Chris Noth dropped by agency amid sexual assault allegations

Multiple women have come forward in the past week with allegations regarding the former Sex And The City star

Aux News Noth
Chris Noth dropped by agency amid sexual assault allegations
Chris Noth in 2016. Photo: Angela Weiss/AFP

Chris Noth has been “unceremoniously” dropped by his agency, according to a report from Deadline. This comes after The Hollywood Reporter published a detailed account of two women’s sexual assault allegations against him, after Zoe Lister-Jones accused him of “sexually inappropriate” behavior towards one of her former coworkers, and after a third woman alleged he sexually assaulted her in 2010.

“Chris Noth is no longer a client,” a spokesperson for A3 Artists Agency confirmed to Deadline yesterday. The spokesperson declined to comment any further on the issue.

In a message posted to Instagram, after Lister-Jones refers to Noth as “a sexual predator,” she recalls working at a club co-owned by him in her 20s. She alleges that, during her tenure, Noth was “sexually inappropriate with a fellow female promoter.”

And during Lister-Jones’ own appearance on Law & Order, she alleged that Noth showed up “drunk” on set and “in one take he got close to me, sniffed my neck, and whispered, ‘You smell good.’”

Lister-Jones added, “I didn’t say anything [at the time]. My friend at the club never said anything. It’s so rare that we do.”

Prior to this week’s revelations, Noth was recently seen reprising his role as Mr. Big in HBO’s Sex and the City revival, And Just Like That…, before dying following a strenuous Peloton workout—a plot point the exercise equipment company was clearly poised to exploit well in advance of the episode’s airing. Peloton summarily yanked its commercial offline following the allegations against Noth.

Noth, for his part, has categorically denied the allegations , saying, “The accusations against me made by individuals I met years, even decades, ago are categorically false. These stories could’ve been from 30 years ago or 30 days ago —no always means no—that is a line I did not cross. The encounters were consensual. It’s difficult not to question the timing of these stories coming out. I don’t know for certain why they are surfacing now, but I do know this: I did not assault these women.”


  • drips-av says:

    Well I’ll give him one thing, that facial hair is making my gag-reflex kick in.

    • schwartz666-av says:

      Right! Looks like it was painted on using a dog’s asshole.

    • oldmanschultz-av says:

      Now that you mention it, I notice that’s it really just an entirely unkempt center surrounded by a clean shave. That’s kind of an insane contrast.It’s a look that says “I put in the effort except for that central area because I have two opposing personalities inside my brain fighting each other.”

    • bustertaco-av says:

      Reminds me of that Stevie Wonder pic that I came across some time ago.

    • fugit-av says:

      I think it’s some sort of awful old man fad. I saw a pic of Stevie Wonder with the same style. At least he has an excuse?Sorry I am terrible.

    • nycpaul-av says:

      Yeah, they should at the very least charge him with that mustache.

    • it-has-a-super-flavor--it-is-super-calming-av says:

      I wish a different picture could be used on the front page instead of these fuckers. For example:

    • igotlickfootagain-av says:

      It looks like he went to his barber and said, “Make me look like someone Zorro would have to save a desperate ranch-holder from.”

    • docnemenn-av says:

      He seems to look douchier in every photo I’ve seen of him. 

      • bcfred2-av says:

        You know he sees the photos selected for these stories and is like ‘Oh come ON!  I looked like that for three days four years ago!”

    • bcfred2-av says:

      Is he in that new Bradley Cooper movie? Because he looks like a 19th century carney.It’s also not helping his claims of innocence. “Ladies and gentlemen of the jury, please turn your attention to this photo, prosecution Exhibit A…”

  • MisterSterling-av says:

    Man, this new AJLT series lucked out. He’s a rapist. They couldn’t show any new episodes starring him now. In fact, they might have to take down the first episode.

  • bensavagegarden-av says:

    Does anyone actually believe these accusations? This is clearly a smear campaign coordinated by Peloton to discredit him.

  • fired-arent-i-av says:

    Man, the arc of this guy is looking like an LA earthquake seismograph. Beloved character death… rejoice at funny sort-of-resurrection in kooky commercial…sexual assault allegations from two women…then another woman…dropped like a hot potato from career connections…Not that he doesn’t deserve it. But even this is quicker than the usual Milkshake Duck-esque event.

    • recognitions-av says:

      Considering the timeline of the women he’s raped, I’d say his downfall has come far too slowly.

      • trentgein-av says:

        You don’t know what happened. This needs to be tried in a court with evidence, but punished based on just what someone says might have happened.

        • recognitions-av says:

          Anyway Chris Noth is a rapist

        • igotlickfootagain-av says:

          As I understand from one of these articles, police are looking into the allegations, so the usual course of justice is proceeding. In the meantime, his representation are well within their rights to decide that the negative attention Noth is generating, on the basis of three seperate allegations, is not something they want and that they need to drop him.

        • lewschiller-av says:

          Nah – let’s throw him on the fire.

        • thenuclearhamster-av says:

          That’s criminal justice. Multiple first person witnesses coming forward accusing someone of having sexually assaulted them/creepy behavior is enough evidence to fire someone’s ass.

        • maymar-av says:

          It’s Hollywood, you don’t know what was a poorly-kept secret that people ignored until it was no longer financially beneficial to do so.

        • jjdebenedictis-av says:

          The courts need to judge him in an unbiased way.The rest of us are allowed to have an opinion right fucking now.

        • ohnoray-av says:

          are you looking to become his new agent now?

    • boggardlurch-av says:

      Don’t forget the previous allegations regarding abusing his girlfriend of the time, Beverly Johnson.So yeah, not like a pattern of behavior may be emerging or anything here. Lot of allegations from several people who’ve worked with him that he would show up drunk and stay that way as well.

    • bcfred2-av says:

      The fact that his agency ejected him so fast says to me he must have tried to pull something with another client or an agency employee. I.e. this was not news, just the last straw.

      • fired-arent-i-av says:

        Yeah I could definitely see that. There’s so much that happens below the surface that the public doesn’t see.

  • thenuclearhamster-av says:

    That is the facial hair of a guy who sniffs women.

  • dr-memory-av says:

    So it’s gonna be a little awkward that Doctor Who went out of its way to drop John Barrowman based on substantially less assaultive behavior, when Noth is almost certainly going to be the marquee guest star of the upcoming New Years special which wrapped filming months ago now.

  • cinecraf-av says:

    I love seeing garbage like him burn.

  • puddingangerslotion-av says:

    Is this guy what they used to refer to as a “double douche?” Sure looks like it.

  • blackoak-av says:

    I am curious if, for the short term, his L&O and Criminal Intent episodes are going to be taken out of rotation on the various cable channels that run them.

    • shotmyheartandiwishiwasntok-av says:

      Eh, probably differs depending on the channel. BBC America I can see it. WE maybe, but wouldn’t be surprised if they keep them. Court TV Mystery likely not, though we’ll find out soon since the Monday episodes are on Season 4. Though if they do, I dunno how far they will skip ahead since Tuesdays are on Season 9 and Fridays Season 12.

    • chico-mcdirk-av says:

      I’d rather they CGI him out so it’ll just be Lenny talking to no one.

    • lostmyburneragain2-av says:

      I hope not, the Sorvino/Noth and Briscoe/Noth seasons were the best ones.

  • dudebra-av says:

    Since we’re talking about assholes, let’s talk about this one too…

  • onearmwarrior-av says:

    Nothing to see here mov long to the next victim/target.  My feels hurt.

  • sonyaintx1-av says:

    If any woman is treated that badly, then you go to the police, not a gossip mag.  Accusations like this ruin careers and reputations. If you are going to lob accusations as serious as this, you don’t do it from behind a pseudonym. 

    • s87dfgb0s8df7g98-av says:

      They did go to the cops. There are open investigations.Ok, so now that that bullshit compliant has been put to bed… What disingenuous way would you like to support sexual assault next?

  • mykinjaa-av says:


  • igotlickfootagain-av says:

    And just like that, this piece of shit’s career is over.

  • dmfc-av says:

    this is waaaay bigger than what’s come out. This is a near cosby level major criminal

  • xdmgx-av says:

    I find it hard to believe that this type of behavior wasn’t happening on the Sex and the City sets.  Its only a matter of time before more women come forward against him. 

    • westsidegrrl-av says:

      Beverly Johnson called him out years ago, like in the ‘90s. He was apparently an absolute lunatic toward her.

  • Logical-av says:

    And just like that, accusations equal guilt. Double wow at “he sniffed her neck and said you smell you good” from ages ago. Are you kidding me?

    Next thing you know, there’ll be a complaint from 1988 where “He leaned out the passenger side window and said “Hey honey, ya wanna ride the train to the promised land? WOOO-HOOO!!”” and that should get him fired from his job.

    Now the rapes are another story but how do we do anything with accusations about something from over a decade ago? The fact is a person CAN make up a story or be telling the truth. Do you f#ck up someone’s life over that?

    Today, sexual assault is the only crime that gets the assumption of guilt in the court of public opinion no matter how long ago it was said to happen. It’s “mobbery” at it’s worst.

  • Keego94-av says:

    “in one take he got close to me, sniffed my neck, and whispered, ‘You smell good.’” My god, the horror….

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