Check out Kylo Ren's squad and Darth Vader's mask in these Star Wars: The Rise Skywalker TV spots

Aux Features Film

Ever since they were referenced in a throwaway line in The Force Awakens, Star Wars fans have been eager to hear more about “the Knights Of Ren,” some sort of group that Kylo Ren is… affiliated with in some way. Now, finally, with The Rise Of Skywalker set to wrap up Disney’s sequel trilogy next month, a new TV spot for the movie actually shows the Knights Of Ren in action—though, this is Star Wars we’re talking about, so it seems extremely likely that they’ll show up, do something cool, and then immediately all die. The short clip also features those new red Stormtroopers, a bunch of Star Destroyers, some new lines from C-3PO and Palpatine, and a ridiculous Stormtrooper motorcycle thing with a catapult on the back for tossing dudes into the air. Apparently the First Order is getting some design ideas from the G.I. Joe people now.

Disney has also released another teaser, and while it has fewer new things than the more recent clip, it does have Rey jumping to the Falcon through space, a good shot of Kylo Ren’s patched-up helmet, and the charred remains of Vader’s mask—another callback to The Force Awakens. Still no Porgs in either one, but they’re probably saving those for the full movie… or maybe they’re being sidelined for Baby Yoda from The Mandalorian? Either way, we’ll know on December 20 when this movie comes out.


  • Sledgewell-av says:

    The saga wrapped up after ROTJ.All of this shit: the prequels, Mary Sue Rey, Jar Jar Abrams, Rian Johnson’s “subversion of expectations” in the penultimate episode of a 40 year story..Its just that: SHIT. It may as well be non-canon fan-fic.

    • breb-av says:

      If anything good comes from this, it will be that the diminishing returns of Disney’s Star Wars will reach a point where they may reconsider relaunching the TRON franchise, at least on Disney+ if not in theaters.Same goes for all the shitty, live-action and hyper-realistic CGI remakes of Disney animated classics.

    • defuandefwink-av says:

      Ok, boomer.Because of course, only your generation’s (and mine) is the only valid Star Wars. And just because you don’t like something that comes out from this franchise doesn’t mean you have to shit on it for others.It’s a massive galaxy-potential for stories, and I personally, like what has been done since Disney bought Lucasfilm. Rogue One, Rebels, The Last Jedi, Mandalorian, Resistance; there’s always something interesting, fun and well-crafted to be found, and I really enjoy the fact that the stories are branching out past the Skywalkers. I’m sad to see the Skywalker saga end, but I know it has to happen and there are unlimited amounts of other stories to tell so I’m not worried about a lack of quality storytelling. And I also think there are creative and dedicated people who are already doing just that, and will keep doing so for the forseeable future.Fine, you don’t like Star Wars as it currently is. Great, thanks for your opinion. Now you and every other shit-eating online troll who have nothing better to do than to ruin the internet for everyone can get the fuck outta here.

      • endthefed2020-av says:

        Ok whiny millennial, we get it you like eating Disney’s all you can eat buffet of $#!+ Do is all a favor and GTFO of here with your self righteousness. No one cares, work harder

      • stevetellerite-av says:

        then WHY is The Big Sleep starring Bogart STILL WATCHABLE even with the OBVIOUS plot problems but SW is LAUGHABLE?WHY is THAT, kid?

    • laserface1242-av says:
    • it-has-a-super-flavor--it-is-super-calming-av says:

      But it’s not non-canon. You don’t have to like it, but what is canon can’t be argued.
      Also, Ahsoka Tano is the best character in Star Wars. Stay happy!

      • endthefed2020-av says:

        What is Canon can be argued though, remember all the stuff that was once Canon that Disney flushed down the drain. I can’t wait for the future when there is no Disney. Then it’ll all be legends

        • it-has-a-super-flavor--it-is-super-calming-av says:

          At present and for the foreseeable future canon is what Disney says it is and legends is all the other stuff.
          Disney might be accused of muddying the waters a bit by taking elements from legends and putting it into canon over time, but since no one can predict the future, whatever is currently canon is clear. No argument.

    • bottskakula-av says:

      Shut the fuck up, pansy.

    • zanepgb-av says:

      “Penultimate” means second-to-last, you babbling dum dum.

    • srdailey01-av says:

      You seem fun.

    • judeiscariot-av says:

      I always stop reading when people call Rey a Mary Sue as if Luke Skywalker wasn’t the same. Opinion invalidated.

  • h0meric-av says:

    The Emperor is really coming back, isn’t he? 🙄

  • trent00-1-av says:

    Boy do I want this to be good !
    But theier is a rumor ,that if true I   { a fan since 1977 }will walk out of the theater and demand my money back.

  • ubrute-av says:

    Things could align and J.J. Abrams and Kasdan and their team tie this up nicely. The Force Awakens put things back on track with familiar and new elements. I enjoyed The Last Jedi’s visual dash and daring from one person’s guiding hand (avoiding the Disney hazard of feeling assembled by committee) and I watch it more often than TFA. Fingers crossed. Since I was 8 when Star Wars was in theaters and I was in awe, let’s say I hold An Old Hope.

  • dystopika-av says:

    People sure do seem to HATE new Star Wars movies on the internet!I like this trilogy, flaws and all. I’m looking forward to seeing this movie and hope I like it.

  • kingkongbundythewrestler-av says:

    Flaws aside, I have really enjoyed having these movies to look forward to. I am quietly anticipating this one. I assume that when all the excitement dies down, people will forget them. I think of them sort of as a “what if.” I don’t endorse the idea of canon, nor the Disneyfication of a thing that has meant an awful lot to me over the years. Believe it or not, I’m still excited about the original trilogy. It’s all that counts for me. Though Baby Yoda and all the heart-swoons that came with his arrival are absolutely canon to me.

  • igotlickfootagain-av says:

    Every single one of those Star Destroyers you saw in that clip? Commanded by a porg.

  • hojo101-av says:

    Oh look a new Star Wars, time to log on and toss off some recycled shit about subverting expectations and Mary Sues and fan fiction.

  • tinyepics-av says:

    “We are the Knights that like to say Ren”

  • it-has-a-super-flavor--it-is-super-calming-av says:

    When 900 hours of Star Wars you watch, look as good you will not, hrrmmm?

  • notanothermurrayslaughter-av says:

    I still think Rose basically spoiled the main plot for Episode 9… the day won’t be saved by Rey trying to kill the Emperor, it’ll be saved by saving Kylo Ren.
    …. but also maybe somehow to wipe out the Emperor, Rey has to be sacrificed, I’m positive she’ll die and Ben Solo will live.

    • judeiscariot-av says:

      They are gonna team up. The other trailer showed them attacking and destroying something together. This trailer makes it clear that it was Vader’s helmet.

  • rogue-jyn-tonic-av says:

    That glass framework behind the Emperor’s chair is amazing. It survived being exploded, turned into a fireball trajectory, and still just barely survives a high impact collision onto another planet. The Empire were always known for their fine craftsmanship. And I’ll be first in line to watch this play out.

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