Bryce Dallas Howard was told to lose weight for Jurassic World: Dominion

The actor says director Colin Trevorrow helped protect her from these demands

Aux News Bryce Dallas Howard
Bryce Dallas Howard was told to lose weight for Jurassic World: Dominion
Me looking over Bryce Dallas Howard Photo: Frazer Harrison

Jurassic World: Dominion star Bryce Dallas Howard has shared that she was once again told by studio executives she would need to lose weight for the third installment of the franchise. She says it’s been a hot topic for those at the top of the food chain, and it was director Colin Trevorrow who shut down the conversation surrounding her “natural body.”

“What being in this third film allowed, how do I say this, how do I say this, how do I say this…[I’ve] been asked to not use my natural body in cinema,” Howard says in a new interview with Metro. “On the third movie, it was actually because there were so many women cast, it was something that Colin felt very strongly about in terms of protecting me…because the conversation came up again, ‘We need to ask Bryce to lose weight.’”

“[Colin] was like, ‘There are lots of different kinds of women on this planet and there are lots of different kinds of women in our film,’” Howard continues. “I got to do so many stunts that wouldn’t have been possible if I had been dieting.”

Howard concludes by saying, “I’m really thrilled [at] all the action I got to do, and I got to do it with my body, she was at her maximum strength, and I hope it is just yet another indication of what’s possible.”

This is not the only point of tension Howard has expressed within Jurassic World over the last few months. As if her body being a topic of condition from executives was not enough, the actor recently revealed that she was paid “so much less” than her Jurassic World co-star Chris Pratt.

“The reports were so interesting because I was paid so much less than the reports even said, so much less,” Howard said at the time. “When I started negotiating for Jurassic, it was 2014 and it was a different world, and I was at a great disadvantage. And, unfortunately, you have to sign up for three movies and so your deals are set.”


  • better-than-working-av says:

    This may be the one thing Colin Trevorrow’s done that I can admire. ZING

  • bemorewoke23-av says:

    I will never cease to be amazed by what white women can find to make themselves out to be persecuted.

  • gargsy-av says:


  • tekkactus-av says:

    You know, I read this and can’t help but think the executives making this decision are growing out of touch with modern beauty standards.

    Because, to be completely cynical and sleazy, if my talent had BDH’s ass I would not be telling her to lose it.

    • drpumernickelesq-av says:

      Yeah, I absolutely don’t want to just reduce Bryce down to her looks but… good grief, she’s EXTREMELY hot/beautiful/etc. (On top of being a talented actor and director.) It’s insane to me, an average movie-goer, how someone can look at someone who looks like that and say, “Hey, improve.”

    • jackmerius-av says:

      I didn’t want to be the first to mention it…Let’s just say the casting for Elasti-girl for a live action Incredibles is done.

    • onearmwarrior-av says:

      Modern beauty standards…so you mean hefty, big boned, husky, or thick. Or how about fat.

      • tekkactus-av says:

        It’s called thicc with two Cs now, grandpa.

      • cosmicghostrider-av says:

        “fat” is derogatory.

      • cosmicghostrider-av says:

        also I thought Natalie Portman was really hot in the new Thor. The bigger arms is totally a look. I’m actually sorta baffled by yesteryears beauty standards for women being stick thin. I find it most attractive when a woman is fit. The whole anorexic look has a sickly vibe to it.

      • it-has-a-super-flavor--it-is-super-calming-av says:

        1) wtf is wrong with you?2) You show me the standard that allows women to be what you describe.

      • nilus-av says:

        Some really Incel energy right here. 

      • raycearcher-av says:

        Just to be clear, you think this woman is fat?What do you think thin people look like? Do you see pictures of people who get rescued from mountain plane crashes, suffering from severe malnutrition like “yes this is peak human fitness?”

      • dammitspaz-av says:

        OK boomer

      • mykinjaa-av says:

        Your father found your mother attractive enough to make you – despite – so there’s that.

      • destron-combatman-av says:

        Sorry you’re threatened by her. That usually stems from men not packing enough heat to satisfy a woman to begin with.

      • colonelhotdog-av says:

        Look, I’m not here to kink-shame you or anything, and there’s nothing wrong with you spending your off hours perusing the BBW offerings on PornHub – but this aint PornHub.  You need to learn to interact with people in polite society, rather than using the fetish terms that get YOU hard.  I mean, if you keep acting like that, people are going to tell you mean things like, “Go fuck yourself to death.”  Stuff like that.

    • maulkeating-av says:

      You know, I read this and can’t help but think the executives making this decision are growing out of touch with modern beauty standards.You saying there’s standards to beauty? Way to body-shame.

    • batista_thumbs_up-av says:

      Anyone with a problem with BDH’s figure doesn’t deserve anything nice. They don’t even deserve Christmas.

    • destron-combatman-av says:

      She can sit on my face with every bit of her “weight”.- a more cynical and sleazy person.

    • egadmypickle-av says:

      Seriously. More curves in cinema. 

  • hamiltonistrash-av says:

    oh no, wouldn’t want the hot 41 year old redhead to be too MILFy

  • hootiehoo2-av says:

    Her weight had nothing do to with that movie sucking! Maybe instead of worrying about her weight “problems” they should have worried about the script problems. Fucking pricks!

    • teageegeepea-av says:

      Hasn’t the revived series sucked for a while?

      • yesidrivea240-av says:

        The first one – I think it was just called Jurassic World – was fine, the other two, not so much. Like, how does a single island of dinosaurs somehow migrate across the entire planet in the roughly 6 months between the 2nd and 3rd film.

      • kojak3-av says:

        The Jurassic series has sucked for the last quarter-century, because it was a premise that was only sustainable for one movie and they made that movie already, it was called Jurassic Park.

        • cosmicghostrider-av says:

          Ahhh I don’t know that’s a pretty gatekeeper thing to say. Dinosaur park is a broader concept than you think they just didn’t do it good in the sequels.

          • cosmicghostrider-av says:

            I mean I don’t have a better script lined up but I also don’t get paid the money they do.

          • maulkeating-av says:

            You thinking that Jurassic Park was just about a “dinosaur park” really does explain your obsession with Marvel movies. 

          • frankwalkerbarr-av says:

            Yeah, it had Pterosaurs which technically aren’t dinosaurs despite the “saur”. Dinosaurs aren’t just largish reptiles — they are specifically descendants of the last common ancestor of the Saurischia and Ornithischia, which somewhat ironically includes modern birds but excludes Pterosaurs which, despite flying, aren’t actually closely related to birds.

          • frankwalkerbarr-av says:

            They should have extended it into other extinct animals. Trilobite Park. Burgess Shale Park with deadly packs of Hallucigenia.

          • egerz-av says:

            The sequels could have been executed better, but they also perfectly demonstrate the limitations of the premise. There’s an island full of dinosaurs in cages. You can’t make a movie where they just stay in cages the whole time and humans are never in danger. So you have the twist baked into the first movie — what if the dinosaurs escape their cages?! The first one was directed by a master filmmaker who perfectly executed the premise. But when it came to a second movie, even Spielberg couldn’t figure out a good reason to get the humans back on the island to run away from dinosaurs again. He did include the obvious twist of having a dinosaur getting off the island. However, there are limits to this twist, because obviously humans would be able to easily subdue a handful of dinosaurs on the mainland. Then they made a third movie without Spielberg where a bunch of people go back to the island because reasons and… run away from dinosaurs, who don’t escape the island this time.The Jurassic World movies attempted to get away from the limitations of the premise, although in order to get there they did an entire movie where they rebuilt the park, put the dinosaurs back in cages, and then — the dinosaurs broke out of the cages and chased humans around.Finally in the latter two installments, they broke out of the formula by getting all the dinosaurs off the island for good. But this didn’t like improve the franchise in any way. It created more problems than it solved, and in practice, it just meant the humans were running away from dinosaurs in different settings.

          • kman3k-av says:

            “gatekeeper” – sweeet fuckall, really? Now having an opinion is gatekeeping?

      • nilus-av says:

        The Jurassic Park Series is a lot like the Highlander movies.  The first one is great and the rest just all suck at a variety of different levels 

      • bobfunch1-on-kinja-av says:

        The current trilogy ended when the volcano blew up half way through part two. That was a fucking great volcano explosion. After that: nada.

      • hootiehoo2-av says:

        I liked the 1st one but good lord part 3 is so bad that part 2 is just meh (while it sucked) compared to this shit!

    • evanfowler-av says:

      Right? Jesus christ, talk about missing the forest for the trees. That forest was on fucking fire and they were worried about the bark on the only unburnt tree. Or something like that. I may have somewhat lost control of this metaphor, lol.

    • kinjacaffeinespider-av says:

      I don’t think anyone’s arguing that the movie was not good.

    • signofthenine-av says:

      I went in with what I thought were low expectations and still was amazed how bad it was.

  • zwing-av says:

    Bryce looked great – the only thing that was bloated was the script HEYO

  • frycookonvenus-av says:

    Chris Pratt also had to lose weight (and gain muscle) for Jurassic Park. Movies are a visual medium and appearances matter. 

    • feste3-av says:

      No that was for Mario.

    • BlueBeetle-av says:

      He got in shape for GotG.  And James Gunn said he would have cast him even if he didn’t.

      • cosmicghostrider-av says:

        Yeah I specifically remember it being his choice to gain muscle. Nobody batted an eye when Chris Pratt was overweight in the later seasons of Parks & Rec (which was also around the same timeframe he was offered these franchise roles) so like no I don’t think it was necessarily the same standards for him as it was for her.

        • g-off-av says:

          But with that said, the Guardians trailer got extra attention because so many people were online saying, “OMG Chris Pratt is ripped!”

        • monjarston-av says:

          He was buff for the last season of Parks and Rec because he was still filming the first Guardians of the Galaxy movie. They make a joke about how he lost 50 pounds just by giving up beer for a month. “How much beer were you drinking?”“I know right? Probably too much.”

      • gterry-av says:

        Which is good since a super ripped Starlord never made any sense. Because I doubt that character is spending hours a day on his space ship doing crunches and eating space cod and brown rice.

      • jeffssmith-av says:

        He was going to cast him fat and then digitally muscle him up. Pratt heard that and asked if they would give him time to put on the muscle himself instead.

      • notoriousEIC-av says:

        I think there’s more to it than just GotG. He probably had to be in pretty good shape to play a professional baseball player in Moneyball, and also had to get in good shape to play a Navy SEAL in Zero Dark Thirty. At the same time, he also probably had to be kind of shlubby for Parks and Rec. Point is, he’s probably had to change his physique a lot for various roles. 

        • BlueBeetle-av says:

          Yes he had to get in shape for Moneyball. He was portraying a real person so had to look the part. I don’t know anything about 0D30. But he and Gunn have specifically talked about GotG and how he didn’t have to get in shape for that.  He was already in GotG-shape for JW so I don’t think any conversations about that have come up.

      • babylonsystem-av says:

        …and they even made fun of his weight IN the movie. :O

      • Bugoongu-av says:

        I am almost certain they’ve been told to say that, I’m willing to bet Marvel wants them in “superhero” shape. 

    • fiouahfoian-av says:

      I heard that they threatened the T-Rex with a breach of contact for its appearance.

    • it-has-a-super-flavor--it-is-super-calming-av says:

      yeeeeaaah, men and women are treated equally and fairly in Hollywood, said no one ever.

      • frycookonvenus-av says:

        Agreed. Which is why I didn’t say that either.

        • it-has-a-super-flavor--it-is-super-calming-av says:

          You said he “also” had to lose weight, implying equivalence.

          • frycookonvenus-av says:

            Arguing that one particular expectation is applied equally across genders should be obviously different than your broader claim that “men and women are treated equally and fairly in Hollywood.”I think cats and dogs both have four legs but that doesn’t imply I think they’re the same.

          • it-has-a-super-flavor--it-is-super-calming-av says:

            Arguing that the expectation for female actors to lose weight is applied equally to male actors is incorrect. You made a false equivalence. Otherwise you were just stating the obvious for no reason to do with this article.

    • squatlobster-av says:

      Movies are a visual medium and appearances matter. Uh huh. So as long as the actors are not some kind of supernatural beings and actually show up on film, everyone’s fine

      • frycookonvenus-av says:

        Now you’re just being intentionally obtuse. 

        • it-has-a-super-flavor--it-is-super-calming-av says:

          Pot meet kettle.

        • squatlobster-av says:

          I’m pointing out a reasonable baseline for an actor to work in a visual medium, while at the same time questioning your own baseline which appears to be “they shouldn’t be there unless they have no extra body mass other than finely honed muscle”. As well you know.

    • nowaitcomeback-av says:

      Chris Pratt CHOSE to lose weight and gain muscle for GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY. Fixed it for you. But congrats on being wrong twice!

      • frycookonvenus-av says:

        You’re right. Probably just coincidence that after years of supporting roles on network TV, Pratt became a leading man in multiple Hollywood franchises after transforming his body. No pressure at all from studios to look a certain way. And as long as I’m laying on the sarcasm with a mop, it’s probably also just a giant coincidence that most of the biggest male stars of the past 10-15 years are all jacked.

        • nowaitcomeback-av says:

          After years of being a breakout star on Parks and Recreation, Pratt successfully made a transition to film, largely due to his comedic skills. Him getting in shape surely helped, but the point is – nobody forced him to, he decided to because he thought it would help his career, even though James Gunn said he would have cast him regardless.You also got the movie wrong.

          • badhatharrry-av says:

            I’m sorry, the breakout star on Parks and Rec?  You remember Lil Sebastian was in that show, right?

      • dutchmasterr-av says:

        Ehh, Pratt has said in interviews that he first cut weight for his role as a baseball player in Moneyball due in large part to not too subtle hints from the studio that he needed to lose some weight to secure the role. He ballooned back up to play an alcoholic for his next role then got into shirtless superhero shape for Guardians. 

    • vargas2022-av says:

      There’s a difference between altering a physique to fit a particular role (Christian Bale in the Machinist, Mark Wahlberg in the Fighter) and telling someone they need to lose weight just because.  

    • Nihilexistentialist-av says:

      She was supposed to lose weight and lose muscle. She wanted to do stunts – she couldn’t do them if she’s not eating. Did no one read this or are AV Club people just assholes like this on a normal basis?

      • frycookonvenus-av says:

        I think consistency is important so I try to be an asshole as regularly as possible.  Plus, I don’t know how to read.   

  • magpie187-av says:

    Everyone should lose weight. Americans are too fat. It’s an epidemic. 

    • nilus-av says:

      And your medical degrees is in what exactly? 

    • maulkeating-av says:

      I’m glad I’m not American, then. Anyway, I’m going to back prepping my pork belly and pak choy.

    • knappsterbot-av says:

      There are more pressing issues with the US at the moment but thanks for taking on the role of narcissistic wine mom for the entire country

    • rogueindy-av says:

      Most people learn in primary school how averages work.

    • soosheeroll-av says:

      I read a great quote recently: “Why do American’s eat like they have free healthcare?” 

    • emisasaltyb-av says:

      Because it’s only Americans that are fat. Gotcha.

    • Wraithfighter-av says:

      Oh, kindly fuck off. No, not everyone should lose weight. There are people who are at a perfectly healthy weight, and others that are already underweight, and losing more weight would be dangerous.Want to speak to averages? Yes, the average American should probably lose weight. It is an epidemic.But what’s also a serious medical issue is women with jobs that emphasize attractiveness being habitually under-weight, because that’s considered “sexy” and, probably more accurately, a woman showing signs of having any fat at all outside of their breasts or ass is considered “an ugly fatso slob”.And you’re encouraging them to continue having an unhealthy level of weight.So, once again, kindly fuck off.

      • seaofthemorningstar-av says:

        That’s not a medical issue. That’s a societal norm and culture issue. Yes, people shouldn’t be made to feel they have to look or be at a certain weight. But stop trying to make it okay. It’s not okay, there are health risks. Especially those that are morbidly obese. I mean it’s right there in the term, morbid, death.Heart disease is a medical issue. Diabetes is a medical issue. Obesity in the US is a medical issue. Per CDC Childhood obesity is a serious problem in the United States, putting children and adolescents at risk for poor health. Obesity prevalence among children and adolescents is still too high.For children and adolescents aged 2-19 years in 2017-20201:The prevalence of obesity was 19.7% and affected about 14.7 million children and adolescents.Obesity prevalence was 12.7% among 2- to 5-year-olds, 20.7% among 6- to 11-year-olds, and 22.2% among 12- to 19-year-olds. Childhood obesity is also more common among certain populations.Obesity prevalence was 26.2% among Hispanic children, 24.8% among non-Hispanic Black children, 16.6% among non-Hispanic White children, and 9.0% among non-Hispanic Asian children.Obesity-related conditions include high blood pressure, high cholesterol, type 2 diabetes, breathing problems such as asthma and sleep apnea, and joint problems.It’s not just kids – #1 drug in America? Avorvastatin = Lipitor = For High Cholesterol.What is the #1 drug prescribed in the United States?The Top 300 Drugs of 2020RankDrug NameTotal Prescriptions (2020)1 Atorvastatin 114,509,8142 Levothyroxine 98,970,6403 Metformin 92,591,4864 Lisinopril 88,597,017

      • thetruthishere-av says:

        Found another fatty

    • SpikeFiend-av says:

      It’s called evolution.  Americans are adapting to the high concentration of bullets in the air and building up a protective layer around themselves.

    • Nihilexistentialist-av says:

      The context of the article actually makes her out to be buff not fat. Did you read it?

    • mykinjaa-av says:

      We need to make as many people in the world obese so when we go to war with Russia, no one will be a candidate for the draft and there won’t be a war. Fatness against war!

    • bongomansexxy9-av says:

      And that has what to do with this article, exactly?

    • hathur79-av says:

      Except she wasn’t even fat. She had muscle mass from strength training to do stunts in the film. But the studio didn’t like her more athletic look and wanted the classic dainty / scrawny with narrow hips, which meant she would’ve had to diet, lose muscle mass and not have sufficient strength to do some of her stunts.

    • it-has-a-super-flavor--it-is-super-calming-av says:

      You’re either implying this is the same reasoning that female actors are given in Hollywood, or you’re just making an obvious statement with no connection to this article.
      Either way it’s a stupid thing to write here.

  • wrecksracer-av says:

    Did anyone ask the dinosaurs what they prefer? DID THEY?

  • dicktator-av says:

    Whaaattt!?! The people who made their actress run in high heels for the previous movie might possible be a little sexist? NO WAY!

  • lectroid-av says:

    BDH looks just fine as she is, and it’s bullshit that a bunch of creepy old dudes think their outdated opinion of her appearance matters more than the director of the film, who presumably knew what she looked like when he cast her.
    But we can all agree that the dress in that photo is not doing anyone any favors.

    • koreshnugent-av says:

      No, actually, we cannot agree on that.

      • lectroid-av says:

        That super high waist looks like it’s just going to roll every time she sits down or bends over, and the bra/bodice thing looks like it’s held in place with double-sided tape and prayer. I get that ‘fashion’ isn’t always practical or comfortable, but those sacrifices are made in service of appearance. This dress in no way emphasizes her considerable charms.

    • presidentzod-av says:

      Agreed. Bad dress. Sheesh. Somebody get wardrobe, STAT.

  • apostkinjapocalypticwasteland-av says:

    Yeah, pissing off Ron Howard’s kid seems like a great power move. I’m sure those studio execs are mopping the floor at Burger King now. It’s a wonderful restaurant. 

  • anathanoffillions-av says:

    It is a shame to have to say this, but BDH was brave to appear on screen as more than a stick figure in Rocketman. After Shelley Winters appeared as Ms. Van Daan in Diary of Anne Frank the studios were like “you killed my boner and now we’re never casting you as a love interest again.”

  • antsnmyeyes-av says:

    Honestly, her body looks amazing with the weight she is currently at.Its the fillers that are distracting. 

  • steveresin-av says:

    She looks gorgeous in the movie, what a bunch of jerkwads.

  • laurenceq-av says:

    Wow, Bryce looks built like a brick house in that picture. And by that I mean her torso is a perfect rectangle.

  • thundercatsridesagain-av says:

    Bryce Dallas Howard is gorgeous just as she is. That Alex Perry dress with the cutouts she’s wearing in the header image, though, I’ve seen on a few celebs and it has been universally unflattering on every one of them. She has a fab shape and this dress does not do it justice. 

    • cosmicghostrider-av says:

      Yeah it’s a bit of a baffling piece of fashion innit

      • varkias-av says:

        Yeah, I wasn’t sure if it was the outfit or just the framing of that picture that wasn’t particularly flattering…
        I’m not sure what the execs were worried about. It’s not like at any point of the film I was wondering if BDH had put on weight. 

        • yellowfoot-av says:

          Even if she had put on weight, there are real dino nuggets in that universe now. The whole world probably put on an extra ten pounds.

  • gterry-av says:

    The weight thing is really stupid but the pay thing I kind of get. Especially if their salaries were negotiated in 2014. Because in 2014, Pratt was the star of the biggest movie at the US box office. While if you asked people about Bruce Dallas Howard in 2014 they might have remembered her as the actress from The Village or Spider-Man 3 (neither of which anyone is bragging about). And like in any job the person with the better resume is probably getting paid more.

  • thatguyinphilly-av says:

    Several things. One, Bryce Dallas Howard is a stone cold fox at any weight. And I say this as a card carrying homosexual with the ceremonial Easy-Bake Oven to prove it. Two, her character’s weight has nothing to do with her role in the franchise. From its inception, Jurassic Park has been about ordinarily figured scientists beating the odds by fending off prehistoric monsters. Sam Neill and Laura Dern rounded out middle-aged people alongside children in their resilience. If anything, there should be more truly overweight actors within the franchise, at least a few who aren’t just chum for the velociraptors (R.I.P. Newman). Normality – not Hollywood’s unrealistic expectations – should be the goal. There are movies where weight loss is necessary, and where weight gain earns Oscar nods (why was the role of Dick Cheney given to Christian Bale and not an overweight actor?) But that doesn’t have any pragmatic purpose in Jurassic Park, which is exactly why Chris Pratt and his abs were so out of place. And that brings me to three, Chris Pratt just never felt right within the franchise, at least not to me. So I find it odd that he earned so much more than Howard. As a new addition, Howard’s character seemed to flow so well between the established ones. Meanwhile Pratt seemed to be in his own unique space, even in the scenes he shared with Howard and veterans of the franchise. I feel the producers were looking for a new hero as Neill and Dern aged, but Pratt just can’t meet Dern, Neill, or Goldblum’s range. He’s a TV actor. He’s pretty, and if he’s not being funny that’s all he is. Bryce Dallas Howard, on the other hand, can carry a dynamic character at any weight. 

    • rogersachingticker-av says:

      A ceremonial Easy-Bake Oven? What, does the light bulb not work?

    • CrimsonWife-av says:

      Laura Dern is middle-aged now but she was in her early 20’s when the first film came out. 

    • kinjacaffeinespider-av says:

      You saying Capt. Murphy was gay?

    • abradolphlincler81-av says:

      See, this is my problem with the idea that you should cast someone with a primary eye to them being the “right” body type/sexual preference/whatever.  I agree that we need more diversity in casting, but Christian Bale simply *was* Dick Cheney in Vice.  Say what you want about that movie but I’m not sure I’ve ever seen an actor more accurately capture the speech, mannerisms, AND the look of someone like that.  I’ve definitely seen one or two out of three on many occasions, but his performance in that movie was uncanny.  He earned that role.

  • thegobhoblin-av says:

    It’s a safety issue. Raptors always go for the meatiest person on set. Usually one of the grips. That’s why we need to keep our Jurassic stars svelte.

  • g-off-av says:

    Good on Trevorrow, but in the 2.5 hrs I’ll never get back from watching Dominion, I could tell either he or wardrobe (who still reports to him) went out of their way to try and hide Howard’s body compared to the first film. Lots of dark colors, untucked shirts, jackets – the classic Hollywood playbook to try and hide a pregnant actress, but in this case, one they apparently don’t think is thin enough.

  • iggypoops-av says:

    The photo at the top of this piece is possibly one of the least flattering photos that I have ever seen of BDH. And no, I don’t mean because of her body or anything that could be considered “shamey” — it’s just a really crap photo for the studio to release as promotional material.  

  • jacquestati-av says:

    Well glad Trevorrow is a decent guy even if a shitty director.

  • Rainbucket-av says:

    The only problem with Bryce Dallas Howard’s body is it’s not sitting in a director’s chair. Same stupid execs don’t want to risk getting a big franchise film that’s engaging and coherent.

  • schmapdi-av says:

    I mean she clearly busted right out of that top.

  • paulfields77-av says:

    I’d like to think the Director wasn’t just “protecting” BDH, but stopping a studio executive from acting like a dick.

  • fancykevin-av says:

    This lady does a lot of bellyaching.

  • misterpemberton-av says:

    Bryce, you’re not fat, you’re just wearing the most unflattering top ever created by the human race.

    • hasselt-av says:

      Her posture makes the outfit look even more odd.Although if her goal was to wear something that would make her stand out from a far distance, then I guess, task accomplished?

  • presidentzod-av says:


  • oyrish1000-av says:

    She was a constant cheerleader for this franchise and all she ever got was crapped on for doing the same level job, good or bad, that Chris Pratt was doing. 

  • cosmiccow4ever-av says:

    So her two complaints about her experience making this movie are: 1) being told to lose weight2) getting paid less than her costar who looks like he spends 4 hours a day in the gym. Aren’t these in conflict? Surely intense diet and exercise is part of what Pratt gets paid a lot for; he wouldn’t get those paydays if he still looked like he did on Parks and Recreation. 

    • henshinagito-av says:

      Yea I don’t get the whinge here. Actors lose or gain weight for roles all the time and I don’t think at any point she was forced the role. I feel like this is another issue made just to do it. 

  • dfc1116-av says:

    What the…these execs do realize that it’s not just incels who watch these “blockbusters,” don’t they???BDH did NOT need to lose weight for that role. If anything, she needed to GAIN weight-in her bank account!

  • captain-impulse-av says:

    Christian Bale from “The Machinist” says hi.

  • starcreep-av says:

    Men have to gain or lose weight for certain roles too. Don’t become an actor/actress if you can’t handle it. Next.

  • istrasci-av says:

    Completely beside the point, but that outfit in the header image isn’t the most flattering…

  • pugnaciouspangolin-av says:

    She certainly doesn’t need to lose weight as she is a gorgeous woman, but the dress in that picture is not flattering to her.

  • feist1977-av says:

    It is a HIGH paying job.  You don’t want the job, don’t lose the wait. This happens to women and men in movies.  This is not new and if you want to get paid millions of dollars, STFU

  • lilnapoleon24-av says:

    She had to gain 40 pounds for that episode of black mirror and she has never looked better than she did in that.

  • twoliterturbo-av says:

    Lots of actors and actresses are asked to lose or gain weight or muscle for a role. 

  • clusterduck-av says:

    Trying to make this about sexism is a stretch. Both she and Pratt are expected to be in top physical shape. Its actually completely equal in this respect. Trying to add “she was paid so much less” to the “sexism evidence” pile is silly as well. He’s Chris Pratt. He’s literally the Chris Pratt of film heros. No one knows who BDH even is.

  • clusterduck-av says:

    Trying to make this about sexism is a stretch. Both she and Pratt are expected to be in top physical shape. Its actually completely equal in this respect. Trying to add “she was paid so much less” to the “sexism evidence” pile is silly as well. He’s Chris Pratt. He’s literally the Chris Pratt of film heros. No one knows who BDH even is.

  • urkillingme-av says:

    she got paid less than Chris Pratt because she is NOT Chris Pratt. He gets paid a lot of money because people will watch a movie simply because he is in it. people will like a movie simply because he is in it, regardless of its quality.
    now as much as i love her, i’m not watching a movie just because she’s in it. and she wasn’t the star of JW. she was a co-star, but not even on the same level as Pratt.people need to get real about why other people make money. it’s simple. if you make money for the people who already have money, then you are rewarded. and it’s, in concept, proportional. the more you make them, the more you earn.that’s why some pharmaceutical reps earn as much as, or even more than, the doctors they sell to.good sales people can earn on par with some CEO’s. you make money, you earn money. simple.

  • gritsandcoffee-av says:

    I want to see MORE of BDH not LESS. WTF?

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