Chris Hemsworth recorded brand new "dialogue" for Loki's Frog Thor cameo

The single-second cameo featured a brand new recording of the Thor star

TV News Thor
Chris Hemsworth recorded brand new "dialogue" for Loki's Frog Thor cameo
Chris Hemsworth Photo: Brook Mitchell

[Note: This piece discusses spoilers for “Journey Into Mystery,” the fifth installment of Loki.]

As far as cold-blooded incarnations of Asgardian demi-gods go, the fifth episode of Disney+’s Loki has a clear and obvious winner: Deadpan reptile, and swift internet favorite, Alligator Loki. But while we all love The God Of Low To The Ground But Surprisingly Speedy Mischief, there is another contender for this particular crown: Frog Thor, who makes an extremely brief appearance in “Journey Into Mystery,” showing up in a panning shot as the various renegade Lokis (led by Richard E. Grant) lead Tom Hiddleston’s “original” version into their little extra-dimensional clubhouse. A reference to one of the weirder twists in Thor’s multi-decade comics career, the little guy seems to be in a pretty bad spot, trapped in a jar in the dirt and desperately yelling as he tries to smash his way out.

Hilariously, though, it turns out that the audio clips of this single-second joke were not just some random P.A. yelling into a microphone, or even old dialogue of Chris Hemsworth’s battle cries getting re-used. As revealed in a recent interview from ForAllNerds, series director Kate Herron noted that she was bound and determined to get “Throg” into the show—and that she got Hemsworth to record fresh “dialogue” for the appearance.

“We recorded Chris Hemsworth for that, by the way,” Herron boasted, rightfully, during the interview. “We recorded him for that. His voice going ‘Ahhh!’ That’s a whole new recording.” So, there you go: Loki may not have the formal cameo that people might have been hoping for, especially given how much time the title character spends hung up on his godly brother. But it does have a little bit of Hemsworth in there, stealing the show as usual—at least, until Alligator Loki inevitably gets his jaws into the mix.

[via ScreenRant]


  • ubrute-av says:

    And that frog is stuck SO CLOSE to Thor’s Hammer, Mjölnr. Don’t we all have days like that?

    • Tylas-av says:

      So many people missed that little detail. To me it looks like he is jumping to try to get the full-sized hammer.

  • anthonypirtle-av says:

    He probably earned more for yelling into a microphone for a couple of seconds than many people make all year.

    • cura-te-ipsum-av says:

      Depends. Brad Pitt got paid scale for Deadpool 2, might have been the same here for Chris Hemsworth to yell down a phone for four seconds or so where he was happy to do for the bare minimum they had to pay him.

      • notochordate-av says:

        Didn’t Pitt ask to be in Deadpool 2, though?

      • kmshila-av says:

        Sorry if someone else mentioned this, but I believe all Brad Pitt asked for was for Ryan Reynolds to go and personally get him a cup of coffee. But i could be wrong.

        • abby47-av says:

          “Brad Pitt charged a cup of coffee for his cameoThe lead actor Ryan Reynolds, along with Deadpool 2 team, spoke with ET in July 2018. When asked about the numerous cameos in the film, the co-writer of the film, Rhett Reese, said they just asked the celebrities for the cameo. However, they had a story about Brad Pitt’s cameo of the Vanisher. Rhett Reese said Brad Pritt agreed to the cameo and, in return, asked for a cup of coffee from Ryan. Ryan joined in and explained how he was told Brad wanted a cup of coffee from him to do the cameo, to which he asked if he wanted his coffee from any franchise. Ryan further said it was his way of saying that he was doing the cameo for nothing and called it the ‘nicest thing anyone could do.’ Ryan also said he loved the way Brad Pitt agreed to the role as they asked one of the biggest movie stars for a few-second role with no dialogues.”

      • warmhug-av says:

        I think you underestimate how little people make in a year 

    • dabard3-av says:

      First, you’re a hating hater who hates.

      Second, you don’t know that. Sometimes these guys are just paid scale – which they usually have to do for union rules. And even the ones who get paid often donate that.

      Third, even if he wanted to say, “Fuck you, I am Thor. Pay me lots of money,” then they could have used any of the sound they already have or just done without. As someone else said, I didn’t even hear it at first.

    • blarghblarghblarghityblargh-av says:

      A couple of stories I read stated he did the cameo for free. It was done in like under an hour at a studio in Australia. Considering that, it seems like he meant it whenever the script required him to say “I am Thor”, even more than when RDJ meant it when saying “I am Iron Man.” I’m not sure he means it more than Ryan Reynolds declaring he is Deadpool, though. And the list goes on with other examples, like the dedication Hugh Jackman and Patrick Stewart had to their roles throughout the X-Men movie series or Chris Evans had to Captain America. Hell, John Bernthal did it with Punisher and Chris Cox with Daredevil in the Netflix productions, too. I find it amazing that Marvel and Fox found so many actors to adopt the characters not as simply roles, but practically as alternate identities for themselves and they’ve all been pretty damn proud of doing so. And that is a well deserved and earned sense of smugness they display, isn’t it?.

    • angriergeek-av says:

      Pretty sure most people make more than $361 a year which is the Union Scale he was required to be paid.

  • rpillala-av says:

    Richard E. Grant

  • junker359-av says:

    I like how the huge spoiler in the headline is followed by a spoiler alert in the first line.

  • cura-te-ipsum-av says:

    I was watching the What If? trailer and remember thinking whoever was doing was good … too good in fact so they probably in fact got Chris Hemsworth (the show is a weird mix of the actual MCU cast right up to the top tier figures but sometimes not).

  • marshalgrover-av says:

    Not being a Marvel expert, I thought it was just a tiny Thor, not a frog.I also interpreted the Thanos copter as an alternate reality where Thanos was instead a helicopter.

    • sadieadie-av says:

      I mean, whose to say you’re wrong? Limitless realities out there, man.

    • bryanska-av says:

      Lego Marvel Super Heroes 2 is the codex to this whole thing

    • laserface1242-av says:

      Actually there’s two Frog Thors. One’s just the time Thor Odinson was turned into a frog. And the other is Simon Walterson, a football player that was cursed by a witch and turned into a frog. He helped out Thor when he was turned into a frog and, as a reward, Thor forged him a tiny hammer from a sliver of Mjolnir called Frogjolnir that gave him all the powers of Thor.Thus Simon became Throg, the Frog of Thunder!

      • mackyart-av says:

        Is the name “Simon Walterson” a mini ode to Walt Simonson?

      • tokenaussie-av says:

        Wait, so Tiny Frog Thor once punched his way into someone’s stomach and flew out his mouth?Does this mean we’re closer to Ant-Man soaking himself in hot sauce and flying up someone’s urethra?

        • laserface1242-av says:

          That’s actually Donald Blake, who snapped after it was finally decided that he was always a homunculus created by Odin so Thor could escape Ragnarok and all his memories were fake and decided to start murdering Thors.

          • tokenaussie-av says:

            I- wait. What?

          • laserface1242-av says:

            See, in Thor’s early appearances, a surgeon by the name of Donald Blake would strike a staff on the ground and turn into Thor.Later it was retconned that Donald Blake was just an amnesiac Thor who Odin planted false memories into in order to teach him humility. And ever since that retcon, Marvel has kind of waffled on whether or not Donald Blake was ever real. 

      • redeyedjedi410-av says:

        Comics are insane lmao I love them so much

      • willfuchs420-av says:

        Who is that he is fighting? Is that from the run with the Evil Donald Blake?

      • ghostiet-av says:

        The energy of “Ah, yes. Lockjaw… Kill.” is impeccable.

      • iwbloom-av says:

        I just want to say that Thor comics have been at pretty much the highest watermark since the Simonson years with Aaron’s long and absolutely fantastic run, particularly with Jane’s turn as the Mighty Thor. But this several pages you link to above are some of my favorites, maybe ever. 

    • Spderweb-av says:

      The helicopter was a direct reference to his copter in the comics.

  • penguin23-av says:

    Did he have to show up to a recording studio for that one second “Ahhh!” scream or can you record usable, premium TV quality audio over zoom?

    • ohwaitwerefine-av says:

      Zoom audio is compressed but if he has a decent microphone he could probably record from home and send them the file.

  • dabard3-av says:

    God damn it. He’s handsome, muscular, funny, tall AND a good sport? He’s just not fair to the rest of us guys

    • janai-av says:

      One of my favorite clips of him is one where he pretty much just wanders into shot during an Australian morning show’s on-location weather report, chats with the reporter, and starts reading the forecast. Dude’s game for all sorts of good-natured silliness and yes, it’s endearing af.

      • tokenaussie-av says:

        Ah, Scone. Nice pub there. Just down the road from me. Surrounded by horse studs, including one owned by Emirates. Everywhere else around it? Meth.

      • richardalinnii-av says:

        There’s a video of him somewhere on the set of (I think) Infinity War, where actual thunder claps in the background and he says “sorry that was me”, and begins to laugh at his own dumb joke. Pretty funny guy.

    • Tylas-av says:

      …and he can reportedly sing like an angel.  He is a perfect specimen.

    • drpumernickelesq-av says:

      I enjoy the clip from a few years back of the women from the Ghostbusters reboot on Graham Norton talking about him, and basically saying the same thing you just did about how he’s too perfect and they hate him for it. It’s hilarious.

  • garland137-av says:

    Side note: I love how the article starts with a spoiler alert, but the title itself contains the only spoiler.

  • ghboyette-av says:

    I’ve seen the episode 3 times now and I don’t hear a damn thing.

    • blarghblarghblarghityblargh-av says:

      There were a few croaks. I had trouble making them out over all the other noise in the scene as well.

  • tmage-av says:

    In my headcanon Alligator Loki killed and ate Throg

    • goddammitbarry-av says:

      I feel like they might be an amphibious/repitilian Tom and Jerry?

      • danielnegin-av says:

        I never knew how much I wanted this until you just posted. I now want nothing more than a Throg/Alligator Loki series in the vein of Tom/Jerry, Wile E Coyote/Road Runner and Sylvester/Tweety.

  • willfuchs420-av says:

    Wonder if Throg is from Lokigators world? Like Loki turned Thor into a Frog them himself into a Gator probably to eat him but they both got stuck?

  • oneone78-av says:

    i like the note that the article contains spoilers, but doesn’t the friggin’ title contain spoilers as well?

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