Chaos Walking, Tom Holland and Daisy Ridley's long-delayed sci-fi adventure, gets its first trailer

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Chaos Walking, Tom Holland and Daisy Ridley's long-delayed sci-fi adventure, gets its first trailer
Photo: Murray Close/Lionsgate

Donald Trump was still running for president when word first circulated about Chaos Walking, a buzzy adaptation of Patrick Ness’ book series starring a pair of fresh-faced heroes in the MCU’s Tom Holland and Star Wars’ Daisy Ridley. Since then, Ridley’s bid adieu to the galaxy and Holland’s Spidey has been resurrected from ash.

Chaos Walking, meanwhile, is…still walking, though with a noticeable limp. Edge Of Tomorrow director Doug Liman directed the film, though, per the Wall Street Journal, it reportedly went through millions of dollars in reshoots after some disastrous test screenings. It’s currently slated for a 2021 release, a two-year delay from its original release date of March 1, 2019.

Today, as proof of its existence, Lionsgate dropped a new trailer for the sci-fi adventure. Check it out below:

Ridley stars as Viola, a woman who crash-lands on a planet where there are no women, with a bearded Mads Mikkelsen ominously intoning that they all died. The desolate planet is also populated by hunks like Holland, David Oyelowo, Nick Jonas, and, interestingly, Sons Of Anarchy creator Kurt Sutter (a fine actor, per his roles in Sons and The Shield). They each suffer from an affliction called “the Noise,” which allows those in their orbit to sense their inner thoughts via washes of color that surround their heads. There’s also a dog. Viola likes the dog.

Chaos Walking is said to strut into theaters on January 22, though you’ll probably not want to hold your breath. There’s a pandemic going on, if you’ve forgotten.


  • ohnoray-av says:

    I wish I could have seen the gay romp between Holland and Jonas before Daisy lands on this sperm planet!

  • deletethisshitasshole-av says:

    Huh. I never knew Otto on SoA was the creator of the show. Now I know.And this actually looks kind of entertaining. I ain’t ever read or even heard of the book for it.

    • swimmyfish-av says:

      The book series is called Chaos Walking, but none of the books in the series actually goes by that title. Based on the trailer, it looks like the movie is just covering the first book, titled The Knife of Never Letting Go. It’s really good.

  • captain-splendid-av says:

    Bangs are an abomination.

  • fcz2-av says:

    Does this story require Tom Holland’s fake American accent?  He seems to have it in the trailer.

  • altomjohnson-av says:

    “We saw Chaos Walking, so you know what that means …”♫ Now it’s time for … How Did This Get Made ♫

  • kirivinokurjr-av says:

    “Chaos walking, chaos walking, gotta do more, GOTTA BE MORE!”***sax solo***

  • blue2084-av says:

    How is “You are the only woman in a world of men and they yell their every thought at you” not the premise of a horror film?

  • sui_generis-av says:

    >>> “They each suffer from an affliction called “the Noise,” which allows those in their orbit to sense their inner thoughts via washes of color that surround their heads…. “ <<<. Based on the trailer, seems like the *audio* part you didn’t mention would be way, way worse...

  • labbla-av says:

    This looks fun and weird and I can’t believe nobody mentioned Mads was in this until now. 

  • hrhduchessofnaps1-av says:

    I have zero expectations for this movie except to fall in love with Manchee.

    • bad-janet-av says:

      It’s been like eight years and I’m still so fucked up over Manchee

      • hrhduchessofnaps1-av says:

        I’m hoping that they DO give Manchee The Noise (from the trailer, he’s silent), because that was honestly both the most delightful and heartbreaking part of the book.Also, same.  I still just randomly think about Manchee sometimes. Poo, Todd.  Poo!

        • bad-janet-av says:

          Yup the animals’ noise are such a great touch. I love Todd’s horse calling him boy-colt. I still think about Manchee way too much, *that* scene is just so traumatising.

  • soylent-gr33n-av says:

    Looks like they put Ridley in Leeloo’s lederhosen from The Fifth Element, but with a flannel shirt.

  • adamtrevorjackson-av says:

    didn’t holland have to skip the endgame premiere for those reshoots? doug liman’s got one of the weirder hollywood directing careers. 

  • caractacusp-av says:

    Someone wrote this in their sophmore year of highschool, didn’t they? And they’ve been pushing to get it made ever since.

  • swimmyfish-av says:

    This is a really good book series, and while I understand the temptation to turn it into a movie, I don’t know how it’s effectively going to get across the central conflict of the book.Speaking of conflict, this was also a stunningly violent series. Don’t get attached to any of the animals.

  • backwardass-av says:

    I read this book out of curiosity when I heard about the movie, its not un-interesting, another twist on the post-apocolypse stories. My biggest problem with it is the plot-propelling device is super unnecessary, they did enough world building that the story has its own stakes, but for some reason they throw in this really unnecessary device (light spoilers, the guy chasing the main character throughout the story), and then give it a twist to try and justify it that’s just really, really, stupid.

  • theporcupine42-av says:

    Naturally, they spoil a couple of the book’s bigger twists in this. It’s been a few years since I read the books, but it looks like they’re mostly sticking to their story. They’re decent enough books, although the second and third are pretty different in tone and subject matter so it will be interesting to see how they handle that if they get to make the sequels (they won’t).

  • bad-janet-av says:

    Blegh. I’ve been dreading this since it was announced what feels like a million years ago. Admittedly it’s been a while since I’ve read the books but they’re so much more ambitious and intelligent and devastating than your average dystopian YA stuff. It grapples with colonialism/misogyny/masculinity/ecological destruction etc in a properly messy and meaningful way, and Ness isn’t precious with his characters at all which is refreshing for that genre. But what Hollywood adaptation is actually going to deal with those themes? Why even bother adapting it just to water it down into Magical Teen Dystopia Lite? It’s not like it’s going to make its budget back. That said, if Mads Mikkelsen is getting paid I guess I can’t be too mad.

  • augustintrebuchon-av says:

    Ridley stars as Viola, a woman who crash-lands on a planet where there are no women (…) The desolate planet is also populated by hunks (…) They each suffer from an affliction called “the Noise,” which allows those in their orbit to sense their inner thoughts via washes of color that surround their heads. Honestly, you read this and you stop wondering why it was delayed two years and start wondering why it was made at all instead.

  • hayley23-av says:

    This was originally supposed to come out in March, I think. Maybe even before that. I made it about half way into the first book but the writing was so abysmal, I ended up regifting it to a frenemy

  • smithsfamousfarm-av says:

    Didn’t the Divergent series of films kill the YA sci-fi movies? That trailer looked like a sack of shit come to life.

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