Captain America's absence hovers over the first Falcon And Winter Soldier trailer

Aux Features Coming Distractions
Captain America's absence hovers over the first Falcon And Winter Soldier trailer
Screenshot: Disney+

Marvel architect Kevin Feige opened his mouth and vomited out what felt like dozens of updates on the MCU’s present and future plans during Thursday’s Disney Investor Day. Buried among the spew was the first proper trailer for The Falcon And Winter Soldier, which, after its August premiere was delayed due to the virus, is slated to soar onto Disney+ in March.

Anthony Mackie and Sebastian Stan reprise their roles as Falcon and Winter Soldier, respectively, and Daniel Brühl also returns as Zemo, the Civil War antagonist Zemo. Joining him on the villainous end of things is Erin Kellyman (Solo: A Star Wars Story), here suited up as Flag-Smasher(s). Alongside the action—and, per that helicopter chase, it’ll be abundant—the series will also explore Sam Wilson’s evolution into Captain America. “The legacy of that shield is…complicated,” he says.

Watch the trailer below:

The Falcon And Winter Soldier touches down on Disney+ in March.


  • recognitions-av says:

    Anyone want to start a pool on how long before Evans plays Steve again?

  • mark-t-man-av says:

    Hey, where’s the article for Ms. Marvel? I know you want to talk about this.

  • robert-denby-av says:
  • laserface1242-av says:

    My nickname for Sam when he became Captain America was Captain Falcon…

  • evanfowler-av says:

    Man, Falcon can really book it when he wants to. Those new wings can haul ass. This looks like a blast! I’m so excited to see what they can do with so much time. These characters have always had good rapport, but there’s just never been enough time to really lean into it. Super curious about why they’re being so coy with US Soldier, too. 

  • bembrob-av says:

    I prefer Bucky with the Danzig look over the pre-Endgame Clint Barton look.

  • hiemoth-av says:

    While I got that they were going for an action movie feel, I didn’t really get a proper sense of the show, if it makes sense. Like Loki got me going as I understood what will make that show stand out, but this just felt really generic.

    • bc222-av says:

      Yeah, I didn’t really need 20 seconds of Falcon flying in a canyon. We get it, he can fly.BUT… i am really excited over this new era of like a hundred superhero shows.

      • bs-leblanc-av says:

        The flying through a canyon scene made me realize something. It’s the smaller version of recognizable landmarks getting destroyed in large fights or disaster movies. You need to stage a smaller scale (usually one-on-one) air fight? Go to a canyon. Sure, your bad shooting is destroying something that’s millions of years old, but at least it’s not the Washington Monument.

        • kikaleeka-av says:

          I always thought of it more as “at least it’s not a major population center where lots of people could get killed in the crossfire.”

          • bs-leblanc-av says:

            Oh no doubt, I do agree with that. It’s just typically you’ll see more focus on the Eiffel Tower getting clipped by an asteroid than people actually burning up or crushed by that asteroid.

        • bc222-av says:

          That scene in the trailer was literally out of Independence Day. Or that Clint Eastwood movie Firefox. Or the old arcade game based on the movie Firefox, which used canyon footage from the movie. I’m old.

          • bs-leblanc-av says:

            Never shy away from a Firefox reference, that movie was badass. Note: while I’ve watched Firefox roughly 20 times, I’ve only watched it once in the past 30 years.ETA: I just looked up that it was made in 1982. I was thinking more around ‘85-87. So I’m going to raise my estimate to 40 viewings total.

          • bc222-av says:

            I think I only saw the movie once in its entirety, and mostly know it because it was one of those new-fangled arcade games that used REAL VIDEO FOOTAGE. OMG! Between that and Dragon’s Lair, I think I got approximately 30 seconds of gameplay for every quarter spent as a kid.

      • pomking-av says:

        That made me think this was a movie trailer, they always make those WAY too long. I’m glad it’s a series on Disney+. Of course now I have to sign up for that service again.  

      • squamateprimate-av says:

        Yeah, if there’s any development that ensures quality, it’s when there’s like 100 slight variations of one thing at the same time competing for attention

    • hcd4-av says:

      It reminds me of Airwolf. I can’t tell if that’s good or not.

      • TeoFabulous-av says:

        If it’s like the Airwolf pilot and the first half of the first season, then I’m excited.If it’s like any Airwolf after that, I’ll be happy to miss it.

    • ranker92-av says:

      completely agree – the Loki and What If trailers were excellent, but this one did nothing for me. Makes me wonder if there’s some big twist in an early episode that they have to work around? But even then, the banter between Falcon and Bucky felt DOA. 

      • hcd4-av says:

        I thought so too, re: the banter—which is weird because they’re real chummy friends in real life and that chemistry showing up is what the show is banking on.

      • jmg619-av says:

        I’m wondering if this is going to go the political thriller route that CA: Winter Soldier did. This might be a bit more “grounded” to say the least in terms of a real world setting. That’s what I’m thinking the direction of this show will take.

    • kikaleeka-av says:

      Combining this trailer with the other known info about the show, here’s what I got:
      Steve picked Sam as his successor, but Sam feels conflicted about it because of both the personal baggage of his knowing how good of a man Steve was & the cultural baggage of how America has treated black people. Bucky is trying to help Sam wrestle with this; meanwhile, the government doesn’t care what Steve or Sam want & picks their own new Cap anyway: John Walker. Zemo & Flag-Smasher show up & start causing ruckus, & Walker turns out to be a terrible person, so Sam finally claims the mantle of Captain America.

      • mamakinj-av says:

        But Steve Rogers became Captain America after being genetically enhanced, and while not having outright superpowers, he was faster and stronger than the average bear. Sam is just a dude with wings. He’ll never be at Cap’s level, no matter how many times he jogs around DC. You can’t just give him the shield and expect him to perform at the level of Cap — unless maybe they give him some of that 1940s go-go juice to kick him up a notch.

    • smithsfamousfarm-av says:

      It’s a hangout series. I already know I’ll just have it on endless repeat like I do with Rick & Morty and call it a day.

    • squamateprimate-av says:

      The script seems predictably terrible, just this sort of bland margarine spread of “these characters know each other”

  • brianjwright-av says:

    Total bro-down, not liking the looks of this one.

  • bonerland-av says:

    Is that the US Agent content we all demand at the 44 second mark?

  • haodraws-av says:

    Anyone who worked on that flight sequence must have really wanted to show it off, that looks sick. I hope they really go deep with Sam’s and Bucky’s characterization in this. In the past few months I’ve been catching up on comics I missed and Captain Falcon was a really compelling period for Sam, even if it was cut short by the godawful Secret Empire. They have a large gap to fill between MCU Sam so far and that Sam.

  • the-colonel-av says:

    Woof, Falcon makes Hawkeye look superpowered. How many times can we watch him swoop around on his nifty hanglider!?Fuck Flacon, full stop.

  • ben-mcs-av says:

    Huh… side note, but I really do start to wonder if Sebastian Stan could play Luke Skywalker post-Jedi, pre-ST. He really does appear to have the face for it, like it’s not 1:1 Hamill but c’mon… it’s pretty good.

  • joeyjigglewiggle-av says:

    So. Many. Lens flares.

  • soylent-gr33n-av says:

    I’m getting kind of tired of seeing aerial combat where the hero is desperately trying to outrun and/or outmaneuver incoming missiles. I’ll buy it once or twice, but movies shows this way too much. Anti-aircraft missiles are much faster than their targets, you can’t just accelerate to full speed to get away.

  • inyourfaceelizabeth-av says:

    Disney has money and they spent it here.  This show looks high quality the visuals are amazing.  

  • saltier-av says:

    So it’s a buddy series.

  • newnamesameme-post-av says:

    This looked terrible. 

  • hootiehoo2-av says:

    I will say, this and Loki seem more like a movie(s) than a show.With that said, I don’t have Disney plus and I do badly want to give these two shows a chance! Too bad they are on a channel run by a evil company …as a Simpson fan I will always call Disney Nazi’s, even if thosse Nazi’s own the Simpsons now! ;(

  • lt2k-av says:

    I like Seb Stan/Bucky/Winter Solider and would have preferred a solo show him doing spy/assassin shit similar in vein to LOKI.Sam/Falcon = BORRRING! Steve Rogers made Sam interesting. 

  • augustintrebuchon-av says:

    That trailer was… flaccid? Despite all the action, I didn’t feel it gelled in any interesting way. That said, I do not have (and don’t plan on ever having) a Disney+ subscription, so my feelings on their trailers are of little import.On the other hand, for instance, the trailer for Loki makes me hope theaters will reopen at some point. That trailer made me giddy with excitement.

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