Cards Against Humanity is giving away a new expansion pack to help turn red districts blue

Aux Features Cards Against Humanity
Cards Against Humanity is giving away a new expansion pack to help turn red districts blue

Cards Against Humanity is more than just a blush-inducing card game that forces you to explain “bukkake” to your parents. The company behind the game have proven themselves quite adept at annoying the ever-loving fuck out of Trump-loving Republicans, as the organization is behind a number of progressive digital campaigns and, last year, even bought a patch of land along the U.S.-Mexico border so Trump’s precious wall couldn’t be built on it.

Their latest stunt, which they launched yesterday, is less irreverent than their previous ones, but potentially much more impactful. It goes like this: Cards Against Humanity has identified six traditionally red districts that have a shot at turning blue. If you send them the e-mail address of a registered voter in one of these districts, both parties will receive an all-new expansion pack riddled with jokes about modern politics, as well as a pamphlet that “uses logic and facts to manipulate your friend into voting for the Democrat.” The hope, obviously, is to boost voter turnout, especially among young, heretofore apathetic voters motivated by free shit. You can also buy the 18-card pack on your own for $5, including shipping, with all proceeds being donated to Run For Something, a progressive nonprofit.

“If we can flip the House to blue,” they add, “we will release the pee tape, which we have.” So there’s that, too.

The campaign is called Cards Against Humanity Hacks the Election, and the included districts are in California, Iowa, Illinois, Kansas, and, of course, Texas. View more details on the specific districts and candidates—surprise, the Republicans incumbents want you to have guns, but not healthcare—at the campaign’s official website.

They’ve also put together a satirical ad for a Trump-loving, right-wing gun nut named Frank Toilet, who, if elected, promises to “shit all over Obamacare” and “rub [Trump’s] belly every night.” Check it out below.

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