Candace Cameron Bure turns statement into sermon in response to “traditional marriage” backlash

After saying her new Christian movie network would focus on "traditional marriage," Candace Cameron Bure encourages the haters to embrace God's love

Aux News Candace Cameron Bure
Candace Cameron Bure turns statement into sermon in response to “traditional marriage” backlash
Candace Cameron Bure Photo: Tommaso Boddi

Candace Cameron Bure’s comments on centering “traditional marriage” on her Christian movie network have faced swift, strong backlash. Given that she left the Hallmark channel to make more religious-based content while Hallmark is making more diverse (and less heterosexual) content seems to make it clear where she stands. But the Fuller House alum has released a long, outraged statement claiming that the media is getting her all wrong.

“It absolutely breaks my heart that anyone would ever think I intentionally would want to offend and hurt anyone,” she says in a statement to People, notably not heartbroken that she may have actually offended and hurt anyone. “It saddens me that the media is often seeking to divide us, even around a subject as comforting and merry as Christmas movies. But, given the toxic climate in our culture right now, I shouldn’t be surprised. We need Christmas more than ever.”

That’s right: we all need Christmas more than ever—except for gay couples, who, again, probably won’t be featured on the Great American Family network. But Candace Cameron Bure is a “devoted Christian” who loves “all people,” which means “any race, creed, sexuality, or political party, including those who have tried to bully me with name-calling.” How magnanimous.

While previously stating the network will focus on “traditional marriage,” she claims characters with other “identities” might just pop up. “I had also expressed in my interview, which was not included, that people of all ethnicities and identities have and will continue to contribute to the network in great ways both in front of and behind the camera, which I encourage and fully support,” Cameron Bure says.

The actor concludes her essay-length statement by evangelizing on God’s love, which he “showered upon humanity when he gave the gift of joy and forgiveness on the first Christmas morning 2000 years ago.” In a deft bit of missionary work, she ends by saying, “And in the sole motivation of pure love, I hope you’ll join me in sharing God’s hope for all the world this Christmas season. Call that my Christmas wish.”

Given that this statement is not an apology for discrimination, nor an overwhelming affirmation of support for the LGBTQ+ community, it seems unlikely to stymie the current wave of criticism. Her past remarks prove how she can justify discrimination based on sexuality due to her religion, and it seems that that continues to be the case.


  • killa-k-av says:

    “Why is this so hard for people to understand?? I love everyone, even the sinners who will go to Hell for all eternity, which is what my religion says will happen to the gays. Now give me your money!!” – Candace Cameron Bure, probably.

    • Zilor-av says:

      My cousin has recently, as in the past 2 years, fallen in with a Christian Cult and this is her honest to god literal stance. Well, except for the money part, that goes to the church as a part of her Biblically accurate 10% tithe and additional donations of time and money. She’s saved but I have never seen a living person look so soulless. Feels like I’ve lost a loved one.

    • carrietoronto-av says:

      She would like to extend her best wishes to all, even the haters and losers, this Christmas.

    • snyderbayratner-av says:

      “I love all people, even though anyone that doesn’t follow my doctrines will suffer in Hell for all eternity! So maybe CHOOSE to be straight again! So you won’t be judged by me and my millions of like minded LOVING, INCLUSIVE members!”“Merry x-mas you damned heathens! Love you!”

    • snide-o-mite-av says:

      A very pious Catholic ex-friend of mine thought gay people were “subhuman,” but you’d never know it by how nice she was! You know, because she’s a Christian. Love the bigot, hate the bigotry!

    • xpdnc-av says:

      I’m a lot less interested in putting Christ back in Christmas than I’m interested in seeing more Christ in Christians.

  • kirivinokurjr-av says:

    The network will still feature people of diverse backgrounds, but mostly playing trees or mailboxes, while the most talented among them will play the movies’ godless villains promoting sodomy and images of a non-white Santa Claus.

  • dogboysplastichair-av says:

    Oh that darn media! Always dividin’! CCB chooses her words very carefully. How dare that spoony media not relay every syllable of her and her Christmas fetish network’s bigotry. Dang media. Prolly a gay reporter. Amiright? I wish that awful media wasn’t so divisive! 

  • sarcastro7-av says:

    Likewise, it is my sincere Christmas wish that she blow all of this straight out her ass.

    • dogboysplastichair-av says:

      Oddly, I was thinking the picture they used looked like that. 

    • robert-moses-supposes-erroneously-av says:

      “It saddens me that the media is often seeking to divide us…”No YOU did the dividing girl! You were the one who firmly delineated who IS and IS NOT allowed on your network. 

  • weirdstalkersareweird-av says:

    I don’t have it in me to care much about the banal, warm-glass-of-milk-level treacle that weird fundies watch. They want to line drive bad movies/shows to the “traditional” set, fine. Whatever.

    • dpkramer88-av says:

      Just remember that cults form in the shadows when we aren’t paying attention. It was the “let’s not talk politics” culture that allowed the maga cult to start. We can’t just ignore stuff like this – it has to be called out.

    • kinjaburner0000-av says:

      Whoa there, warm milk is too spicy.

  • kman3k-av says:

    Why even write this article? Why give this any air at all? Seems really odd.

  • bio-wd-av says:

    Hey Candace!  Kiss my lesbian ass!

  • kinjacaffeinespider-av says:

    VolunteerChristianProofreader here: God’s love, which he “showered upon humanity when he gave the gift of joy and forgiveness —> God’s love, which He “showered upon humanity when He gave the gift of joy and forgiveness

  • kahlessj-av says:

    whoever wouldve thought kirk camerons sister would have twisted views on marriage. 

  • gargsy-av says:

    “That’s right: we all need Christmas more than ever”

    That’s not what she said. What’s your problem that you can’t just react to what she fucking said instead of slightly changing them for not fucking reason?

    I mean, you QUOTED HER, there’s no need to paraphrase her and add your own cunty commentary.

  • fadedmaps-av says:

    he gave the gift of joy and forgiveness on the first Christmas morning 2000 years ago “And lo, in 22 AD, Jesus came riding into Nazareth, probably on a dinosaur.”

  • eomfd-av says:

    ‘I tolerate everyone, even those who are inferior to me b/c they don’t share my Magic Sky Daddy or qualify for his affection by my standard!’

  • martyvendetta27-av says:

    “It saddens me that the media is often seeking to divide us…”Excuse me, how is negating the marriage of an entire group of people NOT divisive? Classic conservative strategy: do something awful, accuse the left and the media of being the actual perpetrators.

    Their victim complex knows no bounds.

    • prayforthem-av says:

      Sounds like you are crying victim. She’s working with a network that wants to focus on christian faith and traditional marriage, how about just ignore it and go watch a Homosexual based network that doesn’t believe in god?

    • apostkinjapocalypticwasteland-av says:

      The Christian Persecution Complex is integral to the success of their religion. Long after Christianity became far more powerful than the Roman Empire ever was, Christians have been clinging on to the idea they’re some sort of persecuted minority. It’s like a powerful CEO utilizing being bullied as a toddler to get ahead. 

    • SquidEatinDough-av says:
  • the1969dodgechargerguy-av says:

    Who the hell is Bure?

  • kanedajones-av says:

    contrary to their beliefs there are fewer of them now than ever and its fine for them to find their own little onclaves and try and only exist on each other’s money. they will soon find out that there just isn’t enough money to be had.

    now if we can scrape them off the rest of society that would be nice.

    • sassyskeleton-av says:

      Dump them in Texas, get out everyone who votes blue, kick Texas out.Solved!

      • nilus-av says:

        We should give Texas back to Mexico as a “I’m sorry” gift for being asshole neighbors 

      • formedras-av says:

        And they can visit the Alamo whenever they want, where Davy Crockett fought and died to preserve the “states’ rights” they hold so dear.And where nobody will tell them that Texas wasn’t even part of the United States at the time (and wouldn’t be for another nine years) and the only “right” that really mattered to them was the right to own slaves… which Mexico banned six years prior to that battle.

        • sassyskeleton-av says:

          Well all of that is stored in the basement of the Alamo and they don’t go down there.

        • bio-wd-av says:

          Also don’t tell them Davy wasn’t from Texas and also liked the Cherokee people, they prefer there historical figures born in the state and super racist compared to mildly racist.

          • formedras-av says:

            Well, of course he wasn’t from Texas, he was an American, and a former congressman for Tennessee. Not that any of them could make the logical connection. Or accept it if Ted Cruz didn’t say it.

          • bio-wd-av says:

            God I always forget Ted was born in Canada.  Makes his fake Texas persona even more unbearable. 

        • captain-splendid-av says:

          Yeah but it gets grandfathered in because they were white and proficient at killing brown people. Can’t get more American than that.

      • dremiliolizardo-av says:

        I think this is a great idea.  They can use the buses Abbott is putting undocumented immigrants in.  Fill ‘em full of MAGAts and send those buses right back to Texas.  That’s a fair trade.

      • kanedajones-av says:

        I always like ideas like this except a) we need an underground railroad to rescue newly formed anti-Xtians out of their nation state and b) those bastardos are going to be quite the cranky neighbours.

        • sassyskeleton-av says:

          There are several hostages than need to be rescued from that state.As for them being bad neighbors, a minefield along the Texas border will work.

    • bio-wd-av says:

      Well, if the climate becomes uninhabitable or nuclear war happens, at least they’ll die too.

    • samancheese-av says:

      If this was said in reverse it would be national news, people are allowed to say whatever they want about Christians, but when Christians don’t support certain lifestyles and actions, suddenly we are the enemy. Everyone is allowed to say “Hey I do not support that, or have to agree with it” It’s a free country

  • unfromcool-av says:

    Sorry, Christmas isn’t “comforting” and “merry” for me, ever since my dad dressed up as Santa Claus and broke his neck climbing down our chimney. So thanks, Cameron, for the reminder!!!

  • overdrv76-av says:

    Ah you have to love the followers of the magic carpenter. If they actually listened to what he said the world would be a better place.

  • prayforthem-av says:

    If she decided to create movies and shows based off of gay relationships only then it would be ok. The double standard is funny and why she should ignore the whiners and keep doing what she’s doing

    • apostkinjapocalypticwasteland-av says:

      Yeah, you know, absolutely. Because television is just chock full of gay stories, gay characters, gay everything. Or you’re just a bigoted moron. 

    • smalleyxb122-av says:

      I don’t think anyone would have cared (or even noticed) if she just continued making schlocky Christmas movies featuring heterosexual pair-bonding at a different network.The only reason anyone is giving this any press is because she said why she left Hallmark to go to Great American Family. She is the one who made it an issue.No one gives two shits about characters being heterosexual until one of the stars puts out a press release to the effect of “did you notice that our main characters were straight? We want to emphasize that the couple in this movie is heterosexual.” That’s what “traditional marriage” means in this context.

      • hooplocked-av says:

        Excellent point. She could have left it alone and everyone would have just assumed it was for the cash/producing credits/artistic license, etc. Heck, she could have said she enjoyed working with the CEO who left Hallmark for this network.

    • SquidEatinDough-av says:

      You guys should literally crucify yourselves instead of doing it performatively all the time.

    • akindergentlershoebox-av says:

      This is the exact idiot logic we’ve come to expect from Christians. 

  • 0vvorldisabombaclaart0-av says:

    people have completely forgotten who her brother is, eh?

  • scnew1-av says:

    Please stop publicizing this person. 

  • chuckrich81-av says:

    “that people of all ethnicities and identities have and will continue to contribute to the network in great ways both in front of and behind the camera, which I encourage and fully support”In other words sometimes they’ll cast a gay actor to play a bit character that has zero love life but as long as the performance is a bit fey they should be applauded for diverse representation.

    • truthtime2-av says:

      ..Or it simply means women and the normal minority group representation. If it’s a network geared towards more christian values, why would they promote sexual deviancy like the dysphoric LGBT community?  

  • doondoom-av says:

    Why wont you let her sugarcoat her bigotry, jeeze!

  • samancheese-av says:

    Hear me out, she is allowed to not portray certain groups of people if she doesn’t want to. If that offends you, do not watch her stuff. Very simple

    • apostkinjapocalypticwasteland-av says:

      She’s allowed to say what she wants, and the public is allowed to call her a bigot. If no one watches besides Christian fundies, the network fails. Then DJ ends up relegated to Fox News, complaining about how the liberal woke media censored her. Nope. Free market principles at work. 

    • darrylarchideld-av says:

      So, I actually agree: if she just wants to make straight Christian rom-coms where Santa wingmans some pretty white people, that is her prerogative.My problem here is the “who me?” energy of her reaction, and the obvious dishonesty of her rationale. If she “loved everyone,” or felt “everyone needs Christmas,” she might make media that speaks to that. The ‘everyone’ part. But she isn’t and doesn’t want to; she has explicitly drawn a line in the sand to explain why she never will.No, she doesn’t *have* to make gay Christmas rom-coms. But there are explanations she could’ve given that aren’t doubling down on bigotry. “I can’t speak to the experience of being gay, and am focusing on stories I have the authority to tell,” or whatever. She didn’t do that, she went out of her way to say that gay people don’t belong in the world she wants to portray.Which she has every right to say, but now her network has defined itself as a race-to-the-bottom for an ever-dwindling niche market of bigots. So, you know, good luck Candace.

    • SquidEatinDough-av says:

      Hear me out, everyone is allowed to criticize her not portraying certain groups of people because she’s a weirdo cultist bigot. If that offends you, do not read our stuff. Very simple

  • Ovy-av says:

    A trademark of the zealous Christian is a failure to read the room

  • smittywerbenjagermanjensen22-av says:

    Her TV sister is less awful

  • deeeeznutz-av says:

    Given that this statement is not an apology for discrimination, nor an
    overwhelming affirmation of support for the LGBTQ+ community, it seems
    unlikely to stymie the current wave of criticism.

    I’m curious, when did society switch over from seeking acceptance to wanting “overwhelming affirmation” from everyone? They’re making (very likely terrible) movies about straight people, they’re not denying anybody anything. Who cares if she thinks gay people are going to hell? She isn’t the one who ultimately makes that decision, so her opinion isn’t worth shit.

    • heartbeets-av says:

      I kind of get what you’re saying (not sure that I agree), but for me the problem is the fact that she/they are in such denial about what they’re really doing. Which is discriminating, and not in a good way. 

  • slander-av says:

    “The Media is seeking to divide us!” complains a media personality and producer who’s being criticized for making entertainment that deliberately excludes big chunks of the population.

    • apostkinjapocalypticwasteland-av says:

      I think that whenever you comment, someone should say “Hey, that’s Slander!” To your point, all conservatives under attack have to do is blame THE MEDIA…and other conservatives will circle the wagons immediately. Of course, a conservative under attack could cry out “FARTY BLANKET” and other conservatives would circle the wagons immediately, so… 

    • kinjacaffeinespider-av says:

      I’m sure the gay community loves being referred to as “big chunks”.

  • blackmage2030-av says:

    How DARE people listen to me and be able to understand context???

  • wrangler9033-av says:

    Candace is sticking to her guns and following her religious bigotry.Unfortunately, being Godly, don’t mean it’s right. She should keep her “beliefs” to herself. Its a free country, until you do harm to others. Even with words.

  • harpo87-av says:

    Look, I’m forward-thinking – I accept that people like her didn’t choose to celebrate christmas, and that they were just born that way. What I don’t understand is why they just have to be so flamboyant about it. Like, can’t you do your christmas stuff behind closed doors, and not throw it in all of our faces? I’m Jewish, and I don’t want my kids seeing lots of images of a guy in some kind of suit, talking about “hoes,” and getting the wrong ideas. Again, I’m not some kind of monster – I just don’t want them to be putting all of their christmas agenda in our schools and all over our televisions.

  • heartbeets-av says:

    Puke. I fucking hate sanctimonious christians. 

    • apostkinjapocalypticwasteland-av says:

      Sort of a redundancy, at least when talking about American fundamentalist Christians. 

    • kinjacaffeinespider-av says:

      As opposed to the other kind?

      • seancadams-av says:

        There are Christians who don’t go around talking about their faith all the damn time. They’re likely taking their cues from the words of a little-known messianic Jew who said things like “when you pray, don’t do it in public for attention like the hypocrites do.” It’s a shame his teachings didn’t catch on with more Christians.

        • kinjacaffeinespider-av says:

          It’s a shame his teachings didn’t catch on —> It’s a shame His teachings didn’t catch on

        • TheCity_Girl-av says:

          My Christian relatives are even more leftwing than me. They actually practice what Jesus preaches – crazy concept!!

  • darrylarchideld-av says:

    I’m so done with the mental gymnastics conservative Christians go through to feel victimized. “I’m shocked and saddened that my intent to paint gay people as an unwanted other with no place in polite society is being accurately understood by the people I’ve marginalized!”Over 60% of Americans consider themselves Christian. Over 90% of Americans observe Christmas as a holiday, regardless of religious affiliation. They’re not endangered elephants, they are the majority. And it is plain here that her purpose is to enforce that through exclusion.Netflix and other non-Hallmark streamers make a ton of Christmas movies every year, too, and they’re also mostly about straight people. But those companies haven’t made straightness definitional for their brand. She planted a flag here, on purpose, and deserves this reaction.

    • apostkinjapocalypticwasteland-av says:

      But…but her religious freedoms give her the right to marginalize and exclude people she thinks are icky! You know, like when Jesus told that whore Mary Magdalene to hit the bricks. 

  • truthtime2-av says:

    Don’t back down Candace. They are  “tolerance” hypocrites.

    • apostkinjapocalypticwasteland-av says:

      Yeah, Candace! Don’t back down! If tolerant people aren’t tolerant of my intolerance, well, they’re not really tolerant, are they? Yeah! I am very intelligent! 

    • sarcastro7-av says:

      Continuing the proud tradition of anyone with “truth” in their username posting shithead nonsense, I see.

    • ser-bigbootewiggums-av says:

      It’s called the paradox of tolerance. And to somewhat paraphrase a portion here; “as paradoxical as it may seem, defending tolerance requires being intolerant of intolerance”. I.e. being intolerant of the bullshit that you just spewed all over everyone here. It is not, however, hypocritical. You just have no idea what the word tolerance, or the word hypocrite, means. Which admittedly isn’t very surprising. 

    • SquidEatinDough-av says:

      You guys should literally crucify yourselves instead of doing it performatively all the time.

    • mercury-fusion-av says:

      Tolerance hypocrites.  I bet you heard that on Fox News?  Or did you come up with that one all by yourself during the “unnecessary and communistic” quarantine?  I can only assume it took you all of quarantine.  On the other hand, props for correct spelling and grammar 🙂

    • akindergentlershoebox-av says:

      STFU Candace

  • apostkinjapocalypticwasteland-av says:

    “God loves everyone, and I do too. But ew, homos, right?”

    • kinjacaffeinespider-av says:

      You’re not supposed to hate those people. They are to be pitied and if possible help them to repent and change their vile repulsive-in-His-sight ways.

      • apostkinjapocalypticwasteland-av says:

        “Hate the sin, not the sinner. Unless, you know, they’re really flamboyant or try to act equal to you.”– Matthew 34:69

        • kinjacaffeinespider-av says:

          If only there were some place we could send them…like a camp…where they could concentrate on changing their wicked ways.

  • wdm1990-av says:

    She was hired to spew a hateful religious position and wouldn’t work again if she didn’t. She may not see reality, but that’s it.  

  • ceallach66-av says:

    I think my favorite part of her original statement was, “It’s certainly the year 2022, so we’re aware of the trends,” as if gay marriage were the equivalent of eating Tide Pods or listening to Beyonce’s latest album.

  • daddiikong-av says:

    The author seems like such a nice, level headed lady. Just because a network is focusing on one aspect, does not mean they hate a demographic. There are other outlets who have more “diverse”. I personally can’t stand ANY of these sugary sweet Christmas shows, but I’m not going to hate the networks for airing them. Most of the hate for people is directed at those who spew hate for those who don’t conform.  Just let people be.

    • apostkinjapocalypticwasteland-av says:

      When a person says they are focusing on “traditional marriage,” guess what they’re saying? People have a right to be a little offended by that. 

      • daddiikong-av says:

        Yes, they have a right to, but the network has the right to display marriage however they want, right? If people want to watch LGBTQ stuff, they can go to the networks that are focusing on that. No one is complaining except the LGBTQ community.

        • apostkinjapocalypticwasteland-av says:

          Well, I’m complaining, and I’m not LGBTQ. As someone stated more eloquently down or up thread, CCB and the Great White Nationalist Network could have gone about their business without making it a point to insult and deliberately exclude a group of people. They brought this outrage on themselves. 

          • daddiikong-av says:

            But why?  There are places people can go to see that.  I don’t because I don’t want to see it.  I don’t complain that it’s there, I just go somewhere else…

          • apostkinjapocalypticwasteland-av says:

            What about “it” bothers you so much? Do you consider gayness inmoral? Disgusting? Because it’s hard to discuss this with someone who feels that way.Straight people/relationships dominate the entertainment landscape. They’re essentially the default. When someone goes out of their way to state how they intend to exclude an actual minority on their network, that tends to bother people who don’t feel like gays are committing a sin by loving the person they love. As a presumably straight person, you’re speaking from a position of privilege. From the heights of the default status. So it’s easy for you to feel the way you do. Why do the gays have to protest so much? Why can’t they just take the breadcrumbs they’re given and like it? Break through your privilege. Think. 

          • apostkinjapocalypticwasteland-av says:

            Did you actually dismiss my reply or did it get eaten? 

          • apostkinjapocalypticwasteland-av says:

            Oops there it is 

        • mercury-fusion-av says:

          As a straight, white CIS male (may be some redundancy in there) this absolutely disgusts me.  I hope they try to film in my city, I will ensure that it is heavily protested.  But of course, “those peoples” opinions don’t matter simply because only the LGBTQ+ community are the ones who are offended….moron.

  • terryelliott-nc-av says:

    Good job Cameron! This is why we love you.

  • apostkinjapocalypticwasteland-av says:

    I just realized that both Kurt and Candace have lost their TV dads, who were incidentally both way cooler than them. 

  • Odyanii-av says:

    who loves “all people,” which means “any race, creed, sexuality, or political party”

    The inclusion of political party as something equivalent to the other groups really kind of gives the game away as to how she sees the world. Only a certain stripe of right-winger trades in this kind of political persecution speak as though everyone thinks along those lines.

  • electricsheep198-av says:

    “It saddens me that the media is often seeking to divide us”I mean…isn’t the dividing happening when you go to a network specifically to divide yourself from the filthy filthy gays?  The media isn’t “dividing us” by simply reporting on something you literally did.

  • cmallentoo-av says:

    Anyone who has paid any attention to her media presence for at least the last 8 or so years has known as exactly what kind of arrogant, self-absorbed bigot she was. She made it plenty clear enough on many occasions that she was a grand example of an American Karen, like so many before her. Anyone voluntarily calling themselves a conservative — especially at any point in the last 8+ years — is letting the whole world know, “I’m an indoctrinated, narrowminded, selfish dipshit, incapable of thinking for myself,” or “I’m a greedy, morally and ethically bankrupt piece of shit.” And anyone who felt compelled enough to announce they’re a Christian is saying the exact same thing. She has done *BOTH*.There are no good versions of this. Just like there are no good Conservative Christians. Nothing worse or more dangerous than people who think they’re right with god. They’re the most monstrous people on the planet.

  • mescalito99-av says:

    Has Been tries to stay relevant spreading hate, wants everyone to worship her imaginary friend.

  • saltier-av says:

    I think the best way for people who disagree with Bure’s views to deal with it is to just not watch her new network. 

  • lol-no-av says:

    “The actor concludes her essay-length statement by evangelizing on God’s
    love, which he ‘showered upon humanity when he gave the gift of joy and
    forgiveness on the first Christmas morning 2000 years ago.’”
    Surely she knows the first Christmas celebration didn’t happen until around 300 years after Jesus died, right?

    • ser-bigbootewiggums-av says:

      Of course she doesn’t. She’s a conservative Christian. They don’t know their ass from a hole in the ground. 

  • vp83-av says:

    Remember the good old days when we all forgot this woman existed? Let’s get back to those days.

  • skc1701a-av says:

    In the immortal words of Hughie Freeman:“Excuse me. Everyone, I have a brief announcement to make. Jesus was black, Ronald Reagan was the devil, and the government is lying about 9/11. Thank you for your time and good night.”Let the riots commence!

  • milestailsprower-av says:

    It’s so awful that the media is dividing us about how she chose to divide us. Seriously though, this statement bothers me in particular. I’m not sure if she’s genuinely this oblivious or just incredibly slimy, or which would be worse for that matter.

  • the-nsx-was-only-in-development-for-4-years-av says:

    That’s the most generically Protestant barely-concealed rage-tier statement I’ve ever read. 

  • calliaracle-av says:

    So people of other ethnicities, religions, and sexualities just might be allowed to exist behind and in front of the camera.  How very magnanimous of her.

  • tallestdwarf-av says:

    The GAF network? How ironic, as they seemingly don’t. 

  • stevenstrell-av says:

    I could have sworn that when Kirk went Christian crazy a few years back, Candace was not on board. Maybe I’m mis-remembering or she’s changed since then.

  • vulkar59-av says:

    Is human garbage, being human garbage, newsworthy?

  • mitchelka-av says:

    Christianists persist in thinking love is some kind of emotion; if they feel love in their hearts then their actions are justified. While love certainly has an emotional component, love is an action; an act of love. As is hate. Hateful actions are still hate, even if delivered in a spirit of “love.”

  • cgjackal-av says:

    Why can’t she just disappear to the direct-to-digital movie market like her brother?

  • notleftorright-av says:

    People are offended by everything.

  • jholland99-av says:

    I usually roll my eyes when people talk about Christian prosecution and the war on christmas etc, but looking at the comments I kind of get it. I don’t know what to say, I can’t imagine the people on here would be upset if Jewish people or Muslims excluded homosexual marriage from their dedicated TV network but somehow Christianity is supposed to dump it’s 2000 year old beliefs and let transexuals be priests and what not. Should we legislate that channels have a minimum ratio of black people, asian people, gays, transexuals, lesbians, pansexuals, etc?

  • rosessesor-av says:

    So, it’s not ok for her to express an opinion or belief (because it’s different than yours), but it’s ok for you to do so … and bashing her? How hyprocritical.

  • rayoso-av says:

    She and her asshole brother Kirk can fuck right off this planet

  • zerofox2010thefinalfight-av says:

    “Where words are many, sin is not absent,
    But a wise man holds his tongue.”

    ~ Proverbs 10:19.

  • thatguyinphilly-av says:

    “…people of all ethnicities and identities have and will continue to contribute to the network in great ways both in front of and behind the camera…”Obviously. Who else is gonna do her hair and makeup? Seriously, every gay and lesbian crew member in Hollywood should boycott job offers from The Great American Family Nework and leave its recurring cast of has-beens looking like they’re competing in a fashion show at a Raleigh shopping mall in 1992. I was old enough when Full House came out to know the idea of three men raising a family in a San Francisco Victorian was the gayest thing on television since Jack Tripper’s short shorts gave me my first big boy dream. She’s #blessed anyone watched that pile of garbage out of sheer Gen X irony or she’d be spending her 40s working as a secretary for her brother’s resurrection of The PTL Club. If the Hallmark Channel has become too controversial for you, you’re not a Christian, you’ve been brainwashed by a cult. 

  • pj-taintz-av says:

    everyone is really making this something its notshe didnt hate on anyone, she simply said that this movie shes making will be about a traditional familyif that offends you, thats on you. seek help because thats hardly offensive in the slightest.

    • apostkinjapocalypticwasteland-av says:

      Cool, can you explain to my nieces why their mothers’ marriage isn’t traditional? And why any reaction to that is “on them” and not on the bigot? The bigot in this case being you, in case that wasn’t clear. 

    • SquidEatinDough-av says:

      “traditional family” Love my cultist jargon

    • yllehs-av says:

      Pretty sure traditional marriage involves Dad picking your husband and getting a dowry, so hope she includes that in her movies.

  • sinnersupreme-av says:

    Just curious if someone could point to where in the Bible that Jesus said you should withhold services from/refuse to validate someone who doesn’t follow the book.Or anyone really. I didn’t see anything about baking a cake sending you to Hell in there. Or being judged for your TV network.There is no theological basis for this discrimination. Their god didn’t ask them to do this. They’re just hiding behind the opaqueness of “firmly held religious belief” when there is no firm, direct foundation in their religion for these actions.Bigots looking for a loose as fuck excuse.

    • apostkinjapocalypticwasteland-av says:

      Well said.

      • sinnersupreme-av says:

        Aww thanks 💋I’ve just always wondered why the courts don’t apply some form of verification on the validity of the proclaimed faith.I.E. is the thing this person purporting actually a part of their claimed faith, or is this an attempt to unjustly shield yourself from the application of the law.

  • rancerx-av says:

    Christians celebrate Christmas and defend it to the death even though most of it is pagan in origin…Also she didn’t mind that Hallmark didnt feature any interrracial or black or Asian couples…..

  • it-has-a-super-flavor--it-is-super-calming-av says:

    Candace Cameron Bure is a “devoted Christian” who loves “all people,” which means “any race, creed, sexuality Don’t you need to follow the Bible to be a Christian, devoted or otherwise?
    Pretty sure the Bible’s stance on other races, creeds and sexualities is quite clear. You can even google the specific sentences if you care. Kinda the opposite of love and tolerance.

  • mavar-av says:

    It’s not only the media. It’s the public too. This country is no longer majority Christian.

  • mavar-av says:

    Your beliefs and faith should be protected, but organized religion should be abolished across the world. It’s a money making scam!

  • kyletawlks-av says:

    Lol you guys are a cult

  • batteredsuitcase-av says:

    There is a non zero chance that her family LOVES Putin. Just tossing that out there.

  • banjastan-av says:

    The Great American Family Network, when the Hallmark Channel doesn’t sate your white Christian Christmas fancy

  • zenimilian-av says:

    Low-hanging fruit here, sure, and I have to assume countless peoples have already pointed this out, but, ahem:Great American Family network?…so… the acronym of that, backwards, is uh…Yep. Great work, bigots! 10/10, no notes.

  • brross-av says:

    Um, lady, you’re the one dividing people by saying with your words and actions that you only want to make content for a specific group of people. Also, it’s sowing further division that you think everyone should just rally under your god. This is a case of foot-in-mouth syndrome. It’s okay that she wants to make christian content, but the issue is in the messaging where she says we should prioritize “traditional families.” Using such an obvious dog whistle and acting like it gives you plausible deniability is insulting peoples’ intelligence.

  • dirtside-av says:

    I’m not interested in joining your LARP group, lady.

  • showdetective-av says:

    Imagine being married to the lesser Bure brother being this central to your identity. Like if you were going to make being straight-married the key to your whole image, maybe try and lock down the brother who had back to back 60 goal seasons, and not the one whose signature accomplishment was making the fans of teams who acquired him briefly excited, until they read the whole press release.

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