Chris Evans rips “idiots” who oppose same-sex kiss in Lightyear

The star of Pixar's latest had some choice words for those who have not been very chill about it

Film Video Chris Evans

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  • tim-honks-av says:

    I’m not saying he’s wrong. I’m saying it’s a kid’s movie. I’m saying I don’t like the idea of forcing your kids to watch you kiss your wife either. I remember being a kid and seeing straight characters kiss in movies and thinking “blegh, I don’t need to see that”. I mean, yeah they’re no having sex or anything sure it’s not absurd. But I’m not applying logic to a same sex kiss that I wouldn’t apply to a heterosexual kiss in a movie. There are times where I actually find two people kissing quite heartwarming, instances like the archetypal excited soldier coming home to his partner for example, but even then, I feel slightly uncomfortable even as an adult because, it’s intimate, it’s an exchange of passion between two people that you’re/I am not a part of. And it’s not for kid’s movies gay, straight or trans. Everybody gave Louis C.K. shit and cancelled him for jerking off in the corner to women who had agreed to let him do it, and people are still going into movies watching intently as two people kiss…honestly to me, it’s just as fucking creepy.

    • trace0095636-av says:

      I saw the movie with my son today and the infamous “kiss” is one character being greeted by her spouse, child , and friends for their wedding anniversary (40th! God forbid Disney implies folk have long lasting marriages.) and the two partners exchange what at best is a quick peck.
      Worried folk will have more to explain about how a raptor reproduced asexually in JW: Dominion than anything like a kiss in this movie.

      • yellowfoot-av says:

        I honestly don’t even remember a kiss, and I was halfway keeping an eye out for it. That whole sequence passes by pretty quickly, and it didn’t happen in the time period I was expecting it, so I probably just didn’t register it if it happened thirty seconds later.

    • vivavi-av says:

      I know one should assume good faith, but’s impossible for me to truly believe you don’t understand why people are making a lot more noise over this particular case than the sixty million other kid’s movies that come out every single day featuring heterosexual kissing.

    • sirslud-av says:

      retain the services of a therapist

    • pornomancer90-av says:

      I really want to make a joke here, but congratulation you managed to reach such a dumb place, that everything I could come up with would be way too disgusting to post.

    • alferd-packer-av says:

      “I’m saying I don’t like the idea of forcing your kids to watch you kiss your wife either.”Look, none of us here are qualified to deal with this so let’s just move along and wish the best for them.

    • garland137-av says:

      You think two people consensually kissing is on the same level as Louis C.K. jerking off in front of random women?  I just. . . WHAT?!?  Please get professional help.

    • themanfrompluto-av says:

      You might need to work on some intimacy issues.

      Honestly though this has the equal but opposing energy to when someone has a fetish but they assume everyone shares it and it’s a normal part of everyone’s sexuality.

    • SquidEatinDough-av says:

      Lol seek therapy

    • theunnumberedone-av says:

      Are… are you OK?

    • milligna000-av says:

      EDIT: dupe post.

    • milligna000-av says:

      No, CK also jerked off in front of women who did NOT give consent. Stop spreading bullshit to spin the story.

      Cancelled? He sells out gigs and releases films. More than you can say about the women who he sicced his manager on to blackball.

      • Ruhemaru-av says:

        Remember ‘Canceled’ is the catch all term for people with fame and/or power facing consequences their creepy behavior. Said people will automatically get die hard backers who will blame the victims of said creepy behavior because actual consequences, even if minor, are apparently ruining their lives and too politically correct.
        AKA, people want to be toxic jerks, and want people they like to have free reign to do so as well. Part of that includes refusing to believe someone didn’t give consent for a guy to touch himself in front of them. Or believing that if someone says “no” it’s okay to try to wear them down into something that could be considered consent, even if a substance is used to lower their decision-making processes.

  • thefanciestcat-av says:

    Cap being Cap.

  • Logical-av says:

    Hey, it’s cool. If Disney is cool with not making as much money to shoehorn this into kids movies, I say it’s not a big deal.

    I’m not taking my kids to see it and I’ll vote with my wallet on other Disney projects. I’ve canceled Disney+ after 2 years. Screw their overly expensive Disney parks. More to come.

    They’ll get used to a new bottom line that doesn’t include a large segment of the population so they can continue to subscribe to, as one producer puts it, “putting queerness in everything”.

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