Britney Spears calls for public apology after incident with NBA’s Victor Wembanyama

Spears was allegedly struck by Wembanyama's security team after she approached the Spurs star to say hello

Aux News Britney Spears
Britney Spears calls for public apology after incident with NBA’s Victor Wembanyama
Britney Spears Photo: Matt Winkelmeyer

Earlier today, we reported on an incident that happened last night in Las Vegas, when singer Britney Spears was reportedly struck by security staff for San Antonio Spurs player Victor Wembanyama when Spears approached the NBA star to say hello. Now, the singer has issued a statement about the incident, throwing some shade at over-zealous security personnel for their treatment of her.

Spears released the statement on Twitter, writing that,

Traumatic experiences are not new to me and I have had my fair share of them. I was not prepared for what happened to me last night. I recognized an athlete in my hotel lobby as I was heading to dinner. I later went to a restaurant at a different hotel and saw him again. I decided to approach him and congratulate him on his success. It was really loud, so I tapped him on the shoulder to get his attention. I am aware of the player statement where he mentions “I grabbed him from behind” but I simply tapped him on the shoulder. His security then back-handed me in the face without looking back, in front of a crowd. Nearly knocked me down and causing my glasses [sic] off my face.

I get swarmed by people all the time. In fact, that night, I was swarmed by a group of at least 20 fans. My security team didn’t hit any of them.

Spears went on in her statement, thanking Las Vegas police for their courtesy. (She filed a police report about the incident.) She also called on Wembanyama—who was the first overall pick at this year’s NBA draft—or his team to issue a public apology of some kind, writing that, “I have yet to get a public apology from the player, his security, or their organization. I hope they will…”

Per Variety, Wembanyama addressed the incident in an interview earlier today, saying Spears “grabbed” him and that he’d been told by security not to stop. “I just know the security pushed her away,” he said, adding that he was only told the person in question had been Spears several hours later.


  • carlos-the-dwarf-av says:

    It’s not fair to say that Wembanyana wasn’t alive the last time Britney was musically relevant.After all, he was in preschool.

    • dummytextdummytext-av says:

      she was musically relevant at some point? 

      • light-emitting-diode-av says:

        From 1998 until 2013

      • starvenger88-av says:

        “she was musically relevant at some point?”Sometimes.  

      • dhaye1979-av says:

        cool guy alert!Says Britney Spears was never relevant, knowing full well she was the biggest popstar in the world for the better part of a decade.Sure pal, keep up the good work.

        • dummytextdummytext-av says:

          biggest popstar in the world isn’t really the same as ‘musically relevant’ but hey, enjoy i guess.

          • ohnoray-av says:

            lol they literally just made an entire show, The Idol, about the relevancy of Britney. Shitty show but her and her music still remain hugely influential.

          • dummytextdummytext-av says:

            Sorry I didn’t recognize the sonic genius of pioneering musical innovator Britney Spears, I guess

          • adamtrevorjackson-av says:

            yes it is. of course it is! just in the same way ‘stuff you like’ isn’t the same as ‘relevant’.

          • dummytextdummytext-av says:

            exactly. stuff you like isn’t the same as ‘relevant’. that’s the point. popular does not equal relevant.

          • adamtrevorjackson-av says:

            you’re a moron

          • dummytextdummytext-av says:

            super deep and insightful comeback here

          • dhaye1979-av says:

            yet she was musically relevant, regardless if you liked what she sang or not.all the pop music that came after her is a direct descendant from what she made.But sure, stay in your “i heard of Bon Iver before he was cool” bubble.

          • dummytextdummytext-av says:

            also bubble is a really interesting choice of words here from someone defending the artistic genius and influence of britney spears. so i listen to less popular but critically-acclaimed music, and you automatically mock it as hipster bullshit…but I’M the one in the bubble?)if bon iver is still your reference point for hipsters, by the way, the late 2010s called and so forth…

          • dhaye1979-av says:

            Its fine to be a hipster who thinks they are ahead of the curve on all things music, regardless of how untrue it may be. But doubling down on “not knowing and/or thinking Britney Spears wasn’t relevant” serves no purpose to any point you’re trying to make. You did know. Thats the bottom line.

  • magpie187-av says:

    Does he even know who she is? It was a misunderstanding, she was not hurt, let it go. 

    • mckludge-av says:

      More to the point, did his security detail know who she is. 

      • elswithers-av says:

        Why does it matter who she is? The security detail no doubt was embarrassed at letting a random stranger get close enough to stab him and took it out on her. Deportation sounds good.

    • waystarroyco-av says:

      When a crazy blonde asks you to hit her baby one more time, you dont have time to think

    • breadnmaters-av says:

      Idk. Smacking anyone, regardless of their celebrity status, isn’t ok, imo.

      • SweetJamesJones-av says:

        She was out of line for touching him at all. She violated his personal space, and they did their jobs. She wasn’t innocent.  She was a security threat and got treated as one.

      • magpie187-av says:

        If you or I tapped Brit from behind we would be gang tackled on the floor & there would be zero outrage. It’s not ok either way but this could have been a lot worse. She should get over herself.

      • i-miss-splinter-av says:

        How about talking to someone instead of touching them? Security did its job.

        • dutchmasterr-av says:

          Agreed. They both had security so this isn’t that hard. Britney sends one of her security approach his team to relay that Brit would like to meet him. This way everyone is on the same page and make for a great photo op for all. 

      • gotpma-av says:

        She said it was a smack. The guy could have tried to move her and hit accidentally also. The cops saw the video and didn’t want to press charges.

    • antsnmyeyes-av says:

      You’re allowed to smack someone because you don’t know who they are?

    • mykinjaa-av says:

      I like how people contorted the story and are now saying Wembanyama smacked her. LOL! Some people are just as touched in the head as Spears.

  • hamiltonistrash-av says:

    I’ve seen enough. Deport him.If it were Dolly Parton, we’d be at war with France right now.

  • clintontrumpepsteinfriends-av says:

    Rich people think they can treat regular people like garbage.   Just tells you how often those goons throw people to the ground and face zero consequences.   Arrest the guy that touched her.   No way was a tiny woman like Brittany a threat to him.   That goon just wanted to hurt a woman.  

    • cchristensen626-av says:

      Yeah, she couldn’t have a knife or gun.  Spears thought because she was famous she could go up to him.  

      • thepetemurray-darlingbasinauthorithy-av says:

        Yes, but you’re forgetting the most important piece of evidence in her favour that is fully admissible to the court of public opinion:She’s a white woman. Victor’s a black man. 

      • clintontrumpepsteinfriends-av says:

        You can’t hit tiny women because you are scared stupid.   We live in a society.  

        • cchristensen626-av says:

          LOL.  You can 100% push someone away if they come up and touch you for zero reason.  

    • vikingsteve-av says:

      The security guard probably didn’t even see her until she had already touched him, then he freaked out and lashed out at her both an over-reaction but also as a sort of way of showing that he’s on top of it.He failed to protect his employer because spears just walked up and touched him without ANYONE stopping her? And she would not be hard to stop.

    • dutchmasterr-av says:

      Monica Seles probably thought the same about middle-aged German tennis fans, but April 30, 1993 changed her mind. 

    • icehippo73-av says:

      I would think a rich person like Spears would understand you don’t try to run up and grab a celebrity in public. Tiny people can have guns or knives as easily as big people. 

    • vargas2022-av says:

      I’m confused by your comment – is your view that Britney fucking Spears is ‘regular people’ and a random security guard is “Rich people”?

    • lmh325-av says:

      I mean a tiny woman with a knife would be dangerous? Also, watch the video. They pushed her hand away from his body and she hit herself in the face. The bodyguard just put his hand up between her hand and his back.

      • clintontrumpepsteinfriends-av says:

        She didn’t have a knife you dumb incel.  

        • lmh325-av says:

          I know reading your own writing is probably hard, bestie, but you said “no way was a tiny woman like Brittany was a threat.” A tiny woman can be a very real threat. She wasn’t in this moment, but the bodyguards didn’t know that. To the bodyguards, she’s just a rando poking he guy in the back.And again, watch the video – bodyguard put his hand between her and his client. She hit herself in the face.Nice incorrect usage of the word incel, btw.

  • waystarroyco-av says:

    It is notable that, upon her request, the security guard did in fact hit her one more time.

  • rafterman00-av says:

    This reeks of Britney looking to get some attention by glomming onto someone more relevant now. Get a photo, put it on social media and get looks. Why so desperate to get a photo with him? Is she an NBA fan?

    • ohnoray-av says:

      idk who this man is, Spears is always going to be relevant to some degree. 

    • dapoot-av says:

      Who the fuck is this Ooga Booga thug?

    • yellowfoot-av says:

      At least taking her comments at face value, she says she recognized him. I’d be hard pressed to recognize any basketball player who hasn’t starred in a Space Jam movie, and I don’t follow the NBA at all. It’s not unreasonable to imagine she’s a fan and so knows at least a handful of the new stars.Britney’s still got a lot of problems, but has she spent the last year taking selfies with famous people trying to get clout? I honestly have no idea, since I don’t follow her. But I also haven’t heard about her in the news for a while, which strikes me as indicative that she’s been keeping to herself.

      • dhaye1979-av says:

        “ I’d be hard pressed to recognize any basketball player”This is utter bullshit. When you see a 7’5 dude walking around with security, you damn well know your first instinct is to think hes a basketball player. But go on, keep saying otherwise to try and act cool.

      • icehippo73-av says:

        He’s 7’4”…pretty easy to recognize.

      • freshness-av says:

        I don’t follow the NBA but have been sort of aware of this fella. He’s a wonderkid who is well over 7ft and is being touted already as one of the best players to ever play the game, potentially. He’s going to be a megastar.I think more likely Britney got a bit impulsive and decided she MUST talk to him and then all this happened. Any idea it was a premeditated move for clout does not take into account her continued madness.

    • mykinjaa-av says:

      Because she’s going down Madonna’s path of clout chasing and blaming.

  • mytvneverlies-av says:

    I recognized an athlete in my hotel lobby as I was heading to dinner.There’s just something funny about “recognizing” a 7’4″ dude.

  • docprof-av says:

    Of all people, you would think someone like Britney Spears would know that it’s not ok to approach random famous people that you don’t know at all.

    • everythingnow-av says:

      If someone Britters didn’t know came up from behind and touched her, I suspect she would raise holy hell. PERSONAL SPACE is for everyone, celebrities too!

  • alferd-packer-av says:

    This smacks (sorry) of piss poor security. She’s allowed to come up behind him and touch him without even being spotted and then she’s back-handed in the face without being looked at.What if she actually was a threat? They won’t be releasing a statement because they’ve been fired.

    • carlos-the-dwarf-av says:

      Turns out they did a great job!They slapped her hand away before she could touch him, and she hit herself in the face.

    • lmh325-av says:

      That’s not actually what happened if you watch the video.She runs up behind him, reaches out to touch his back (not his shoulder) and the security guard puts his arm between her hand and his client. Her hand hit the bodyguard’s arm and then her own face. No one backhanded her.From the video, it doesn’t look like she ever actually made contact with his body.

      • alferd-packer-av says:

        Oh, huh. Well, I still haven’t watched the video but it’s interesting that it exists – bit daft to make all this up when it’s being filmed. Wonder why he says that “Spears “grabbed” him”.Those wacky celebs, eh?

        • lmh325-av says:

          Probably how it felt to him since he couldn’t see her – she’s fully behind his body when this happens and two feet shorter than him.

  • moxitron-av says:

    after all the trauma and exploitation she’s been through, wouldnt it be wise if Britney stayed away from the fame scene. never have been a fan but empathize with her struggles. Go home Brits, have a cuppa tea and relax…

  • milligna000-av says:

    I’m sure her security lets middle-aged men grab her from behind in crowded places all the time!

  • adohatos-av says:

    Celebrities are weird. If I had that type of money and someone offended me I wouldn’t complain to the press, I’d just have them killed. Hit men can’t be that expensive, especially when they’re a crackhead you’ve armed with an SKS you bought from a junkie and pointed in the right direction. Otherwise what’s the point of being rich?

  • seven-deuce-av says:

    Entitled celeb feels she can approach another celeb because they’re all part of the celeb club.She’s mad because she’s embarrassed she didn’t have celeb access.

  • grantagonist-av says:

    Hit me baby one more time

  • kman3k-av says:

    As I understand the events, security knocked her hand away and she ended up hitting herself in the face, which is in fact, hilarious!

  • priest-of-maiden-av says:

    …so I tapped him on the shoulder to get his attention.And therein lies the problem. Don’t touch people without asking. Pretty sure security would tackle any of us that walked up to Britney Spears and tapped her on the shoulder.

    • lmh325-av says:

      She’s also 2 feet shorter than him, so “tapping” his shoulder in reality was pushing his shoulder blade if you watch the video. The bodyguard literally just put his arm up and she hit herself in the face from hitting his arm.

  • carlos-the-dwarf-av says:

    Can we get an update on this one 😂

  • americatheguy-av says:

    Turns out she actually hit herself. It was the first time she had actual involvement in any of her hits.

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