Britney Spears issues statement on her divorce: “It’s honestly nobody’s business”

Spears has opened up on social media for the first time about her recently announced divorce

Aux News Britney Spears
Britney Spears issues statement on her divorce: “It’s honestly nobody’s business”
Britney Spears and Sam Asghari in 2019 Photo: Paul Archuleta/FilmMagic

Britney Spears has taken to social media this weekend, opening up—in a way—about her recent divorce from her husband of 14 months, Sam Asghari. Addressing fans on her Instagram—in a text post accompanying a video of her dancing in her home, a Spears social media standard dating back for years—she wrote that, “As everyone knows, Hesam and I are no longer together,” acknowledging that “6 years is a long time to be with someone so, I’m a little shocked.” But, ultimately, “I’m not here to explain why because its honestly nobody’s business.”

The message, posted on Friday night, comes just three days after Asghari filed for divorce from Spears, citing “irreconcilable differences.” Through his attorneys, Asghari has denied tabloid claims that he intends to challenge the prenuptial agreement between him and Spears, with his rep stating that “these claims are false, as no negative intention has ever been directed towards her and never will be. Sam has always and will always support her.” (Asghari, a model and trainer, is asking for spousal support and attorney’s fees in the divorce proceedings.)

Asghari and Spears got married in June of 2022, just a few months after Spears managed to end the controversial conservatorship arrangement she’d been living under for the past 13 years. In her post this weekend, Spears expressed her wish to be more open with her feelings, writing that, “I would love to show my emotions and tears on how I really feel but some reason I’ve always had to hide my weaknesses !!! If I wasn’t my dad’s strong soldier, I would be sent away to places to get fixed by doctors !!! But that’s when I needed family the most !!! You’re supposed to be loved unconditionally … not under conditions.” That being said, she asserted to her fans that “I’m actually doing pretty damn good” at the moment.


  • planehugger1-av says:

    “I would love to show my emotions and tears on how I really feel but some reason I’ve always had to hide my weaknesses.”Spears should not have been in a longstanding conservatorship, period.  But the idea that she’s emotional reserved or stoic is . . . difficult to square with reality.

    • bitterqueen-av says:

      From her post: “I’ve been playing it strong for way too long and my Instagram may seem perfect but it’s far from reality and I think we all know that !!!”“My Instagram may seem perfect…” Wow, no. Only her rabid fans think her twirling videos and incoherent captions are perfect. She’s a grown woman and she can do what she wants, but in no way is she grounded in reality.

      • planehugger1-av says:

        Yeah, I think some of the “Leave Britney Alone” folks have taken their justified support for Spears too far.   She should not have been in a conservatorship, because those should really only be used for people who are really unable to take care of themselves.  But it doesn’t follow from that that Spears is a particularly responsible or stable person, and we have lots of evidence that she isn’t.

      • kman3k-av says:

        This is 100% accurate!

    • bonerland-av says:

      That is every repost meme of depressed girls on Facebook.

  • alliterator85-av says:

    Good for her.

  • milligna000-av says:

    She really should consider expanding her British accent shtick to include phonetic cockney spelling to really punch up her Instagram. Britney Spears pivoting real hard into cockney rhyming slang would suit 2023.

  • nilus-av says:

    Totally agree Brit.  So next time just have your publicist respond with “No comment” instead of posting on Instagram.   

  • breadnmaters-av says:

    I don’t know what drugs they made her take, but they have messed her up, I believe. Do your research before taking that sh*t. The medical model of mental ‘illness’ is bs. Studies published in 2008 confirmed that, as has recent research. And, no, I’m not a scientologist or conspiracy theorist.

    • planehugger1-av says:

      This feels like a bit of historical revisionism. Spears was plainly not a stable person before she had any medical intervention. It’s not like the image of a bald, wild-eyed Spears attacking a car with an umbrella, or her endlessly bizarre antics while married to Kevin Federline, were made up. Her impulsive and weird behavior today is who Spears is, not some departure from her personality.As I say elsewhere, it doesn’t follow from that that Spears should have been in a conservatorship where many fundamental decisions were taken out of her hands. Impulsive and weird people are, generally, entitled to be impulsive and weird, and we should be very hesitant to deny them that freedom. But some of Spears’ supporters act like the Spears family seized control over a perfectly stable human being for no reason at all.  And that’s just not true.

    • pophead911-av says:

      Would love to read those studies but knowing the year they were published isn’t enough information to find them. 

    • gargsy-av says:

      But you are a festering cunt.

  • breadnmaters-av says:

    He wants spousal support? I suppose he might be entitled to half of her earnings while they were married, and I read that they have some shared assests, but this looks like blatant exploitation.Britney, get a girl squad who won’t enable you too much and leave the boys alone. They haven’t done you any good.

    • planehugger1-av says:

      In the more typical case, where it’s a rich and famous man marrying a woman a decade younger than him, do you also think it’s “blatant exploitation” for her to seek support?

    • freshness-av says:

      This is a difficult one and not necessarily cut and dried greed – there is nothing to say he wants half of the fortune, but his lifestyle, commitments, outgoings would’ve risen exponentially being drawn into her orbit. It’s obviously not reasonable for either partner in a divorce to instantly cut support when one of them wants to end the relationship – even if it would seem carthartic, one person could’ve had reasonable justification and end up completely financially ruined for leaving, and I think we’d all agree it’s an incredibly bad precedent that anyone should stay in a relationship just in case that happens. No-one bats an eyelid when this adjudication happens vice versa with men and women.

    • gargsy-av says:

      “but this looks like blatant exploitation.”

      And NOBODY would suggest that you don’t have all the details available………………………………..

  • jpfilmmaker-av says:

    The AVClub: “So… ten more articles then?”

  • oyrish1000-av says:

    This person is a serious drug addict, who is systematically removing ANY barrier between her and her drugs, as addicts do. Everyone who has suggested this has been ridiculed, and now we’ll all watch the inevitable outcome.

  • KataStrofy91-av says:

    Better than the 14 weeks she got with the other guy? 😛

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