Call Me By Your Name author confirms he's working on a book sequel and Armie Hammer is here for it

Aux Features Call Me by Your Name

It was a little less than a year ago that Luca Guadagnino began stoking the coals of a Call Me By Your Name sequel, saying that he envisions the story as a long-running series in the vein of Richard Linklater’s Before Sunrise films. There’s been plenty of chatter since then, with stars Timothée Chalamet and Armie Hammer expressing their interest and screenwriter James Ivory casting doubt on the entire endeavor.

“I wouldn’t want to be involved,” Ivory told The Film Stage last month. “I can’t imagine having to make Timothée Chalamet look 45. I mean, that would be horrendous and so fake looking if that’s what they are going to do!” He also said that André Aciman, who wrote the book upon which Call Me By Your Name was based, wasn’t into a sequel, either. “André Aciman just laughed at the idea to me. He said it was not a good idea. They can’t do a sequel, I think, without him being on board. It’s his characters and his story. But that seems to have died down a bit. I haven’t heard much about it lately.”

As of last night, however, Aciman seems to have changed his tune. “I would actually love a sequel to Call Me by Your Name,” he wrote. “In fact I am writing one.”

That’s all the details we have for now, but the confirmation that Aciman is pursuing his own sequel is interesting in light of Guadagnino’s thoughts on his own follow-up, which he indicated would involve the AIDS epidemic in the mid-’80s. It brings to mind the recent news that Margaret Atwood would be writing a sequel to her 1985 novel The Handmaid’s Tale, one separate from the award-winning Hulu series inspired by it.

We’re excited to see if Aciman and Guadagnino’s visions will dovetail, though maybe not as much as Hammer, who replied quite enthusiastically to Aciman’s tweet.

Peach, anyone?


  • oopec-av says:

    About as stupid as The Handmaid Tale sequel Atwood’s working up. What was already stated in these works is great. We don’t need to revisit it, or clarify, or change it. People need to learn to let shit BE.

  • tossmidwest-av says:

    The evidence would seem to suggest that this isn’t really Aciman changing his mind, but instead James Ivory was just talking out of his ass. Everything Ivory said about the sequel seemed to suggest that he was never in the loop in the first place – according to Guadagnino, the plan wasn’t to “make Timothee Chalamet look 45,” he planned to wait around 10 years and then make a sequel that reflected natural aging. That should put some doubt on whether he ever accurately conveyed Aciman’s feelings about the project.And given that Ivory is now 90, it would seem rather unlikely that he’ll be involved in a movie made 10 years down the road anyway, so I don’t think whether he wants to be involved or not is particularly germane here.

  • Bugoongu-av says:

    Timothée Chalamet has a log fuckin’ neck.

  • MattSG88-av says:

    Isn’t this sort of how Crichton’s Lost World came about?

  • nilus-av says:

    “Call Me By Your Name” is a well done, beautiful movie. I have not read the book but I have heard that apparently there is a scene where the lovers bond by watching each other take poops. What is up with that? It that something people do? I mean outside of people into poop stuff. I’ve been married to my wife for almost 12 years. She is my soul mate and best friends. We have shared so many intimate moments but, man, I don’t ever want to watch her poop.

    • whycantyoudeletekinjaaccounts-av says:

      Lol, yeah, that happens. It’s been years since I read it but as I recall it’s at the end when they have their final fling in Rome before Armie Hammer’s character goes home. One of them takes a shit and then, without flushing, the other one takes a shit on top of it and it was portrayed as being romantic somehow. I was ok on the book overall but that scene was a major wtf moment for me.

    • thelongandwindingroad-av says:

      Yeah it’s weird. Oliver rubs/massages Elio’s abdomen to help him poop.

  • augustintrebuchon-av says:

    Please NO.Not only was the film overwrought and much of the dialogue trite (especially the dad’s prose near the end), but no matter what nice personality he may possess, Hammer cannot act to save his own life, critics’ delightful surprise at his attempt in this film notwithstanding.There are so many better gay-themed films I’d like to see sequels to.

  • thelongandwindingroad-av says:

    I’m just not sure how the timeline would work as the end of the book already has them meeting up again in middle age. Would it be after that? Or an expansion on that meeting?

  • poetpotter-av says:

    Call Me By Your Name is not a good film. It has pretty scenery and desperately wants to be important. That’s it.

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