Chris Gethard objects to your Garden State hate on New Jersey Is The World

Aux Features Chris Gethard
Chris Gethard objects to your Garden State hate on New Jersey Is The World
Screenshot: Apple Podcasts

New Jersey Is The World
Amusement Parks

What do marauding baboons, carnival gang fights, and straight-up murder at a Wild West show have in common? According to comedian Chris Gethard and his crew of fellow Jersey boys, it’s all just part of growing up in the Garden State. New Jersey Is The World is a monthly podcast in which Gethard and friends cover every aspect of what makes New Jersey one of the greatest and wildest states in the union. Equal parts history lesson and survivor support group, this premiere episode covers the sometimes baffling and often deadly world of New Jersey amusement parks. Gethard eschews the well-known tales of the infamous Action Park and instead focuses on off-the-highway attractions and parking lot carnivals where the rides are powered by bicycle chains and lawnmower engines. These carnivals acted as both the state’s sex education classes and centers of community spirit as teens from different towns would congregate to beat the holy hell out of each other. What really shines through amongst the stories of scalpings and giraffe attacks is the host and guests’ obvious love for their home state and genuine wonder that they’re still alive to tell these tales. [Anthony D Herrera]

Hong Kong’s Accidental Pop Star

In its first episode, Reverberate from The Guardian states its mission to explore songs that are a part of history, beginning with the fascinating example of Kashy Keegan. Hosted by Chris Michael, Reverberate hopes to contextualize songs that have, intentionally or otherwise, become intrinsically intertwined with impactful moments. In this debut episode, Michael unpacks the importance of singer-songwriter Kashy Keegan’s performance of “This is My Dream” at a political protest in Hong Kong in 2013, drawing parallels to David Hasselhoff singing at the fall of the Berlin Wall. Keegan had actually written the song years earlier as an expression of his feelings of alienation living in England. But as fate would have it, an independent television channel in Hong Kong (HKTV), amidst its fight against the Chinese government’s oversight and censorship, ultimately chose Keegan’s song as an anthem for its movement. In the years since, Keegan has moved to Hong Kong, becoming an unlikely pop star. With this first episode, Reverberate has proven capable of contextualizing history through music, using song as a lens to show how the story continues to unfold. [Jose Nateras]

Rough Magic
house of sueños: el regreso

There’s more than one way to approach and appreciate Shakespeare. For playwright Meme García, it means blending Hamlet with their own life story as a Salvadoran artist, produced on the Seattle Shakespeare Company’s podcast Rough Magic. Rina returns home five years after her father’s disappearance to attend the wedding of her mother and stepfather, but she’s faced with her younger sister Amelia’s harrowing story about a figure lurking in the attic and the deeply entrenched lies within her family. House of sueños’ brilliance is in the captivating rhythm of García’s language, rolling in and out of English and Spanish and, without a single missed beat, in and out of dialogue from Hamlet, some of it gently edited or translated to fit the scene. This isn’t an inattentive transposition of Hamlet into a modern setting; this is an intricate examination of mental health and intergenerational trauma using Hamlet as its touchstone. The house encroaches upon the audio space, amplified by both García’s illustrative language and the threat of Shakespeare’s well-known play, and looms in the silences between each of these aggrieved family members. [Elena Fernández Collins]

The Omen

Horror gets the wholesome treatment with Ruined, a podcast where two best friends—one a horror nerd, the other a super squeamish abstainer—review and ruin scary movies for fans and the fainthearted alike. Hosts Halle Kiefer and Alison Leiby have created a show with a sweet Midwest tone while somehow maintaining a flat affect when talking about where the 1976 horror classic The Omen goes left. In the genre of “spooky child” we have Damien, Baby Antichrist Superstar, switched at birth and not here to make friends. If you’ve never caught the Gregory Peck vehicle, Ruined walks you through the plot, which sounds even more wild when it’s spelled out this way. Why does Damien’s family let a random and uninvited governess stick around to haunt their halls? Wouldn’t it be a good idea for Peck to come clean to his wife about authorizing a maternity ward switcheroo? Is there only one photographer in all of London who can capture the horrors on film?!? This podcast is perfect for those who love dissecting spooky movies, or those who want to know where every jumpscare is before diving in. [Morgan McNaught]


  • paulkinsey-av says:

    Oh. I thought Gethard defended the movie Garden State and was curious what avenue he took to do so. I couldn’t care much less about the actual state.

    • frankwalkerbarr-av says:

      But, don’t you get it? The guy in GS was so torn up about injuring his mom as a child. Only the prospect of hooking up with Natalie Portman could ease his pain!

    • artofwjd-av says:

      Oh. I thought Gethard defended the movie Garden State and was curious what avenue he took to do so. I couldn’t care much less about the actual stateI’m from Bergen county NJ and boy, did I not relate to that movie in anyway – what a completely boring group of characters. It’s probably a class thing though. Growing up, there were the working class towns and two towns away there were the ones that had golf courses – we didn’t have a golf course.

      • zenbard-av says:

        It’s probably a class thing though.Naah. I grew up in Mercer County (Exit 9 off the Turnpike for all you weisenheimers out there). We had a golf course and an Ivy League University. Could not relate to the movie at all.

        • hcd4-av says:

          I don’t think I’m being a weisenheimer—I grew up off exit 9 on the turnpike and it’s not Mercer County.Never bothered with the movie.

    • teageegeepea-av says:

      That move is indefensible.

  • shackofkhan-av says:

    The internet has been trying to make Gethard a thing since the early 00s. It’s probably not gonna happen.

  • facebones-av says:

    Gethard did a very funny comedy set called Taylor Ham, Egg and Cheese, which is all New Jersey material. (And if you get the title reference, you will probably enjoy the album.)

    • knopegrope-av says:

      Taylor Ham is what North Jersey elitists eat as they pine to be New Yorkers. Normal Jerseyans call it pork roll.

    • artofwjd-av says:

      Gethard did a very funny comedy set called Taylor Ham, Egg and Cheese, which is all New Jersey material. (And if you get the title reference, you will probably enjoy the album.)That Taylor ham, egg and cheese better be on a poppy seed kaiser roll.

  • underemploid-av says:

    The problem for Jersey (an otherwise mostly lovely state on average) is that it’s eclipsed because it’s positioned between two cities to which people would rather go, NYC And Philly. If New Jersey were situated between, say, Des Moines and Omaha, people would talk about how awesome it was (give them another Great Lake so they can keep their shoreline), like they do about (I’m sorry to mix my comparisons of cities and states) Austin, TX, or Madison, WI, two ok places that seem cooler than they really are because they’re better than everything around them. Once you start comparing Jersey to places like Ohio or Alabama and Mississippi, forget about it. 

    • ooklathemok3994-av says:

      It’s not in the top 5 worst US states, but it’s definitely in the top 10. 

    • postmodernmotherfucker-av says:

      Also: Newark.

    • fever-dog-av says:

      North Jersey near New York City is not a fun place to be.  Maybe Jersey is the examplar state wrt to early 20 century development gone to seed.   Which isn’t necessarily a bad thing if they turn things around and don’t just tear down all those cool old historic buildings.

    • roboj-av says:

      We New Yorkers hate on Jersey so bad and hard, we consider Philly to be an honorary borough over anywhere there, and consider our most hated borough, Staten Island, a part of NJ that we happen to be stuck with until we can figure out a way to swap it for Hudson County, pretty much the only valuable real estate in all of northern Jersey. You can keep the Football teams, they suck anyway. Especially the Jets.

      • underemploid-av says:

        I’m not from Jersey. I’m only inconvenienced by it. I’m just trying to be objective. 

        • roboj-av says:

          I was being pretty objective too as we’re also inconvenienced by it. Think of how much faster it would take for us to get to DC and Philly if Jersey weren’t there.

  • voon-av says:

    I don’t know who that guy is but I keep seeing Michael Emerson.

  • zenbard-av says:

    Yeah, I grew up in Jersey and my Garden State hate was earned one Turnpike quarter at a time.The best thing I can say about it is that it’s a great state to be from.

  • henshinagito-av says:

    As someone from NJ you always have to make the distinction from north and south. South NJ is great north not so much

    • underemploid-av says:

      Hell, Cape May is pretty, um, pretty. And an Italian sub (the regular special?) from White House in AC? As good as it gets. 

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