CG Tig Notaro is the best part of the Army Of The Dead Trailer, though everything else is okay too

Film Features Notaro
CG Tig Notaro is the best part of the Army Of The Dead Trailer, though everything else is okay too
Tig Notaro in Army Of The Dead Photo: SCOTT GARFIELD/NETFLIX

The biggest and most Zack Snyder-y Zack Snyder movie ever is now finally out in the world (with his name in the title and everything), which means it’s time to move on and see what other loud and varyingly tolerable tricks he has up his sleeve with Army Of The Dead—a return to the genre that birthed his 2004 Dawn Of The Dead remake, which we can all at least agree was an okay movie and possibly his best work (even if that’s not saying much). We got a teaser for Army Of The Dead back in February, but today Netflix launched a proper trailer that explains the story, introduces some of the characters, and even gives late addition Tig Notaro a chance to look extremely goddamn cool (more on her in a bit).

For starters, this trailer explains why anyone would want to steal a bunch of money in the middle of a zombie apocalypse (because the zombies are only in Las Vegas, so all the money left behind there is still good), and it also raises the stakes (gambling joke) by revealing that these zombies are not only fast and strong, but that they have some kind of hierarchal system with a King Zombie and a Queen Zombie. We don’t get to see much of how the zombies’ political system is structured, but King Zombie and Queen Zombie are dressed fancier than the others, so maybe it’s some kind of plutocracy? That would be a nice bit of commentary on Vegas culture, but even that seems kind of outside of Snyder’s field of interests.

Anyway, let’s talk about Tig Notaro: She joined the film very late, just over the summer (for reasons we don’t need to get into, other than to say that she’s an enormous upgrade), but filming her scenes during COVID required “a combination of techniques, from actually reshooting scenes opposite an acting partner to using green screen and CG technology to blend her in.” In other words, the Notaro you’re seeing in this trailer is pretty much CG’d in, which… kind of makes it better? It’s funny, at least, and it gives you a fun fact to share with whoever you’re watching this movie with. (It also unfortunately means that she’s probably not in the movie very much, but hopefully she’ll survive and can star in Army Of The Dead 2: This Time It’s In Reno or whatever.)

Army Of The Dead is coming to Netflix on May 21.


  • cinecraf-av says:

    I’m really glad to see that Zack Snyder is maturing as an artist.

  • listen2themotto-av says:

    Dawn of the Dead was great and Snyder’s best movie so I’m curious to see what he can do in this genre again.

    • gargsy-av says:

      Too bad it’s co-written by the guy who co-wrote 300, Sucker Punch and Justice League instead of the guy who wrote Dawn of the Dead, Slither and Guardians of the Galaxy.

  • graymangames-av says:

    Now that Christopher Plummer has passed on, I vote we start CGing Tig Notaro into random movies. 

  • smittywerbenjagermanjensen22-av says:

    This sounds ridiculous but the idea of mashing up zombie and heist movies (two solid genres) is not in itself awful

    • toddisok-av says:

      Ocean’s UUGGGHHH-leven?

    • anathanoffillions-av says:

      “you sonofabitch, I’m dead!”

    • teageegeepea-av says:

      Didn’t “Peninsula” already try that?

    • castigere-av says:

      That was the premise of the movie Peninsula, the sequel to Train to Busan….and it was terrible.

    • breadnmaters-av says:

      I would go to a theatre for this. Mmmaybe….

    • dr-darke-av says:

      Maybe it’s the trailer editor — but I’m beginning to get the strange notion Snyder’s trying to develop a sense of humor…?

    • castigere-av says:

      To add more to my original thought:  The reason Peninsula, in my opinion, failed, and the reason I stopped watching the Walking Dead is this.  At some point, the zombie threat becomes environment.  They become no different than giant bugs, or slow mutants, or killer bees, or just an ordinary big pack of hungry wolves. The scary part of zombies is that, five minutes ago, that was your sister who is currently trying to eat you.  If it’s just a faceless horde, then it’s just a general threat.  Also, in my opinion, a zombie who thinks and plans and has higher intent and a ruling system is NOT a zombie.

      • sonysoprano-av says:

        You’ve kind of hit on why so much “modern” (by which I mean since the genre’s revival in the early 2000s) sucks so bad. I actually quite like Snyder’s Dawn of the Dead, the opening in particular is a subgenre high, but somewhere between then and now, zombies became a pretty frightening libertarian wank-fantasy stand-in for the faceless other who can now be shot at with impunity by the King of the Wasteland. Train to Busan and the Resident Evil 2 remake aside, zombie stuff is incredibly depressing now.

      • anathanoffillions-av says:

        I agree.  Remember how good the Walking Dead pilot was?  When Andrew Lincoln said to that zombie “I’m sorry that this happened to you”?  More like that.

        • castigere-av says:

          That first season was spectacular.  Bicycle Girl and that one dead guy they used to gut themselves up, where Rick vowed to remember his name. Didn’t take long to have that thinking fall by the wayside.  It sort of had to , though.

    • hootiehoo2-av says:

      Yeah it sounds like a fun mashup, now we will see if it’s any good.

    • eponymousponymouse-av says:

      Between this movie and Blade Runner 2049, I’m guessing the Fallout TV series isn’t set in New Vegas.

  • gargsy-av says:

    “In other words, the Notaro you’re seeing in this trailer is pretty much CG’d in, which… kind of makes it better?”

    Better than what? 

  • refinedbean-av says:

    Hello, I have several dozen questions!

    1. Were the zombies always this smart or did they evolve to that point? Related question, if they’re smart enough to stay in Las Vegas because they’ll be killed if they leave, why haven’t we just killed them slowly but surely by pumping that GIANT CROWD with bullets every day or so? Or are we doing that?2. Why does society need money still? Or THAT money, specifically. Are you going to use the 200 million to then buy enough guns to liberate Las Vegas? Because Las Vegas is worth way more than 3. If the virus or whatever can transmit to tigers can it transmit to every other creature on earth? Just mammals? Large mammals only? Can rats get it and can they then get out and attack regular humans and we’re screwed again? If the rats have it but don’t leave, what are they eating? Do the zombies eat each other?4. If the zombie knows enough to raise its fist in defiance why doesn’t it know enough to, like, leave?5. Are they fuckin’? They look like they’re fuckin’.

    • dirtside-av says:

      I’ll charitably assume that the movie explains it, but yeah, I too have to wonder why the government doesn’t just carpet-bomb the area repeatedly until all the zombies are dead. Maybe they’re working on a cure and are just keeping the zombies contained until then?

      • refinedbean-av says:

        Have we figured out a cure for “literal holes in people?” That’d be awesome.

      • anathanoffillions-av says:

        they want vegas back, too much to lose man, you don’t want to be responsible for the lost of circus circus?  All the stuff left in the pawn shops?  Actually, that’s probably worth more.  Heck the Chihuly glass on the Bellagio ceiling is worth a ton.

        • kevyb-av says:

          Chihuly makes the same shit over and over and over again. At this point, losing the Bellagio ceiling would actually bring some worth to the 5 million other flowers he has made.

      • brickhardmeat-av says:

        I think that’s why there’s only a limited amount of time for the mission. USAF is probably gonna turn Vegas to glass in 36 hours or something.

      • sarcastro3-av says:

        I’ll bet you $10 that the reason for the short window of time in which to steal the money is because the city’s about to get nuked.

      • haodraws-av says:

        The 32-day time is apparently a countdown for when the government sends nukes.

      • taumpytearrs-av says:

        That reminds me of the 2003 Australian flick Undead, which in my memory is the only zombie-related movie where a main character actually makes a big deal out of NOT killing all the infected and just tries to gather them up and hold them in case of a cure. I guess early Walking Dead had a character who kept their zombified loved ones in a barn, but in that case it seemed more foolish because the zombie outbreak was so widespread that society had already collapsed and the likelihood of a cure seemed very low.

      • radarskiy-av says:

        They’re going to nuke Vegas in 32 hours. That’s why there’s a time limit to extract the cash.

    • lattethunder-av says:

      I have one question.1. Can’t you count?

    • castigere-av says:

      I’m guessing they evolved their thinking. This happened, to some extent, in Romero movies as well. It’s the premise of Will Smith’s I Am Legend too. We’ve already had a zombie tiger in a movie. Can’t remember which one. And we’ve had a zombie deer, and zombie sheep in other movies. It was bound to happen.They are gonna have to be VERY clear on why they’re letting zombies just camp out in Vegas if everything has gone back to normal. And VERY clear on why whatever government hasn’t started printing DIFFERENT money after money is just left lying around everywhere. Gotta keep the yoke on the back of the working stiff….see what I did there?

    • miskatonic1927-av says:

      The zombies dont leave because what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas. 

    • capeo-av says:

      Vegas, or at the least the strip, has been walled in with shipping containers so the zombies can’t leave. The outbreak started there and the rest of the country was unaffected so money still has it’s regular value. I’m not sure what you mean by “society” needing the money. It’s about a group of people being hired by a nefarious dude to steal the money before the military nukes Vegas in 32 hours. General society and the government don’t care about the money.Snyder did a podcast for the release of the trailer and said there’s already two prequel movies almost done. Apparently he sees this as a cinematic universe. One of the movies is an animated movie that explains the origin of the zombie outbreak. He said it has to do with Area 51 and hinted it’s related to aliens, or some extraterrestrial bullshit. 

    • doncae-av says:

      1. Evolved, in silly magic terms and prob not like these zombies are sexually reproducing terms2. Why wouldn’t it? I think the suggestion is society survived zombies, but Vegas didn’t, but the US backed notes in Vegas are still worth something. And Vegas is a city in a desert with no real natural resources: if everyone there is dead and the infrastructure is gone, it’d take waaay more money to redevelop than just, yknow, building casinos elsewhere.3. Just because some animals can get infected doesn’t mean all animals can. You didn’t hear about covid rats this past year, but cats and minks yes.4. Maybe the walls around the place are super tall and deep and their knowledge isn’t enough for like, construction, and they didn’t learn the zombie ant climb from World War Z movie yet. Or this was really an ad for proving Trump’s wall would’ve worked if migrants just didn’t know how to climb.5. Maybe it was sexual reproduction evolution.

    • avataravatar-av says:

      Answer: this movie is real fuckin’ dumb.

  • mark-t-man-av says:

    So, I guess this article decided not to mention Dave Bautista, the supposed lead in this film.

    • sonicoooahh-av says:

      I am pretty sure he’s more recognizable from his movie roles.

    • ifsometimesmaybe-av says:

      Barsanti makes up for lack of acuity with an abundance of low-brow snark.I’d say Bautista is the best actor in the trailer, this film seems to be yet another example of him outshining the performances of his costars (GOTG 1 & 2, he was charismatic as all get-out, and his small performance in Blade Runner 2049 was just fantastic).

    • pearlnyx-av says:

      Or Garret Dillahunt.

  • inspectorhammer-av says:

    Supersoldier zombies, king and queen zombies, zombie tiger…sure, that sounds fun. Overall it doesn’t look like it’ll be a great movie, but at least a fun one.A few observations: one, Tig Notaro’s character was fueling up something while smoking. That’s extremely unsafe. Yes, the whole thing is unsafe, but you might as well not set yourself on fire before you get a chance to get ripped apart by zombies.Two, the fact that they actually call the zombies, zombies. It seems like most zombie works try to come up with some other name for them, for whatever reason.Three, those gas powered saws are pretty impossible to use as weapons. Not just because of the weight, but because of the gyroscopic effect of the spinning blade. Relatively easy to make straight cuts with, but trying to turn it is quite difficult.

    • toddisok-av says:

      Don’t Van Damme & Lundgren have the market cornered on playing dead-eyed zombie super soldiers?

    • a-better-devil-than-you-av says:

      Cigarettes aren’t hot enough to light gas or fuel. 

      • inspectorhammer-av says:

        A cigarette that’s not actively being smoked isn’t hot enough to ignite gasoline vapors – but one that’s being drawn on is.And given that she’s pouring from a red can, it’s probably gasoline (diesel goes in yellow containers and kerosene goes in blue.)

      • pearlnyx-av says:

        I can attest to that. When I was a kid we tried lighting molotov cocktails with cigarettes (like in the movies) and it didn’t work. We also tried dumping gas on the ground and lighting it, too. Didn’t work.

      • bernardg-av says:

        It’s not the liquid you have to worry about. It’s the fume. There’s a reason why no cig policy in gas stations. There are countless evidence on YT of gas stations burned down thanks to some dumbass carelessly throwing spend cig around near the pump machine.

        • a-better-devil-than-you-av says:

          WRONG. WROOOOOONG. WROOOOOOOONG. The fumes are as equally not flammable by a cigar or cigarette anyway you cut it. If that was the case then liquid gas would light up before you even put a real flame to it. Are you fucking serious?

    • akabrownbear-av says:

      I agree that the movie seems like fun. So many zombie movies make them relatively mindless and make the plot about ordinary people trying to survive. It’ll be a nice change to see heavily-armed and trained mercs taking on fast and smart zombies. Hopefully the action lives up to the potential.

    • teh-dude-69420-av says:

      I don’t claim to be an expert on combustible materials, but I am an expert on the “Goofs” section of IMDb and one I recall from my misspent youth was regarding the end of Die Hard 2 – where he lights a trail of jet fuel with a zippo. Apparently, a common lighter isn’t hot enough to ignite your more heavy duty fuels (A/A1 jet fuel or diesel).  

    • castigere-av says:

      The smoking-while-fueling thing is movie shorthand for “just way too tough to care”. It’s a trope. See Blade. Or a dozen other movies. I agree it’s a tired tired trope, but a trope. As for the big saw: If a tiny waif-woman could wield one in High Tension, it’s good enough for a kooky zombie heist caper.

      • taumpytearrs-av says:

        “If a tiny waif-woman could wield one in High Tension, it’s good enough for a kooky zombie heist caper.”I feel like “not as stupid as High Tension” is a pretty low bar too clear. Since the movie’s reveal requires the main character to be able to be in two places at once and possibly teleport, her having the strength of a man twice her size was the part I had the LEAST questions about. Stupid twist aside, though, the bit where she takes that concrete saw to the car is pretty fucking awesome.

  • brickhardmeat-av says:

    I… don’t hate this? I’m not a Snyder fan but he does some things well and going into it knowing it’s going to be dumb fun – and that it has a legit kickass cast – lands me somewhere between cautiously optimistic and genuinely excited.

    • anathanoffillions-av says:

      be careful, that’s how I wound up watching Sucker Punch…which is, for my money, worse than “The Room”

      • brickhardmeat-av says:

        LoL I came dangerously close to watching Sucker Punch. Ended up listening to the How Did This Get Made episode on it and I feel like I got everything I needed out of the movie without having to watch it. 

        • anathanoffillions-av says:

          Zack Snyder clearly loves “Brazil” everything by Alan Moore and everything by Romero…too bad he doesn’t seem to have watched or read those things or taken anything from them

          • castigere-av says:

            Hot Take:  Snyder’s Dawn of the Dead is, in many ways, the better of the two versions.  He should have gored it up more, but his take on the Zombie Apocalypse was pretty good.

          • tmicks-av says:

            Loved Zack’s Dawn! I really wish he would do a straight up sequel to Dawn of the Dead, I know what happened in the credits, but I don’t remember actually seeing anyone die. If they did, just pass it off as a dream sequence.

          • sethsez-av says:

            His Dawn of the Dead is about as satirical as Romero’s, which is both intended as slight praise to Snyder and Gunn (who turned things into a tight little post-9/11 War-On-Terror parable) and a slight insult to Romero (whose films are great, but about as subtle as a protest placard upside the head).Sucker Punch is straight trash but somehow I don’t think Army of the Dead is trying to be clever like that was, so I don’t see it falling on its face in the same way.

          • anathanoffillions-av says:

            Sucker Punch was “clever” in a self-important way.The problem with comparing Snyder’s dawn to Romero’s is that if somebody else did it first they get more credit.  It was a perfectly fine flick.

          • sethsez-av says:

            Sucker Punch was “clever” in a self-important way.

            Well, I did say it was straight trash that fell on its face. It also reeked of the absolute worst brand of Whedon-esque “a strong woman is someone who chooses to step on my balls” “feminism” and I’m glad he’s never tried to wade back into those waters.
            The problem with comparing Snyder’s dawn to Romero’s is that if somebody
            else did it first they get more credit. It was a perfectly fine flick.

            That’s totally fair (though in this case I also think well over half of the zombie movies that get made count as unofficial Dawn of the Dead remakes, with the remainder being Night or Day remakes, and Snyder’s movie only stands out as being an official remake), but I don’t think it’s fair to say he didn’t take anything from Romero’s movies, he just used them as the foundation to satirize something different. I’ve seen the “Romero’s film was about something and Snyder’s wasn’t” argument before, but they both signal what they’re about with big flashing lights.

          • anathanoffillions-av says:

            and it looked like it was filmed through Mtn Dew, but I might watch it again at some point, it had a good cast, man I miss Sarah Polley acting… “Splice” was a long-ass time ago and to see another with her I’d have to watch Jared Leto in Mr. Nobody and I don’t expose myself to him without a really good reason

      • listen2themotto-av says:

        Man Sucker Punch was such a letdown. The trailer was so cool and the movie did have a nice aesthetic (admittedly something Snyder does quite well) but the actual storytelling and characters were garbage

  • dirtside-av says:

    I think WB should, every year, pick one filmmaker to release their cut of Justice League. To avoid wasting a ton of money, they’ll only be allowed to edit using existing footage and effects, although they can sub in any audio they want, including different dialogue and music.

  • shivakamini-somakandarkram-av says:

    We could have had a zombie monarchy if I Am Legend followed the source material.

    This looks…sigh. I hope Dave got paid. I’ve met him and he’s just the nicest, LARGEST human.

    • coatituesday-av says:

      Good to hear that Bautista is a nice guy. I don’t follow his former profession at all, so the first time I ever heard of him was in Guardians of the Galaxy. I’ve seen him in a few things since then and he’s reliably good even in movies that really don’t deserve it.I suppose that Shane Black’s Doc Savage with The Rock is off the table now, but I betcha Bautista could fill those bronze shoes pretty well. (I assume Black’s script is done, and that it’s good. The Rock is inspired casting but … he might actually be considering politics? God I hope not. Sure, he’s a better tv-personality-President choice than Trump, but… so is Allen Ludden and he’s been dead for decades.)

    • kissmewithmymaskon-av says:

      I Am Legend is not about zombies, in any way.

      • nonnamous-av says:

        In the novel, they’re more zombie-ish than vampire-ish. 

        • dennis-mm-av says:

          They’re dead. They’re all messed up.

        • kissmewithmymaskon-av says:

          I’m sorry, but no. The creatures in I Am Legend by Richard Matheson are described as retaining most of, if not all of, their previous intelligence after transformation, they’re nocturnal, they’re described as having pale, bloodless skin, they literally drink blood, they’re vulnerable to sunlight, garlic, reflections, religious iconography, they can be killed with wooden stakes, and are functionally bulletproof due to an accelerated healing factor and a kind of quick-sealing body glue that closes conventional wounds, and they have elongated teeth. Matheson’s novel is widely regarded as the first modern vampire novel, and I have suspicion that neither you nor Rafibomb have actually read it.

    • felixyyz-av says:

      Never met him, but based on what I’ve seen/read/heard, yeah he seems like a really decent guy.

  • toddisok-av says:

    I wonder what CG’s Tomax & Xamot have to say about this.

  • galvatronguy-av says:

    Uh, is the movie named “Army of the Dead Trailer” because the link formatting certainly seems to indicate that

  • anathanoffillions-av says:

    now I want the countermovie of an elite team of Zombies breaking into Harvard to steal delicious brains: Stealing Harvard 2

    • hamologist-av says:

      Do you think the brains of Ivy Leaguers are more nutritious for zombies? More delicious? Is it like zombie health food, or more of a haute zombie cuisine type situation?

      • igotlickfootagain-av says:

        It’s an elitism thing. None of the zombies are willing to admit Harvard brains taste the same as any other.

      • dr-darke-av says:

        It’s a public service, eating the brains of every future politician and Captain of Finance.

      • anathanoffillions-av says:

        I think some zombies go to Bard for that crunchy granola, some go to MIT for those mathematical neuron noms, and some go to Harvard for that “I got reservations at Dorzia” cuisine

  • hendenburg3-av says:

    but that they have some kind of hierarchal system with a King Zombie and a Queen Zombie. We don’t get to see much of how the zombies’ political system is structuredListen! Someone needs to tell Zack Snyder that mysterious zombies lying in ponds casino pools distributing arms is no basis for a system of (zombie) government.

  • perlafas-av says:
  • thegobhoblin-av says:

    I can’t believe I’m saying this, but this looks like it might possibly be good-ish. However, with half the budget this concept could make a great movie. At least there’s some Notaro for all of us who are big on Tig!

  • thegobhoblin-av says:

    Tig fuels big rig in zombie gig!

  • igotlickfootagain-av says:

    If this movie that has a zombie tiger doesn’t also feature a zombie Joe Exotic, than what’s the point of anything?

  • nerdherder2-av says:

    Is having “The Gambler” playing over the trailer for a Vegas, zombie, heist movie the laziest, hackiest, most Zack Snyderiest thing ever? 

    • dr-darke-av says:

      Actually, Nerdherder, I was sobbing with relief that he didn’t drag out Leonard Cohen’s “Hallelujah”…again. Or at least, the trailer editor didn’t.

    • adamtrevorjackson-av says:

      snyder strikes me as a dude who only listens to music he heard in other movies.

  • kevyb-av says:

    Gawddamn this looks dreadful. And what an interesting cast that appears will be horrifyingly wasted!While I wanted to do a good ten-minute set on what may well be the worst CGI of Snyder’s CGI-obsessed career – I guess getting those things to move on Darkseid’s body took up all the precious time needed to make these zombie hordes look less awful than those blood splashes in 300 – this Zombie Royalty shit is too stupid to be ignored. If zombies are forming hierarchal societies, then they aren’t zombies, are they? They are fucking vampires. Vampires are literally zombies who have working brains… and a diet based less on solid foods, but that’s not really what’s important here. Smart zombies = vampires. That said, I think these were originally just basic monsters or demons who had to be lazily turned into zombies so Snyder could take another whack at getting a Snyder Mediocrity Universe on film. Though, this also reeks of a long-rejected Resident Evil script that was “cleverly” rewritten, because zombies are probably the only horror villains can be easily destroyed by a military that has decimated far bigger places than Las Vegas. Yet, in Totally Not Resident Evil script, this same military can’t find a way to destroy rotting carcasses who believe that a Monarchy is a suitable form of government? Maybe the Zombie Secretary of State is a real wheeler-dealer…

  • alferd-packer-av says:

    No offence to Tig or Tom Cruise but…

  • gruesome-twosome-av says:

    Legitimately thought for a quick second that was Tom Cruise in that promo pic before recognizing it was Tig Notaro…sorry, Tig.

  • franknstein-av says:
  • flatwormhole-av says:

    Give us the Chris D’Elia cut!Oh. Wait…

  • castigere-av says:

    What is it about Snyder and his characters? Can none of them just stand? Everyone has to pose when they stop moving. It’s a like a wandering, never-ending bodybuilder competition.

  • seven-deuce-av says:

    “extremely goddamn cool”lol… okay.

  • kathrynzilla-av says:

    So here’s my only issue with having Smart, Fast Zombies.
    Where’s the downside to being bit and turned? If you’re still having individual thoughts, only you’re stronger and faster, there’s not much onus for me to stay weaker and slower……That being said, it looks about as ridic as the resident evil movies, and i was down for those.

  • hootiehoo2-av says:

    Okay, Tig looked awesome, so did big Dave. But this actually looks fun and I liked his remake of Dawn of the Dead.But the ending of the trailer made this a movie I have to watch in May. Hopefully this is good and Zack can stick to movies like this.

  • jetboyjetgirl-av says:

    I’m curious abut the business side of this heist. So Bautista is getting offered 50 million dollars to lead a crew to steal 200 million? So his cut is 25%? Seems very high. It looks like there’s five or six other people in the crew, so how much are they getting? How did all the weapons, ammo, vehicles, and tactical gear cost? What’s the profit margin here?Assuming, of course, there’s going to be some backstabbing, that offer is still absurd on the face of it and should set off some alarm bells that the bank-roller will be less than legit.

  • adammcgwire-av says:

    So, for anyone who was wondering whether the surprisingly great Dawn of the Dead remake was because of Snyder of James Gunn, this trailer should clear up that question once in for all. Hint – We should all be very excited about the next Suicide Squad,

  • joeyjigglewiggle-av says:

    Can’t wait for the director’s cut.

  • jonesj5-av says:

    I really liked his Dawn of the Dead. There. Is said it. I’m petty sick of zombies, but I might give this a shot. This “shot” will probably consist of my husband selecting it having no idea what it is and me wandering into the room and saying “oh yeah, that, sure, let’s watch it.”

    • kangataoldotcom-av says:

      Agreed. Snyder is an insufferable dudebro lacking even a piss-puddle’s depth, but he has the chops to deliver a decent genre movie if he’s got a fun script that doesn’t ask too much of him. Just give him stuff that conceals his glaring weaknesses as a storyteller and he can probably pull off a passable Joe Carnahan imitation.

  • lakemore-av says:

    That pic of Tig – so that’s what Joey Tribianni meant by “smell the fart acting”.

  • docprof-av says:

    Smart, organized zombies is a very very bad idea. See: Land of the Dead. (Don’t actually see it, it was terrible.)

  • jmg619-av says:

    How was Tig Notaro the best part of the trailer? She was barely in it. That one scene where she’s smoking that cigarette in slow motion? That’s the best part?

  • dragonfly452-av says:

    Oh cooool, more zombies *sarcasm*

  • mrfallon-av says:

    Ghosts Of Mars vibes

  • mbburner-av says:

    $200M for like 8-10 people (everyone has to go into something like this thinking they’ll make it out alive) is not $50M each. But let’s say they split the $50M amongst their team for about $5-7M each. Is that enough to go into a city of zombies?Also, the thing about traditional zombies is that there should only really ever be a couple of them around. Because they eat brains, but also die (again) if you somehow pierce their brain. So once they catch/kill a victim, they’ll eat the brain so body is not going to be fit for zombifying. Or let’s say they just eat flesh. But unless they get full after 1 bite, they probably won’t leave much left of a victim to be reanimated.

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