famous spy. Roger Moore, avert your eyes, because it’s going to get unconventional.

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