Good news: It sounds like Cara Dune will never come back to The Mandalorian

The creators of The Mandalorian thought about it, but there are simply too many Star Wars characters to waste any time on her

Aux News Cara Dune
Good news: It sounds like Cara Dune will never come back to The Mandalorian
The Mandalorian Photo: Lucasfilm

We live in a bad world where horrible people rarely face any consequences for the horrible things they do, but it has been a nice couple of days for seeing assholes get punished for being assholes. First, the Dilbert guy felt such an overwhelming compulsion to say racist stuff online that he detonated what must’ve been a very lucrative and very easy job (“Okay, uh, in this comic, Dilbert doesn’t want to work, and then the boss says he has to work.”), and now executive producers Rick Famuyiwa and Dave Filoni from The Mandalorian have effectively confirmed to Deadline that Gina Carano’s Cara Dune will never be returning to the show after the offensive comments she made in 2021 about Nazi Germany.

Carano was fired from the show two years ago, and a spin-off she was going to star in got canceled a few months later, so it seemed pretty obvious that she was done, but Famuyiwa and Filoni are now saying ahead of the show’s third season (premiering this week) that there’s really no reason for them to go back to Cara Dune. They said that the creative team “took the time to think about” how to address the character’s absense, since she was a “big part” of the show early on, but they ultimately decided that “the heart of the show” was always Din Djarin and Grogu, so they decided to focus more on them instead of wasting time on Cara Dune.

Filoni says that the character is still out there somewhere, noting that “it’s a big galaxy and we have many characters in it” who are “fighting for their screen time,” so it doesn’t seem like they’re willing to go as far as killing her off offscreen (she doesn’t even deserve to get that), but part of this season is apparently going to involve seeing if Din Djarin has “evolved beyond” the characters that seemed important to him in the beginning. Ergo: Nobody needs Cara Dune anymore. The show is called The Mandalorian, the show is about the Mandalorian (and his little green baby). Maybe someday there will be some bad EU novel that explains what happens to Cara Dune, but don’t count on it.


  • souzaphone-av says:

    Cara Dune died on the way back to her home planet. 

    • ryanlohner-av says:

      Which is Alderaan, so that’s especially stinging.

    • kinjacaffeinespider-av says:


      • yellowfoot-av says:

        C’mon guys, it’s not like there’s only two planets in the whole Galaxy where everyone seems to come from. It might seem like there’s only Alderaan and Tattoine, but remember the charming scenery of the snow planet, and those cute creatures on the notsnow planet. And let’s not forget the forest planet, the jungle planet, and the heavily wooded moon.

        • kinjacaffeinespider-av says:

          Alderaan blew up. So there’s only one planet.

        • josephl-tries-again-av says:

          Don’t forget the fire planet, the giant planet and the castle planet with the mini-boss!

        • richardalinnii-av says:

          Don’t forget the lava planet, and the cloud planet.

        • muttons-av says:

          I’ve thought about this… (because what nerd doesn’t)
          Single biome planets do exist, more or less. You could say that Mars is a desert planet. I’m sure there are planets covered in ice. Forest planet… yeah I don’t know.
          The problem is, if it’s s single biome, it’s because the planet is not habitable. Desert planet? Yeah, it’s either 300°F or -150°F with very thin atmosphere. Ice planet? Surprise, the ice is made of methane and it’s hovering right around 0°K.Bottom line, if it’s in the habitable zone of a star, it will most likely be a lot like earth.

          • keykayquanehamme-av says:

            Sure… according to you… And, like, science, or whatever… You’re forgetting what the “fi” part stands for, bru!

          • skipskatte-av says:

            My head-canon was that planets like Tattooine and Hoth only had tiny habitable zones, while the rest of the planet was an uninhabitable scorched or frozen hellscape. Bespin is a gas giant, so no problem there. The only other planet where I recall there specifically being a single biome (and not just that the place we landed happens to look a certain way) is the “forest moon” of Endor. Which, I dunno, a habitable moon could have all sorts of weird shit going on that maybe could result in a single near-universal biome. 

          • capeo-av says:

            To get equally nerd-pedantic: to be a biome requires biology, so planets without life can’t have biomes to begin with. Otherwise totally agree. In regards to Ice Planets, Uranus is mostly made up of water, methane, and ammonia ices. Moons like Europa are also totally covered in ice, though Europa has liquid water under that ice that theoretically could harbor life.To your point though, if a rocky planet has a largely uniform surface it’s because it has no appreciable atmosphere, extreme temperatures and would be inhospitable to humans. A Forest Planet is a bit more plausible but still not entirely possible. With an atmosphere, geology and water comes convection. Heat is going to transferred from one portion of the planet to another by the atmosphere and oceans and the shape of the geology. Invariably this going to make climate differentials. The Cretaceous period is the closest the Earth ever was to a Forest Planet. It was uniformly much warmer, there were no appreciable ice caps (in large part to no land being at the poles) and a vast portion of the land mass was covered in early Plantae forests. What wasn’t covered in forest though were the largest deserts the planet has ever known. Bottom line, if it’s in the habitable zone of a star, it will most likely be a lot like earth.That sums it up.

          • sentient-bag-of-dog-poop-av says:

            Something something about my anus being mostly made up of water, methane, and ammonia ices. 

          • frankwalkerbarr-av says:

            Philosophically, can a planet without life have a biome? It starts with “bio” for a reason…

          • muttons-av says:

            I mean, it’s not even philosophical. Scientifically, it can’t. I was using the word wrong, which is obvious to me now that it’s been pointed out by smarter people. Not sure what the equivalent word is for a lifeless planet. There has to be one.
            The word works for single biome Star Wars worlds, where life does exist (Wampas, Krayt Dragons, Ewoks) but not for real life planets like Mars that have no life but have a single… something…

        • bcfred2-av says:

          Is jungle planet the same as swamp planet?  Because that’s already a lot of planets.

          • yellowfoot-av says:

            Oh, yeah, I guess jungle planet is better classified as swamp planet, but then it loses the symmetry I was aiming for. I think the criticism that everything always happens in the same few places and that all the planets are pretty unoriginal is somewhat valid, but still mostly overblown. I just also think it’s funny to riff on. Kind of like Doctor Who and The UK/planets that look suspiciously like Wales.

          • frankwalkerbarr-av says:

            Well, “jungle” is really just slang for “rain forest”, right? And there are various types of rain forest, temperate, tropical, montane, etc.

          • rottedfigbeverage-av says:

            It’s Hindi for ‘rough and arid’. Somewhat counter-intuitive, but there we are.

    • captain-splendid-av says:
    • igotlickfootagain-av says:

      “Cara Dune’s X-Wing was shot down over the Sea of Coruscant. It spun in. There were no survivors.”

    • ospoesandbohs-av says:

      She found a new home planet only to have it get blown up again.

    • Kidlet-av says:

      She got recycled…to the extreme. 

    • helpiamacabbage-av says:

      Like a frequent complaint about Star Wars is “this universe is so small, all the important people are related and/or have history with each other”. So *somebody* has to be on all those ships that get blown up in space, no reason it can’t be someone we’ve met before.

  • tormentedthoughts3rd-av says:

    Don’t know if an unwillingness to re-cast vs just pretending a character no longer exists is necessarily a good thing.Seems like a caving into the part of the fanbase that can’t handle change.

    • commk-av says:

      I feel like recasting is just generally out of favor in the modern era. For every show that does it, there are 10-20 that kill or write off a departing actor’s character.  Game of Thrones feels like the last big show to do it consistently, but mostly with small parts, and a casual fan watching the episodes as they aired might not have even noticed.

      • iambrett-av says:

        I’m not a fan of the trend against recasting. They really should just recast roles, and at the beginning of the episode where the new actor appears for the first time put a picture of the new actor/actress and have an-onscreen note saying, “The part of [insert character] will be played by [insert actor]. Thank you for supporting the show.”

      • bio-wd-av says:

        Better Call Saul is the last major show to do a recast I can recall.

        • gerky-av says:

          And my god did people bitch about that. 

        • commk-av says:

          True! I’d say that one is definitely in Game of Thrones vein, too, where if you had binged Season 5 and 6 together with your full attention, you’d definitely notice, but if you waited a year between seasons and aren’t watching episodes multiple times, it might’ve just slipped by you.

        • badkuchikopi-av says:

          It took me a minute to realize you meant Jeff. I was wracking my brain trying to figure out who they recast. I don’t watch it but didn’t The Witcher just recast it’s leading man?

          • bedukay-av says:

            Yeah but the next season still has the original actor it’s the following season that’ll have the new one so people haven’t had a chance to legitimately react to it yet just based on their prejudices.

        • justin241-av says:


      • mfolwell-av says:

        “a casual fan watching the episodes as they aired might not have even noticed”In part because Ed Skrein and Michiel Huisman have such different looks (and a 10 month gap between episodes wouldn’t have helped) that it was easy to miss that they were supposed to be the same character.

        • commk-av says:

          Yeah, but there were also like a dozen other recastings, and I would argue they all banked on most people not really clocking it for different reasons. The Night King is under so much makeup that he looks basically the same no matter who’s playing him, The Mountain is more “fucking huge prop” than character for most of the show, kids grow up and you expect them to look a little different, etc. Plus Daario is only Dany’s fourth or fifth most important advisor in the run of the show, and he easily has the most lines of anyone to be recast except maybe Tommen.  So it’s not like they came back from break and Arya had a different face all the sudden.

        • mothkinja-av says:

          Yeah, in a way I’d rather they recast major characters than minor characters. With major characters I see them enough my brain accepts they’re the same character just with a new actor. When minor characters change actors I just don’t notice they’re the same character.

      • thedenature-av says:

        Daario was probably the one that sparked the most notice. 

    • rogersachingticker-av says:

      If they recast, they give the 8chan types a pinata to swing at. If they kill Dune off, they breathe new life into Carano’s victimhood parade. Sure, ignoring her raises the possibility that someone could bring her back at some point, but then again, if someone was determined enough to bring Carano back, killing Dune off wouldn’t stop them. They killed Boba Fett and Darth Maul, and those guys didn’t stay in the grave.

      • kinjacaffeinespider-av says:

        Piñatas 🪅 are fun

      • tormentedthoughts3rd-av says:

        If decisions are being made to not ruffle the 8chan feathers then they’ve already won.

        • rogersachingticker-av says:

          It’s not ruffling feathers, it’s who wants to give someone a job that comes with guaranteed rape and death threats, when you could just cast them as a different character who won’t necessarily get those threats? Anyway, I hear Cara Dune got a nice cushy security job in the Hosnian system. What could possibly go wrong with that?

      • specialcharactersnotallowed-av says:

        Palpatine got blowed up real good, ain’t no coming back from that.(Yeah, I know, blah blah EU blah, it was stupid then too.)

      • lee-bug-av says:

        Best thing would’ve been to just not use the character again, but also not release press about not using the character again. Because here we have people complaining about it regardless.

      • turbotastic-av says:

        They can always release a novel or a spinoff comic where Cara Dune dies from being boring or something.

    • dremiliolizardo-av says:

      If they just decided she was a bad actress (she is) and never brought her back or mentioned her ever again, would anybody even notice?

      • thegobhoblin-av says:

        Presumably she would, but then again . . .

      • tormentedthoughts3rd-av says:

        That’s the thing though, she’s not a good actor so replacing her with someone that can act makes it feel like a no brainer. It’s a low bar. Finding someone that kinda looks like her but can act better than her shouldn’t be that difficult. 

        • gargsy-av says:

          “:Finding someone that kinda looks like her but can act better than her shouldn’t be that difficult.”

          Yeah, because Hollywood is littered with massive, musclebound women who are also great actors.

        • igotlickfootagain-av says:

          Lucy Lawless would have killed it back in the day.

        • keykayquanehamme-av says:

          “Finding someone that kinda looks like her but can act better than her shouldn’t be that difficult.”

          You clicked “publish” right before you gave us the list of names!

      • nilus-av says:

        That is completely not true.  No sane person ever called her an actress 

        • dremiliolizardo-av says:

          You are correct.  I regret the error.

        • mfolwell-av says:

          That’s unfair. I thought she was great in Haywire, admittedly a limited role designed specifically to play to her strengths, but there was a very decent performance in there.Then I found out that Soderbergh had her dubbed by Laura San Giacomo, so it was only a partial performance.

      • nonotheotherchris-av says:

        I mean thy can’t really do that with any kind of believability because they were to spin off her own show. Her acting ability or lack thereof is a bit besides the point – she was clearly popular in the role.

      • dmaarten1980-av says:

        No. i for one, had completely forgotten about her character.

      • yttruim-av says:

        other then the someone asking the creators of the show about the character once a year, my assumption would be that a near plurality of people have forgotten about the character and her role on the show.

    • slak96u-av says:

      Its caving to a mob

    • SquidEatinDough-av says:

      A new actor playing her would just get harassed and sent death threats from chuds.

    • nilus-av says:

      But Gina was a singular talent. No one could act like her!!!Note: sarcasm 

    • gargsy-av says:

      I bet there’s a solution they could’ve come to that would’ve made you happy.

      There is, right? You’re not just a festering cunt-wound who’ll complain about everything?

    • murrychang-av says:

      Or just hire a good actress and have her play a different character.  It’s not like anything in Star Wars lore revolves around Cara Dune, there’s no pressing reason to keep the character.

      • weirdstalkersareweird-av says:

        Yep. That. The SW universe isn’t hurting for “roughneck fighter with a heart of gold” types.

    • browza-av says:

      She’s not critical to any current plotline. She has no looming backstory that we need closure on. There’s no need for the character to come back. Presumably she’s off doing whatever would have been happening on her own show.

      • soylent-gr33n-av says:

        She’s not critical to any current plotline. Neither is Greef Carga, but I keep seeing him in the Season 3 trailers.Probably because Carl Weathers is awesome.

    • turbotastic-av says:

      Doesn’t removing the character count as a change?Recasting doesn’t really happen much anymore, I think because we’re in an era of TV when serialization is more accepted. Back in the day, when the top creative priority for any show was to maintain the status quo at all costs, it made sense to keep an important character even if it meant replacing the actor. Nowadays, it’s more acceptable to just write out the character because audiences are more okay with changes. When a role gets recast these days it usually signals that a reboot is being done.

    • dreadpirateroberts-ayw-av says:

      But WHY recast. Her character was not critical in any way. To be fair, I can’t think of any of the dozens of characters in this show that might call for a recast vs just having them not show up again, aside from Pedro Pascal himself. And even in HIS case you could just have the character never take his mask off again.

    • keykayquanehamme-av says:

      Is this that, though? It seems more like the juice just isn’t worth the squeezing. Where’s Yaddle during The Phantom Menace? Where’s Babu Frikk during Empire? Where’s Bossk during The Book of Boba Fett? Doesn’t always matter. Doesn’t matter at all during The Mandalorian ca. 2023. Nobody needs Cara Dune. If the actor who played Cara Dune had paused to think about that, she… would have still used the Internet to shoot her career in the foot… but she got chances. She had options. She chose what she chose. This isn’t really about recasting or not recasting…

    • it-has-a-super-flavor--it-is-super-calming-av says:

      There are people who like Star Wars that don’t even know who Cara Dune is.
      Probably more people than the fanbase.

    • theodorefrost---absolutelyhateskinja-av says:

      I’m okay with them not recasting Cara Dune. However, in my hypothetical fan recasting scenario, I’d go with Nataša Ristić who played the cigarette smoking brunette spy Ilsa on Danger 5. Or Noomi Rapace. Or they could come on the show as new characters, then they both can show up. 

  • dinoironbody7-av says:

    Ewok mob!

  • thegobhoblin-av says:

    Cara Done! Am I right?

  • ryanlohner-av says:

    And in the most predictable development in the history of time, it turns out all the chuds who were complaining about Cara being a big tough woman until Carano started agreeing with them about the Nazis not being that bad, are now perfectly happy to go right back to that, slamming her new movies with the Daily Wire production company as being feminist propaganda. That’s what you blew up your career for, Gina, hope it was worth it.

    • yellowfoot-av says:

      Hey, she starred in the blockbuster event Terror on the Prairie alongside the venerable Daniel Gabriel-Kane Day Lewis. It might not be Disney money, but it’s at least “as much as you want off the value menu” money.

      • deb03449a1-av says:

        Dang, I didn’t know DDL’s son was a POS

        • toastedtoast-av says:

          It’s actually more unclear than that; this is only his second movie ever and his first English-language role. He’s not from America and may not understand or have any stake in the context surrounding Ben Shapiro and Daily Wire. It kinda seems like he’s just taking any role he can get, actually.

          • deb03449a1-av says:

            He’s lived in New York City since he was 16 (10 years). Before that he lived in Ireland. No excuses.He’s rapped that “Judging him for his dad is as bad as being racist”, a POS thing to say no matter what country you’re in.

      • stalkyweirdos-av says:

        I heard he might have Gabe Day-Lost it on set.

    • slak96u-av says:

      Your just pissed she found an outlet…

    • the-nsx-was-only-in-development-for-4-years-av says:

      Literally, like imagine throwing away a basically never-ending stream of Disney money for the rest of your life because you just had to be annoying on Twitter. All she had to do was just not post dumb shit. 

    • blpppt-av says:

      Hey now, we’re talking about her playing alongside such superstar talent as Jerkules and Chachi!Olivier would be jealous.

    • saintstryfe-av says:

      Conservatives have no problem eating their own. They have such a huge need to outdo each other on being jerks that they’ll put down anyone and anything, and hitching your wagon to them assures at some point, someone will get on you for not being pure enough, and due to how they work, others will fall in line behind any moron who says anything.

  • slak96u-av says:

    A large prog turd… what a biased headline, what garbage inside it. Sam…. you are a hack. Nothing but gotcha journalistic headlines. A HACK

  • slak96u-av says:

    Whats enjoyable… the guy running Andor doesn’t give a shit… But, go on… the rest of us don’t care

  • slak96u-av says:

    Let Disney make more *garbage* series like Andor/Mando…. and AV will defend , Bobba and Obi Wan.   

  • cgo2370-av says:

    Imagine turning down Star Wars level money because you needed likes from anonymous bigoted morons on the internet that badly. Galaxy (far, far away) brain move. 

  • happyinparaguay-av says:

    Oh no! What will they do about Tony Bladerunner or Stephanie Starwars?

  • vroom-socko-av says:

    There was doubt? Man, Star Wars fans are bonkers. 

    • nilus-av says:

      There are some really chud YouTubers who constantly claim that “woke” Star Wars has been a huge failure and that any day now Lucas is going to come back and take back his franchise and save it.  Including being back Gina and unmaking the Last Jedi and all sorts of other shit that will never happen. 

      • cura-te-ipsum-av says:

        They did unmake The Last Jedi.They did it with that travesty that was The Rise of Skywalker.

      • igotlickfootagain-av says:

        “George Lucas is going to make new Star Wars that isn’t so woke. And then my dad’s going to come back and tell me he loves me. And then we’ll go on that fishing trip.”

      • bio-wd-av says:

        They just announced that Kathleen Kennedy was fired and thrown into a trash compactor for the 79th time today!  It has to be real this time!

      • darthpumpkin-av says:

        There are some really chud YouTubers who constantly claim that “woke” Star Wars has been a huge failure and that any day now Lucas is going to come back and take back his franchise and save it.Literally the same fake claim they made about the new Star Trek shows for years (and probably still are; I haven’t bothered to check).“No really! Thanks to my inside sources, I know 100% for a fact that Star Trek: Discovery has been CANCELLED and is being pulled from streaming!”

        • nilus-av says:

          As soon as I read “inside sources” I knew the exact guy you were talking about.  

          • bio-wd-av says:

            You know what’s sad?  I know who your talking about, because I used to work with one the groups associated with that guy.  I’m glad I left that group, last I checked they are now crypto nazis hanging out with Lauren Chen and increasingly far right figures.  Ugh.

      • bcfred2-av says:

        Yeah, let’s unmake the first Star Wars movie since Empire to introduce fresh ideas to the franchise.  Pretty sure they did that with ROS anyway.

  • uselessbeauty1987-av says:

    I love the idea that people love tweeting and saying horrible shit that they’d happily commit career suicide so they can keep doing it.

    • roomiewithaview-av says:

      “Yes, I am free now to speak my mind! Does anyone need a banjo player?” – That guy from Mumford and Sons.

      • vanheat-av says:

        Yeah, he really got what he deserved for *checks notes* reading a book. And the progs lost their fucking minds. But it’s people like Gina who are the problem. 

        • roomiewithaview-av says:

          Jesus, he (Winston Marshall) didn’t just “read” a book, he wrote about a highly controversial (to say the least) book and publicly praised it, and he took heat on Twitter for his position. Boo hoo that he used his right of free speech and then others used theirs to disagree with him. And being a snowflake who couldn’t take the heat of being a musician in a famous band and thereby obtaining increased flak for his views, he quit the band. As he said, “However to remain in the band and self-censor will gnaw my conscience, erode my integrity. By leaving I hope to speak freely without them suffering the consequences.” So, in summary, the “progs” did not cause him to lose his career as a musician, it was his own decision so he would not have to “self-censor.” When is the right going to accept that free speech has consequences, and saying stupid, ignorant shit could lead to bad outcomes whether you think it is justified or not? Just ask Scott Adams.

          • vanheat-av says:

            Yes, what a horribly controversial book about Antifa, an anarcho-terrorist organization. Yes, what a horrible sin of saying he wouldn’t be silenced. What a snowflake. What stupid, ignorant shit. Not at all a principled stand against the kind of censorship you seem to support.If the consequence of free speech is a delirious witch hunt (I remember it quite well; you people lost your fucking minds about the situation), than do we have free speech? You people lose your fucking minds over tweets and end careers over innocuous bullshit. YOU are the censors. YOU are the conformists. YOU are the McCarthyites. How does that feel? Snowflake?

          • roomiewithaview-av says:

            It feels fine. However, I find I made the mistake of engaging with you without reading your posting history. Good stuff, starting with this recent nugget: “It is self-evident that the media is racist against white people.” Poor, poor, put-upon, disadvantaged white person. Poor victim of the overwhelmingly white, yet somehow “racist,” media. What a pathetic whiner and loser. Keep shouting how things are terrible for you because of your whiteness, I won’t be listening. Sincerely, “YOU.”

          • vanheat-av says:

            When did I say things were terrible for me because I’m white? I’m simply pointing out a trend that cannot be denied at this point.And you’re just proving my point. You’re spewing anti-white racism and think nothing of it. You’re a racist censor, and you’re fine with it. It’s a fucking bummer, man. 

          • iwontlosethisone-av says:

            I’m simply pointing out a trend that cannot be denied at this point.*Ron Howard voice*It can.

          • justin241-av says:

            Nowhere in their comments do they spew “anti white racism” (not a thing btw). You’re just looking for something to be upset about. 

          • vanheat-av says:

            the fact that you think you can’t be racist to white people…is racist to white people. congratulations, you played yourself.

          • dirk-steele-av says:

            Tell us more about how, actually, the fascists are the good guys.

          • vanheat-av says:

            tell me, are these “fascists” in the room with you right now? what fascists are you even fucking referring to?

          • dirk-steele-av says:

            Who do you think antifascists oppose, friend?

          • vanheat-av says:

            From watching them destroy  2 billion dollars worth of property, including countless POC owned companies, and killing dozens of people in the “summer of love”…I’d say they oppose civilization. Champ. They are anarcho-communists. Bud. 

          • dirk-steele-av says:

            Lol, ok, so you’re one of those types of fashy. Was the 1/6 insurrection actually antifa in disguise? Did antifa assassinate JFK? Did antifa murder Sharon Tate? Did antifa fake the moon landing? Who were the “dozens of people” killed? Was there a second Summer of Love separate from 1969? Was the German chancellor just a misunderstood Austrian artist? I wanna hear all your galaxy-brained takes!

          • vanheat-av says:

            Oh, now I’m a fascist. Predictable and boring. How am I a fascist, exactly? You sniveling smegma? 

          • dirk-steele-av says:

            Your posting history and vigorous defense of fascist ideals and people who champion fascist ideals are some pretty solid exhibits to cite in  support of my position. At least have the courage of your convictions. “I’m not a fascist, I just support everything they do and say!” is some cowardly shit.

          • vanheat-av says:

            what fascist ideals have I espoused? free speech? anti-racism (is it the fact that I include white people in the equation)? What ideals and which fascists? Do you think Gina is fascist? You fucking lunatic?

          • dirk-steele-av says:

            Your general hatred of any politics left of Mussolini, your demonization of anyone who isn’t white, your alignment with Andy Ngo and other fascists, your insistence that systemic racism doesn’t exist or that, if it does, then white people are surely the vicims—these are all ideals historically championed and espoused by fascists. You seem to be confused as to what a fascist is, so here’s some light reading for you: you can explain why this article doesn’t describe your political alignment, I’ll donate $500 to the charity of your choice, and post a picture of the receipt here.

          • vanheat-av says:

            I was a lifelong leftist until you people lost your minds. how have I demonized POC?

          • dirk-steele-av says:

            You’re a leftist like I’m Clark fucking Kent. Don’t leave that charity money on the table, patriot!

          • vanheat-av says:

            You cannot read. I said I WAS a leftist until you all became identity-obsessed bigots and censors. 

          • dirk-steele-av says:

            You might’ve been a liberal, but you were never a leftist.

          • vanheat-av says:

            You might’ve been a bigot and a censor…and you still are. 

          • vanheat-av says:

            You say that like it’s a bad thing. You’re right, I was never a fucking socialist. Are you? Hahahhahhahahhahahhahaahhahahahahahahahhahahhaahaha

          • dirk-steele-av says:

            I’m absolutely a socialist and wouldn’t pretend otherwise.

          • vanheat-av says:

            Socialism is the deadliest ideology of all time. Please name a successful socialist country. And no, high social spending does not equal socialism. The leader of Denmark got so fucking tired of you lunatics calling the country socialist that he actually held a press conference to make clear that the Nordic Model is capitalist. But you’re hallucinating that I support 1/6 and a christian ethnostate, so I doubt any of this will get through your socialist skull.socialism produces millions of skulls. you are a genocide enthusiast. 

          • dirk-steele-av says:

            Oh, shit, you’re an actual crazy person. I hope your state and local social services get you the help you need.

          • vanheat-av says:

            “Oh, shit, you’re an actual crazy person.”Said the socialist.What’s the name of a successful socialist society, again?

          • vanheat-av says:
          • keykayquanehamme-av says:

            He doesn’t understand “lifelong” either. Some series Yankees-Cowboys-Lakers fan energy with this one!

          • arastiethe-av says:

            Thank god you left

          • justin241-av says:

            You don’t go from being a leftist to…. whatever the fuck it is you think you are. A contrarian? A simpleton? Who knows? Who cares?

          • vanheat-av says:

            Ahem: I’m not against democracy. i’m not opposed to liberalism (actual classical liberalism, not whatever socialist bullshit you’re on). Um, let’s see, I don’t have totalitarian ambitions (lol!). i’m not a fiscal conservative. i’m not a corporatist. i don’t think the social classes are equal. i’m not an imperialist with military ambitions (hahahhah). i don’t believe in a master race homeland, you fucking fool. this grows tiresome. is that enough? i’ll await proof of receipt. all i’ve espoused that pisses you off is that i include white people in groups you shouldn’t be racist to. why does that piss you off so much? seems racist. 

          • dirk-steele-av says:

            Your support of the 1/6 insurrection seems pretty anti-democratic. Your deepthroating of conservative ideology puts the lie to your rejection of corporatism and fiscal conservatism, and a white, christian ethnostate. Call your mom for my receipts.

          • vanheat-av says:

            when did I support 1/6? Quote me, please. “a white, christian ethonstate”you are a lunatic. When did I endorse that? Quote me, please.bro, I’m not a fiscal conservative. I don’t know what to tell you, you are hallucinating. 

          • SquidEatinDough-av says:

            “watching them destroy 2 billion dollars worth of property” I wish they were this cool“including countless POC owned companies” lol“killing dozens of people in the ‘summer of love’” lmao“They are anarcho-communists.”

          • vanheat-av says:

            You ignorant twat:

          • capeo-av says:

            LMAO. Wow, you are deluded. Antifa didn’t “destroy 2 billion dollars worth of property” or kill “dozens of people” you nut job. Antifa is a tiny amount of people that don’t even have a centralized… anything, and no capacity to run anything. Their a right wing created bogeyman, because they can’t accept that the unrest was simply POC getting fucking sick of getting extrajudicially killed by police. And if you don’t know that Ngo is right wing provocateur, whose discredited “reporting” has regularly been found to be complete fabrications, and continually espouses fascist ideals, then there’s only a few options: You’re just stupid.You’re an insecure racist idiot looking for any incredulous bullshit that reinforces your insecurities.The above, but you know what you’re doing, and just promoting fascism.

          • vanheat-av says:

            Uh-huh me, where antifa involved? Yes or no will do. I will: Yes. I saw them. There’s endless videos of their thuggery.Does this look like a small group of people/right wing bogeyman?:Ngo has been smeared by leftists like you. I found his book to be fascinating. If you have a debunking, I’m all ears.

          • capeo-av says:

            If you’re so stupid to link to FEE, I can’t help you. You’re not interested in reality. You also bizarrely linked a Guardian article that completely undercuts your premise. You clearly didn’t read it. And if, again, you’re too stupid to not realize that some dudes who did some property damage, have nothing to do with “Antifa” or why a couple thousand students were protesting against a full-on fascist speaker in the first place, then I can’t help you to be actually intelligent.

          • vanheat-av says:

            How is the article inaccurate? Who cares if it’s from FEE? How are the facts altered by that fact?As for the Guardian article…it simply lays out people who were killed in the riots. No? Do you deny this?Milo is fascist. LMMFAO. He’s a clown. And a “couple thousand people” destroying the campus in response is rather, what’s the word I’m looking for, terroristic. But you carry their water.Antifa was a major presence during the BLM riots. Facts. Dozens died, billions in damages, and they are clearly organized enough to deploy thousands of people to engage in terror attacks ON A COLLEGE CAMPUS. Yet, still, you carry their water.Again, you are walking, unthinking, dogma. Unreal.

          • justin241-av says:

            You are far less intelligent than you think you are “bud”. And where is the proof antifascists (like I said spell it out) were a major presence at events? You should Google Mickey Windecker. Bc I can guarantee you the FBI had a lot to do with inciting most of the violence you saw on faux news. You’ve got a large group of people tired of being shot for…being black. All it takes is a few well placed sparks.

          • vanheat-av says:

            hahaha the feds are antifa imposters. okay.

          • vanheat-av says:

            “ And where is the proof antifascists (like I said spell it out) were a major presence at events?”here’s them openly disussing it, dipshit:

          • weirdstalkersareweird-av says:

            You’re not interested in reality. He’s interested in fighting (what he imagines to be) liberals. He’s pulling a Don Quixote without knowing what that IS.

          • vanheat-av says:

            I think you have a crush on me. (blushes)

          • weirdstalkersareweird-av says:

            I think you have a crush on me. (blushes) ~A Dipshit Who Has Only Ever Done This For Attention/Fighting

          • vanheat-av says:

            Oh, just out of curiosity: What’s it like to have the same exact fucking unexamined opinions as major corporations, the government, the media, the entertainment industry, and academia? Your response is like talking to walking dogma. You are interchangeable with 99 percent of the people on here. From Antifa to Ngo to BLM to the riots…just, what’s it like, feel like? Do you think you are counter culture? Do you think you are a vanguard? You are the establishment, bud. It’s fucking lame.

          • weirdstalkersareweird-av says:

            Your response is like talking to walking dogma. And, lo, no irony was to be found that day, because vanheat drowned it like a puppy in a pillowcase.::PSST:: Just to clue you in: spouting rightist dogma, as you have done constantly across the past week? You’re still spouting dogma, just one you enjoy. ;-*Seriously, you’re reading off of a fucking script, whether you realize it or not. ::shrug::

          • vanheat-av says:

            Yes, yes, I’m reading off a script by going against every single poster on this website. Sweet summer child

          • weirdstalkersareweird-av says:

            Yes, yes, I’m reading off a script by going against every single poster on this website. ~Someone Parroting Literal Talking Points From Right-Wing MediaYou’re brain dead, pal. Partisanship has turned your brain into pudding.The funny thing? You probably think that me responding to you takes actual effort. 😀 

          • vanheat-av says:

            hahah you responded to yourself again! love it.“partisanship.” I’m politically homeless, you twat. and show me how it’s a right wing talking point to not judge people based on race, regardless of race.are you going to answer the simple question? if you express racial hatred toward white people, is that racist? have the courage of your convictions and just say no.

          • weirdstalkersareweird-av says:

            FWIW, you’re arguing with an absolute fucking moron. Very little of use comes of it.And, to be clear: whether he is a former “leftist” or “liberal” turned conservative, or has always been a conservative, the sociopolitical perspective doesn’t matter: he’s being an overly excitable, brain dead fuck. Any personal trauma or issues that led to…this…doesn’t change the fact that he’s a brain dead fuck who likely has some growing to do before he learns anything.

          • gronkinthefullnessofthewoo-av says:

            Seems like a snowflake move to quit a band because people criticized you.

          • vanheat-av says:

            there was a massive, hysterical backlash across the indie music scene because he read a book. who are the snowflakes, precisely? he told the fucking conformists and censors to go fuck themselves, but he’s the pussy. Got it.

          • dirk-steele-av says:

            That book is by Andy Ngo, an actual Neo-Nazi propagandist. Hope this helps!

          • vanheat-av says:

            Hysterical nonsense. Have you read it? Of course not, it’s too scary for you. How is Ngo a fucking Nazi? 

          • dirk-steele-av says:

            You mean beyond his compiling a kill list for Atomwaffen Division? I guess his entire body of work.

          • vanheat-av says:

            do you have a source for that fucking ridiculous claim?

          • vanheat-av says:

            This is your evidence that he compiled a kill list? the washington examiner’s interpretation of him embedding himself with this group? guilt by association fallacy cough cough

          • dirk-steele-av says:

            “How dare you call this guy who pals around with Neo-Nazis and helps them pick targets Neo-Nazi! Absurd!

          • gronkinthefullnessofthewoo-av says:

            Mumford and sons are indie music? Massive backlash? I think it was a minor story that we all forgot about until you brought it up again. His bandmates told him to stop being a twat and he said no and got pouty and left. Turns out lots of people can play banjo. 

          • vanheat-av says:

            I didn’t bring it up, champ. And yes, there was a hysterical clutching of pearls. Your memory is for shit.

          • SquidEatinDough-av says:

            Speaking of hysterical

          • gronkinthefullnessofthewoo-av says:

            But was it massive? Who was clutching pearls? His (indie?) bandmates? And he really told those fucking conformists and censors to go fuck themselves by deleting that tweet, didn’t he? I keep saying “he” because while it was massive and hysterical I don’t even know his name.

          • vanheat-av says:

            Yes, Pitchfork freaked the fuck out for weeks. Why are you hung up on me calling them indie? Who cares? I don’t listen to that pussy shit. But he’s got bigger balls than you do, you sweet little summer censor.

          • gronkinthefullnessofthewoo-av says:

            Pitchfork. Massive. I never censored him and I don’t even know what he wrote. His big balls must have accidentally deleted it?

          • vanheat-av says:

            yeah, nobody reads pitchfork. so he caved. if you’d read, you know, pitchfork (i know, nobody reads pitchfork, or rolling stone, you’d know he didn’t want it affecting the band. what a pussy. seems to have subsequently told people like you (censors and thought police) to fuck off quite nicely, though.

          • gronkinthefullnessofthewoo-av says:

            I didn’t say no one covered it. You didn’t even link a pitchfork article, but there’s no hysteria in the RollingStone coverage, it’s just a report on what happened. So okay, guess that’s massive hysteria? I do like that the Ngo dude cried that a milkshake was quick drying cement. Hell of a milkshake I guess.I’ve never asked the banjo man to take down a tweet and wouldn’t consider it anyway, so he probably didn’t tell me specifically to fuck off, but maybe.

          • vanheat-av says:

            ‘Within 24 hours, he said, the moment was trending with “tens of thousands of angry retweets and comments. Ngo was hospitalized with a brain injury from that “milkshake.”Take care.

          • gronkinthefullnessofthewoo-av says:

            And Ngo was hospitalized with a brain injury from that “milkshake.”What a pussy

          • SquidEatinDough-av says:

            “Antifa, an anarcho-terrorist organization.” rofl

          • justin241-av says:

            How about instead of saying antifa you spell out the whole thing. Antifascist. There. Now you’re saying a group of antifascists are terrorists? You people truly are dim. 

          • vanheat-av says:

            they are terrorists because they use violence for political ends. that’s the definition of terrorism. Did you see the Berkeley footage I posted? please explain to me how that wasn’t terrorism.And it’s braindead to say that just because they call themselves antifascists that means that’s what they are. Look, i’ve formed a group called the Good Guys club! And I firebomb and violently attack innocent people! But the group is called the Good Guys Club, so I can’t be violent. Braindeath. 

          • getyerhotdogs-av says:

            maybe the right wing drivel you read said we were losing our minds but I assure you no one gave a fuck about the 5th mumford

          • vanheat-av says:

            ‘Within 24 hours, he said, the moment was trending with “tens of thousands of angry retweets and comments.

          • getyerhotdogs-av says:

            i see the problem. you’re confusing twitter with the real world. 

          • vanheat-av says:

            OMG you must be breastfed. The left LIVES on Twitter. They actually think it’s a form of activism…to tweet. Where have you been? Oh, right, sucking on your dad’s tits.Did you miss the absolute cosmic meltdown when Musk took over and let all the meanies back on? Get. The. Fuck. Real.

          • getyerhotdogs-av says:

            oh wow you need to get laid

          • vanheat-av says:

            Ahhh…I’m good now. I just blasted a hole through your dad’s back. Tight.

          • getyerhotdogs-av says:

            nice. better than jerking yourself off using your twitter tears.

  • waylon-mercy-av says:

    Disney Star Wars and Disney Marvel certainly treat their anti-vaxers differently.

    • gargsy-av says:

      Yeah, Carano was fired because of that, not because of the vile shit she said about trans people.

      But hey, that doesn’t fit your preformed narrative that is definitely true.

  • specialcharactersnotallowed-av says:

    “Gina Carano’s Cara Dune will never be returning to the show after the offensive comments she made in 2021 about Nazi Germany”I haven’t watched every episode, but I don’t think Cara Dune said that.

  • iambrett-av says:

    I wonder if they could recast her, then CGI the new actress into all of Gina Carano’s scenes in prior seasons to replace her.

  • bio-wd-av says:

    Remember when reactionary assholes said Cara was a woke shitty character when she was introduced and only started loving her when she came out as anti trans?  Boy thats mighty convenient. 

    • igotlickfootagain-av says:

      “Once she revealed herself to be stewed in hate I really started to notice the subtle nuances of her performance.”

      • necgray-av says:

        “But then she was in that movie by Shapiro where she was as tough as a man and I realized nah, she’s actually NOT a good actress.”

    • weirdstalkersareweird-av says:

      It’s almost like they don’t have actual principles, or even know what actual principles are.

      • vanheat-av says:

        it’s hilarious hearing you blather about principles. you hold people to different standards based on, it’s wrong to judge people based on race, no matter the race. that’s a principle you disagree with.

        • weirdstalkersareweird-av says:

          like, it’s wrong to judge people based on race, no matter the race. that’s a principle you disagree with. I’ve literally never said anything of the kind, you weird dipshit. At all. I took time to try to educate you on a simple fucking concept, but partisanship has sufficiently rotted your brain to the point that it’d require deprogramming.Stop inflicting your idiocy on other people. Read a fucking book, yeah?NOTE: The preceding statement (TRANSLATION: the statement that came before *this* one) has and had nothing to do with politics. It has and had to do with you being monumentally fucking dumb.Seriously, the shit you pull is like a toddler wading into a street ball game and demanding to play forward, despite being unable to spell it.

          • vanheat-av says:

            You believe you can’t be racist to white people because racism is privilege plus prejudice, blah blah blah. that’s your definition of systemic racism, no? 99 percent of people disagree with you, and your redefinition of racism has probably damaged the left more than any issue I can think of.So, again, for the cheap seats: You don’t believe that racial hatred is actual racism, unless it is directed at POC. Meaning you have different principles based on race. That’s, um, what’s the word I’m looking for…racist hypocrisy? Yes, you a racist hypocrite.
            Ugh, indeed.

          • weirdstalkersareweird-av says:

            Yeah, literally none of what you said is true. In fact, I gave you a specific example of how it would be possible for blacks to be racist towards whites.Here, read it this time:“If a white person were to go to a black-owned bank, and apply for a home loan in the service area of that bank, and they had the appropriate credit rating/actual need (let’s say blue collar), and the bank were not set up for a specific purpose (i.e., an employee credit union)? And they were to be denied a loan? Sure.”Pal, you’re a waste of time. You whine about folks lack of principles, when you admitted that you used to be a “liberal” who left the party because people were mean to you.You’re weak, you’re stupid, you’re a whiner, and you’re a waste of time. And I want to be clear here: this is regardless of your personal politics.The left has its share of idiots. I’ve slugged it out with a good number of them here. You’re one of the *right’s* idiots.Me? I have no use for idiots anymore, and wish they’d self-rapture. Left, right, don’t care. Do the world some good, clear the dumb out of the country. ;-*

          • vanheat-av says:

            “If a white person were to go to a black-owned bank, and apply for a home loan in the service area of that bank, and they had the appropriate credit rating/actual need (let’s say blue collar), and the bank were not set up for a specific purpose (i.e., an employee credit union)? And they were to be denied a loan? Sure.” That’s “systemic” racism, no?Just keep it simple: If someone expresses racial hatred towards whites, is that racism? I don’t think you believe so because you gave an example of “systemic” racism being the only way one can be racist toward whites. Simple.And calm your tits. It’s too early for your hysterics.

          • vanheat-av says:

            “If a white person were to go to a black-owned bank, and apply for a home loan in the service area of that bank, and they had the appropriate credit rating/actual need (let’s say blue collar), and the bank were not set up for a specific purpose (i.e., an employee credit union)? And they were to be denied a loan? Sure.” again, you are describing “systemic” racism. again, not standard issue race hatred. which you think is fine toward white people.“Pal, you’re a waste of time. You whine about folks lack of principles, when you admitted that you used to be a “liberal” who left the party because people were mean to you.”i used to be a liberal…until people like you violated liberal principles. like hating people based on the color of are the cancer in liberalism. you’re great at ad hom attacks. i guess that’s…something?thanks for continuously posting your barely controlled rage against me. why is it you’re mad again? oh right: I don’t judge ANYONE by race. You’re…you’re a peach.
            stop posting about me, sugartits.

      • weirdstalkersareweird-av says:

        Because vanheat is a stupid, whining, stupid, nigh-literate, punishingly stupid waste of time, I’ll put this here: You believe you can’t be racist to white people because racism is privilege plus prejudice, blah blah blah. that’s your definition of systemic racism, no? 99 percent of people disagree with you, and your redefinition of racism has probably damaged the left more than any issue I can think of. Yeah, literally none of what you said is true.In fact, I gave you a specific example of how it would be possible for blacks to be racist towards whites.Here, read it this time:“If a white person were to go to a black-owned bank, and apply for a home loan in the service area of that bank, and they had the appropriate credit rating/actual need (let’s say blue collar), and the bank were not set up for a specific purpose (i.e., an employee credit union)? And they were to be denied a loan? Sure.”Pal, you’re a waste of time. You whine about folks lack of principles, when you admitted that you used to be a “liberal” who left the party because people were mean to you.You’re weak, you’re stupid, you’re a whiner, and you’re a waste of time. And I want to be clear here: this is regardless of your personal politics.The left has its share of idiots. I’ve slugged it out with a good number of them here. You’re one of the *right’s* idiots.Me? I have no use for idiots anymore, and wish they’d self-rapture. Left, right, don’t care. Do the world some good, clear the dumb out of the country. ;-*

        • vanheat-av says:

          ha ha did you post this to yourself so that others could see your wonderful work? oh my god you love me

    • seven-deuce-av says:

      How many reactionary assholes? 1 or 2? 

    • vanheat-av says:

      when did she come out as anti-trans? when she made a pronoun joke? when she said it *might* not be fair to let biological mean beat the shit out of women? when/what?

    • faure90-av says:

      reminds me of the years the christian right spent screaming about harry potter being a satanic work, only to end up becoming one of the biggest JK rowling defenders around. no principles, no spine, no nothing

      • bio-wd-av says:

        Pretty much.  You hate the people we hate, we can be friends now.  Absolute scum of the earth with no moral principles. 

    • Bazzd-av says:

      Her movie with the Daily Wire made no money and the reviews all got angry that a woman was kicking too much ***, so…

  • chestrockwell24-av says:

    What makes her horrible?  Hyperbolic comparisons to nazis was okay all during trumps presidency, when did it stop being okay?

    • thuesing-av says:

      Considering those comparisons were not hyperbolic at all, and still arent, and the vast majority of historians not only agree, but even Godwin himself pointed out that the comparisons were valid and not an example of Godwin’s law…

      Yeah, you sound like a willfully ignorant chud. Keep drinking bleach.

      • chestrockwell24-av says:

        Could have saved some time and just said “it’s okay when we do it”. 

      • seven-deuce-av says:

        I must have missed the time when Trump invaded other countries, rounded up the Jews, murdered all of his political opponents, and caused 10s of millions of deaths.Nah, the comparisons to Hitler weren’t hyperbolic at all.

      • vanheat-av says:

        “Considering those comparisons were not hyperbolic”Considering that Orange Man had years to turn us into Nazi Germany and just kind of…didn’t, I’d say they are pretty hyperbolic.

    • satanscheerleaders-av says:

      Dom, is that you?

    • bio-wd-av says:

      I thought your sthick was transphobia and licking Rowlings boots.  You want more?

      • chestrockwell24-av says:

        You won’t ever find a quote from me saying I hate trans people. I just acknowledge biological truths and don’t play along with delusions.And before you try it: i don’t play along with flat earther delusions either, and yet I don’t hate them. So don’t even try to say calling a spade a spade is hateful. I don’t hate the assholes who say trump won in 2020 , but I don’t play along with their delusions either.

    • dirk-steele-av says:

      Shut the fuck up, chud

      • chestrockwell24-av says:

        I own you kid. You follow me around like a little puppy, triggering you isn’t hard but always worthwhile.And don’t even fret son I won’t ever post screenshots of your meltdown  where you responded to me 20 different times within minutes all with the same response 🙂

    • justin241-av says:

      I love that there’s 3 of you fuckbois in the comment section that think you’re some kind of right wing real life baby geniuses. 

      • vanheat-av says:

        I love how you think the feds infiltrated antifa, yet antifa are still the good guys. what’s that feeling called again? oh yeah, cognitive dissonance. and drool-cup imbecility.

        • chestrockwell24-av says:

          The gaslighting from them reminds me of this new info about lab leaks and covid. The sheer fucking coping and attempt to rewrite history is hilarious. The claims of “we only said it wasn’t an intentional leak” is bad faith at its finest. They want us to memory hole years of “reeee you’re hitler!”. Don’t even get me started on antifa. They will compare soldiers storming the beaches of Normandy to antifa lol. It’s like if I create a group called the anti bad guy squad and go around beating the shit out of people I disagree with and then when called out I just go “they must be bad guys, I’m in the anti bad guy squad”.

      • chestrockwell24-av says:

        I love that you think it takes a genius to call out progressive bullshit and hypocrisy. Face facts: you assholes called everyone you disagreed with a nazi and then pitched a little bitch fit when dealt a taste of your own medicine.  Then performed some epic gaslighting by pretending you were right to do it while the other side was wrong.

    • getyerhotdogs-av says:

      this certainly is an attempt 

  • drpumernickelesq-av says:

    If they recast, I hope they go with Ronda Rousey to just really pour the salt in the wound.

    • lostlimey296-av says:

      Counterpoint: Fuck that. Rousey is a scummy Sandy Hook truther.

      • drpumernickelesq-av says:

        Wait, is she? Fucking hell. I just did a quick google and saw she’s a Bernie Sanders fan and on Trump’s insult list, so I just assumed she was sane. Damnit.

      • necgray-av says:

        She also can’t fucking act to save her goddam shitty life.(I kinda hate her.)

      • bio-wd-av says:

        Oh for fucks sake.  Shes an Alex Jones fan?  Is every MMA woman just a horrible human?

        • lostlimey296-av says:

          They take a lot of blows to the head 

          • preparationheche-av says:

            And before they took a lot of blows to the head, they were stupid enough to get involved in a sport that involves taking a lot of blows to the head…

        • justin241-av says:

          Most everyone that gets punched in the head for a living is bound to have brain damage. Therefore more likely to be a right wing shit bag. 

    • necgray-av says:

      If they were gonna go with a rassler, just make Mercedes’ character more central. NJPW can work around her.

    • systemmastert-av says:

      Even setting aside how bonkers she is, she’s just an absolute dogshit actor.

      • drpumernickelesq-av says:

        That was honestly part of why I suggested her: a different MMA fighter, who was better in the Octagon, just as bad on film, and stole Carano’s thunder entirely, and was *seemingly* at the complete opposite end of the political spectrum.

  • gerky-av says:

    Just recast Cara Dune with She-Hulk Tatiana Maslany.

  • jwa8402-av says:

    Seems like people overreacted tbh. The comment I read with the holocaust comparison wasn’t offensive at all. Rounding up the Jewish people did begin and end with a lot of propaganda to get neighbors to hate eachother. And in the last few years there have been several issues where politics has been used to turn neighbors and even family against eachother, to blame others for a problem, sometimes with serious consequences. Obviously not like the holocaust, but no one with a brain would have taken it from her remark. The point is that it’s how the nazis were able to even start to do what they did, and it’s a slippery slope that we have certainly taken a step onto. There are people out there who believe in true racism and sexism,  who think homeless should be euthanized, that pedophilia is acceptable,  all sorts of horrible stuff. Yet we get upset at actors who make historical comparisons. And here she said people are hated for their political beliefs and now we’ve got people saying she deserves to die for her comment, never mind being stripped of her career. So maybe she wasn’t wrong after all?

    • stalkyweirdos-av says:

      Fuck off.

    • sarcastro7-av says:

      Back after years of silence to defend that, huh.

      • vanheat-av says:

        defend what? what needs defending? the left uses Nazi references like they’re get a commission. what did this woman do to hurt you?

    • browza-av says:

      “If everyone cooperates on something, that’s a slippery slope toward Nazism”No.Also, people disagreeing on a subject does not imply that that disagreement was the intended purpose of the subject.“now we’ve got people saying she deserves to die for her comment”
      Show me a belief or stance, I’ll show you people who think others should die for holding it. It’s not right, but it’s not unique to any belief.

      • vanheat-av says:

        “Show me a belief or stance, I’ll show you people who think others should die for holding it. It’s not right, but it’s not unique to any belief”dude, you are justifying death threats. kind of a low bar to stumble over. did this woman deserve death threats?

        • browza-av says:

          “It’s not right, but it’s not unique to any belief.”

          I decidedly did not justify death threats against anyone. Someone out there certainly would like to see me dead for my beliefs. The point is she’s not special because someone on the Internet hates her.Saying lots of people die of cancer isn’t a statement in support of cancer.But how shocking an Internet asshole would twist my words. It comes pretty easily, doesn’t it?

    • beni00799-av says:

      It’s funny how all these people that usually do not care about antisemitism and even deny its existence are outraged over a comment that most Jews did not find offensive. But apparently Jews are the only group that does not have the right to define what is offensive to itself. And yes I am Jewish. And I don;t give a shit about this actress or her politics and never even watched the Mandalorian.Just don’t speak in our name, you fucking hypocrites who most of the time find excuses for Jew hatred.

    • murrychang-av says:

      No, her comments are bad she should feel bad for making them. Nobody should be sending her death threats but, on the other hand, I wouldn’t hire her after she made it very clear just the kind of bullshit she believes. Because in a free country, she’s free to say whatever stupid shit she wants and everyone else is free to tell her her opinions are bad and then ostracize her for them. That’s how freedom works.
      “There are people out there who believe in true racism and sexism, who
      think homeless should be euthanized, that pedophilia is acceptable,”And if they Tweet about that they should get fired too.

    • dirk-steele-av says:

      Rounding up the Jewish people did begin and end with a lot of propaganda to get neighbors to hate eachother.That’s not how the holocaust ended.

    • quetzalcoatl49-av says:

      Stop rationalizing irrational hatred you dumbfuck

    • the-gorilla-dentist-from-that-bjork-video-av says:

      Oh look, a live example of Patton Oswalt’s “Who’s the real bad guy” bit.

    • SquidEatinDough-av says:


    • keykayquanehamme-av says:

      “Obviously not like the holocaust, but…”

      Let me help you out: Any time you get the urge to compare something that is “obviously not like the holocaust” to the holocaust, resist the urge to make the comparison. That’s as true when your direct deposit comes from Disney as when it comes from Dunkin. It’s just a sound strategy!

      Now, let’s dig into the Gina Carano part: She was on strike two and should have kept the bat on her shoulder if she was looking at an “inelegant comparisons to the holocaust” pitch. I just told you that that’s outside the strike zone.

      Big picture: Anybody can think anything they want. Nobody is obligated to say everything they think. Nobody x Infinity is obligated to broadcast every stupid thing they think to social media. She played a stupid game. She lost two great prizes.

      • vanheat-av says:

        you hypocritical motherfuckers have been pumping out holocaust comparisons since 2015. you don’t have a leg to stand on telling anyone not to do the same.

        • keykayquanehamme-av says:

          1) You don’t know me.

          2) You don’t know which motherfuckers I associate with or what “we” have or haven’t done “since 2015.” (You’d keep your Twitter fingers to yourself if you did.)

          3) Read it again:  “Nobody x Infinity is obligated to broadcast every stupid thing they think to social media.” That applies to you too.

          • vanheat-av says:

            “You don’t know which motherfuckers I associate with or what “we” have or haven’t done “since 2015.” (You’d keep your Twitter fingers to yourself if you did.)“Is that a threat? HaActually, everyone is *precisely* ENTITLED to say any old fucking thing they want on social media. Including me. Are they obligated? Are we in North Korea? Nobody is obligated to do shit. But salient point I guess.I apologize if I erroneously thought you were a leftist saying one shouldn’t use holocaust comparisons…on a thread full of leftists saying precisely that…about a woman who did.I’m too scared to continue this conversation, you might sick your sick 2015 crew on me.

          • keykayquanehamme-av says:


    • Spoooon-av says:

      The comment I read with the holocaust comparison wasn’t offensive at all.It wasn’t just that one instance. Disney had asked her a couple of times to keep her damn mouth shut. But she didn’t and they moved on without her.

    • preparationheche-av says:

      You’re dog shit.And you’ll always be dog shit.

    • badkuchikopi-av says:

      that pedophilia is acceptableIs NAMBLA even a thing anymore? Where are you encountering people who are arguing that pedophilia is acceptable?

    • capeo-av says:

      Let me help you not be an utter moron anymore. Here’s what she said: Jews were beaten in the streets, not by Nazi soldiers but by their neighbors… even by children… Because history is edited, most people today don’t realize that to get to the point where Nazi soldiers could easily round up thousands of Jews, the government first made their own neighbors hate them simply for being Jews. How is that any different from hating someone for their political views?Being a Jew = immutable characteristic.Political views = you’re own damn choice. Jews weren’t rounded up and killed because of their “political views.” Jews were rounded up and killed because they were Jews. Their individual political views weren’t part of the equation. If you can’t see how wildly stupid and offensive such a comparison is then you’re just fucking stupid as well. It’s a particularly laughable stance when the supposed “small government” Right has fully embraced fascism at this point.

    • justin241-av says:

      Lets just pretend she got let go because Filoni and Favreau kept telling her to take acting lessons and she wouldn’t. Because she is a fucking dog shit actor. Just bad.  

    • jason1500-av says:

      Well said, you get. Most other commenters here would rather read her comments in the most uncharitable way possible because they as so extremely hate filled that they need anyone who disagrees even a bit with themselves to suffer.

  • vanheat-av says:

    Jesus. Bad Actress Lady really hurt your feelings. This is embarrassing. She fucking tweeted some stuff about NOT going along with the crowd and you buried her for it. 

  • carrercrytharis-av says:

    In other news, Denis Villeneuve has also fired Patricia Starwar for cheating at horse racing. (Her part as a Fremen will now be played by Gloria Gameofthrone.)

  • gterry-av says:

    Now get them to promise that Boba Fett won’t be coming back, or any Jedi (unless it is actual Yoda’s force ghost). I also wouldn’t mind if we didn’t see anyone established in any cartoon I won’t bother watching but I realize that probably won’t happen.

    • murrychang-av says:

      You should really watch the cartoons though, Clone Wars and Rebels are some of the best post OT stuff.

      • gterry-av says:

        Wikipedia tells me that Clone Wars is 133 episodes and a movie and Rebels is 75 episodes. I don’t really care enough about Star Wars to watch over 200 episodes of anything, and would rather that Mando and Grogu just meet and deal with new characters like they did in season 1.

        • murrychang-av says:

          Yeah it’s a daunting episode count, I can’t argue with that, but it’s totally worth watching.  Clone Wars especially, it’s not just good Star Wars material, it’s a great war cartoon in general.

        • keykayquanehamme-av says:

          You should watch whatever you want to watch. You should skip whatever you want to skip. You should care about whatever you want to care about. That said:

          Those shows got over 200 episodes because each of them was good enough to earn the seasons they earned. And you probably wouldn’t have “Mando” and “Grogu” in your vocabulary if they weren’t high quality, successful products. And setting that aside, if you don’t care enough about Star Wars to watch the content that the people who get paid to care about Star Wars produce, you should understand that they’re literally in a position to disregard your opinions precisely because you don’t care about their work product. It’s pretty simple.

          • gterry-av says:

            It’s more like season 1 was this new story with new characters that you only needed to have seen the original trilogy to understand. Then in season 2 they kind of change it up and all of the sudden it’s practically a sequel to the cartoons. It’s like they expect you to do a bunch of required reading before watching the show (which wasn’t at all what season 1 was like). It reminded me of Lost where you could still watch the show but if you wanted answers to a bunch of the mysteries you also had to play the online game or read the novels or something.

          • keykayquanehamme-av says:

            I didn’t watch Lost, but from what I heard, the real problem with that show was that they didn’t actually have any sort of plan when they were constructing their puzzle box… so some of the pieces literally were just glued on early and never actually connected to anything else.

            Serious question: What part of season 2 did you not understand because you hadn’t seen the animated stuff?

            To be clear, I’m not disagreeing with you; I’m not in a position to evaluate that because I’d already seen the animated stuff. I watched with my wife and she had questions, but they were more along the lines of “I could tell that you were excited about Starbuck’s character… Do I need to know more…?” and “Is this the same Ahsoka you were talking about? And did Rosario play her in the cartoon?” and not of the “What did I just watch?!?!” variety. She didn’t know the Mandalore… lore… but I don’t think she felt like the failed to show enough to keep her engaged.

            That said, I understand why that’s a challenging part of the experience… but I’m sure you understand that a creator has a right to want you to consume the other stuff they’ve created. And a creator has a right to decide that they want to change formats (animation to live action, in this case) while keeping/expanding upon their source material. To that point, I’d argue that I read Thrawn content because I enjoyed the characterization in the cartoons. And if you don’t know what that last sentence means, S2 of The Mandolorian is going to seem like getting off a scooter and jumping in a Ferrari when they get that dude into live action… So, while I get that not having consumed that source material wasn’t convenient, I guess I’d say that it’s much more unfair, from my perspective, to expect someone to have watched Book of Boba to get Mandolorian content than it is to expect Filoni and company to have developed a successful cast of animated characters, as part of a larger story, and not use them in live action. As someone who has watched the animated stuff, I actively want them to expand many of those characters into live action. I’m excited to see character-related “Easter Eggs” in Rogue One and Andor.

          • badkuchikopi-av says:

            I like Clone Wars overall, but from memory at least a quarter of those 200 episodes range from totally disposable to a chore to get through. 

          • keykayquanehamme-av says:

            That’s fine. One man’s chore. Mileage may vary, etc. Hell, I’d argue that – if anything – there were too many largely interchangeable episodes that could basically map out to “_____ is in a jam; ______ shows up unexpectedly/just in time to save the day” for my personal taste. That didn’t make me less excited when they brought it back. Hell, I’ve heard plenty of people talk about “quitting” shows because there was too much setup or because they had slow periods. I’ve heard people say that about what I considered the best parts of shows. It happens. And it’s often a fair critique.Flipping that on its head, though: You liked it overall. And if I round up to 30% “disposable/chore” that means 70% of the show was good-to-great, which is why you liked it overall. How many shows can you say that about? From my chair, my original point still stands: I like Star Trek well enough that I’ve seen Into Darkness more than once, but not enough to pay for Paramount+. I’m a casual. The people who make Picard don’t have to give a shit about what I think when I’m online commenting about how I’m not gonna watch Picard.

        • t-lex23-av says:

          There’s some good episodes in there, plenty really. But there’s a lot that is not worth it. Bad comedy, filler episodes, and the animation is kinda bland overall. The 2002 Tartakovsky Clone Wars is way cooler, and thankfully much shorter

      • Bazzd-av says:

        Clone Wars is 12% content and 88% filler, but somewhere in there are some good episodes.

    • razzle-bazzle-av says:

      This was actually an original character, though. Carano wasn’t a very good actor, but at least her character wasn’t just ported over from some other Star Wars property. Even the two main characters are derivative of long-time fan favorites. If they really believed in her story they’d just recast her.

    • seven-deuce-av says:

      Maybe you just don’t like Star Wars?

  • jamesderiven-av says:

    Just a news chyron running in the background stating that Cara Dune and LeVar Burton haven’t been seen for months and are feared missing.

  • gcerda88-av says:

    I kinda hope Evangeline Lilly is recast along with Letitia Wright at Disney-Marvel side, because they are apparently both anti-vax and I find that almost just as revolting.

    • seven-deuce-av says:

      Anti-COVID vax is not the same as anti-vax. Big fucking difference.Specifically, Lilly was against COVID-vax mandates. Wright shared a COVID vaccine conspiracy video once upon a time but never mentioned a peep about her COVID vaccination views on set (this, according to people on set, i.e. Angela Basset).I guess nuance is too much.

  • scnew1-av says:

    She wasn’t particularly compelling, so I guess I don’t really care either way. But to me it feels like recasting her would be a better repudiation of Carano’s beliefs than just having nobody ever mention Cara again. 

  • dreadpirateroberts-ayw-av says:

    To be honest, there is not really news here. It is not like they said “She lobbied us to come back and we absolutely put out foot down. She will never darken our door again!”All they said, when asked, was that there were so many characters and stories going on that they felt no need to actively call out her absence with a reason. To be honest, if we never see a LOT of the characters again I doubt if they would call it out.

  • weirdstalkersareweird-av says:

    ::reads replies::Some of y’all are going stupid hard in the paint over a character that may as well have been called Buf Blastarr, which was played by an actress who may as well have been “Create-a-Wrestler Template 6,” who was fired because she decided to double down when her employer told her she was violating her terms of employment.

  • Axetwin-av says:

    You say she never faced any consequences but that alt right movie she proudly announced she was working after getting canned from The Mandalorian made like 1400 bucks, and she’s essentially blacklisted from any large major roles.  That seems pretty damn consequential to me.

  • seven-deuce-av says:

    She was a fantastic character. Apparently, in Hollywood you’re canceled if you’re not an advocate of The Current Thing.

  • Kidlet-av says:

    What horrible thing did horrible person JK Rowling do, other than have an unpopular opinion on a subject? Has she been funding hate groups? Has she been actively fomenting violence? I’m serious that all I’ve read is that she has an opinion. Why that opinion (or Chappelle’s opinion) matters so much to her is baffling to me, but it’s just an opinion. It’s not a hill I’d want to die on if I were them. But again, it’s just an opinion. She’s not putting kittens in a sack and beating them to death with a hammer.

  • ablazinbluetoe-av says:

    So she’ll never return to the show she was fired from two years ago?  Great scoop…

  • danniellabee-av says:

    They should just recast Cara Dune. 

  • bdylan-av says:

    so are they not aware they employed Bill burr on the same show?

  • theeviltwin189-av says:

    Not that I really think there is a demand for the character, if you really needed to stick to certain people out there you could always bring the her back as a new recruit in Din’s fraction where she never takes her helmet off and is either completely silent or whose helmet makes her sound with a slightly different voice.

  • jimzipcode2-av says:

    I actually liked her character on the show.

    • fanburner-av says:

      Same. I really liked the character and I remain incredibly disappointed that the actress turned out to be such a big piece of shit.

  • ctmctmctm-av says:

    What a load of crap. She got fired for saying that censorship is bad and leads to bad things and the response from Disney and “journalists” like this schmuck is to censor and celebrate it. Barsantibos a p**sy. 

  • nomatterwhereyougothereyouare-av says:

    Was anyone really asking?Did this even need to be reported?This just feels like taking the opportunity to rub Gina Carano’s nose in her gaffe, two years later.

  • justin241-av says:

    Gina Carano was definitely the worst actor on the show. Good riddance. 

  • jeredmayer-av says:

    I’d say it’s *bittersweet* news. I really liked Cara Dune as a character, and it’s a bummer that Gina Carano turned out to have really terrible views that she wanted to double and triple down on. Hoping to see more of Cara in the books/comics at least.

  • redeyedjedi410-av says:

    Get Cara Gee to do a similar role. She’s a much better actor anyways.

  • resistyresister-av says:

    Much like Sam, I too hate strong female characters

  • samark1-av says:

    These comments are worse than the trash you get on a Breitbart article.
    America really has become a thoroughly nasty place.

  • hawaiirod-av says:

    Cancelling Cara Dune has cost Disney billions.

  • jason1500-av says:

    Gina’s comments were not offensive at all, she was saying be kind to your neighbor and don’t forget the past.

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