Britney Spears calls out Christina Aguilera over conservatorship response

Spears posted a clip to her social media accounts of Aguilera declining to comment on her recent conservatorship battles

Aux News Britney Spears
Britney Spears calls out Christina Aguilera over conservatorship response
Left: Britney Spears in 2018 (Vivien Killilea/Getty Images for GLAAD), Right: Christina Aguilera at the 2021 Latin Grammys (Arturo Holmes/Getty Images)

Britney Spears is now free of the conservatorship that she lived under for 13 years, a restrictive and stifling legal arrangement that controlled vast swathes of the superstar’s life: Her finances, her medical decisions, her career, and more. Said control extended all the way down to Spears’ use of social media, which was largely managed by outside forces during the decade-plus legal arrangement.

Now that Spears is no longer laboring under these constraints—with the conservatorship having finally been terminated on November 12—she’s exercising her god-given right to use social media the same way the rest of us have all been deploying it for all of that same period: To publicly address people we feel have done us wrong.

Specifically, Spears posted an Instagram Stories post this weekend in which she called out fellow Mickey Mouse Club alum Christina Aguilera for apparently dodging a question she was asked about Spears’ conservatorship while on the red carpet for the Latin Grammys. When a reporter asked Aguilera whether she’d had any communication with Spears, a publicist swiftly stepped in with a “No, we’re not doing that tonight,” while Aguilera noted that she’s “happy for her,” and walked away.

(For what it’s worth, Aguilera has spoken about the conservatorship before; in June she released a statement in support of the #FreeBritney movement and expressed her sympathy for Spears.)

Per Consequence, Spears responded to this latest non-interaction by posting a clip from the interview onto her Instagram Stories, along with a caption that essentially called Aguilera out for her reticence to speak:

I love and adore everyone who supported me … but refusing to speak when you know the truth, is equivalent to a lie!!! 13 years being in a corrupt abusive system yet why is such a hard topic for people to talk about??? I’m the one who went through it!!! All the supporters who spoke up and supported me thank you … Yes I do matter!

In contrast, Spears later posted a clip of Lady Gaga, praising her for her vocal support.

The whole Britney-Christina thing is, of course, extremely complicated. Media coverage has pitted the two women against each other since roughly the minute either of their careers began, creating a rivalry that neither artist probably wanted, but which both appear to have spent large portions of their career trapped within. On the one hand, it’s not hard to see why Aguilera might want to disengage from the entire framework that dictates that she must always have a comment on Spears’ life at the ready; on the other, it’s hard to fault Spears for expressing herself about how the clip made her feel, especially after years of being silenced.


  • lineuphitters-av says:

    “Media coverage has pitted the two women against each other since roughly the minute either of their careers began, creating a rivalry that neither artist probably wanted, but which both appear to have spent large portions of their career trapped within.” Oh, you mean like the exact same way this very article pits the two women against each other? Interesting.

  • yellowfoot-av says:

    It’s not that complicated. You basically outlined it completely in a single paragraph.Christina doesn’t owe Britney anything at all, and she certainly isn’t required to speak to the media about her. I think “I’m happy for her, and no further comment” is pretty gracious actually. I’m not judging Britney too harshly for this, since I’m sure she’s processing a lot and depending on circumstances possibly relearning how to live her life. But maybe she should consider a heartfelt message thanking her fans and supporters, and then telling them that she’s going to turn off all social media for 3-6 months while she works on herself.

    • thesillyman-av says:

      Yea, they werent really friends and they just came up together so, she doesnt have to care about Britney beyond like a general human level of not wanting someone to have all their rights taken away. She also hated how the media always tied them together and made her the trashy bad girl and Britney the good girl, so its understandable that she might be annoyed to still be tied to everything Britney does. She gave out a statement of support prior and said she was happy for her now, what more do you want.

      • randoguyontheinterweb-av says:

        Pretty sure it was the “Dirty” video that made her the “trashy bad girl” 

        • antsnmyeyes-av says:

          Too ahead of her time. 

          • randoguyontheinterweb-av says:

            I think it was a coming out of sorts – showing she was no longer the Genie in a Bottle Disney girl. But it was a bit heavy on the hip grinding (as you say a bit before it’s time). Can’t say she could blame anybody else for putting her in the “trashy” column after that. The song was good though.

          • madame-bratvatsky-av says:

            Blaming someone for still putting Aguilera in the “trash column”, as you say, isn’t necessarily deserving of blame. But they are entirely deserving of correction. “Dirty”, both the song and its video, certainly garnered a lot of pre-fabricated Pearl clutching and “controversy” upon the release of her Stripped album. Yet, for all its flash and heat, “Dirty” ultimately proved to be nothing more than than short burst of flame that burned out almost as quickly as it was kindled. Deliberate or not, “Dirty” worked as well as any ‘bait-and-switch’ could ever hope to by laying the groundwork for Aguilera’s highest and longest charting, best-selling single, “Beautiful, written and produced by 4 Non-Blondes lead singer and songwriter, Linda Perry.Not only was “Beautiful” more commercially successful than “Dirty”, it had a tremendously positive impact upon the discourse about issues like body-image, sexuality, diversity, gender, 21st century feminism, racism, bigotry, and domestic violence, etc., about 10-15 years before any of those topics became a part of mainstream cultural discussion.Why and how do I know this? Because I hated “Beautiful”. Why did I hate it? Because it was played, covered, and performed damn near everywhere, by damn near everyone, for what seemed like damn near forever.“Beautiful”—not “Dirty”—came to define Aguilera. So much so, that even someone like me—someone who never gave a single dollar of their money or second of their attention* to any of Aguilera’s music—forgot all about “Dirty” along with any song she released before or after “Beautiful”.*Note: Minus the 30-45 minutes of research I did to source this stupid, fucking comment

          • randoguyontheinterweb-av says:

            Thanks for that history. Its almost like she put out dirty so she could “redeem” herself immediately with Beautiful. It more or less worked since she had synthetic street cred from Dirty and post pop princess success from Beautiful in a single go. I have no problem with trashy – be what you want – but to “blame” someone for your choices is nonsense. This “blame” may also be a media or handler creation to create press. As for example forgetting Dirty, I find it hard to unseen the muddy Agulara gyrating in a loin cloth for four minutes.  Whether I want to or no.

          • ilovesbabo-av says:

            Only correction is that she stylized “Dirrty” with two Rs 🙂

          • doctor-boo3-av says:

            I read almost all of your comment in a Patrick Bateman voice.

          • madame-bratvatsky-av says:

            That is one of the sweetest compliments anyone has ever given me. Thank you. 

          • stormylewis-av says:

            Dirty was more a reaction to the bad girl label than the cause of it.  

          • randoguyontheinterweb-av says:

            I did not know that.

          • randoguyontheinterweb-av says:

            I did not follow the gossip but the video certainly left an impression.

        • djdeejay-av says:

          After all these years, I can still smell that video.

      • tanksfornuttindanny-av says:

        It wasn’t the media that made Christina Aguilera the “trashy bad girl.” While Aguilera is probably not that person, it’s exactly the way she and her team chose to market herself. Hell, she even named her album “Dirty.”Surely, the media ran with that angle, but they did not create it.

        • thesillyman-av says:

          Not really Dirty was a song on her album which came out in 2002 and that came out after Britney did that song “I’m a Slave 4 u” and got praised for it, and then after that Britney did Toxic, so really its a wash. But I was talking about since 1999 with their debut albums Britney was positioned as the wholesome girl and Christina was naughty “a 1999 Guardian article declared Aguilera “has a ‘naughtier’ image than Britney’s corn-fed, Midwest, wholesome look”

          • tanksfornuttindanny-av says:

            I stand corrected about whether Dirty was a song or an album. Thanks.In any case, the quote you shared isn’t particularly relevant to this discussion. That article didn’t label Aguilera naughty or dirty, it noted the fact that she had a naughtier image than Spears, without attempting to identify the reason for that. It’s not different than if they wrote, “she is shorter than Spears.”For something definitive, here’s Aguilera making clear who controlled her image and brand:“It was that pop-star time of N’Sync, the Backstreet Boys, Britney Spears and me. When we came out, there was an essence of innocence that you had to sort of portray blindly, and I wasn’t about to play that game, I wasn’t that girl. I really wanted to be honest and truthful. So I came out with Dirrty, and that was my f**k-it moment. That was me stepping up and saying I was a woman that’s proud of my sexuality. I was proud of my vulnerability. I was proud of the fact that I’ve fought my way through this industry.”

        • stormylewis-av says:

          Dirty was the bravest and most innovative album that any of the Teen Queens did.  Hell, P!nk gets credit for being the artist, but she hasn’t put out anything close to that level.  

      • stormylewis-av says:

        Not only that, but Spears actively marketed off their “feud” and being the “Good Girl” to Agulera’s “Bad Girl.”  I don’t remember Spears speaking out when Agulera was being actively slut shamed all over the place.

    • katanahottinroof-av says:

      Her father maybe was not ideal at running her life for a while, but demonstrably neither was she. The freedom to crash your own car is still crashing a car.  I hope that she does well.

      • citricola-av says:

        To me, I don’t have a position to take on her mental health, I don’t know her.But making her continue a high-pressure recording and performing career is not what one does when trying to steward someone’s mental health.“Not ideal” is an understatement.

      • TotoGrenvitch-av says:

        Eh, She’s gonna do some wild stuff. And I argue that she did all that anyway because she lacked control to begin with. Like we all know how the sheltered kids act as soon as they’re not being micromanaged anymore by their parents. It’s why college is so dangerous until people figure out how to manage themselves. Unfortunately she had more money to mess up with but its her money and her right to do whatever.So she’s all jacked up but I hope she gets okay.

    • kab3289-av says:

      Actually it is pretty complicated? A few weeks ago Christina was posting on social media about how “Britney needs all this support, love, and how her heart goes out to her.” Yet she hasn’t spoken a word since the cship ended, and in her first public appearance since it ended she dodged the question. The moment the interviewer mentioned Britney, Christina turned to get her publicist attention. It was deliberate, and she added the her fake “I’m so happy for her” comment to try and save face. Christina posted a comment to garner likes, and attention. It wasn’t genuine at all apparently, and neither was her response to the question. That’s always been the problem with Christina. She only “cares” about Britney when it’s convenient for her. She’s no different than the people that have been taking advantage of Britney for the last 13 years.

      • yellowfoot-av says:

        That’s not even an extra layer of complication. It’s literally just “Christina and Britney aren’t friends.” That doesn’t make her the same as the people who have been taking advantage of her. At worst, it makes her “Not Britney’s Friend,” and even that only if she is in fact as insincere as you seem to think. If insincerity is that big an issue for you, I have some real bad news about Instagram and social media in general.

        • kab3289-av says:

          No. I have a big issue with being fake. It’s not the first time. Multiple times throughout their careers Christina will be oh I love Britney, she’s so talented, she needs our support, blah, blah, blah, and then the next time you hear from her; “oh Britney’s superficial, she’s not a real artist,” oh I’m gonna turn to my publicist to get me out of this. I don’t care if their friends or not. If she’s not Britney’s friend then don’t speak on her. I would have more respect for her if she wouldn’t have said anything at all. There’s a difference between being insincere, and just being a fake bitch. If you’re going to be a bitch; then own it. Don’t try and cover it up with “oh I’m happy for her.” That’s my issue. My generation invented social media. I know how it works, and I can play the game just fine. Fuck you, fuck your mom, and fuck off. Bye now. 😉

      • jalapenogeorge-av says:

        I really don’t see why she should owe anybody any more than that. She probably got her publicist’s attention at that point because she knows any answer that’s not ‘just right’ is going to attract a swarm of people who are weirdly overly passionate about Britney Spears to attack her relentlessly.

        • edkedfromavc-av says:

          people who are weirdly overly passionate about Britney Spears A great example of whom is to be found in the person you’re replying to above. How did such an utter clown as this Baucum guy get to post ungreyed on his first post anyway?

      • edkedfromavc-av says:

        God, every line of your comment is just unbelievably fucking idiotic.

    • kab3289-av says:

      Actually it is pretty complicated? A few weeks ago Christina was posting on social media about how “Britney needs all this support, love, and how her heart goes out to her.” Yet she hasn’t spoken a word since the cship ended, and in her first public appearance since it ended she dodged the question. The moment the interviewer mentioned Britney, Christina turned to get her publicist attention. It was deliberate, and she added the her fake “I’m so happy for her” comment to try and save face. Christina posted a comment to garner likes, and attention. It wasn’t genuine at all apparently, and neither was her response to the question. That’s always been the problem with Christina. She only “cares” about Britney when it’s convenient for her. She’s no different than the people that have been taking advantage of Britney for the last 13 years.

    • edkedfromavc-av says:

      Yeah, how the fuck is “I’m happy for her” this horrible diss/throwing her under the bus? This story seems such a bag of gas.

  • MisterSterling-av says:

    Did Britney’s husband say anything about the conservatorship? This is ridiculous. Leave Christina the hell alone.

  • teageegeepea-av says:

    We’ve already got an overabundance of people giving their opinions on things they have no connection to or special insight on (“the AV Club!”, a punchline I haven’t seen in a while). It’s a really stupid norm to regard people as obligated to have & express an opinion. I would say that goes even further when it’s a legal dispute if you’re not connected to the case.

    • gone83-av says:

      This is the reductio ad absurdum of “silence is violence.” It’s a sentiment I agree with when it comes to systemic racism and tolerating our endless military aggression, but I guess it shouldn’t surprise me that a rich white woman would repurpose it in such a way.

      • teageegeepea-av says:

        “Silence is violence” is such a dumb slogan. Even a child would know that doesn’t make sense, whereas “nothing comes from nothing” is seemingly tautological. If not for the insistence on a rhyme one could go with “Silence is complicity” for the more condensed version of that mangled Burke quote about evil triumphing when the good do nothing.

        • TotoGrenvitch-av says:

          Yeah, I’m not a fan because it places everybody else on par with the actual person who is doing the wrong doing…and nawww the wrong doer is the most accountable person, I’m sorry that happened to you but you need to come down hard on your main player there and leave everybody else out of it.

    • it-has-a-super-flavor--it-is-super-calming-av says:

      AV Club.  😀

    • dresstokilt-av says:

      “the AV Club!”, a punchline I haven’t seen in a while- The AV Club

    • TotoGrenvitch-av says:

      Yeah, Silence as omission only counts if you’re an actual witness or a participant. As a spectator it holds no water. I also argue it’s a sliding scale if you didn’t have the power to affect an outcome one way or the other, in the case of her little sister too. But ehhhh.

    • ooklathemok3994-av says:

      I may not be in expert in celebrity law, but I did stay at a Holiday Inn Express last night. 

    • igotlickfootagain-av says:

      I still try and get in a “The AV Club” punchline when I can. Some of us remember the old ways.*stares into the distance as a mournful wind blows*

  • arrowe77-av says:

    What happened to Britney is very sad and I’m happy she finally took back some control on her life. That being said, she is wrong here. Aguilera did not have any obligation to say anything more than what she said. The two were not close friends and had no relation to each other other than that made-up rivalry.

  • bagman818-av says:

    Now I’m terrified because I haven’t mentioned Britney on social media.

  • lattethunder-av says:

    *Hughes sits back, waits for them to start fighting over a boy.*

  • mrfallon-av says:

    You know what this whole conservatorship conversation needs more of?  Salacious celebrity feud reporting.  Great work.

  • capeo-av says:

    Geez, slow Saturday on the news front, Hughes?Since I’m already here: This is a completely unreasonable response from Spears. I hope she has a solid support structure around her because court docs, testimony, and court ordered psych evals over the years are indicative of someone dealing with substantial mental health issues. That doesn’t excuse a perpetual conservatorship. Not defending that. I just hope, for her sake, she isn’t now just set adrift without people who genuinely care about her that she trusts. A primary factor that continued the conservatorship were judgements that Spears was unreasonably, well, gullible really, and susceptible to manipulation.

    • ual-jiggs-av says:

      Celebs need a course regarding “PROJECTING CLASS”! If I was a celebrity, the last thing I would want is to publicize my personal problems. Hell with the media, I would only say, “It is a personal situation involving myself and wish no further discussion regarding it. I will offer the true facts at the correct time solely by myself and ONLY myself. No Media of any type or any other persons will authority to voice opinions or offer information unless I have authorize it personally to them”.

    • bigal6ft6-av says:

      Yah very slow news day, they should have just posted the cast reaction videos to the No Way Home trailer if they wanted some filler.

  • rollotomassi123-av says:

    I’m glad we’re finally looking at the misogynistic way the media reports on female celebrities. Now let’s stir up a feud between two of them. You know, for feminism!

    • gojirashei2-av says:

      But… this came directly from Spears’ Instagram…

      • rollotomassi123-av says:

        And it would probably be best if everyone just ignored it. 

        • liebkartoffel-av says:

          Eh, I was just informed downthread that it’s the height of journalistic ethics to report on Britney Spears’s pissy Instagram posts—that, indeed, it would be doing their readers a grave disservice if they didn’t fart out 300 words on Instagram and the pissiness therein at literally every opportunity.

        • tanksfornuttindanny-av says:

          The AV Club doesn’t write these articles for their own entertainment. They write them because they are a business whose product is gossip.That’s probably an unethical business to be in, but it wouldn’t exist without a market for it – a market you are a part by not only clicking on the article, but commenting on it multiple times. You are looking down your nose at a group you are a prominent part of.So, if you are genuinely upset by this, the best thing you can do is follow your own advice and “just ignore it.”

          • rollotomassi123-av says:

            I’m not so much genuinely upset by it as I find it funny that the entire celebrity gossip ecosystem went from saying, “We really need to reevaluate our behavior regarding Britney Spears” to “Ooh, you guys want to hear something juicy about Britney Spears?” I personally don’t really give a shit. 

          • igotlickfootagain-av says:

            In tomorrow’s AV Club Newswire: “You guys wanna see a dead body?”

  • kingkongbundythewrestler-av says:

    Sounds like Brittney’s being a Christina NAGuilera!

  • mackyart-av says:

    As a person with a sister who has struggled with mental health her whole life, I feel like this sudden burst of freedom mirrors the part when a person will have an outburst and vent without any filter.

    Britney has a huge spotlight on her and I wouldn’t be surprised if there will be emotional words that will create problems and maybe baseless. I feel like this is just a start and will be a tough watch for Spears fans who are unfamiliar with the highs and lows of mental health recovery.

    • mrdalliard123-av says:

      As someone who struggles with a mental illness, being under “the microscope” when it comes to behavior is overwhelming enough. I can’t imagine the pressures of being in the spotlight as a celebrity. Spears might have more financial means to deal with her mental health issues than I do, but relatively speaking I have more privacy, even in the day and age of widespread social media, and I feel grateful for that. If I were to vent on Facebook or a similar social media platform, at least it’s not as likely to get spread around on gossip sites, and have countless people around the world telling me how they feel about how I should or shouldn’t handle a mental health situation. 

  • anthonypirtle-av says:

    Am I missing something? She said she was happy for her and left it at that. Is everyone who is asked about Britney Spears required to gush?

  • feministonfire-av says:

    People who’ve had family members with mental illness (undiagnosed especially) recognize this behavior. It’s a cycle of bizarre public behavior, strange body modifications, squandering of money & resources and attracting and being abused by predators (usually sexually) before some extreme devastation. Then family (or the govt) has to find them, get them hospitalized and medicated, see some lucidity return, worry as the ever-present seeds of the illness grow as they gain more freedom before the whole thing starts again! And that’s without the burden of youth & beauty and millions of dollars attracting the wolves like fresh meat!
    The Free Britney folks have no idea of the longterm repercussions their actions will bring! They don’t know the burden placed on family members (who can grow weary of this lifelong ethical obligation) who are always the villains for protecting the vulnerable but the first targets for vilification when The Vulnerable inevitably fall. “Where’s the family?! They should be ashamed for letting her be out here like this!”
    We can talk about the level of restrictions on Britney or if the father spent too much of her money. But I, for one, can totally see how restricting visitors kept the dirtbags from drugging, living in and partying in the house non-stop. I know how the M-I sneakily don’t take their meds or purge them & find or are given illegal drugs so, yeah cameras everywhere. Yeah I’m keeping my daughter on birth control & watching what are allowed around her because ‘A dick has no conscience’! The slickest ones will get and keep her pregnant as an 18-year key to maintaining access to her. Then the family has all her kids adding exponentially to their lifelong worry! Or has everyone conveniently forgot Anna Nicole Smith?! How Howard Stern, her lawyer turned out to be a wicked, devious thief, sexual abuser and drug dealer? Bobby Fantastic (or whatever!) who stole her money and used her for self-promotion? Larry Whomever who got the conman’s dream of a one-night stand that ended with a kid, lifetime access to money and a repackaged rep as a ‘Good Guy & Great Father’?! Or most tragically, how Anna’s son that died with her, might have had a chance at life and in life if SOMEone, ANYone had cared enough to put some boundaries on her and monitored that neither she (nor unscrupulous others) stepped over them?!

  • prognosis-negative-av says:

    I feel like we’re on Britney Spears comment-on any issue that isn’t her conservatorship-away from being like “Oh yeah, there was a reason we never asked her opinion on stuff before.”

  • liebkartoffel-av says:

    “Media coverage has pitted the two women against each other since roughly the minute either of their careers began, creating a rivalry that neither artist probably wanted, but which both appear to have spent large portions of their career trapped within.”You, you are doing this. You, William Hughes, are doing this right now. You are the “media coverage.” You, with this lame-ass sub-Jezebel bullshit. You, with the non-story about a non-rivalry that you nonetheless wrote and published out of a cynical attempt to drive “engagement.” And then you wrote the above passage to be, I don’t know, meta? To hang a lampshade on your hypocrisy so no one else would?

    • adohatos-av says:

      It’s news because people want to hear it, JFC. How can anyone write about this interaction between two celebrities without framing it as negative? They can’t, because it is negative. That’s not a narrative or a story anyone’s selling. One party is mad at the other for reasons. That’s it. The only responsibilities a writer here or anywhere else has is to write shit that people want to read without making things up. The author didn’t make anything up and wrote what happened. If you don’t think they or anyone should have written about it all that’s cool but everyone else will be thankful that your opinions don’t control what’s reported on. Do you honestly think you’re the judge of what’s newsworthy or not? I’ll let you in on a little secret: the audience does that. If they think two actors fucking or fighting is more important than international economic developments then that’s the case because the sex and/or violence will get more inches of print and seconds of airtime. That’s life because it’s human nature and bitching won’t change that. Settle down.

      • liebkartoffel-av says:

        Look, I know you want to justify to yourself that it’s okay to get off on this gossip rag bullshit, but that’s not my point. The point is it’s rank hypocrisy to write “oh, isn’t it a pity that the ‘media’ keeps pushing this ‘cat fight’ narrative 😢…but anyway, look at these two kitties fight! Meow 🐱!”

      • jpfilmmaker-av says:

        It’s not even an interaction. It is literally the lack of an interaction.

        And who GAF what people “want” to hear about. Most of the problems with the media (and politics, and culture in general) come from someone “giving the people what they want” because it’ll make them a buck, whether or not it provides anything useful to the reader, the writer, or the subject or the article. It’s abdication of responsibility in the name of capitalism, and its gross, no matter how silly the subject matter is.

      • i-miss-splinter-av says:

        It’s news because people want to hear it, JFC.

        Do you honestly think you’re the judge of what’s newsworthy or not? I’ll let you in on a little secret: the audience does that.

        That’s not news, that’s entertainment. That’s exactly why tv news is so shitty.

  • fogherty-av says:

    I don’t mind this too much. Britney is going to stumble a little at first while she takes her mic back. She is entitled the right to her reactions without too much judgement by now. For now, the ability to say what she wants is reassuring to see whether what she says is confusing or makes sense.So, yeah, Britney is going to stumble a little. I wonder if maybe she is trying to draw attention to the injustice of some conserverships by starting drama with Christina? I hope not. It would be weird if she is starts media fires for someone else to her own ends. So I give her the benefit of the doubt. Maybe there is something else going on.
    Has Paris Hilton said anything about the conservatorship? I am more curious about this. Paris has always said her and Britney talked about it all the time. So just a fumble. Maybe Britney just needs time to find a PR team she actually trusts. I hope the best for her. She has millions of dollars and I hope she finds people to actually trust with changing the issues she has come up against. 

    • antsnmyeyes-av says:

      She should pick a better target than Aguilera. Christina isn’t a media chaser so Britney won’t get the traction she desires. Christina Aguilera has pretty much kept out of the media spotlight the past two decades. She release something, promotes it, then goes back to her family and keeps to herself.She needs a Kardashian or something. 

  • TotoGrenvitch-av says:

    You nailed it. I’m not judging Britney because you know she’s in this whole moment where nobody intimate to her had the chops to stand up for her…and you know also its like the first step to realizing you’re your own best advocate so…it’s fine I think expectations that another pop star should be that when she probably didn’t have all the deets is unrealistic but hurt people lash out.I think Christina was right. It’s bad form to speculate on a situation you know nothing about it’s not like she’s there keeping score she’s on the outside like the rest of us and I think feeding the vultures who just wanna start drama is a thing she’s entitled to avoid completely.She didn’t deny what was going on with Britney and wished for Britney’s happiness. Class Act!

  • breadnmaters-av says:

    Britney didn’t make nearly as much as some of her famous colleagues (Timberlake, Aguilera, etc.), and she’s not stupid. She’ll get as much as she can out of her suffering (and why not?), since she isn’t performing anymore. There will be a book; several if she can manage that. Maybe she’ll do a talk show. She’s only 40 – it’s a great age. Maybe this time she can find trustworthy advice/management. It looks like she’s experimenting a bit here. Whether or not Christina deserved that clapback, it’s a sure way to get attention these days. Sounds like Aguilera doesn’t want to play, though.

  • marceline8-av says:

    After all of this, Spears decides to come out the gate as an attention-grabbing, “pay attention to meee!” shit stirrer. Good on Christina for understanding that shutting up is free. May she serve as an example to others.

  • offendedwhitenewyorker-av says:

    “Media coverage has pitted the two women against each other since roughly the minute either of their careers began,” said a media site in an article pitting the two women against each other.

  • halolds-av says:

    I’m struggling to read anything negative into Aguilera’s actions. Refusing to speculate about somebody else’s business, in public and out of context, could just as easily be interpreted as a genuine act of solidarity.Britney certainly has a right to be focused on herself at this moment. But jumping straight into social media with a really aggressive hot take (after probably misreading the situation) is not encouraging.

  • dabard3-av says:

    Great, so now I have ANOTHER task. And I was just sitting down to watch Great British Baking Show before I hung the Christmas lights.

    So now I have to:
    1) Make sure I don’t have anything belonging to Taylor Swift that I forgot to give back
    2) Get a comment out about how I’m happy for Britney
    3) Get the turkey out of the freezer

    Ok, anyone else? Timberlake? You got anything for me to do? Sorry, Debbie Gibson, I already told you I can’t cover your shift at Olive Garden. Stop asking.

    • wellijustcouldnotsay-av says:

      Yours was the only comment that made me laugh. Thanks! Now who is Debbie Gibson?

      • dabard3-av says:

        OK, the next time you don’t take a reference because of your recent departure from the womb, keep it to yourself.

        Anyway, Debbie Gibson and Tiffany were kind of the Britney and Christina of their day, except the Internet wasn’t around to destroy them. They were (and are, based on a quick search) both gorgeous, had better voices than Britney and Christina and their worst days, and also had creepy men stalking them.

        • wellijustcouldnotsay-av says:

          That was meant to be a friendly comment. Sorry I didn’t tickle you the way you tickled me. I took your Olive Garden comment to be disparaging. Turns out both of the women you mention are a bit younger than me. I think gen-X was always quite cliquish and I was more punk than pop. Happy trails internet stranger!

  • Blanksheet-av says:

    I don’t often read celebrity gossip stories—but what I do consume is too much anyway. Just had the idea that for every story like this read—toxic to the brain—I’ll read two legitimate, important news stories about society. Or go for a walk, eat an apple, take up woodworking. A self-improvement system like Catholic Confessional atonements.

  • Kimithechamp-av says:

    Hey, I’m all for a Brittany controlled Brittany Life.
    Also, Brittany controlled social media accts are 1000% a disaster in the making.

  • kab3289-av says:

    Actually it is pretty complicated? A few weeks ago Christina was posting on social media about how “Britney needs all this support, love, and how her heart goes out to her.” Yet she hasn’t spoken a word since the cship ended, and in her first public appearance since it ended she dodged the question. The moment the interviewer mentioned Britney, Christina turned to get her publicist attention. It was deliberate, and she added the her fake “I’m so happy for her” comment to try and save face. Christina posted a comment to garner likes, and attention. It wasn’t genuine at all apparently, and neither was her response to the question. That’s always been the problem with Christina. She only “cares” about Britney when it’s convenient for her. She’s no different than the people that have been taking advantage of Britney for the last 13 years.

  • zebop77-av says:

    I can’t tell if the idea behind this nothingburger of a “controversy” is to stir up shit or start a fight between two aging-out pop tarts, but if Britney’s new pivot is to join Rose McGowan as a permanent professional victim, it’s not the best career move.

  • thatguyinphilly-av says:

    Christina is an actively working artist and probably doesn’t want some red carpet muckraker trying to frame her career around another woman’s personal life. “Media coverage has pitted the two women against each other since roughly the minute either of their careers began…”You’re the media, Hughes. Saying she’s happy for Britney on top of prior comments is more than enough, and doesn’t deserve any analysis. But that doesn’t move clicks. If you want to see two women tearing each other apart, Feud is still on Amazon, and it’s a lot more glamorous.

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