Brett Goldstein surprised his parents with his MCU entrance

The Ted Lasso star's mother almost missed his Thor: Love And Thunder cameo while committing the cardinal sin of texting in the movie theater

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Brett Goldstein surprised his parents with his MCU entrance
Brett Goldstein Photo: Araya Doheny

For some Marvel actors, the solemn vow of secrecy even extends to their nearest and dearest. Brett Goldstein, who recently made a cameo in a Thor: Love And Thunder post-credits scene, didn’t even tell his parents about his MCU debut. Instead, he chose to send them to the theater and discover it for themselves.

Speaking with Variety at a Ted Lasso FYC event, the writer-performer explains, “I didn’t tell anyone because Marvel put a chip in my neck that said ‘If you talk about this you’re dead.’ My mom and dad, I sent them a text and said ‘I’ve just seen Thor. I knew it’s not the kind of film they’d see. I said, ‘You should go see it. It’s funny.’”

“My mom is texting me all the way through the film giving me a running commentary,” Goldstein continues. “I’m like, ‘Just watch the film!’ It gets to the end bit, where it shows Russell Crowe… My mom texts me ‘Russell Crowe’s in it again, he’s very funny.’ I go, ‘Fucking look up at the screen!’”

He did, apparently, tell co-star Hannah Waddingham he’d been offered the role, but didn’t tell her when he’d actually accepted it (“I was like, ‘You cheeky bastard,’” Waddingham recalls). Goldstein will continue to stay mum on the future of his character, Hercules, though mostly because he doesn’t know what the future holds: “I truly, honestly—this isn’t me lying or being coy—I know nothing. All I know is what I did that day and that’s it. That could be it. It was a fun three seconds.”

Given the events of Love And Thunder, it seems unlikely that his godly plotline will be left there. Even if Goldstein doesn’t get more Marvel work, though, he’ll still be plenty busy. Up next he’ll serve as co-writer and co-EP of Apple TV+’s Shrinking, and earlier this year he signed an overall deal with Warner Bros. to “develop, create, and produce new television content for WBTV for all platforms.” One might even say that Herc is on a roll.


  • ruefulcountenance-av says:

    I hope it’s a deliberate running joke that AFC Richmond players turn up in tiny post-credit cameos in the MCU.

  • adamtrevorjackson-av says:

    i thought crowe said ‘icarus’ not ‘hercules’ so this was actually helpful.

  • wompthing-av says:

    Jon Gabrus was roooooobbed

    • slurmsmckenzie-av says:

      I literally leaned over to my friend when the scene rolled and said, “Gabrus is gonna be steamed!”

  • wompthing-av says:

    Jon Gabrus was roooooobbed

  • ryanjcam-av says:

    I love Brett on Ted Lasso, he’s probably my favorite character, and this should have been a fun moment in the theater. But did anyone else have an immediate gut reaction that he was miscast as Hercules? The only other time I’ve had such a visceral negative reaction to one of these post-credits scenes is the baffling Starfox/Pip the Troll bit after Eternals. It still makes me shudder… the casting, the tone, the terrrible CGI. So awful.

    • derrabbi-av says:

      Seems they have put themselves in a position of having to constantly be fudging his size if they were going to use him a lot going forward. Also; we all know he can play rage but Herc isn’t just rage; he’s pure ID at all times. He does have the body hair for the role though.

    • bloodlemons-av says:

      I thought it was great. I really hope they use him going forward. May take years to find out, unfortunately. 

  • capnandy-av says:

    Yeah, I’m sure they introduced Hercules, the longtime Avenger and frequent Thor foil, as played by a charismatic actor who hasn’t gotten his big break yet just like they always like to cast for the big roles, just to never use him again.

  • allisonkj-av says:

    Oh dear, all I took from this is that Brett Goldstein’s mother texts in movie theaters. I like him so much, I don’t want to hate his mom.

  • sui_generis-av says:

    Weird casting.I like the actor a lot, and I think it’s not a bad idea to introduce that character, but….weird pairing.I would’ve been less surprised to see him used as Wolverine…

    • ijohng00-av says:

      agree. i don’t see the actor as having much range. he’s acceptable in Ted Lasso, but i’m being generous.

      • gargsy-av says:

        “he’s acceptable in Ted Lasso”

        Maybe you should watch other stuff he’s been in. Or maybe an interview with him. You might understand that he’s not at all like the character he plays in TL, and maybe that he was cast because he’s good..

        Also, he’s playing Hercules in an MCU film, is range the thing you think of most when you describe the actors and characters in the MCU?

  • ijohng00-av says:

    how good is Disney’s Hercules, eh? that’s a classic and one of Disney’s best films.

    • uncleump-av says:

      Is it? I’m mean I think it’s a good film and all but I don’t know if I would put it as a “classic” or as one of Disney’s “best” films. I would actually put it at the bottom of the Musker/Clements movies.

      • cropply-crab-av says:

        Nah it’s great

      • cavalish-av says:

        It’s a great film!“There’s an emergency! Someone call IX I I!”

      • bembrob-av says:

        I honestly don’t remember much from it. I think James Woods was the voice of Hades or something but otherwise, drawing a blank.Of the new golden age of feature animation, the big 4 were Little Mermaid, Beauty and the Beast, Alladin and The Lion King. I think Hunchback did pretty well but once Toy Story hit, the writing was on the wall.

        • thundercatsridesagain-av says:

          Hunchback is such a strange film. On the one hand, it’s got maybe the best orchestration and score of any Disney animated movie. But on the other, the story is so dark that it really limited its audience.

          • auriana-av says:

            Yes! The music in Hunchback is probably my favorite out of the Disney movies, even if it’s not my favorite film. I still have “Hell’s Fire” and “The Bells of Notre Dame” on rotation in my car’s playlist.In high school, shortly after the movie came out, we did a medley in choir. The official one left out “Hell’s Fire” and a lot of the chant so one of our members not only rescored it but also wrote full orchestration. I ended up getting pulled to play instead of sing but it was great. I was a mallet percussionist…lots of fun with the chimes on that one.

    • uselessbeauty1987-av says:

      I mean it’s ok but even at the time of its release it was seen as being a lesser Disney film of its era, below that of Lion King, Little Mermaid, Aladdin etc.A lot of the writing at the time was about how Mulan was a return to form.

      • gargsy-av says:

        “I mean it’s ok but even at the time of its release”

        Who gives a fuck what people thought at the time of its release. We’re talking about peoples’ current opinions.

    • kylesee-av says:

      Lol, guy talks about how much he enjoys the Hercules film. Cue a bunch of chodes in the thread telling him why he’s wrong. 

  • kateshow5000-av says:

    What is up with that hair? Well, it is in keeping with the MCU brand of bad hairpieces.

  • secretagentman-av says:

    His mother is a terrible person and should be banned from going to the movies.

  • oesophago-gastro-duodenoscopy-av says:

    Shittest CGI ever.

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