Chris Hemsworth's son, the spawn of Thor, would rather be Superman

Film Features Thor
Chris Hemsworth's son, the spawn of Thor, would rather be Superman
Photo: Jamie McCarthy

“This is your dream, son.” “No dad, it’s yours.”

Actor Chris Hemsworth, best known for his role as Marvel’s Thor, shared a photo with one of his sons on Instagram as they walk down the street, Hemsworth looking back with a glare. The father captioned the image, “Holding my little man’s hand and asking him the age old question, ‘What do you want to be when you grow up?’ His son’s response? “Dad I wanna be Superman.” To which he says, “Lucky I have two other kids.”

Maybe there’s room for him in the DC universe. DC’s own Wonder Woman, Gal Gadot, shared some love on the post, supporting Hemsworth’s sons love of the rival superhero franchise. However many commenters (like, tons), including the lesser-known Luke Hemsworth, called out his brother’s uneven stature, asking him “Bro?! You’ve been skipping leg days again?!” To quote one follower, his son’s allegiance probably lies with Superman because “he doesn’t skip leg day.” Can’t argue with that, Chris. You still have some time before Thor: Love And Thunder hits theaters in 2022, and even if you’re not quite built like the Man of Steel by then, you’ll still be buffer than fellow Chris and co-star, Chris Pratt.


  • tobias-lehigh-nagy-av says:

    So who would win in a battle between Superman and Thor? I’d have to give the edge to Thor, since his powers are magical and all, and he basically kicked Hulk’s ass without the benefit of having an enchanted weapon. But I guess it ultimately comes down to “who the writers want to win this time.”

    • robert-denby-av says:

      If magic in this case is Magic and not just really advanced technology, then maybe.But I’m gonna go with Supes, because a) he can actually fly, not just get dragged along by a flying hammer, and b) if anyone beside the Odinson can lift Mjollnir, it’s gonna be Superman.

      • dirtside-av says:

        Thor only thought he needed Mjolnir to fly. He flies around in Infinity War (after arriving in Wakanda) without it, although he does have Stormbreaker, but the whole point of the climax of Ragnarok was that the hammer was just a tool to help him harness his powers, not the actual source of them.

        • tobias-lehigh-nagy-av says:

          I just assumed he flew with Stormbreaker in the same manner he flew with Mjolnir, getting dragged behind it. But he went from being a “normal” man (with stunning good looks, a chiseled body, and world-class hand-to-hand combat skills) when stripped of Mjolnir, to not needing it to summon lightning and whoop the Hulk’s ass, so who knows?

      • tobias-lehigh-nagy-av says:

        My assumption is that despite the blurring of technology and magic in Asgardian doodads, Odin was tapping into the same dark energy that powers Dr. Strange’s sorcery, so as far as Supes is concerned, it’s magic and he’s vulnerable to it. Therefore a slug from Mjolnir would hurt and do damage in a way that Thor just picking up a sledgehammer and hitting him with it would not.

      • igotlickfootagain-av says:

        I believe ‘Ragnarok’ established he was not “dragged” by his hammer, he was “pulled off” by it. Important distinction.

    • dirtside-av says:

      As depicted in the recent DCEU and MCU respectively? Superman, probably. As depicted, he’s much faster and stronger than Thor and can take more punishment. On the other hand, we can assume (based on what he did to Thanos) that if Thor can get in one good swing with Stormbreaker, he could decapitate Superman. Stormbreaker can also probably absorb/deflect Superman’s laser vision, while Thor’s lightning powers probably aren’t enough to bother Superman.However, this version of Thor is much more charismatic, interesting, and funny than Superman, so any competent writer would let him win, because who wants to hang out with Brooderman?

    • shotmyheartandiwishiwasntok-av says:

      It depends on Superman’s power limit. If he is his stereotypically invincible self, then Clark would win, simply because he’d be too fast for Thor to land a hit.
      Also, remember that Superman DID beat Goku. Twice. Pretty sure the second battle even had Goku go Super Saiyan Blue + Kaioken. I doubt Thor could beat Goku.

    • doobie1-av says:

      I think it’s going to depend heavily on era. Silver Age Superman is a grab bag of random-ass powers, including whatever he needs to get him out of the current jam. Thorfather is nearly omnipotent. Even as their “regular” versions, defined as their rough power levels averaged across the last forty years, they both have a series of potential game-enders (Superman can move faster than light; Thor can chuck things into other dimensions, etc) that they forget about in 98% of fights, which is where the writers get all that wiggle room from.

    • debeuliou-av says:

      Nah, definitely supes in most versions.
      Mayyyyyyyybe they’re comparable in strength but Superman regularly races flash to a standstill.
      I know it hasn’t really been used in movies, but yeah Superman would probably kick Thor’s ass in a second.

      (and I’m saying that as a giant marvel fan that only owns joker centric DC books ^^)

  • igotlickfootagain-av says:

    I would like to hear Larry Hemsworth’s take on this.

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