California issues guidelines that could see movie and TV filming resume as early as next week

Aux Features Film
California issues guidelines that could see movie and TV filming resume as early as next week
Photo: Justin Sullivan

Hollywood is currently facing something of a ticking clock in terms of content production, as every moment the industry remains in lockdown is one second closer to the point where it’ll have to finally give in and release The New Mutants into the world. In the interest of averting that particular darkest timeline, California governor Gavin Newsom issued guidelines today that might see filming in the state resume as soon as June 12—subject to local conditions and industry negotiations, either of which could keep critical Los Angeles County out of production for quite a bit longer than that.

Handed down earlier today by the state’s Department of Public Health, the guidelines basically state that California will allow filming to resume—provided studios abide by regulations and restrictions established between labor and management. Furthermore, individual counties and regions are allowed to modify the timeline of re-opening, provided they have plans in place in case COVID-19 cases or hospitalizations begin to increase. Los Angeles county does, as it happens—but it’s also seen an uptick in hospitalizations from the disease in the last few days. (For those of you whose minds are as mushy as ours are in the wake of the all-purpose and ongoing social, political, and spiritual upheaval that is 2020, the whole point of the lockdowns has been to keep hospitalizations from coronavirus cases down to the level that America’s wobbly healthcare system can conceivably cope with them.)

Production guilds and studios are reportedly still hammering out what actual policies and precautions to keep their members safe on set will look like, a process the state is apparently taking at least some part in. All of which means that there’s no guarantee that June 12th will actually mark a resumption of non-Zoom-based-production, no matter what state and local governments say—even if the countdown to New Mutants-ageddon looms closer by the day.

[via Deadline]


  • happyinparaguay-av says:

    Now that he’s immune to the virus, I expect every single movie for the next year or two will be starring Tom Hanks.

  • recognitions-av says:

    Sounds bad

  • praxinoscope-av says:

    All the stores here got the OK to open today. The smart ones (the mom and pops) aren’t opening yet but all the chain stores are. The roads were packed today with people rushing about to see what was opening. I saw crowds of assholes waiting outside stores this morning, pressed against the glass doors like fucking flies. A lot of them were people who were clearly over sixty. This is what consumerism has done to us.

  • michelle-fauxcault-av says:

    I’m looking forward to finally seeing The New Mutants… one of my favorite titles when I was a kid, and the original team would fit right in with the mood and imagery of a horror story. I’m not even a fan of most of the X-Men films, but The New Mutants looks promising.

  • perfectengine-av says:

    More like Old Mutants at this point, amirite.Seriously, I don’t know what they’re waiting for. The past two months would’ve been the perfect time to release it on streaming. It couldn’t be THAT good to begin with, so I don’t know why they would want to wait for a theatrical release at this point.

    • Ruhemaru-av says:

      I secretly wish for it to be the best Fox ‘X-men’ film since Logan.

    • logos728-av says:

      I’m catching up on eps of The Flash and Legends of tomorrow in each there is a promo for “The New Mutants – coming April 3rd” I keep chuckling and say “No t’s not.”

  • docprof-av says:

    Yeah, this isn’t going to go well. Case counts and positive test percentages are skyrocketing all over the country right now because of the too early reopening of things, and all these protests are probably going to result in more cases as well.

    • gdtesp-av says:

      My county entered the “green” phase of the lockdown yesterday. I’ll sit tight at home with my weeks of food and wait for our inevitable return to “red.”It is horrifying how few people are taking this seriously.

    • mileskimbal-av says:

      None of this is true. Case counts are up only because testing is at an all time high. percentages are flat or down everywhere. The down trend will continue regardless as this is a seasonal virus that is burning out naturally.

  • miked1954-av says:

    California missed the brunt of the virus. I heard someone speculate California probably caught the virus from China while the east coast caught it from Europe. Hence the disparity in death rates.Still, it should be mentioned we’re now up to one hundred eleven thousand deaths the last time I checked. The media seems to have stopped counting at 100k. I guess eleven thousand dead wasn’t considered newsworthy.

    • fast-k-av says:

      Last I saw California had something like 120,000 confirmed cases (and not every county has been doing great with testing, our testing rate per 10k people is lower than a lot of states), but our death rate isn’t as bad as it is other places. I’d guess a lot of it just has to do with how many people are in this state.

    • radarskiy-av says:

      In California deaths per day are still flat and cases per day are *increasing*.California didn’t miss the brunt, it’s still looking for the brunt.

  • logos728-av says:

    If the studios could get away with starting production and dodging liability for crew safety you bet your ass they’d reopen.

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